Choice Based Credit System-Semester-Grading System

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Choice Based Credit System-Semester-Grading System


HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN B.Sc. ( Biotechnology) CBCS Syllabus 2011 Document code : SYLABUS BSBTE2011 Revision No: 0 Name of Faculty Science Faculty Code SC Programme Code : BSBTE Programme Name : Biotechnology Effective from: June 2011 2

Cre Tot Remar Old Marking scheme Pap dit al ks Pap New Semes C er Extern Interna er Paper Paper Name ter C Typ al l Cod Code e Th Pr Th Pr e e a e a CBT Introduction 1-I to BSBTE101 10 1 CC Biotechnology 70 30 4 CC 0 and Cell biology(IBC) PCCI BSBTE101 1 PR Practical(PRT) 50 2 50 -I PR EBT BSBTE101 Biological 1 ES 50 2 50 1 ES evolution(BIE) Interdisciplina ry relevance and BSBTE102 1 ES Advancement 50 2 50 ES of Biotechnology (IAB) 3

Cre Tot Remar Old Marking scheme Pap dit al ks Pap New Semes C er Extern Interna er Paper Paper Name ter C Typ al l Cod Code e Th Pr Th Pr e e a e a CBT BSBTE201 Molecules of 10 2 CC 70 30 4 1-II CC life(MCL) 0 PCCI BSBTE201 2 PR Practical(PRT) 50 2 50 -II PR EBTI BSBTE201 Biodiversity(B 2 ES 50 2 50 I ES ID) EBTI BSBTE202 Biocomputing 2 ES 50 2 50 I ES (BIC) 4

Cre Tot Remar Old Marking scheme Pap dit al ks Pap New Semes er Extern Interna CC er Paper Paper Name ter Typ al l Cod Code e Th Pr Th Pr e e a e a CCC Cellular BSBTE301 10 3 -I-3 CC metabolism- 70 30 3 CC 0 I(CMB) CCC Genetics and -I-4 BSBTE302 Analytical 3 CC 50 3 50 CC techniques( GAT) PCC BSBTE301 Practical 3 PR 50 1.5 -I-3 PR (PR3) PCC BSBTE302 Practical(PR4 3 PR 50 1.5 -I-4 PR ) ECG BSBTE301 Biodiversity( 3 ES 50 2 50 -3 ES BID) ECS Animal BSBTE302 3 -4 ES Hormones(A 50 2 50 ES HM)


Old Cred Tot Remar Marking scheme Pap Pape it al ks Semest C New Paper er r Paper Name External Internal er C Code Cod Type Th Pr Th Pr e e a e a CCC BSBTE401 Cellular 4 -I-5 CC metabolism- 70 30 3 100 CC II(CMB) CCC Fundamentals BSBTE402 of 4 -I-6 CC 50 3 50 CC Microbiology(F MB) PCC BSBTE401 4 PR Practical (PR5) 50 1.5 -I-5 PR PCC BSBTE402 4 PR Practical(PR6) 50 1.5 -I-6 PR ECG Introduction of -5 BSBTE401 System 4 ES specific 50 2 50 ES Diseases of human(SSD) ECS BSBTE402 Plant 4 -6 ES Hormones(PH 50 2 50 ES M) 6

Old Cred Tot Remar Marking scheme Pap New Pap it al ks Semest C er er Paper Paper Name External Internal er C Typ Cod Code e Th Pr Th Pr e e a e a CC- Bioprocess I-7 and BSBTE501 5 CC Biochemical 70 30 3 100 CC Engineering(B BE) 5 CC- Molecular BSBTE502 I-8 CC Genetics(MGC 70 30 3 100 CC ) 5 CC- Principles of II-9 BSBTE503 Biotechnology CC 70 30 3 100 CC Applied to plants(PBP) 5 CC- Principles of II-10 BSBTE504 Biotechnology CC 70 30 3 100 CC Applied to Animals(PBA) 5 EG- Ecology and BSBTE501 31 ES Ecosystems(E 70 30 3 100 ES ES) 5 ES- Industrial BSBTE502 3 ES Biotechnology 70 30 3 100 ES (IBG) 5 PC- Practical Core I- BSBTE501 Course-I 7,8, PR 70 30 3 100 PR (Paper-1,2,3 9 & & 4)(PRC) 10 5 FC- Compulsory BSBTE501 31 FC English (L.L.) 35 15 2 50 FC (FCE) 7

Old Cred Tot Remar Marking scheme Pap New Pap it al ks Semes er Paper Name ter CC er Paper Typ External Internal Cod Code e Th Pr Th Pr e e a e a CC- BSBTE601 Fundamentals of 6 CC 70 30 3 100 I-11 CC Immunology (FIC) 6 CC- BSBTE602 Genetic CC 70 30 3 100 I-12 CC engineering(GEC) 6 CC- Environmental BSBTE603 II-13 CC biotechnology(EB 70 30 3 100 CC C) 6 CC- Analytical II-14 BSBTE604 Techniques in CC 70 30 3 100 CC Biotechnology(AT B) 6 EG- BSBTE601 Dysfunctional ES 70 30 3 100 31 ES immunity(DIE) 6 ES- Dairy BSBTE602 3 ES biotechnology(DB 70 30 3 100 ES E) 6 PC- Practical Core I- BSBTE601 Course-I 7,8, PR 70 30 3 100 PR (Paper-1,2,3 & 4) 9 & (PRC) 10 6 FC- BSBTE601 Compulsory FC 35 15 2 50 31 FC English (L.L.)(FCE) 8

Choice Based Credit System-Semester-Grading System In Under Graduate B.Sc. Programme The 11th Five Year plan of India proposed various measures for academic reforms in higher education. To meet the challenges of the changing time and make the higher education in Indian Universities compatible with the universities in developed nations, the UGC (11th Plan, March 2009) and later on the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) stressed on the following recommendations:  Semester System  Choice Based Credit System  Curriculum Development  Examination Reforms  Administrative Reforms All the above recommendations for reforms have been reviewed in by representatives of various universities in the Gujarat State and considered for implementation with the aim of transforming Higher Education a transformation where students change from being passive recipients of knowledge to becoming active participants of the knowledge imbibing process. The education system in the State the changes from a teacher-centric to learner centric mode. It should aim at all- round integral development of students’ personality so that they become good citizens of the new world order. Salient Features of CBCS in UG Programme: 1. zoology subject in the University/Affiliated Colleges shall offer undergraduate programme in faculty of science from the Academic year 2011-2012 2. A student will have to get enrolled a core course depending upon his/her requirement of a degree in the said discipline of study. A student will have a choice of selecting an Elective as well as Foundation courses from a pool of courses. 3. Each course shall be assigned a specific number of credits. 4. A core course is the course which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core requirement so as to get degree in a said discipline of study. 5. There shall be four core compulsory coursed (Theory) each with 3 credits and their practical’s each with 1.5 credits. Thus, accredit weightage in Semester III and IV of B.Sc Programme for each core course shall be of 4.5 credits. In short, 4.5 credits multiplied by 4 cores compulsory coursed equal to total of 18 credits. 6. in addition to the core courses, a student will have to choose Elective as well as foundation courses from a pool of courses. 7. Two courses of Elective, one each from Generic elective and Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary/Subject centric electives shall have to be offered. The credit weightage for each Elective course shall be of 02 credits. Hence, a total credit weight-age for Elective courses shall be of 4 credits. 8. One Foundation (English Language) course shall have to be offered. The credit weight-age for foundation course shall be of 02 credits. 9

