Remedy Compatibility Matrix

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Remedy Compatibility Matrix

Action Request System 8.1.00 Compatibility and Support

Feb, 2013 © Copyright 2013 BMC Software, Inc. BMC, BMC Software, and the BMC Software logo are the exclusive properties of BMC Software, Inc., are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and may be registered or pending registration in other countries. All other BMC trademarks, service marks, and logos may be registered or pending registration in the U.S. or in other countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. BladeLogic and the BladeLogic logo are the exclusive properties of BladeLogic, Inc. The BladeLogic trademark is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and may be registered or pending registration in other countries. All other BladeLogic trademarks, service marks, and logos may be registered or pending registration in the U.S. or in other countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. AIX, DB2, pSeries, Power5 and WebSphere are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. ITIL® is a registered trademark, and a registered community trademark of the Office of Government Commerce, and is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and is used here by BMC Software, Inc., under license from and with the permission of OGC. IT Infrastructure Library® is a registered trademark of the Office of Government Commerce and is used here by BMC Software, Inc., under license from and with the permission of OGC. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Oracle, Java, Oracle Solaris and Oracle SPARC are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Crystal Reports and BusinessObjects are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries. UNIX is the registered trademark of The Open Group in the U.S. and other countries. The information included in this documentation is the proprietary and confidential information of BMC Software, Inc., its affiliates, or licensors. Your use of this information is subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable End User License agreement for the product and to the proprietary and restricted rights notices included in the product documentation. Restricted Rights Legend U.S. Government Restricted Rights to Computer Software. UNPUBLISHED -- RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER THE COPYRIGHT LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Use, duplication, or disclosure of any data and computer software by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions, as applicable, set forth in FAR Section 52.227-14, DFARS 252.227-7013, DFARS 252.227-7014, DFARS 252.227-7015, and DFARS 252.227-7025, as amended from time to time. Contractor/Manufacturer is BMC Software, Inc., 2101 CityWest Blvd., Houston, TX 77042-2827, USA. Any contract notices should be sent to this address. Customer Support You can obtain technical support by using the Support page on the BMC Software website or by contacting Customer Support by telephone or email. To expedite your inquiry, please see “Before Contacting BMC Software.”

Support website You can obtain technical support from BMC Software 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at h tt p :// w w w . b m c . c o m /su ppo r t . From this website, you can:  Read overviews about support services and programs that BMC Software offers.  Find the most current information about BMC Software products.  Search a database for problems similar to yours and possible solutions.  Order or download product documentation.  Report a problem or ask a question.  Subscribe to receive email notices when new product versions are released.  Find worldwide BMC Software support center locations and contact information, including email addresses, fax numbers, and telephone numbers.

Support by telephone or email In the United States and Canada, if you need technical support and do not have access to the Web, call 800 537 1813 or send an email message to c u sto m e r _ su ppo rt @ b m c . c o m . (In the Subject line, enter SupID:, such as SupID:12345.) Outside the United States and Canada, contact your local support center for assistance.

Before contacting BMC Software Have the following information available so that Customer Support can begin working on your issue immediately:  Product information o Product name o Product version (release number) o License number and password (trial or permanent)  Operating system and environment information o Machine type o Operating system type, version, and service pack o System hardware configuration o Serial numbers o Related software (database, application, and communication) including type, version, and service pack or maintenance level  Sequence of events leading to the problem  Commands and options that you used  Messages received (and the time and date that you received them) o Product error messages o Messages from the operating system, such as file system full o Messages from related software Contents

