History of Theatre: Oral Presentation Lesson

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History of Theatre: Oral Presentation Lesson

Assessment IV History of Theatre: Oral Presentation Lesson IBMYP Drama Level 5 Criteria A, C, D

Each student will select a topic from the following and create an oral presentation lesson. They will also choose a partner to coordinate the two forms of theatre, so that a comprehensive comparison can be made. The presentation will include visual images that may be shown in the form of a power point, poster, skit, three-dimensional model or any other creative visual accepted prior to the presentation date. The presentation will also be shown through the lens of a lesson so that the presenters not only show their knowledge but interpret the information and teach it for maximum understanding. Accompanying the presentation the presenters will provide a detailed outline for the class and any other material that they will need for the class to learn the lesson. Prior to the presentation I will want a printed copy of your outline. Lastly, you will provide a typed one page, double spaced reflection of your presentation due the next class period.

Throughout the research process please provide entries of your journey in your developmental workbook. Also, please supply a works cited along with your notes of the art form.

To be addressed in your presentation:

1. What was the theoretical basis of this art form?

2. With what themes and issues did this art form deal? What were the names and

issues that this playwright dealt with through his art?

3. Teach subject specific terminology associated with the art form.

4. How was this art form or playwright influenced by historical developments and

cultural perspectives?

5. How has this art form or playwright contributed to the arts as a whole?

Theatre Genres

Black Comedy Theatre of the Oppressed Bunraku Greek Comedy/ Tragedy Comedy of Manners Roman Comedy/ Tragedy Commedia Dell’ Arte Sanskrit Drama Kabuki The Jacobean Court Masque Kyogen Moliere Living Newspaper Aphra Behn Melodrama The Federal Theatre Project Method Acting Eugene O’Neill Mime Tennessee Williams Miracle Play “Group Theatre” Morality Play Neil Simon Musical Burlesque Naturalism Arthur Miller Noh Theatre Bertolt Brecht Beijing Opera Performance Art Puppet Theatre Realism Romantic Comedy Satire Sturm and Drang Surrealism Theatre of the Absurd Theatre of Cruelty

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