Each course shall have a unique course code. The core courses, Elective courses and the foundation courses shall be abbreviated respectively as CC, PC, EG, ES and FC. 1. Core Compulsory -CC 2. Practical core -PC 3. Elective Generic -EG Elective Subject -ES 4. Foundation Compulsory -FC Each Academic year shall consist of two semesters, each of 15 weeks of teaching equivalent to 90 working days. The odd semester period shall be from July to November and the Even semester period shall be from December to April. The course with 4 credits shall be of 60 hrs ( 15 weeks × 3 credits) duration. The course with 3 credits shall be of 45 hrs (15 weeks × 3 credits) duration. The course with 2 credits shall be of 30 hrs (15 weeks × 2 credits) duration. A general framework for Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programme shall be as follows: Semester wise credits Total credits of the Programme I II III IV V VI 144 24 24 24 24 24 24

The semester wise weightage of core, selective and foundation courses shall be as follows: Academic year Core compulsory courses Elective courses Foundation courses Semester I & II 65-75% 15-20% 10-15% Semester III & IV 65-75% 15-20% 10-15% Semester V & VI 65-75% 15-20% 10-15%

Attendance: The Attendance Rules as per the norms of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University. Medium Instruction: The Medium of Instruction shall be of Gujarati medium. Student is free to write answers either in Gujarat or English language. Language of Question Paper: Question paper should be drawn in Gujarati language and its English version should be given. Evaluation Methods: 1. A student shall be evaluated through Comprehensive Continuous Assessment (CCA)/ (Internal Evaluation) as well as the End of Semester examination (External Evaluation). The weight-age of CCA shall be 30%, where as the weight-age of the Semester end examination shall be 70%. There will be no internal evaluation in practical courses as well as in elective courses. 2. The Semester assessment (CCA)/ (Internal Evaluation) is spread through the duration of the course and is to be done by the Teacher teaching the course. The assessment is to be done by various means including: 10

► Internal Test-20 marks ►Assignments/Seminar/MCQ exam,etc. - 05 marks ► Attendance -05 marks The performance of student in each course is evaluated in terms of percentage of marks with a provision for conversion to grade point. Evaluation for each course shall be done by continuous internal assessment as well as semester end exam and will be consolidated at the end of the course. 3. The End of semester examination (External Evaluation) shall have an assessment based upon following perspective with respect to all the courses: ► Evaluation with respect to Knowledge ► Evaluation with respect to Understanding ► Evaluation with respect to Skill ► Evaluation with respect to Application ► Higher Order Thinking Skills 4. With respect to the entire above component, there shall be following types of Questions from each unit of the course. ► MCQs/Fill in the blanks/ Match the pairs, etc. ► Short answer questions ► Medium answer questions ► Long answer questions ► Examples/Problems, etc 5. The End of semester Examination (Theory) will be conducted by the University. A certified journal of the respective of the respective core compulsory course shall be produced at the time of practical examination. In practical exam there will be two practical (each from PC-301 & PC-302) each of 50 marks (40 marks for practical+10 marks for Viva). Number of student in a practical exam will be 20 to 24 and examiners will be 2. 6. It will be compulsory for a candidate to obtain passing percentage in both Internal as well as External Evaluation. The passing marks for each course shall be 40% or as decided by concern Board of Studies of the subject. 7. Promotion, Re-Admission and Time for Completion of Course, Procedure for Awarding Grades. Provision for Appeal, etc. as decided by the Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University. 8. Students, who opt zoology as core compulsory subject, should visit National Parks, Sanctuaries, reserve forests etc. within the state and/or outside the state. They should suppose to submit tour report at the time of examination. 11

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN B.Sc. Programme with 144 credits CBCS-Semester-Grading Pattern w.e.f. June-2011

General Pattern/Scheme of study components along with credits for Science faculty. I C n r s e Examination t d r i u t P c a t r i t o / Study I n U C Components n n T l t Subje H i. o a e ct r E t s r code s x a s n / a l a m l W e e k Semester-I Core Compulsory (CC) Course 10 CC-I-1 Core Course-I (Paper-1) 4 30 70 0 4 10 CC-II-1 Core Course-II (Paper-1) 4 30 70 0 4 B. 10 CC-III-1 Sc Core Course-III (Paper-1) 4 30 70 0 4 . Practical Core (PC) Course Se PC-I-1 Practical Core Course-I (Paper-1) 4 50 50 2 m PC-II-1 Practical Core Course-II (Paper-1) 4 50 50 2 est PC-III-1 Practical Core Course-III (Paper-1) 4 50 50 2 er Foundation Course (FC) Foundation (Compulsory) course (Generic) - English -I FC-1 (L.L.) 2 15 35 50 2 Elective Course (E) EG-1 Elective (Generic) Course -I 2 50 50 2 ES-1 Elective (Subject) Course -I 2 50 50 2 3 10 49 60 2

0 5 5 0 4

B. Semester-II Core Compulsory (CC)Course 12

10 CC-I-2 Core Course-I (Paper-1) 4 30 70 0 4 10 CC-II-2 Core Course-II (Paper-1) 4 30 70 0 4 10 CC-III-2 Core Course-III (Paper-1) 4 30 70 0 4 Practical Core (PC) Course PC-I-2 Practical Core Course-I (Paper-1) 4 50 50 2 PC-II-2 Practical Core Course-II (Paper-1) 4 50 50 2 Sc PC-III-2 Practical Core Course-III (Paper-1) 4 50 50 2 . Foundation Course (FC) Foundation (Compulsory) course (Generic) - English Se FC-2 (L.L.) 2 15 35 50 2 m Elective Course (E) est EG-2 Elective (Generic) Course -II 2 50 50 2 er ES-2 Elective (Subject) Course -II 2 50 50 2 -II 3 10 49 60 2

0 5 5 0 4

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN B.Sc. three year (General) Programme with 144 credits Semester-III and IV in BOTANY w.e.f. June-2012 and December-2012 respectively General Pattern/Scheme of study components along with credits Ins. Examination Credi Hrs/ Interna Total t Study Components Uni. Week l Exam. Marks Marks Marks Semester-III Core Compulsory (CC) Course CC-I- Core Course-I (Paper-3) 3 30 70 100 3 3 CC-I- Core Course-I (Paper-4) 3 30 70 100 3 4 CC-II- Core Course-II (Paper-3) 3 30 70 100 3 3 CC-II- Core Course-II (Paper-4) 3 30 70 100 3 4 Soft-skill: Practical Core (PC) Course PC-I- Practical Core Course-I (Paper-3) 3 50 50 1.5 PC-I-3 3 PC-I- Practical Core Course-I (Paper-4) 3 50 50 1.5 PC-I-4 4 PC-II- Practical Core Course-II (Paper-3) 3 50 50 1.5 PC-II-3 3 PC-II- Practical Core Course-II (Paper-4) 3 50 50 1.5 PC-II-4 4 Foundation Course (FC) FG- Compulsory English (L.L.) 2 30 70 100 2 21 Elective Course (EC) 13

EG- Elective (Generic) Course 2 50 50 2 EG-21 21 ES-21 Elective (Subject) Course 2 50 50 2 ES-21 30 150 650 800 24