I N T R O D UC T I O N ...... 5 V e n do r B ac k w a rds C o m p a t i b ility a n d AR System 8 . 1 . 0 0 ...... 6 V e n do r E n d o f S u p po rt P o li c i e s a n d AR Syst e m 8 . 1 . 0 0 ...... 6 AR SY S TE M S E R V E R SU P P O R TE D H AR D WA R E P L A T F O R M S AND O P E RA TI NG S Y S T E M S ...... 7 AR SY S TE M S E R V E R SU P P O R TE D D A T A B A S E S ...... 7 K n o w n I n c o m pa t i b ilit i e s fo r AR System S e r v e r ...... 8 J AVA SUP PO RT ...... 8 K n o w n I n c o m pa t i bilit i e s fo r Ja v a ...... 8 AR SY S TE M M I D - TI E R S UPP O R TE D C O N F I G UR A TI O NS ...... 9 K n o w n I ss u e s f o r AR System M i d -Ti e r S u pp o rt e d C o nf i g u rat i on s ...... 9 P o t e n t i a l I n c o m p a t i b ilit i e s fo r AR System M i d -Ti e r ...... 9 D E V EL O P E R S T UDIO S U P P O R TE D C O N F I G UR A T IO N S ...... 10 B R O WS E R SUP PO R T E D C O NF I G UR A TI O NS ...... 10 K n o w n I ss u e s f o r AR System B r o w s e r S u pp o rt e d C o nf i g u rat i on s ...... 10 VIR T UAL E N V I R O N M E NT SUP PO RT ...... 11 S u pp o rt D ef i n it i on s fo r Virt ua l E n vir o n m en ts ...... 11 Fu lly s u pp o rt e d virt ua l en vir o n m en ts ...... 11 P a rti a lly s u pp o rt e d virt ua l e n vir o n m en ts ...... 11 O T H E R PR O DU C T C O M P A T I BI L I T Y SUP PO R T E D C O NF I G UR A TI O NS ...... 12 K n o w n I ss u e s f o r O t h e r Pr o d u c t C o m p a t i b ility S u p po r t e d C o n f i g u r a t io n s ...... 12 K n o w n I n c o m pa t i b ilit i e s fo r Ot h e r Pr o d u c t C o m pa t i b ility S u p p o rt e d C o n f i g u rat i on s ...... 12 SCR E E N R E A D E R SUP P O R T E D C O NF I G UR A TI O N S ...... 12 L A N G U A G E O FF E RI NG S ...... 13 R E M E DY APP LI C AT I O NS AND PR O DUC T S ...... 14 K n o w n I ss u e s f o r R e m ed y A p p li c a t i on s a n d Pro du c ts ...... 17 C O M PARI S O N O F SUP P O R T B E T W E E N T H E AR S Y ST E M V E RS I O N 8 . 0 . 0 0 A N D 8 . 1 . 0 0 ...... 18 D O CU M E NT R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y ...... 19 Introduction

The BMC Remedy AR System 8.1.00 Compatibility Matrix is divided into multiple areas of support. Each of these areas is further broken down into three sections:

Supported Configurations  Known Issues  Potential Issues

The Supported Configurations are those where the configuration is expected to work properly based on design, testing or general understanding of the interaction between products. For supported configurations, BMC Customer Support will work with customers on an issue involving the configuration until either the issue is resolved or a defect / enhancement is logged.

Configurations not listed may still operate properly with AR System and thus customers may choose to run AR System in a configuration not listed as supported. Such configurations would be considered as “unconfirmed”. BMC Remedy will accept issues reported in unconfirmed configurations but we reserve the right to request customer assistance in problem determination, including recreating the problem on a supported configuration. Reported defects either found to be unique to an unconfirmed configuration or not reproducible within a supported environment will be addressed at the discretion of BMC Remedy. Defects requiring time and resources beyond commercially reasonable effort may not be addressed. If a configuration is found to be incompatible with AR System or ITSM applications, support for that configuration will be specifically documented as not supported (or unsupported – c.f. Known Issues below).

The Known Issues section documents any known additional requirements or incompatibilities between BMC products and products from other vendors. This list represents only those situations that BMC has encountered or researched and may not represent an exhaustive list.

The Potential Issues section documents issues of supportability or incompatibility between BMC products and products from other vendors that are for informational purposes only. Final word on these statements would need to be stated in documentation from the other vendor.

