Agenda for a Meeting of the KFTRA Executive Committee on 1/3/04

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Agenda for a Meeting of the KFTRA Executive Committee on 1/3/04

Minutes of KFTRA Board on 12/08/15 (website)

Present: Cora Carter, Ann Durkin, Kevin & Ann Gresham, Judith Hodgson, Shaun Jordan, Steve Knight (late), Sheila Maxwell, Danny Moriarty, Ann Naylor, Lilian Sanders, Mel Spencer, Jill Long, Helen Geldart, Rebecca Morrison (part) Apologies: Andy Selman

1 Welcome and apologies

Cora took apologies from Andy, as the KNH Board meeting clashed with ours, and from Steve who was running late. He was delivering a generator to Newsome Bowling Club, as the new owner of the adjacent pub had turned off their power supplies. At the pre-meeting, Ann Durkin, was selected as the Board’s nomination for vice-chair.

2 The next scrutiny investigation – topics needed

Rebecca came in for this item. The topics the Board had prioritised, for one reason, or another, were unlikely to be able to go ahead at the moment. Some of the issues were around repairs, but since HQN are currently reviewing the future of management and maintenance of housing, it doesn’t make sense to pre -empt that work. Other topics were being looked at by KNH as part of their LEAN review. Board members worked through the list of potential topics and requested that the following be considered:  Anti-social behaviour – they felt this was a growing problem. As welfare reforms took hold, they were concerned there would be more abuse of alcohol and drugs which would lead to ASB increasing. They wanted an analysis of how it was dealt with, and the impact on tenants living with this problem  Untidy gardens, bulky waste services and flytipping  Housing Officers – what are the standards they work to? How do they prioritise tasks? What are their roles and responsibilities? How do they share good practice? How do they ensure consistency?

1 Mns 15-08-12 3 Tenant Scrutiny Investigation 7

Rebecca was available to answer any questions from the report on the handyperson service. Kevin complimented her on the report which will be presented to the KNH Delivery Committee for approval on August 19. The Board asked how many recommendations were likely to get passed, and Rebecca replied that following discussions with officers, it looked like all will be approved, although the implementation of some may not happen immediately. Board members commented that the service should be advertised more widely, and particularly targeted at vulnerable tenants.

4 Minutes & matters arising from the previous Board meeting

Kevin said the auto enrolment pension scheme was ready to go to meet our staging date of June 2016. New wi-fi – Virgin have carried out a site survey. It should prove much cheaper than BT The minutes were signed and approved as a correct record. A copy will go on the website.

5 Notes from a special Board meeting

The notes were approved

6 Brief Communications Update - Sheila

The App is virtually finished Maxine wants to change the page for the rural area Website it is all backed up now, so if it went down, it could be recovered within 24 hours, and it was all free of charge. This will be useful when the site is rebranded Branding – following the consultation the consensus was Communities Who Can which will go live at the AGM/Awards Night. This choice received support from the Mayor, the local MP, the Chief Executive of KNH, and the Leader of the Council. Sheila said she would produce templates for Board business cards and she would want pen portraits for the new website. 2 Mns 15-08-12 Facebook – Sheila will rebrand herself The KFTRA name will remain the Company name. Cora thanked Sheila for all her work. Sheila said the next step for the group is to write a social media policy.

7 Manager’s report

Jill went through her report. Breakfast Clubs Kevin had asked for a complete list of breakfast clubs. Jill had forwarded the one compiled by KNH which might not include all the TRA-run ones. Caroline from One 17Design Charitable Trust had attended the Newsome club and met Sheila, and as a result is giving £200 towards an intergenerational trip for Blagden Farm’s older folk and young people. Sheila said each Board member is responsible for networking and telling others about KFTRA’s work. Steve said the report on Highlands’ Breakfast Club had gone viral and they now had Twitter follow ups. Lilian said his words about children going hungry had touched her, and that had led to her involvement in helping to get a breakfast club for Dewsbury Moor. The club was now relaunched as a brunch club, and attracts more children. Kevin said it had attracted £500 funding from the District Committee, and was the only application out of 11 bids, which had been granted the full amount.

8 Neighbourhood reps report

Dewsbury Ann D: she had driven herself to Dewsbury Hospital with what she thought was a heart attack. Fortunately it wasn’t and her illness is now being controlled by medication. This had prevented her from being as active as she would like. Lilian: she said although Ann had been poorly, she had been very supportive. The Meet the Board event in North Kirklees had gone well, and was quite informal. The Craft Club, which runs Friday afternoons at Dewsbury Moor Children’s Centre, is going from strength to strength and is offering a five week cake decorating course in the run 3 Mns 15-08-12 up to Christmas.