Semester-IV Core Compulsory (CC) Course CC-I- Core Course-I (Paper-5) 3 30 70 100 3 5 CC-I- Core Course-I (Paper-6) 3 30 70 100 3 6 CC-II- Core Course-II (Paper-5) 3 30 70 100 3 5 CC-II Core Course-II (Paper-6) 3 30 70 100 3 -6 Soft-skill: Practical Core (PC) Course PC-I- Practical Core Course-I (Paper-5) 3 50 50 1.5 PC-I-3 3 PC-I- Practical Core Course-I (Paper-6) 3 50 50 1.5 PC-I-4 4 PC-II- Practical Core Course-II (Paper-5) 3 50 50 1.5 PC-II-3 3 PC-II- Practical Core Course-II (Paper-6) 3 50 50 1.5 PC-II-4 4 Foundation Course (FC) FG- Compulsory English (L.L.) 2 30 70 100 2 21 Elective Course (EC) EG- Elective (Generic) Course 2 50 50 2 EG-21 21 ES-21 Elective (Subject) Course 2 50 50 2 ES-21 30 150 650 800 24

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE101C Course Code Semester : 1 C Introduction to Biotechnology and Cell biology(IBC) Core Course type : Total Credit : 04 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 4 X 15 = 60 30 100 hrs) 14

Un Mark Top it Hr s Cre ic Content No s. W + dit No. . % 1. 4 1.1 Introduction to Biotechnology 1.2 Domains of Biotechnology 1.3 Applications of Biotechnology.: Agriculture ,Pharmaceutical, Environment, Fermentation 1.4 State, national and international level commercial opportunities in Biotechnology sector. 2 2.1 Microscopy: Fundamental of microscope, light microscopy and specimen preparation Bright field microscopy, Dark field microscopy. 2.2 Morphology of Bacterial cell: Size,shape and arrangement of bacterial cells ,External structure:Flagella, Pili, Fimbriae, Prosthacate 2.3 Boundary layer: Capsule, cell wall , cell membrane 2.4 Dormant forms: Spores and cyst 3 3.1 General organization of eukaryotic cell External structures: Flagella, cilia The cell envelope: boundary layer: cell wall, cell membrane 3.2 Internal structures: Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, nucleus and nucleolus 3.3 Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Mitochondria Lysosome, Micro bodies (Glyoxysome and Peroxisome) Chloroplast,. 3.4 Chromosome: Size, shape, types and basic structure of chromosome, euchromatin and heterochromatin Giant Chromosome: Polytene chromosome and lamp brush chromosome 4 4.1 Cell cycle and overview of its regulation. 4.2 Mitosis and meiosis 4.3 Cell –Cell interaction 4.4 Endocytosis and exocytosis 15

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE101P Course Code Semester : 1 R Practical(PRT) Course type : Practical Total Credit : 02 Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practic Theory Internal External Total al (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 2X 15 = 50( Paper of 3 50 30 hrs)

Practical List 1 Introduction to lab environment-Safety measures and introduction to lab . equipments, glass wares and accessories ,Disposal of laboratory waste and cultures 2 Microscopy : Simple, compound and phase contrast; Basic components of microscope and their working principle 3 Staining techniques :Simple-Monochrome and Negative Differential- Grams and Special-Capsule,Spore, Cell wall. 4 Study of Bacterial Motility 5 Micrometry: Measurement of given biological sample 6 Use of Heamocytometer and determination of cell densities of Yeast cell 7 Preparation of permanent slides showing different stages of cell division – Meiosis and Mitosis 16

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE101ES Semester : 1 Biological evolution(BIE) Elective Course type : Total Credit : 02 Subject Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 50 ( Paper of 3 2X 15 = 30 50 hrs) 17

Top Unit Marks Cre ic Content Hrs. No. W + % dit No. 1. 2 1.1 Theories of evolution: Charles Darwin, Lamark and Wallace 1.2 Chemical and biological evoluiion., 1.3 Five kingdom classification system. 1.4 Understanding Species: Concept of Species and Speciation, Morphological and Biological explanation for species, Types of Speciation, Rates of Speciation 2 2.1 Isolation: Concept of Isolation, Mechanism of Isolation, Factor responsible for isolation,Types of Isolation. 2.2 Reproductive isolation, Types of Reproductive isolation, Role of Reproductive isolation in species formation. 2.3 Adaptation: Concept of Adaptation, Types of Adaptation 2.4 Adaptation and predators, adaptation and population.

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE102ES Semester : 1 Interdisciplinary relevance and Advancement of Biotechnology(IAB) 18

Elective Course type : Total Credit : 02 Subject Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 50 ( Paper of 3 2X 15 = 30 50 hrs) 19

Top Unit Marks Cre ic Content Hrs. No. W + % dit No. 1. 2 1.1 What is interdisciplinary areas? 1.2 Biotechnology and relevance with Chemistry, Physics and Maths 1.3 Biotechnology and relevance with Agriculture,Medical,Pharmaceutica ls 1.4 Advantage of Interdisciplinary subject 2 2.1 Advancement of Biotechnology in Crop Improvement for edible Vaccine and biopestiside. 2.2 Advancement of Biotechnology in Fermentation for organic acids 2.3 Advancement of Biotechnology in Health care for vacci 2.4 Advancement of Biotechnology in Sustainable development for Environment 20

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE201C Course Code Semester : 2 C Molecules of life(MCL) Core Course type : Total Credit : 04 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 4 X 15 = 60 30 100 hrs) 21

Un Mark Top it Hr s Cre ic Content No s. W + dit No. . % 1. 4 1.1 Overview of major elements involved in formation of biomolecules: C,N,P,S,O,H Water: chemical composition, role of hydrogen bonds, interactions with polar and non polar molecules, Water as reactivate, ionization of water, Solvent properties of water and importance 1.2 Buffers: Buffer systems and buffer system of blood, weak acid and weak base, dissociation constant of weak acid and base , 1.3 pka values and their importance, pH and pH scale, acid dissociation constant pka and titration curve,Handerson-Hasselbalch equation 1.4 Structure of atoms and molecules and chemical bonds (covalent, ionic, Hydrogen, van der waal’s,hydrophobic). 2 2.1 Carbohydrates Monosaccharides: Nomenclature and Classification, Hawarth and fischer projection. 2.2 Monosaccharide as reducing agent, stereoisomerism 2.3 Disaccharides formation and its biological importance. 2.4 Poly saccharide : types and biological importance 3 3.1 Amino acid: Classification and properties. 3.2 Proteins: Primary and secondary structure of proteins, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins 3.3 Vitamins: water soluble and fat soluble vitamins and their biological significance. 3.4 Lipids: Classification, properties and biological importance. 4 4.1 Nucleotides: structure, chemical properties and functions, 4.2 Structure of DNA double helix 4.3 Alternative forms of DNA. 4.4 Types, structure and biological functions of RNA. 22

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE201P Course Code Semester : 2 R Practical(PRT) Course type : Practical Total Credit : 02 Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practic Theory Internal External Total al (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 2X 15 = 50 ( Paper of 3 50 30 hrs)

Practical List 1 Preparation of standard solutions and buffer solutions 2 Preparation of buffer solutions 3 Operation of pH meter and measurement of pH 4 Qualitative tests for carbohydrates 5 Qualitative tests for Amino acids 6 Titration curve of amino acids and determination of pI, pk1 and pk2 7 Estimation of reducing sugar. 8 Estimation of non reducing sugar. 23