In all tables, Italics indicate an addition since AR System 8.0.00. Vendor Backwards Compatibility and AR System 8.1.00 It is expected that a vendor will retain full backwards compatibility with existing major or minor versions of a product when releasing newer versions of their products. This includes major, minor and maintenance releases as well as service packs, patches, updates or other similar level of changes. Unless otherwise stipulated by written communication from BMC Software, BMC Remedy AR System supports the listed version of vendor products or higher with regard to supported Server Operating Systems, Desktop Operating Systems, Databases, Web or Application Servers, Servlet engines or Browsers. However, this support is limited by documented compatibility restrictions from the vendors themselves.

For example, if Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 were listed, AR System would support RHEL 5, 6 and future higher versions of RHEL.

In the event that a vendor does not provide backwards compatibility, BMC reserves the right to rescind support for a specified version of a vendor’s product and document such incompatibilities once confirmed. BMC may, at BMC’s discretion, attempt to address a discovered incompatibility by modifying the current version of AR System. However, if major architectural changes in a vendor product require significant BMC development to achieve tolerance, support for the vendor product may be deferred to a later version of AR System.

Vendor End of Support Policies and AR System 8.1.00 In the event that a vendor ends support for a product – or version of a product – BMC will also end support for that product (version) at that time. The BMC compatibility matrix will not be updated, so customers are encouraged to review the support policies of external vendors if the status of support is in question. AR System Server Supported Hardware platforms and Operating Systems

Remedy Email Engine, Remedy Approval Server, Remedy Distributed Server Option (DSO) and Remedy Encryption share the same requirements as the AR System Server.

The following Operating Systems and hardware platforms are supported. AR System supports the listed version of vendor products or higher Platform Minimum Operating System version Windows Server 2003 32-bit or 64-bit x86 PC Compatible [Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter 32-bit or 64-bit Editions] Oracle SPARC Solaris 10 (64-bit only) IBM pSeries and Power5 or higher IBM AIX 6.1 (64-bit only) HP Integrity / Itanium HP-UX 11i v2 (64-bit only) 64-bit x86 PC Compatible Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (x64 only) [Server Editions] 64-bit x86 PC Compatible Novell SUSE Linux 11 (x64 only) [Enterprise Server]

AR System Server Supported Databases

The following Databases are supported on all Operating Systems and Platforms supported by BMC as defined in the “AR System Server Supported Hardware platforms and Operating Systems” section above. AR System supports the listed version of vendor products or higher Minimum Database Version Oracle 11g R1 [Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, Enterprise Edition + RAC]

The following additional databases are supported. Minimum Database Version Minimum Operating System version Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Windows Server 2003 [Standard, Enterprise 32-bit or 64-bit Editions] [Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter 32-bit or 64-bit Editions] Sybase ASE 15.0 Solaris 10 Solaris 10, IBM DB2 9.7 [Enterprise Server, Workgroup IBM AIX 6.1, Server Editions] Windows Server 2003 [Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter 32-bit or 64 - b it E d it i on s ]

The following Database Client(s) versions are supported and required to operate properly with supported databases. Database clients must match these versions - lower or higher versions are not supported P Platform Database Client version Oracle : 32-bit Oracle 11g R1, 11g R2 32-bit Windows servers IBM DB2 : 32-bit DB2 9.7 Oracle : 64-bit Oracle 11g R1, 11g R2 64- IbBitM Win DBd2ows : serve64rs -bit DB2 9.7 Oracle : 64-bit Oracle 11g R1, 11g R2 UNI Sybase : 64-bit Sybase 15 X IBM DB2 : 64-bit DB2 9.7 Linux Oracle : 64-bit Oracle 11g R1, 11g R2 Known Issues for AR System Server Supported Configurations 1. The 32-bit Windows version of AR System is only supported on 32-bit Windows operating systems and in non-production environments (e.g. Proof-of-Concept, Demo, Development etc.). 2. For 64-bit Windows operating systems and production environments, the 64-bit Windows version of AR System is required. 3. In general, BMC recommends running on the latest Service Pack, Maintenance Level or other such update to listed operating systems. 4. Trusted extensions for Solaris are supported. Please see O ra c le S o l a r i s Sec u r i ty F A Q for more information 5. AIX 6.1 must be at TL 2 – SP1 or greater

Known Incompatibilities for AR System Server 1. A Database is required for AR System. Flat files are not supported. 2. Solaris running on x86 or x64 processors is not supported. 3. Windows or Linux running on Itanium processors is not supported.