Batley & Spen Ann N: said Turnsteads TRA has an AGM on 14/9/15 at Turnsteads Community Centre and they will find out if the centre will be closed. They are hopeful of a new anchor tenant coming forward. Judith : they have struggled to run a breakfast club at her centre, the Chatterbox at Howden Clough, as her DBS check hasn’t come back. Instead they have run craft clubs assisted by her daughters who work for Holly Bank School. A single father wants to start a Dad’s support group and is also interested in running a youth club. There is interest in Gomersal to start a TRA.

Rural Mel: makes fortnightly visits to the retirement living scheme in Emley, and there is interest in the village to set up a TRA. He visits Sycamore Grange in Golcar to talk to the residents and help them keep active and interested. A new group is on the cards in Linthwaite, linking in with residents who want to organise Christmas lighting, and a new TRA in Golcar, has been constituted . Danny: he runs various quizzes and bingo sessions in retirement living schemes. He accompanied residents from Burhouse Court to an It’s Up To You style funding panel where they received £300, and received one of the highest votes on the night. RJS Homes have a event coming up soon. The breakfast club in Cowlersley has been very successful after changing its opening hours. Danny and Mel helped to set up for a community event at Skelmanthorpe which wasn’t well attended, but even so, was a good opportunity for networking.

Huddersfield Steve: he has been helping at KNH Summer schemes throughout the patch, including Northfield Hall, Brackenhall; Rawthorpe; Highlands (Almondbury) and Walpole. He was instrumental in bringing in additional sponsorship for the schemes from First Bus and Huddersfield University. 4 Mns 15-08-12 Through Jason’s contact at Huddersfield University, a chemistry professor, the schemes were offered an exciting interactive session on making shampoo.

The Board thanked Steve, his TRA and his family for hosting Better Place to Live, and ensuring the event was such a success. Jill A letter of thanks to be sent out.

9 Approve draft accounts

The draft accounts are approved by the Board, and taken to the AGM to be accepted by the Delegates. Kevin took Board members through the accounts and pointed out that while the surplus made on the last financial year looked healthy, we had been allowed to make savings from that year to equip us for the future. Reserves had been topped up to the Charity Commission recommended level. The Board accepted Kevin’s proposal to approve the draft accounts. Jill to contact the auditors to have the final accounts Jill published in time for the AGM.

10 Reports

i) Taking Actions Forward – the small group looking at the Board action plan. A consultation at the Better Places event was the result in which we are asking:  Should we become a charity to be able to apply for additional funding  Should we allow groups and individuals that share our aims to have a say in how we are run  Should we try and bring in additional funding to work with private rented tenants ( more in this sector than in council housing in Kirklees) Kevin said his aim would be to bring in additional funding so we can become more independent. Sheila said we must embrace the smaller organisations and take them under our umbrella. Steve felt that once the AGM is over, we need to be taking this discussion to the Delegates so we can move forward. Appraisals: the Board AGREED that Maxine should continue 5 Mns 15-08-12 to carry out Board appraisals with Cora, shadowed by Ann D. Jill to carry out staff appraisals using the new Council template. Jill’s appraisal will be carried out by Cora, assisted by Steve K. Board members were still being asked for a list of the All external meetings they attended which is required by Shaun. ii) The Board AGREED that KFTRA should aim to become a dementia friendly organisation. It was proposed that three staff members should attend a training course offered by the Alzheimer’s Society, so we can cascade the training to our Maxine groups. The Board thanked Danny for his reports.

11 Any other business

1 Four applications for membership:  Trinity & Greenhead Community & Residents Association  Hilltree Park Residents Association  Friends of Norman Park  Golcar TRA All the groups were accepted into membership. These groups are an indication of the interest that is coming from a wider range of groups. Not all of the groups will receive the full KFTRA offer – as we can’t offer all of them insurance or funding.

2 Third Sector Leaders’ Chair, Tom Taylor, wants to meet with staff and some Board members to discuss how KFTRA will work with that organisation. Cora and Ann N said they were interested. Ann D will shadow Cora at this meeting.

3 Hannah Goodwin wants to meet with Board members to discuss the new KNH policy on recruitment, and how tenants can now be involved. Cora, Ann D, Steve K and Danny were all interested. Jill will circulate the date.

4 The Board asked to meet with Simon Rogers on 14/10/15 before their next Board meeting in the office. 5 Christmas Delegates – the offer of a presentation on the budget followed by a question & answer session for KNH 6 Mns 15-08-12 Senior Managers was accepted. More discussion at the next Board meeting. 6 Environment works budget (tenant-led budget) Cora, Ann D, Ann N agreed to meet with Adrian and Jill for a discussion on Friday August 21 in the KFTRA office. Jill to circulate a reminder.

12 Date & time of next meeting

The September meeting will be CANCELLED as it is the same week as the AGM. Therefore the next monthly Board meeting will be 14/10/15 at 6.30pm in the KFTRA office. There is a meeting of the Board with Cllr Cathy Scott on 15/9/15 at 10.30 am in the office. Following this for anyone who can stay, Helen O’Sullivan from KNH wants to talk about a proposal for more digital hubs.

7 Mns 15-08-12

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