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE201ES Semester : 2 Biodiversity(BID) Elective Course type : Total Credit : 02 Subject Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 50 ( Paper of 3 2X 15 = 30 50 hrs) 24

Un Mark Top it s Cre ic Content Hrs. No W + dit No. . % 1. 2 1.1 Definition, Introduction 1.2 Types of biodiversity Genetic Diversity,Species Diversity ,Ecological diversity and functional diversity 1.3 overview of microbial diversity 1.4 overview of plant diversity 2 2.1 Importance if biodiversity Applications of internet in society. 2.2 Biodiversity conservation 2.3 Loss of biodiversity. 2.4 Role of biotechnology in biodiversity conservation. 25

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE202ES Semester : 2 Biocomputing(BIC) Elective Total Course type : 02 Subject Credit : Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 50 ( Paper of 2X 15 = 30 50 3 hrs) 26

Top Unit Hr Marks Cre ic Content No. s. W + % dit No. 1. 2 1.1 Introduction to computer science. 1.2 History and generations of Computer. 1.3 Basics of Hardware components of computer. 1.4 Basics Software components of computer 2 2.1 Concepts of internet. 2.2 Applications of internet in society 2.3 Concept of HTML,HTTP,URL,Domain,Search engine 2.4 Computer and Internet in Biotechnology 27

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE301C Course Code Semester : 3 C Cellular metabolism-I(CMB) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 28

Top Unit Marks Cre ic Content Hrs. No. W + % dit No. 1. Bioenergetics and 3 Thermodynamics 1. Bioenergetics: Definitions of System, universe, Enthalpy, Entropy, Endothermic and Exothermic reactions, Gibbs Free energy, Equilibrium constant & its biological significance. 2. Laws of thermodynamics, Relationship between standard free energy change, free energy change and equilibrium constant, 3. ATP as a universal energy currency of biological systems. 4. Biological oxidation: Redox reactions and Reduction potential, standard reduction potential E° Free-Energy Change 2 Basics of Enzyme 1. Enzymes: Enzyme as a biocatalyst, coenzyme, cofactor, Nomenclature and Classification of enzyme, Basic concept of enzyme substrate reaction. 2. Factor affecting on enzyme catalyze reaction 3. Overview of catalytic mechanisms of enzyme: 4. Enzyme kinetics: : M-M kinetics , Double reciprocal plot 3 Enzyme kinetics and regulation 1. Inhibition of enzyme. 2. Quaternary structure of protein: Hemoglobin 3. Regulations of enzymes- allosteric and Covalent regulation : 4. Basic concept of metabolism. 4 Glucose Metabolism 1. Glycolysis and fate of pyruvate 29

(Alcohol and lactic acid fermentation.) 2. TCA cycle 3. Pentose phosphate pathway 4. Gluconeogenesis.

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE302C Course Code Semester : 3 C Genetics and Analytical techniques(GAT) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 30

Top Unit Marks Cre ic Content Hrs. No. W + % dit No. 1. Classical genetics 3 1. Mendel’s laws of heredity, Test cross, Complete and Incomplete dominance 2. Types of linkages, Sex linkage in drosophila & Mechanism of Crossing over 3. Multiple allele 4. Genetic interaction 2 Mutation 1. Mutagenic agents and its types 2. Chromosomal mutation: Variation in Number & Structure: Euploidy,Aneuploidy, Polyploidy, Deletion, Duplication, Inversion, Translocation,Position Effect, Centromeric & Non -centromeric breaks in chromosomes,Chromosomal Mosaics 3. Mutation at Molecular level 4. Inborn metabolic error in human 3 Spectroscopy 1. Interaction of EM radiation with matter : Overview of Electromagnetic spectrum; 2. UV-Vis spectrophotometer: Principle, Instrumentation, working and Application 3. Atomic spectroscopy: Principles and application of Atomic Absorption / Emission Spectrometer 4. Basics of IR, X-Ray diffraction and NMR and their application in biotechnology 4 Chromatography 1. Chromatography :Basic Theory of Chromatography, Partition theory and solvent extraction 2. Partition and adsorption chromatography 31

3. Application -Planner Chromatography, (Paper Chromatography, TLC) , 4. Column chromatography : GC, Ion exchange, Gel exclusion, Affinity and HPLC

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE301P Course Code Semester : 3 R Practical (PR3) Course type : Practical Total Credit : 1.5 Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practic Theory Internal External Total al (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 4 X 15 50 ( Paper of 3 50 = 60 hrs)

Practical List Estimation of Protein & Sugar 1 Quantification of protein using by Biuret test 2 Quantification of protein using by Folin -Lowary assay. 3 Quantification of protein using by Bradford’s method 4 Estimation of Reducing Sugar by DNSA method Assaying of various enzymes (any three): 5 Amylases. 6 Phosphatases 7 Invertase. 8 Proteolytic enzymes. 9 Lipases Enzyme Kinetics: 1 Effect of Substrate concentration (Determinatio n of Km and Vmax). 0 1 Determine temperature optima of the enzyme. 1 1 Effect of pH on enzyme activity. 2 1 Effect of enzyme concentration 3 Analytical techniques 32

1 To determine maximum absorption spectra of colored solution. 4 1 Paper Chromatography of Amino acids 5 1 TLC Chromatography of Amino acids 6

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE302P Course Code Semester : 3 R Practical (PR4) Course type : Practical Total Credit : 1.5 Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practic Theory Internal External Total al (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 4 X 15 50 ( Paper of 3 50 = 60 hrs)

Practical List Estimation of Protein & Sugar 1 Quantification of protein using by Biuret test 2 Quantification of protein using by Folin -Lowary assay. 3 Quantification of protein using by Bradford’s method 4 Estimation of Reducing Sugar by DNSA method Assaying of various enzymes (any three): 5 Amylases. 6 Phosphatases 7 Invertase. 8 Proteolytic enzymes. 33

9 Lipases Enzyme Kinetics: 1 Effect of Substrate concentration (Determinatio n of Km and Vmax). 0 1 Determine temperature optima of the enzyme. 1 1 Effect of pH on enzyme activity. 2 1 Effect of enzyme concentration 3 Analytical techniques 1 To determine maximum absorption spectra of colored solution. 4 1 Paper Chromatography of Amino acids 5 1 TLC Chromatography of Amino acids 6 34

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE301ES Semester : 3 Biodiversity(BID) Elective Course type : Total Credit : 02 Subject Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 50 ( Paper of 3 2X 15 = 30 50 hrs) 35

Top Unit Marks Cre ic Content Hrs. No. W + % dit No. 1. Biostatistics 2 1. Definition and Scope of Biostatistics : Collection, Classification and tabulation of data and its graphical and Diagrammatic representation. 2. Types and significance of Sampling in Biostatistics 3. Measure of central tendency : Mean, Mode and median, Harmonic and geometric mean 4. Measure of dispersion 2 Biostatistics 1. Comparison of sample mean by Student’s “t” test 2. Comparison of sample mean by ANOVA 3. Chi square analysis 4. Probability distribution: Binomial and Poisson 36

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE302ES Semester : 3 Animal Hormones(AHM) Elective Course type : Total Credit : 02 Subject Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 50 ( Paper of 3 2X 15 = 30 50 hrs) 37