Java Support

AR System (Server, Mid-Tier, and Developer Studio) 8.1.00 supports the following listed version or higher

Supported Vendors are: Operating System Vendor Minimum recommended version Windows, Solaris, Linux (Red Hat and SUSE) Oracle Java SE 6 Update 17 HP-UX HP HP-UX 11i Java SE 6.0.06 AIX IBM IBM Ja v a 6 SR7

Note: Oracle refers to Java 1.6 as “6.0”. See J a v a SE Na m i n g a n d Ve r s io n s for more details. Refer to “ H P - UX 11 i J a v a - V e r s ion Hi s to r y ” at H P - UX J a v a So f t w a r e for Naming and Version details

Known Incompatibilities for Java 1. When running in a 64-bit JVM, the Email Engine cannot support the MAPI protocol. 2. When running in a 64-bit JVM, OLE Automation feature will not be available in Developer Studio. AR System Mid-Tier Supported Configurations

The following Web / Application Servers and Servlet Engines are supported on all operating systems and platforms supported by BMC as defined in the “AR System Server Supported Hardware platforms and Operating Systems” section above. AR System supports the listed version of vendor products or higher. Minimum Web / Application Server versions Minimum Servlet Engine versions Apache 2.0.x ServletExec 5.0 Tomcat 6.0.20 Tomcat 6.0.20 JBoss 5.1.0 JBoss (Embedded) 5.1.0 Oracle BEA WebLogic 10.3 Oracle BEA WebLogic Servlet Engine 10.3 IBM W eb S p h e re 7.0 IBM W eb S p h e re S e r v l e t E n g i n e 7.0

The following additional Web / Application Servers are supported. Minimum Web / Application Server version Minimum Operating System version Microsoft IIS 6.0 Windows Server 2003 (32-bit or 64-bit)

Known Issues for AR System Mid-Tier Supported Configurations 1. Crystal or BO Enterprise (not included – see below for supported versions/editions) is required for web based reporting using Crystal reports. BMC Analytics Premium may also be used. 2. The following minimum standards are required to use the Mid-Tier  Servlet API Version 2.3+  JSP API Version 1.2+  SOAP Version 1.1 or 1.2  HTML Version 4.0+  JavaScript Version 1.3+ 3. HTTP Version 1.1 required 4. The JRockit Java Virtual Machine is supported when installed with the Oracle BEA WebLogic application server, but only for use with WebLogic. 5. IBM WebSphere requires the IBM supplied Java Technology to operate correctly on supported Windows, Linux and other OS Platform. Please visit S y s t em R e q uire m en t s f or W e bSph e re Appl i c a t ion S e r v er at IBM product support site.

Potential Incompatibilities for AR System Mid-Tier 1. The following combinations may work properly, but are classified by BMC as “unconfirmed”. a. ServletExec 5.0 may not be supported on Apache 2.2.

2. New Atlanta has ceased support for ISAPI with IIS 6.0 or higher. Please refer to F A Q #364 on the New Atlanta support site for more information. N ew At la n ta Ser v le t E xec F A Q Developer Studio Supported Configurations

AR System supports the listed version of vendor products or higher Minimum Operating System Version Windows XP (32-bit Only) Windows Vista [Enterprise, Business, Ultimate Editions] (32-bit only) Windows 7 [Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate Editions] (32-bit or 64-bit) Win d ows S e r v e r 2003 (32 - b it or 6 4 - b it)

Browser Supported Configurations

The following browsers are supported on all operating systems and platforms supported by BMC as defined in the “AR System Server Supported Hardware platforms and Operating Systems” and “Developer Studio Supported Configurations” sections above. AR System supports the listed version of vendor products or higher

Minimum Browser version Firefox 3.6

The following additional browsers are supported. Minimum Browser version Minimum Operating System version Windows XP (32-bit only) Internet Explorer 8 Windows Vista [Enterprise, Business, Ultimate Editions] (32-bit or 64-bit) Windows 7 [Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate Editions] (32-bit or 64-bit) Safari 4.0.5 Macintosh OS X 10.5

Known Issues for AR System Browser Supported Configurations 1. For optimal browser colors in AR System forms, set the color depth in the client system to at least 24 bits 2. HTTP Version 1.1 required 3. Adobe Flash Player or higher is required Virtual Environment Support

Support Definitions for Virtual Environments Support is defined at two levels — full or partial. A fully supported virtual environment indicates that BMC will accept problems reported in the virtual environment; recreate any reported problems within the virtual environment; and address the issue in the same manner as other reported issues on non-virtual environments.

