Kamloops District Licensee Meeting Agenda s3

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Kamloops District Licensee Meeting Agenda s3

Okanagan Shuswap Steering Committee Minutes OSFD Conference Room 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, March 25, 2010 Chair: Greg Hislop Scribe: Kimm Magill-Hofmann

Participants: Greg Hislop, Peter Love, Darrin Humber, Jody McCall, Dave Gill, Les Skaalid, Ray Cormier, Mike Watts, Ken Stowe, Rich Toperczer, Ray Crampton, Dave Hails, Andreas Artz, Lyle Knight, Grant Thompson, Mahrusha Sherstobitoff Standing Agenda Topics

Discussion # Topic Time Description Meeting Comments Action Lead Review Items from Agenda / Action Greg H. 9:00-9:10 previous meeting – 1 Items Review (10  Action items at end of this document. see action tracking min) table below  Government is restructuring. There could be staffing cuts. Rate of attrition will affect any potential cuts. We shed almost 10 positions in 2009.  Staff staying focused on business.  MFR realigned to 6 divisions.  Each division is further broken into branches.  C&E no longer reporting to the DM.  FN has been split. Laverne and Mahrusa report to Michael Update on recent Blackstock who reports to Division. No DM or RED MFR Update Dave H. or 2 9:10-9:30 developments in MFR influence. (20 min) delegate function / structure  These staff are still working out of DOS office.  Still discussing what workload goes with the C&E and FN.  Government is centralizing its business.  Thompson Okanagan Sub-regional Committee (TOMSC) representing “dirt” ministries meeting regularly to look at efficiencies between ministries.  Coordination of resources, streamlining legislation.  More professional reliance, less work “upfront” and more work at the back end (monitoring)

1 Okanagan Shuswap Steering Committee Minutes OSFD Conference Room 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, March 25, 2010

 Expofor (Dave Gill) going ahead.  Safety bylaw (Peter Love) was passed with 93% in favour. Standing Topic  Check ABCFP website for wording in standards of practice of Association 3 Kerry R. 9:30-9:35 – also see ABCFP guidelines. Refer to page 14 of the following document. Update (5 min) “Increment”  http://www.abcfp.ca/regulating_the_profession/documents/gui delines_standards_pro_practice_2010.pdf 

 Dave proposes this group look into professional development through sharing “what’s working”, “what we struggle with” via periodic field trips. (similar to watershed trip last summer)  Suggested topics: community awareness, Burning vs Grinding, market, MPS A, fuel management, community Standing topic. topics Professional watersheds, salvage, changes to the Water Act Y 4 All 9:35-9:40 of interest for an open reliance (5 min)  For information on proposed changes to the water act and to #10 discussion submit comments see :  http://www.livingwatersmart.ca/water-act/ http://www.livingwatersmart.ca/water- act/docs/wam_discussion_paper.pdf

Standing Topic. FSP’s, issues 9:40-9:50 Licensees to pick Y 5 All etc. (10 min) topics of concern for  Updated draft FSP Extension Bulletin has been sent out . #11 an open discussion 6 I-Team (10 min) Rich T. 9:50 – 10:00 Report out on I-Team  Last meeting was March 3, 2010. Y Pete L. meeting  FSP extension draft bulletin #12  PFIT group will continue  Road subcommittee. Road permit transfers.  Natural Range Barrier bulletin  Caribou mitigation update; matrix being developed for mitigation at district level  Road permit guidance: Pete will take comments back to I-

Road permit road Team. usage draft3.docx

2 Okanagan Shuswap Steering Committee Minutes OSFD Conference Room 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, March 25, 2010