Top Unit Marks Cre ic Content Hrs. No. W + % dit No. 1. Animal hormones-I 2 1. Definition, General Functions, Types Vertebrate Hormones : 2. Steroid Hormones: Ovarian hormones, Testicular hormones, 3. Steroid Hormones: Adrenal cortical hormones, Corpus luteal hormone 4. Amino Acid Derivatives : Thyroidal hormones, Adrenal m edullary hormones 2 Animal hormones-II 1 Peptide Hormones : Pancreatic hormones, Hypophyseal hormones, Parathyroidal hormones 2 Peptide Hormones: Gatro- intestinal tract hormones, Corpus luteal hormone 3 Parahormones or Tissue Hormone 4 Hormone from Thymus 38

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE401C Course Code Semester : 4 C Cellular metabolism-II(CMB) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 39

Top Unit Marks Cre ic Content Hrs. No. W + % dit No. 1. Lipid and amino acid 3 metabolism 1. Lipid metabolism.: Lipid oxidation (Beta Oxidation) 2. Fatty acid biosynthesis 3. Amino acid metabolism: Oxidation, transamination, Deamination, 4. Urea cycle 2 Nucleotide metabolism and Oxidative phosphorylation 1. Catabolism of nucleotides : 2. Overview of biosynthesis of nucleotides of nucleotides : 3. Oxidative phosphorylation: ETC of mitochondria, electron carriers,complexes of ETC, 4. ATP generation coupled to electron transport 3 Nucleotide metabolism and Oxidative phosphorylation 1. Photophosphorylation in bacteria, 2. Photophosphorylation in plant 3. Carbohydrate synthesis coupled to photophosphorilation. C3 cycle. 4. C4 cycle 4 Membrane transport & signal transduction 1. Membrane transport: Diffusion, Active Passive transport 2. Introduction to signal transduction pathways 3. Types of signaling receptors 4. Signaling pathways: epinephrine, insulin 40

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE402C Course Code Semester : 4 C Fundamentals of Microbiology(FMB) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 41

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1. Introduction to Microorganisms 3 1. Bacteria: Major Characteristics of microorganism. Taxonomic group, General methods of classifying bacterial. Nomenclature, Introduction to Bergey’s manual. 2. Fungi: General characteristics and Economic importance of fungi. 3. Algae & Protozoa : Biological and economical importance 4. Virus: General characteristics, structure and Classification of Bacteri ophage. Lytic cycle and lysogenic cycle. 2 Microbial physiology 1. Types of bacteria based on Carbon , energy, electron sources and pH, temperature,and O2 requirement 2. Culture media and its types, Methods of isolation of bacterial 3. Reproduction in bacteria, Bacterial growth curve. 4. Methods Measurement of bacterial growth 3 Control of microbial growth 1. Introduction of terms: Sterilization, Disinfection, Antisep tic, Germicide, Chemotherapy, Antibiotic etc. 2. Physical agent: Mode of action and application of Temperature. Radiation and Filtration. 3. Chemical agent: Mode of action and application of Phenol, alcoholic and halogen compounds. 4. Chemical agent : Mode of action and application of Heavy metal and Gaseous agent 4 Microbial Diseases and prevention 1. Overview on Origin of Chemotherapy. 2. Antibiotics: Class of antibiotics based on mode of action, Antifungal & Antiviral antibiotic 3. Introduction of terms: infection, pathogen, virulence, carrier, nosocomial and opportunistic infections, sepsis, septicemia, septic shock, virulen ce factors etc. 4. Microbial pathogenesis: Representative diseases to be studied in detail are Bacteria: cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis , Viruses : 42

AIDS. Fungi: mycoses. Protozoa: amoebiasis,

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE401P Course Code Semester : 4 R Practical (PR5) Course type : Practical Total Credit : 1.5 Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practic Theory Internal External Total al (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 4 X 15 50 ( Paper of 3 50 = 60 hrs)

Practical List Microbiology 1. Introduction to culture media , and growth on solid media and in liquid media 2 Introduction to Isolation techniques - Streak plate, pour plate, spread plate 3 Standard plate technique 4 Isolation of Yeast, 5 Isolation of Mold 6 Study the effect of Environment on growth –Temperature, - 7 Study the effect of Environment on growth – pH, 8 Study the effect of Chemicals , 9 Study the effect of Heavy metal, 10 Study the effect of Antibiotics 11 Study of Biochemical test Test for carbohydrate: Sugar fermentation, M-R, VP, Citrate utilization, TSI, Starch Test for Nitrogen substrate: Indol, H2S, Urea, Protein, Phynylalanine, Ammonia Growth on specific media: EMB, Mac Conky;’ agar, Catalase test 12 Study of pure culture: E. coli, Bacillus, Proteus vulgaris. 13 Isolation of Bacteriophage Estimation of biomolecules 14 Lipid estimation 15 Amino acid estimation 16 Quantification of DNA. 17 Urea estimation by DAM Mendelian genetics 43

18 Genetic problems based on Mendelian genetics. 44

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE402P Course Code Semester : 4 R Practical (PR6) Course type : Practical Total Credit : 1.5 Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practic Theory Internal External Total al (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 4 X 15 50 ( Paper of 3 50 = 60 hrs)

Practical List Microbiology 1. Introduction to culture media , and growth on solid media and in liquid media 2 Introduction to Isolation techniques - Streak plate, pour plate, spread plate 3 Standard plate technique 4 Isolation of Yeast, 5 Isolation of Mold 6 Study the effect of Environment on growth –Temperature, - 7 Study the effect of Environment on growth – pH, 8 Study the effect of Chemicals , 9 Study the effect of Heavy metal, 10 Study the effect of Antibiotics 11 Study of Biochemical test Test for carbohydrate: Sugar fermentation, M-R, VP, Citrate utilization, TSI, Starch Test for Nitrogen substrate: Indol, H2S, Urea, Protein, Phynylalanine, Ammonia Growth on specific media: EMB, Mac Conky;’ agar, Catalase test 12 Study of pure culture: E. coli, Bacillus, Proteus vulgaris. 13 Isolation of Bacteriophage Estimation of biomolecules 14 Lipid estimation 15 Amino acid estimation 16 Quantification of DNA. 17 Urea estimation by DAM Mendelian genetics 18 Genetic problems based on Mendelian genetics. 45

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE401ES Semester : 4 Introduction of System specific Diseases of human(SSD) Elective Course type : Total Credit : 02 Subject Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 50 ( Paper of 3 2X 15 = 30 50 hrs) 46

Top Unit Marks Cre ic Content Hrs. No. W + % dit No. 1. General 1. Respiratory Tract infection : Rhinitis (common cold), Pertussis, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia 2. Urogenital Tract infection : Vulvovaginitis, Gonorrhea, Syphilis 3. Infection of Digestive Glands and Peritoneum : hepatitis, Yellow fever (liver) 4. Eyes and ears infection : Conjunctivitis/scleritis, Otitis media 2 Gastrointestinal Tract infections : Shigellosis (dysentery) Cholera, Salmonellosis,Amebosis 2. Infections of Nervous System : Meningitis,Tetanus, Botulism 3. Infections of Hematopoietic and Lymphoreticular System : Plague, HIV infection,Malaria 4. Infections of Skin and Subcutaneous Connective Tissue : Smallpox, Herpes, Measles 47

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE402ES Semester : 4 Plant Hormones(PHM) Elective Course type : Total Credit : 02 Subject Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 50 ( Paper of 3 2X 15 = 30 50 hrs) 48