Partial supported indicates that BMC will accept problems reported in the virtual environments specified below, but reserves the right to request customer assistance in problem determination, including recreating the problem in a non-virtual environment. Under partial support, reported defects either found to be unique to a virtual environment or not reproducible within a native non-virtual environment will be addressed at the discretion of BMC. Defects requiring time and resources beyond commercially reasonable effort may not be addressed.

BMC will only provide partial or full support for those operating systems running within a virtual environment that are defined within BMC Remedy compatibility matrix as supported on a non-virtual environment.

Fully supported virtual environments The following are fully supported virtual environments for the BMC Atrium CMDB or BMC Remedy IT Service Management applications running on:

Vendor Virtual platform VMware ESX / ESXi Server™

Oracle Solaris 10 Zones (Whole Root and Sparse)

Hewlett Packard HP-UX Virtual Partitions (vPar)

IBM AIX Logical Partitions (LPAR)

Microsoft Hyper-V

Partially supported virtual environments Vendor Virtual platform VMware GSX Server, Workstation, VMware Server, Dynamic Resource Scheduler (DRS) and vMotion Enabled Environments

Known incompatibilities for virtual environments 1. BMC recommends against running server components of BMC Atrium technologies or BMC Remedy IT Service Management applications within VMware Workstation in a production environment. Other Product Compatibility Supported Configurations

Remedy Component Products Comments AR Server SNMP Agent BMC Patrol, Patrol Express SNMP v2 AR Server SNMP Agent BMC Patrol Enterprise Manager AR System API Remedy Email Engine (Windows) Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2 (64- Email/MAPI, IMAP, POP3, bit) Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP3 SMTP, MBOX (64-bit) AR ODBC (Windows) Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007 AR ODBC Drivers provided with Microsoft Access 2003, 2007 7.6.04 Remedy User Tool will be usable with AR System 8.1.00 AR ODBC (Windows) Crystal Reports 2008 Design and Run reports through Crystal Reports 2011 the AR ODBC interface.

AR ODBC Drivers provided with 7.6.04 Remedy User Tool will be usable with AR System 8.1.00 Remedy Mid-Tier (Windows) Crystal Reports Server 2008 Crystal Server 2011 Remedy Mid-Tier (Windows) BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0 [ P r e mium, P rof e ss ion a l]

Known Issues for Other Product Compatibility Supported Configurations 1. BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.1 and Crystal Report Server 2008 are only supported on Windows Operating System. 2. BusinessObjects Enterprise 4.0 and Crystal Server 2011 are only supported on Windows Operating System

Known Incompatibilities for Other Product Compatibility Supported Configurations

1. The SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Professional server supplied with “BMC Analytics for BSM” does not allow you to use Crystal Reports with BMC Remedy Mid-Tier. The Premium edition of BMC Analytics is required

2. SAP strongly recommends that BusinessObjects XI 3.0 customers upgrade to BusinessObjects XI 3.1 in all environments. BusinessObjects XI 3.0 is therefore not supported. Please refer to the SAP Note#1261170 for details

Screen Reader Supported Configurations

The following screen reader is supported to make AR System accessible to people with disabilities:

Browser Internet Explorer 8 Language Offerings

Localization (L10N): AR System end user interfaces are localized into

 English  Italian  Russia  French  Spanish  Korn ean  German  Japanese  Brazilian Portuguese  Simplified Chinese

Internationalization (I18N): AR System supports the following character encodings:

