Ms. Ha Ch. 16 Holocaust / WWII

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Ms. Ha Ch. 16 Holocaust / WWII

Ms. Ha Ch. 16 Holocaust / WWII BINGO U.S. History

LETTER QUESTION ANSWER What country did dictator Benito Mussolini control? Italy What country did dictator Adolf Hitler become leader of? Germany What country did dictator Joseph Stalin become leader of? Russia or Soviet Union How many total people died in the German 11 million total concentration camps? Number of children? 1.5 million children Another term for lightening war Blitzkrieg Another term for German submarines U-Boats Who became Prime Minister of Great Britain? Winston Churchill Who was the U.S. President during WWII? Franklin Delano Roosevelt Who signed a nonaggression pact with Germany to only have Germany turn around Soviet Union later and attack them? Giving up principles to pacify an aggressor Appeasement What was the Holocaust? Systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe The first Nazi attack on German Jews was The night of broken glass known as Kristallnacht or…. The Nazi targeted this main group for The Jews execution. 7 million Roughly how many were killed? The deliberate and systematic killing of an Genocide entire population Segregated Jewish areas in certain Polish Ghettos cities The Axis Powers were these 3 countries Germany, Italy, Japan What did the Tripartite Pact do? Each Axis power agreed to come to the defense of the others in case of attack What did the Lend-Lease Act do? U.S. would lease arms and other supplies to any country who defense was vital to the U.S. True or False False. Anne Frank died in a gas chamber Died in a concentration camp of illness Labor camps were also known as… Concentration camps Camps with gas chambers could kill ____ thousand people per day 12,000 This is considered the largest and many people feel the worst concentration camp Auschwitz What country was the first target for Hitler to conquer? Austria

At the end of WWI, what democratic government was set up in Germany? Weimar Republic Who was the British Prime Minister before Winston Churchill? Neville Chamberlain What treaty had ended WWI? Treaty of Versailles Why were the Germans so intent on getting Take guilt for WWI and revenge after WWI? Reparations or retribution $$$$ Who were the RAF Royal Air Force (British) Who was known as the “Man of Steel?” Joseph Stalin Stalin had a “five year plan” to turn Russia 1. Agriculture (farming) into a super power. What two areas did he 2. Industry focus on? What was German’s FINAL SOLUTION? Genocide What did the NAZI SS stand for NAZI Security Squadron List five “inferiors” that Germans believed in 1. Political threats 2. Elderly/crippled/sick 3. Homosexuals 4. Gypsies 5. Jehovah’s Witnesses Human bodies were burned in these Crematoriums When did Hitler start using poison gas to speed up the exterminations? (Year) 1942 True or False Children under 15 were hated the most by the True Nazi Party Who was the only survivor out of Anne Frank’s annex or hiding place Her father, Otto Who was mainly responsible for helping the Franks and other members in the annex for two Meip Geiss years? Define nationalism Love of one’s country above all else Who took the name, Der Fuhrer-or the Adolf Hitler Leader

List two reasons why the Nazi’s were able 1. War debt to gain power 2. High unemployment Hitler replaced the Weimar Republic with the…. Third Reich The Atlantic Charter was between the U.S. Pledged support to each other and G.B. and did what?

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