Top Unit Marks Cre ic Content Hrs. No. W + % dit No. 1. Plant hormones-I 1. Definition, General Functions, Types of Plant Hormones : 2. Auxins 3. Gibberellins 4. Cytokinins (= Kinins), 2 Growth Inhibitors 1. Abscisic Acid 2. Morphactins 3. Oligosaccharins and Other Natural Growth Hormones In Plants 4. Plant Hormones Versus Animal Hormones 49

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE501C Course Code Semester : 5 C Bioprocess and Biochemical Engineering(BBE) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 50

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1.  Primary and secondary screening. 3  Strain Improvement : Nature of mutation, mutagenesis, isolation of mutants.  Strain Improvement : Application of recombinant DNA technique in strain construction.  Techniques for preservation and storage of cultures. 2  Fermenter and bioreactor : Design and types of various fermenters.  Introduction to Aeration and agitation.  Basic concept of growth.  Batch, fed-batch and continuous culture operations, chemostat and turbidostat.  Starter culture, its importance and preparation. 3  Introduction and types of fermentation media  Raw materials used in fermentation media.  Media optimization.  Sterilization of media, air and equipments. 4  Overview of downstream processing.  Fermentation economics.  Fermentation process of alcohol.  Fermentation process of antibiotic (penicillin).

Reference books N Book name o 1 L.E. Casida. Industrial Microbiology by. 2 Stanbury and Whitaker. Principles of fermentation technology. 3 Sikyta. Methods in Industrial microbiology. Ellis Hardwood Ltd. 4 Krysman. Product recovery in bioprocess technology. 5 T.K. Ghose. Bioprocess computation in biotechnology, Ellis Hardwood Ltd. 6 Demain et al. (ED) 1999. Manual of industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. Asin Press. 7 Doran (D). Bioprocess Engineering Principles; Academic Press, 1998. 8 Cooney, A.E. Humphrey, Comprehensive Biotechnology : The principles and Regulation of Biotechnology in Industry, Agriculture and Medicine. Vol.2, Pergamon Press, 1985. 51

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE502C Course Code Semester : 5 C Molecular Genetics(MGC) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 52

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1.  Overview of nucleic acids. 3  Alternative forms of DNA.  Genomic organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.  DNA as genetic material : Experimental evidences - Transformation principles, Viruses, Watson and Crick Model.  Concept of central dogma. 2  Enzymes involved in DNA replication.  Process of replication : Initiation, Elongation and Termination.  Replication of entire DNA molecule; Distinguishing features of DNA replication between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. 3  Types of RNA molecules.  Transcription-Initiation; RNA polymerase; elongation and termination, the distinguishing features of the processes in prokaryotes and enkaryotes.  RNA Processing  The genetic code 4  Translation-Initiation, elongation and termination of translation.  Post translational modifications.  Regulation of gene expression, lac-operon.  Transposable elements : Structure and mechanism of transposition, and Transposable elements.  RNA interference : a mode of gene regulation.

Reference books N Book name o 1 Lewin B. (2000) Gene VIL IRL Press, Oxford University Press Oxford. 2 Watson, J.D., Hopkins, Roberts, Stiez, Weiner. (1987) Molecular Biology of the Gene. (4th Ed) The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. Inc. California. 3 Davis, D.B. Dulbecco, R., Risen, H.N, Ginsberg. H.S., (1990) Microbiology, (4th Ed) Harper & Row Publishers, Singapore. 4 T.A. Brown Genome. 5 S.B. Primrose Principle of gene manipulation. 53

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE503C Course Code Semester : 5 C Principles of Biotechnology Applied to plants(PBP) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 54

Uni Topi Hr Marks Cred t c Content s. W + % it No. No. 1.  Principles of tissue culture : Historical 3 perspectives and development of plant tissue culture techniques.  Cell growth and differentiation – morphogenesis.  Concepts of totipotency of cells.  Laboratory requirements for tissue culture. 2  Culture media : preparations / constituents and concepts of sterilization.  Preparation, Isolation and selection of explants.  Liquid cell suspension cultures; Pollen culture and protoplast culture production and uses of haploids. 3  Gene transfer techniques using Agrobacterium.  DNA mediated gene transfer, basics of GMO.  Transgenic plants.  Crop improvement (viral resistance, insect resistance, microbial resistance, herbicide, tolerance and stress resistance). 4  Preservation techniques of germplasm.  Plant tissue culture and secondary metabolite production.  Production of synthetic seeds.  BT cotton.

Reference books N Book name o 1 H.S. Chawla. Introduction to Plant Biotechnology 2 Iganacimatha. Basic biotechnology. 3 Das and Mookerjee. Outline of biology. 4 David Bourgaize. Biotechnology, Demystifying the concepts. Alp. 2000. 5 Eric. S. Grace. Biotechnology unzipped : Promises and realities. 6 Cohn and Stumph. Outline of Biochemistry, Wiley eastern. 7 Miglani. Dictionary of plant genetics and molecular biology. Viva Books. 8 Iganacimatha. Appl. Plant Biotechnology. 9 K.K. De. Plant tissue culture. 1 Radint and Bhojwani. Plant and tissue culture. 0 1 Dixon and Gonzales. Plant cell culture. A practical approach. IRL press. 1 1 Verpoorte, R. (Ed.) 2000. Metabolic engineering of plant secondary methabolism. 2 55

1 Bernard, R. Glick and Pasternak. Molecular biotechnology. 3 1 Bulter and Dawson. Cell culture. 4

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE504C Course Code Semester : 5 C Principles of Biotechnology Applied to Animals(PBA) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 56

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1.  Animal Tissue Culture: History and Scope of 3 Animal Tissue Culture.  Culture media, Natural and chemically defined media, Serum and Serum free media, other supplements in media and their use.  Primary cultures: Primary Cultures, Cell lines and Its Maintenance.  Finite and Continuous cell lines, Tissue Disaggregating by Mechanical and Enzymatic methods, Subculturing. 2  Secondary Culture – transformed animal cells and continuous cell lines.  Organ Culture : Methods of Organ culture, utility of organ culture, Culture of adult organs.  Cryopreservation and transport of animal tissue and cell lines.  Bioreactors: Bioreactor for large scale culture of cells. 3  Expression vector for Animal cell.  Expression of Cloned proteins in animal cell.  Overproduction and downstream processing of the expressed proteins.  Cloning : Overview, Methods of Cloning, Application and Ethics, In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, Application. 4  Hybridoma Technology : Hybridoma and monoclonal antibodies, Production, Methods, Types of Monoclonal Antibodies & Applications.  Vaccines: Production of Vaccines in animal Cells, Methodology, Application and limitation.  Transgenic animals: Techniques for the production of Transgenic Mice, Fish and ship, Products produced from Transgenic Animals.  Stem Cell Technology: Overview and Types of Stem Cell, Characteristics of Stem Cell, Application of Stem cell in Therapy.

