Class Information s4
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Welcome to English class! I am looking forward to our year together. I am confident that we can learn and have fun at the same time if we all exert some effort. I will do my part by being organized, preparing ahead of time for class, paying attention to you, and maintaining a positive attitude and an open mind. You can do your part by following these same guidelines.
My objectives for this year are: *to identify the proper usage of the English language through grammatical study; *to understand and utilize literary terms in the examination of literature; and *to write in a variety of forms for various audiences and purposes (e.g., to explain, inform, analyze, entertain, reflect, persuade).
The course for the year will cover the following units: I. LITERATURE A. The Short Story B. Poetry C. Nonfiction D. The Novel E. Drama F. Mythology II. ENGLISH A. Grammar B. Usage C. Mechanics D. Vocabulary III. WRITING A. The Sentence B. The Paragraph C. The Essay D. The Research Paper SUPPLIES: You will need the following items: *Three-ring Binder (1 or 1 ½ inch) *Dividers (at least 5) *Pens (blue or black) (red) *Pencils *Highlighter *Notebook Paper *Flash Drive
NOTEBOOKS: You will keep a notebook in the form of a three-ring binder. You will need to add worksheets so other forms of notebooks are not recommended. You need to keep a neat and well-organized notebook containing all your notes and assignments. You should bring your notebook to class EVERYDAY!
GRADES: The standard grading formula will be used in determining letter grades. A- 100-90 B- 89-80 C- 79-70 D-69-65 F- 64-0
Grades will be determined as follows: Daily Assignments/Homework- 40% Tests/Quizzes/Essays/Projects- 60%
DAILY ASSIGNMENTS/HOMEWORK/WARM-UPS: Daily assignments and homework will be assigned during the week and will be checked often. They are both essential in reinforcing skills covered in class. Warm-ups will be done the first few minutes of class. Students will enter the room in an orderly fashion, take their assigned seats, and begin work immediately on the given assignment. This work will take place quietly and individually during the taking of attendance, the distribution of papers, and the collection of assignments. TESTS/ESSAYS/PROJECTS: All of these will be announced in advance. A review will always occur prior to a test. Writing assignments will take place throughout the year. Students will be expected to participate in various forms of writing.
QUIZZES: Students will be given quizzes at various times. Always review material covered in class on a daily basis and complete all homework assignments.
Vocabulary: Vocabulary words will be assigned every Monday. The vocabulary test will be given on Friday of that same week.
CLASS RULES AND CONSEQUENCES: 1. Come to class on time. 2. Bring all books and materials to class. 3. Respect others and yourself. 4. Obey all Glenwood rules. 5. Do your very BEST!
If a student breaks a rule, the following consequences will occur: First Offense: Verbal Warning Second Offense: Detention Third Offense: Parental Contact Fourth Offense: Office Referral
Please feel free to see me if you have questions or problems. I am here to help you! I look forward to a great year!
Student Signature:______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______