ITeamMinutes_March  I-Team meeting minutes 3_2010.docx  WFN had a “truck on truck” incident. Correct frequencies were being used. Driver error?  Road subcommittee. Road permit transfers. o Sharing protocols and learnings o Sharing with non-industry users Safety 7 All 10:00-10:05 Standing Topic (5 min)  New WCB Reg Sec. 26.16: can’t use a buncher on slopes > 40%  http://www2.worksafebc.com/Publications/OHSRegulation/Pa rt26.asp#SectionNumber:26.14.1  WCB Regs Section 411: Avalanche Safety. Provincial standard for MFR staff is “avoidance” during high risk times. 8 State of the All 10:05-10:20 Standing Topic: Status  Tolko: cautiously optimistic, winter better than expected, short Industry and any solutions you on inventory, road bans haven’t been a problem, will be (15 min) can see locally or that harvesting aggressively over next month. Brown’s creek on- district can advocate going. for at a higher level.  PIB: still no license. Are developing to be ready when license comes through. Looking at market options.  Monte Lake: Veritas Energy Corporation buying Monte Creek as of end of April and will build a pellet plant on property. Cost of raw material precludes post making. Last year of NRFL. Company will put employees on work sharing at end of July. Working with David Ainsworth for a quota of 3 million m3 in Kamloops TSA.  CareTakers: quiet winter in DOS, harvesting was in DAB area. Working on permits in Trinity.  WFN: logging pure Pli. Just finished grinding of debris piles. Burned only 3 piles this year (1,200 piles last year). Section 52 authorization for fuel management within CFA in partnership with regional district. Getting positive exposure. Working with Community Adjustment Funds for fuel management project. Hoping to use more CAF and JOP funding.  Balcaen: actively logging on NRFL.  Gorman: Running 2 shifts, board prices rising, 2 competitors in US have shut down leaving Gorman largest producer in THE WORLD, cautiously optimistic.

3 Okanagan Shuswap Steering Committee Minutes OSFD Conference Room 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, March 25, 2010  BCTS: sales schedule is posted, Brian Bedard, Glen Waneck, Jim Slade retiring, Sally Beldi taking 10 month deferred leave.  LP: just finishing logging on FL this week. Still logging on TFL. Hoping Celgar will open soon.  Fedco: “looking” at the sawmill, plywood plant still running, buying peelers, using logs from lake, grinding non-sawlog component, see a glimmer of light, developing a logging plan for summer  LSIB: just about out of wood, finished first NRFL, no idea how it will be replaced, one NRFL in Kamloops, one in DOS still active. Looking for additional volume in future. Involved in a pellet mill, signed agreement with 4 other Bands last year. 200,000m3 from DKA. No construction as of yet. Always looking for people to buy our wood.  SNTC request to no longer receive information sharing or First Nations consultation packages. Send information to relevant member 9 Liaison Update Mahrusa S. 10:20-10:35 Standing Topic bands instead. (15 min)  Contact Mahrusa if you need Band contact information.

BREAK 10:35-10:45 (10 min)

New Business

# Topic Discussion Time Description Meeting Comments Action Lead (Y / N) # Greg Hislop School carnival in Naramata Seedling  Contact Deborah Linton [email protected] 1 for Brian 10:45-10:50 request for seedling for use Request Robertson on Earth Day

Update to Pest 10:50 –  Minor changes. 2 Species Code Greg H. Pest Species Code Update 10:55  Contact Heather Rice for more information. Corporate Table

4 Okanagan Shuswap Steering Committee Minutes OSFD Conference Room 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, March 25, 2010 CSA reporting is required  Required by mid April, template attached. 10:55- from NRFL holders in Y 3 CSA Reporting Peter Love  For the reporting period Jan 1, 2009 to March 31, 11:00 Weyco, Gormans, BCTS #13 and Tolko operating areas. 2010.  What is procedure for marking decked timber from 11:00- Y 4 Short Snappers ITSLs? Dave Gill to look into. 11:10 #14 

May 20, 2010 (Thursday Kerry Rouck Next Meeting prior to the long weekend) (co-chair) Venue to be confirmed.