Reference books N Book name o 1 Iganacimatha. Basic biotechnology. 2 Das and Mookerjee. Outline of biology. 57

3 Roy and De. Cell biology. 4 David Bourgaize. Biotechnology, Demystifying the concepts. Alp. 2000. 5 Eric. S. Grace. Biotechnology unzipped : Promises and realities. 6 Jan kav. Introduction to Animal physiology. Viva Books. 7 Babinnk and philips. 1989. Animal Biotechnology. Pergamonn. 8 Gibert. Developmental biology. 9 Jenklus N. 1999. Animal cell biotechnology. Methods and protocols Humana press. 1 Butler and Walter, 1997. Animal cell cultures and technology : The basics. IRL press. 0 1 Masters JRW (ED.) Animal cell culture : A practical approach. 2000. OUP. 1 1 Elements of Biotechnology : P.K. Gupta. 2 1 Molecular biotechnology : Bernard, R. Glick and Pasternak. 3 1 Animal cell culture : Morgan. 4 1 Cell culture : Bulter and Dawson. 5 58

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE501ES Semester : 5 Ecology and Ecosystems(EES) Elective Course type : Total Credit : 03 subject Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 59

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1.  Terrestrial Biomes – Grasslands and Forests. 3  Aquatic Biomes – Freshwater and Saline water.  Biogeochemical Cycles – Carbon and Nitrogen cycle.  Interaction Within, Between and Among Populations. 2  Experimental Ecosystem Models – Batch system, Flow-Through system.  Experimental Ecosystem Models – Microcosms.  Microbes within Macro-communities.  Structure and Function of some Microbial Communities 60

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE502ES Semester : 5 Industrial Biotechnology(IBG) Elective Course type : Total Credit : 03 subject Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 61

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1.  Fermentation processes of Amylase. 3  Fermentation processes of Protease.  Fermentation processes of Citric acid.  Fermentation processes of Streptomycin. 2  Fermentation processes of l-Lysine.

 Fermentation processes of Vitamin-B12.  Mushrooms.  Single Cell Protein.

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : 62

Course Code BSBTE501PR Semester : 5 Practical Core Course-I (Paper-1,2,3 & 4)(PRC) Course type : Practical Total Credit : 03 Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs)

No Practical list 1 Isolation, Screening and characterization of Amylolytic microbes and Enzymes. 2 Isolation, Screening and characterization of Proteolytic microbes and Enzymes. 3 Isolation, Screening and characterization of Lipolytic microbes and Enzymes 4 Screening of antibiotic producing microorganisms by Crowded Plate Technique. 5 Screening of antibiotic producing microorganisms by Wilkin’s method. 6 Bioassay of Penicillin. 7 Optimization of medium parameters for the production of Biomass. 8 Optimization of medium parameters for the production Enzyme (Amylases). 9 Typical fermentation of Alcohol. 10 Typical fermentation of Gluconic acid. 11 Isolation of antibiotic resistant mutant(s) bacterium by direct selection (Gradient Plate Technique) 12 Isolation of antibiotic resistant mutant(s) bacterium by indirect selection (Replica Plate Technique) 13 Sterility testing. 14 Sterilization and related techniques used in tissue culture. - Autoclaving - Hot Air Oven - Filter Sterilization - Surface sterilization - Laminar Air Flow. 15 Preparation of Media and media composition. 16 Introduction of explants for Callusing. 17 Characterization of Callus 18 Sub culturing of Callus 19 Isolation of genomic DNA from bacterial cells. 20 Isolation of plasmid DNA. 63

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE501FC Semester : 5 Compulsory English (L.L.)(FCE) Foundation Course type : Total Credit : 02 course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 15 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 35 50 hrs) 64

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE601C Course Code Semester : 6 C Fundamentals of Immunology (FIC) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 65

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1.  Innate and Acquired immunity. 3  Interrelationship between Innate and Acquired immunity.  Characteristics of the immune response.  Cells & Organs involved in the immune response. 2  Antigens : Foreignness, High molecular weight, Chemical complexity, Degradability, Haptens.  Antigens : Primary and Secondary responses.  Antigenicity and Antigen binding site, Epitopes recognized by B-cells and T-cells.  Major classes of antigens, Immunogenic adjuvant. 3  Antibody structure and functions.  Structural features and biological properties of IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD & IgE.  Generation of antibody diversity.  Monoclonal antibody. 4  Antigen-antibody Interactions : Lattice Hypothesis, Agglutination and Precipitation.  Antigen-antibody interactions : In vivo and In vitro interactions between Ag & Ab.  T-Cell generation, activation and differentiation.  B-Cell generation, activation and differentiation.

Reference books N Book name o 1 IM Roitt, J. Brostoff and DK Male (1993). Immunology. BMP, London. 2 J. Kuby (1991). Immunology. Freeman and company. 3 A.K. Abbas, A.H. Uchtman, J.S. Pober (1994). Cellular Molecular immunology - W.B. Saunders Co.Philadelphia. 4 V.R. Muthukkaruppan, S. Baskar and F. Sinigaglia (1986). Hybridome techniques : A Laboratory Course - Macmillan India Limited. 5 V.E. Cells (1994). Cell Biology Vol-I Immunology to III - Academic Press. 6 Jacqueline Sharon. Basic Immunology by. 66

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE602C Course Code Semester : 6 C Genetic engineering(GEC) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 67

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1.  Mechanisms of gene transfer (Processes gene 3 recombination); Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation.  Proteins and enzymes involved in r-DNA technologies.  Cloning vectors : Plasmids, Phages, Cosmids, YACs.  Application of linker, adaptor and homopolymer tail in joining diverse DNA molecules. 2  Sanger’s method for DNA sequencing.  Automated DNA sequencing.  Pyrosequencing.  Microarray based sequencing.  Chemical and automated DNA Synthesis. 3  Southern blotting, Western blotting, Northern blotting.  Colony blotting, Dot blotting.  Hybridization and detection of probe using autoradiography (FISH).  Cloning strategies: Construction of genomic and cDNA library.  Screening of Gene in library. 4  Introduction to genome mapping: use of RFLP, SNP and AFLP.  Chromosome walking.  Applications of rDNA technology: Gene therapy, Expression of therapeutic proteins, Forensic science.  Polymerase chain reaction techniques: Basic PCR technique, Variation of PCR techniques and Applications of PCR.

Reference books N Book name o 1 Lewin B. (2000) Gene VIL IRL Press, Oxford University Press Oxford. 2 Watson, J.D., Hopkins, Roberts, Stiez, Weiner. (1987) Molecular Biology of the Gene. (4th Ed) The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. Inc. California. 3 Davis. D.B. Dulbecco, R., Risen, H.N, Ginsberg. H.S., (1990) Microbiology, (4th Ed) Harper & Row Publishers, Singapore. 4 T.A. Brown. Genome. 5 S.B. Primrose. Principle of gene manipulation. 68

6 William Bains. Biotechnology from A to Z 7 Molecular biotechnology, 2nd Ed. Blackwell 8 Mickios and Freyer. DNA science. A first course in recombinant DNA 9 Mitechell. Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Prentice-Hall 69

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE603C Course Code Semester : 6 C Environmental biotechnology(EBC) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 70

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1.  Pollution and contamination of natural 3 components of environment: Define pollution and contamination; sources of pollutants.  Transport and fate of contamination in the environment.  Isolation and screening of microbes degrading contamination (pollutants) : selective and enrichment cultivation techniques.  Biodegradation : Definitions-Ready biodegradability, Ultimate biodegradation, Inferential biodegradability, Recalcitrant compound, Anthropogenic compounds (Xenobiotics). 2  An overview of selected compounds : Petroleum hydrocarbons; Alkenes, Cycloalkeanes, Aromatics, Polycyclic, Aromatics & Pesticides.  Transformation of pesticides - DDT (Dechlorination) to DBP and Biomagnification.  Reductive dechlorination of PCE & TCE.  Reductive dechlorination of Petroleum hydrocarbons. 3  Water purification-Dwelling supply and Municipal Supply.  Microbiological analysis of drinking water.  Role of indicator organisms, W.H.O. microbiological standards for drinking water.  Physical, chemical & Biological properties of Wastewater.  Primary & Secondary treatment, (Biological oxidation processes) & Tertiary treatment process.  Treatment of solid wastes (Anaerobic digestion and composting). 4  Bioremediation: types and overview of bioremediation of air, soil and water.  Biofertilizers.  Bioplastics.  Bioleaching and MEOR (Microbially enhanced oil recovery). 71

