Lundahl Middle School * 7Th Grade Discovering Life Skills

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Lundahl Middle School * 7Th Grade Discovering Life Skills

Lundahl Middle School * 7th Grade – Discovering Life Skills

Miss Wodarski ENCORE: Family & Consumer Sciences “FACS” Email: [email protected] Website: ***************************************************************************************** In Discovering Life Skills… Students will continue to learn and apply basic life skills during this 12 week course. Students will spend a more extensive time in the kitchen lab, which will include: applying reading & math skills to cooking, creating more advanced food products and meals, as well as enjoying and critiquing the foods they’ve prepared. Students will also spend time learning the basics of machine sewing to create a simple machine-stitched project. During this time they will also learn basic clothing care. Throughout our 12 weeks together students will also take a closer look into developmental topics appropriate to the middle school years.

Human Development Kitchen & Cooking Essentials: Sewing -Team building -Kitchen safety -Machine basics -Communication -Measuring dry & liquid ingredients -Stitching variations -Relationships -Measurement conversions -Pillowcase construction -Decision making -Preparing food/meals -Clothing care -Chemistry of baking and ingredients

****************************************************************************************** Supplies for class: A folder just for Life Skills and a pencil/pen. These supplies need to be brought every day to class! ****************************************************************************************** Grading Standards -Life skills courses utilize the District 47 middle school grading scale:

99-100 A+ 88-89 B+ 78-79 C+ 92-98 A 82-87 B 72-77 C 90-91 A- 80-81 B- 70-71 C-

68-69 D+ 59 & below F 62-67 D 60-61 D-

****************************************************************************************** Written Work Grade:

Students will be required to complete written assignments, mini-projects, read chapters from the textbook and supplemental articles, and take notes when advised.

A graded assessment will be given on the sewing machine and use of the equipment before students begin the sewing project. A graded assessment will also be given on kitchen safety before students begin cooking. Lab Grade: Sewing: Students will receive participation points every day during the sewing unit. Each day starts with 10 points and is based on following directions, completing their work, no playing around with the sewing machines/equipment, and cleaning up. If a student is not doing what they are supposed to be doing, their participation points will be deducted as needed.

Cooking: Students will work with a lab group during cooking and other activities. Each cooking lab is worth 12 points. Students will be graded based on their contributions to the group, as well as application of proper cooking techniques, sanitation, and appropriate behavior. A lab grading rubric is used to define how each part of the lab was graded.

Behavior Expectations:

Students are expected to behave according to the school policy code for behavior, while also understanding and respecting the safety precautions that must be taken in a lab and kitchen setting. Students should come to class ready to work and learn each day, be respectful and responsible, and make safety a number one priority.

Attendance & Make-Up Assignments:

Class attendance is important especially for lab classes because it may be difficult for students to make up the lab work at home. If a student is absent, they are responsible for coming to see me for the work they missed.

If a student misses a lab day they are still responsible for the work completed in class. Students need to make up the lab at home, bring in a sample or picture (emailed pictures are fine), along with the lab make-up form signed by a parent or guardian within one week of the absence. Since 7th & 8th graders are only in this course for 12 weeks, deadlines for make-up work are strictly followed.

****************************************************************************************** Note to Parents: Please contact me with any further questions or concerns you may have – email is your quickest way to reach me. Grades will be updated weekly, please check your student’s grades on a regular basis.

I strongly encourage all parents and guardians to have discussions with their students about topics and lessons they’ve learned during their days in Life Skills, and invite them to be an active participant in preparing family meals (they will be much more confident in the kitchen now! ) Thank you for your continued support and dedication!!!

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