 MS 1252/ISO-8859-1 and -15  MS 932/EUC-JP  MS 874/TIS-620 (Win only)  MS 1250/ISO-8859-2  BIG5  Unicode UTF-8/UTF-16  MS 1257/ISO-8859-13  MS 936/GB2312 (Java)  MS 1251/ISO-8859-5  MS 949/KSC-5601-1987

This represents support for the following language sets  Latin-1: English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish  Latin-2: English, Albanian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian  Latin-4: English, Estonian, Greenlandic, Lappish, Latvian, Lithuanian  Japanese  Traditional Chinese  Simplified Chinese  Korean  Cyrillic: Russian  Standard Thai (Windows Only) Remedy Applications and Products

Client / Add-On / Supported on Supported on Supported on Supported on Application Server 7.5.00? Server 7.6.04? Server 8.0.00 Server 8.1.00 AR System Yes Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.5.00 features] Developer Studio AR System Developer Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes Yes [7.6.04 features] Yes [7.6.04 features] Studio 7.6.04 AR System Developer Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.6.04 features] Yes Yes [8.0.00 features] Stu d io 8.0.00 AR System Developer Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.6.04 features] Yes [8.0.00 features] Yes Studio 8.1.00 Remedy User 7.5.00 Yes Yes [7.5.00 features] No No Remedy User 7.6.04 Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes No [ODBC supported] No [ODBC supported] AR System Mid-Tier Yes Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.5.00 features] 7.5.00 AR System Mid-Tier Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes Yes [7.6.04 features] Yes [7.6.04 features] 7.6.04 AR System Mid-Tier Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.6.04 features] Yes Yes [8.0.00 features] 8.0.00 AR System Mid-Tier Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.6.04 features] Yes [8.0.00 features] Yes 8.1.00

Remedy Approval Yes Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.5.00 features] Server 7.5.00 Remedy Approval No Yes Yes [7.6.04 features] Yes [7.6.04 features] Server 7.6.04 Remedy Approval No No Yes No S e r v e r 8.0.00 Remedy Approval Server 8.1.00 No



Yes Remedy Assignment Yes Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.5.00 features] Yes [7.5.00 features] Engine 7.5.00 Remedy Assignment No Yes Yes [7.6.04 features] Yes [7.6.04 features] Engine 7.6.04 Remedy Assignment No No Yes No Engine 8.0.00 Remedy Assignment No No No Yes Engine 8.1.00

O p tion 8.1.00 Client / Add-On / Supported on Supported on Supported on Supported on Application Server 7.5.00? Server 7.6.04? Server 8.0.00 Server 8.1.00 Remedy Encryption Ye Ye [7.5.00 features] Ye [7.5.00 features] Ye [7.5.00 features] 7.5.00 s s s s Remedy Encryption Ye [7.5.00 features] Ye Ye [7.6.04 features] Ye [7.6.04 features] 7.6.04 s s s s Remedy Encryption Ye [7.5.00 features] Ye [7.6.04 features] Ye Ye [8.0.00 features] 8.0.00 s s s s Remedy Encryption Ye [7.5.00 features] Ye [7.6.04 features] Ye [8.0.00 features] Yes 8.1.00 s s s AR System Yes No No No Migrator 7.5.00 AR System Yes Yes No No Migrator 7.6.04 AR System Yes Yes Yes No Migrator 8.0.00 AR System Yes Yes Yes Yes Migrator 8.1.00