Reference books N Book name o 1 Atlas, R.M. (1997) Principles of Microbiology. (2nd ed.). Win. C Brown Publishers. Dubuque. 2 Prescott, L.M., Harley, J.P., Klein. DA., (2002) Microbiology (5th Ed Y McGraw Hiil. International Ed. 3 Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.R., Case, C.L. (2001) Microbiology: An Introduction. (7th Ed). Benjamin Cummings N.Y. 4 Atlas & Bartha. Microbial Ecology. 5 Bruce E. Rittmann and Perry L. Mccarty. Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and application, McGraw- Hill International. 6 Christson. Manual of Environmental Microbiology, ASM press. 7 Eugenia J. Olguin, Gloria Sanchez and Elizabeth Hernandez. Environmental Biotechnology and Cleaner Bioprocess, Taylor and Francis. 8 Martine Alexander. Biodegradation and Bioremediation. 9 Peter Morris (Editor), Riki Therivel. Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment. 1 Arciwala, S. J. Waste water treatment for pollution control. Tata McGraw-Hill 0 Publications, New Delhi. 1 APHA. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 22nd 1 Ed. (2012). 72

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : BSBTE604C Course Code Semester : 6 C Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology(ATB) Core Course type : Total Credit : 03 Course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 73

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1.  Concept of Good Laboratory Practice and 3 Quality Management.  Analysis: Steps of Analysis.  Basic Aspects of Qualitative Analysis.  Basic Aspect of Quantitative Analysis. 2  Mass Spectroscopy, MALDI.  Light microscopy Differential interference contrast microscopy.  Electron microscopy: TEM and SEM.  Atomic force microscopy and Confocal scanning laser microscopy 3  Introduction to Bioinformatics: History and Overview, Scope of Bioinformatics In Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Internet.  Components of Bioinformatics : Biological Databases (DNA Database, Protein Database), overview of Biological sequence analysis - ( Pair wise and Multiple Alignment), Biological Software- Rasmol.  Human Genome Project.  Overview of Bioinformatics Application: Phylogenetic, Pharmacogenomics (Drug Discovery), Crop Genomics (Agroinfomatics), Metabolomics , Chemoinformatics 4  Biosensors : Principles and definition, characteristics of Ideal biosensors.  Basic measuring procedure, Biochemical components of biosensors.  Applications of Biosensors.  Immobilization: Basic concept of immobilization in biotechnology, Principles and mechanism of Immobilization, Methods of Immobilization.  Bioreactor for Immobilization: Bioreactor and their Types.

Reference books N Book name o 74

1 Wilson & Walker. 1995. Principles and techniques of practical Biochemistry. Cambridge Univ. Press. 2 Davidson V.L. & Sistman. 1993. Biochemistry. 3 Blood et al. 1996. Laboratory DNA Science. Benjamin. 4 Boyer, 2001. Modern Experimental biochemistry, 3/e, Addison. 5 Becker. 1996. Biotechnology : A laboratory course. Alp. 6 Plummer. An introduction to practical Biochemistry. 7 J. Jayraman, Lab Manual in Biochemistry. 8 Tinoco land et al. 1995. Physical chemistry Principles and applications in biological Sciences, Prentice-Hall. 9 Switzer and Gauity. 1995. Experimental Biochemistry. W H Freeman. 1 Voet Donald. 1999. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. 0 1 Athel Cornish Bowder. 1999. Basic mathematics for biochemistry. OUP. 1 1 Elliott & Elliot, 2001. Biochemistry and molecular biology, OUP. 2 1 Sidman and Moore, 2000. Basic laboratory methods for biotechnology, Longman. 3 1 Bioinformatics – Managing Scientific Data, Zoe’ Lacroix and Terence Critchlow. 4 1 Bioinformatics – Sequence, Structure and Databanks, Des Higgins & Willie Taylor. 5 75

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE601ES Semester : 6 Dysfunctional immunity(DIE) Elective Course type : Total Credit : 03 subject Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 76

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1.  Primary Immunodeficiency : Severe 3 Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID).  Secondary Immunodeficiency : AIDS.  Organ Specific Autoimmune Diseases : Grave’s disease and Pernicious anemia.  Systemic Autoimmune Diseases : Multiple sclerosis and Rheumatoid arthritis. 2  Immediate Hypersensitivity.  Delayed Hypersensitivity.  Oncogenes and Cancer Induction.  Cancer Immunotherapy.

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE602ES Semester : 6 77

Dairy biotechnology(DBE) Elective Course type : Total Credit : 03 subject Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs) 78

Uni Top Marks Hr Cre t ic Content W + s. dit No. No. % 1.  Nutritional value of Milk. 3  Pasteurization of Milk.  Biochemical Types of Microorganisms in Milk.  Pathogenic Types of Bacteria in Milk. 2  Starter Cultures used in dairy industry.  Fermented dairy products.  Cheese production.  Types of Cheese.

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE601PR Semester : 6 79

Practical Core Course-I (Paper-1,2,3 & 4)(PRC) Course type : Practical Total Credit : 03 Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 70 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 30 100 hrs)

N Practical list o 1 To study water sampling techniques and sample preservation. 2 Determination of Total Solids (TS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). 3 Estimation of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) from the given water sample. 4 Estimation of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) from the given water sample. 5 Estimation of PO4-P from the given water sample. 6 Estimation of NO3-N from the given water sample. 7 Estimation of NO2-N from the given water sample. 8 Estimation of Chloride from the given water sample. 9 Estimation of Sulfate from the given water sample. 1 Bacteriological analysis of water by Most Probable Number (MPN) technique. 0 1 Isolation of non-symbiotic nitrogen fixers from soil. 1 1 Isolation of symbiotic nitrogen fixers. 2 1 Study of air microflora. 3 1 Total count of White Blood Cells (WBCs). 4 1 Total count of Red Blood Cells (RBCs). 5 1 Differential Count of White Blood Cells (WBCs). 6 1 Estimation Hemoglobin by Sahli’s Method. 7 1 Blood grouping 8 1 WIDAL test (Slide Test) 9 2 Agarose electrophoresis of DNA. 80

0 2 Preparation of competent cells and transformation of plasmid DNA. 1 2 Quantification of DNA by spectrophotometry. 2 2 Usage of NCBI resources for Biological Information. 3 2 Immobilization of enzyme. 4 2 Immobilization of cells. 5 81

HEMCHANDRACHARYA NORTH GUJARAT UNIVERSITY, PATAN Programme Programme code : BSBTE Biotechnology Name : Course Code BSBTE601FC Semester : 6 Compulsory English (L.L.)(FCE) Foundation Course type : Total Credit : 02 course Teaching time Examination Marking scheme (hours) Practi Theory Internal External Total cal (hrs) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (hrs) 15 ( Paper of 3 3X 15 = 45 35 50 hrs)

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