5 Okanagan Shuswap Steering Committee Minutes OSFD Conference Room 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, March 25, 2010

OSFD Steering Committee - Action Tracking Yellow = Done As of March 25, 2010 From Topic Meeting Due What Who (date) Add Standard Operating Procedures for First Nation Referral for OGMA changes. June 25, March 25, First Nations: no product to date 1 First Nations Rich 2009 2010 Best practices document for comment and review from now to next TSA for review. Outcome: Ongoing - Awaiting Input from Tenures (Rich) Action: Send out or attach final policy with the minutes or email. Follow up on who to contact and send out. Outcome: Done

1. After receiving the pre-app response letter from the client and before undertaking any further work on a professional application on behalf of their clients, the RPF must refer the proposed salvage area to the major licensee (including BCTS) and NRFL or SNRFL (for clearcut applications) holders operating in the area of interest to identify any potential conflicts with existing plans (including FSP, harvest plans, retention plans). The referral must accurately identify:  Location, volume and type of salvage; Sept 17, March 25, 2 SSS referrals  Assigned FLTC number; Katherine L 2009 2010  Date by which a response is requested from the licensee (normally, this would be 14 calendar days). If no referral response is received, the salvage RPF will follow-up with the major licensee, and document all referral efforts. If there is still no response in a reasonable time, the RPF may proceed with the PSA. If the major licensee identifies concerns with the proposal, the RPF must provide a written rationale to the district (copied to the licensee) that addresses those concerns before proceeding. District SSSP staff will make the decision about whether the concerns have been adequately addressed. Any significant changes to the size or location of the initially referred area will require an amended referral to the major licensee.

ACTION: Look at Visual FREP Report as March Agenda topic. Jan 21, March 25, 3 I-Team Richard T. 2010 2010 No interest from group for presentation from Ted McRae.

6 Okanagan Shuswap Steering Committee Minutes OSFD Conference Room 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, March 25, 2010 ACTION: Pat Tobin to put information on summary sheet of final outcome for inclusion Pat Tobin Quick Wins Jan 21, March 25, 4 on SharePoint site. DONE Specifics 2010 2010 ACTION: Send e-mail to Ray to get access. Need BCIDIR ID. DONE All ACTION: Comments on the 2010/2011 LBIR due by Friday Jan 29th to Tanya Jan 21, Jan 29, 5 FIA Update Seebacher [email protected] . If you don’t have the draft, contact All 2010 2010 Kerry. Forest Health Jan 21, March 25, ACTION: If you have areas you think should be sprayed for Tussock Moth or 6 All Update 2010 2010 Spruce Budworm, contact Heather Rice. Jan 21, March 25, 7 TSR 4 ACTION: Rich to follow up with Ted on FREP findings for Visuals. Richard T. 2010 2010 Jan 21, Jan 31, 8 CW Delisting ACTION: Send Rich an e-mail note by January 31, 2010. All 2010 2010 Advocacy / ACTION: e-mail to Rich by January 31, 2010 on your thoughts as to which Jan 21, Jan 31, 9 State of the forums (industry) require MFR participation and who would be the best person to All 2010 2010 Industry attend. Professional Mar. 25, May 20, ACTION: Rich will send out options for field trip topics for discussion of 10 Rich Reliance 2010 2010 professional reliance and industry advocacy to group for voting and planning. Mar. 25, May 20, 11 FSPs ACTION: An updated draft of the FSP extension process will be sent out. Rich 2010 2010 Mar. 25, May 20, 12 I-Team ACTION: Feed back to Pete on I-Team Road Permit guidance document. ALL 2010 2010 ACTION: NRFL holders to use attached template and send information to respective licensee no later than April 15th.

Mar. 25, April 15, All NRFL 13 CSA Reporting 2010 2010 2009 OK Monitoring Holders Report Template.doc Please note NRFL holders are NOT required to report on the following indicators: 1, 8, 10, 23, 26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34 or 35. 14 Timber Mar. 25, May 20, ACTION: Dave Gill to get information. Dave Gill marking of 2010 2010 decked ITSL Dave received the following information from Wayne Anshelm, Scaling Officer: volume. Decks do need to be hammer marked. The Forest Act requires 10% in each deck. He also suggests painting the mark in BIG letters on the face of the deck. This can make it easy to tell if the deck has been altered.

7 Okanagan Shuswap Steering Committee Minutes OSFD Conference Room 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, March 25, 2010 Wood from a cruise based permit or sale does not have to be weigh scaled but the loads must be recorded in the Arrival Ledger which is located at all scale sites. Some licensees chose to weigh scale cruise based wood but it is not required.


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