Remedy Service Desk Yes Yes No No 7.0.x Remedy Service Desk Yes Yes Yes Yes 7.5.x Remedy Service Desk Yes Yes No No 7.6.00 Remedy Service Desk No Yes Yes Yes 7.6.04 Remedy Service Desk No No Yes Yes 8.0.00 Remedy Service Desk No No No Yes 8.1.00 Remedy Asset Yes Yes No No Management 7.0.x Remedy Asset Yes Yes Yes Yes Management 7.5.x Remedy Asset Yes Yes No No Management 7.6.00 Remedy No Yes Yes Yes Asset Management 7.6.04 Remedy No No Yes Yes Asset Management 8.0.00 Remedy Change Yes Yes No No Management 7.0.x Remedy Change Yes Yes Yes Yes Management 7.5.x Remedy Change Yes Yes No No Management 7.6.00 Remedy Change No Yes Yes Yes Management 7.6.04 Remedy Change No No Yes Yes Management 8.0.00 Remedy Change No No No Yes Management 8.1.00 Service Level Yes Yes No No Management 7.0.x Service Level Yes Yes No No Management 7.1.00 Service Yes Yes Yes Yes Level Man a ge m e nt 7.5 Service Level Yes Yes No No Management 7.6.00 Service No Yes Yes Yes Level Management 7.6.04 Service No No Yes Yes Level Management 8.0.00 Service No No No Yes Level Management 8.1.00 Service Request Yes Yes No No Management 2.2.0 Service Request Yes Yes Yes Yes Management 7.6.00 Service Request No Yes Yes Yes Management 7.6.04 Service Request No No Yes Yes Management 8.0.00 Service Request No No No Yes Management 8.1.00 Atrium Core 7.5.00 Yes Yes (Win 32-bit Yes (Win 32-bit and and Unix and Linux) No Unix and Linux) Atrium Core 7.6.03 No Yes Yes Yes Atrium Core 7.6.04 No Yes Yes Yes Atrium Core 8.0.00 No No Yes Yes Atrium Core 8.1.00 No No No Yes Atrium Integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Engine 7.5.00 Atrium Integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Engine 7.6.03 Atrium Integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Engine 7.6.04 Atrium Integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Engine 8.0.00 Atrium Integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Engine 8.1.00 Supported on Server 8.1.00 No



Known Issues for Remedy Applications and Products 1. It is strongly recommended that all users on a single AR System Server use the same Remedy Administrator or Developer Studio version. 2. AR System servers co-located on the same machine must be the same version. 3. In AR System 7.5.00 and higher, unlimited flashboards no longer require an additional license add-on

Known Incompatibilities for Remedy Applications and Products 1. Previous versions of Atrium Core, ITSM, SRM and SLM may not be compatible when Mid- Tier is installed within a 64-bit JVM. Please refer to the Ex p ect e d 64 - bit int e rop e ra b i lit y w ith B MC R e m edy A R S y s t em M i d - T ier for more information Comparison of Support between the AR System version 8.0.00 and 8.1.00

Support removed is highlighted in red. Support added is highlighted in bold. 8.0.00 8.1.00 Operating Systems Windows Server 2003 or higher (32-bit or 64-bit) Windows Server 2003 or higher (32-bit or 64-bit) HP-UX 11iv2 or higher (Integrity / Itanium) HP-UX 11iv2 or higher (Integrity / Itanium) Solaris 10 or higher Solaris 10 or higher IBM AIX 6.1 or higher IBM AIX 6.1 or higher Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or higher (x64) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or higher (x64) Novell SUSE Linux 11 or higher (x64) Novell SUSE Linux 11 or higher (x64) Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (client only) Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (client only) Macintosh 10.5 or higher (browser only) Macintosh 10.5 or higher (browser only) Databases Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or higher (32-bit or 64-bit) Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or higher (32-bit or 64-bit) Oracle 11g R1 or higher Oracle 11g R1 or higher IBM DB2 9.5 or higher IBM DB2 9.7 or higher Sybase ASE 15.0 or higher Sybase ASE 15.0 or higher Web Servers Apache 2.0.x or higher Apache 2.0.x or higher Tomcat 6.0.20 or higher Tomcat 6.0.20 or higher JBoss 5.1.0 or higher JBoss 5.1.0 or higher Oracle BEA WebLogic 10.3 or higher Oracle BEA WebLogic 10.3 or higher Microsoft IIS 6.0 or higher Microsoft IIS 6.0 or higher IBM WebSphere 7.0 or higher IBM WebSphere 7.0 or higher Servlet Engines ServletExec 5.0 or higher ServletExec 5.0 or higher Browsers Internet Explorer 8 or higher Internet Explorer 8 or higher Firefox 3.6 or higher Firefox 3.6 or higher Safari 4.0.5 or higher Safari 4.0.5 or higher

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