MAT 0022C Course Outline

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MAT 0022C Course Outline

Developmental Math Combined MAT 0022C Course Outline Fall 2012

Instructor: Griselda Abdelbary

Email: [email protected]

Required Materials: 1. MAT 0028C Developmental Math II, by Professor Al Groccia. Can only be purchased at Valencia Book store. 2. Lab Manual: The lab manual will be given to you free of charge during the first day of lab. 3. One 1” binder and a packet of college ruled lined notebook paper and graphing paper.

ATLAS EMAIL: Please note that any notifications of excessive absence or course progress is done through Atlas. Be sure to check your email at least twice a week.

Email Etiquette: Students please check spelling and grammar before sending an email. Most importantly don’t use abbreviations or acronyms, bottom line is don’t send text messaging style emails.

Prerequisite & Course Description: Appropriate score CPT Basic Algebra Placement Test. This course is designed to supplement the algebraic background of students prior to taking certain mathematics courses at the college level. Topics include sets, fundamental operations with polynomials, linear equations and inequalities with application, factoring and its use in algebra, introduction to graphing of linear equations, introduction to radicals, and use of calculators. This course does not apply toward the mathematics requirements in general education or toward any associate degree. A grade of “C” or higher is needed for entry into MAT 1033C.

Valencia Core Competencies: Valencia’s Student Core Competencies are complex abilities that are essential to lifelong success. This course will help you develop and demonstrate the abilities to (1) think clearly, critically, and creatively; (2) communicate with others verbally and in written form; (3) make reasoned value judgments and responsible commitments; and (4) act purposefully,

1 reflectively, and responsibly. Due to the nature of these global competencies, many problems in math and activities will be presented in the context of an application. These applications will require students to select appropriate information from the problem and communicate effectively how to arrive at an appropriate solution for the problem


Attendance: To be successful in any math course you must attend class regularly and complete all assignments on time. If you are unable to attend class for any reason it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you have missed. If you miss more than 3 classes you will be dropped from the course. Each 2 tardiness will be counted as 1 absence. A tardy is considered arriving 5 minutes after start of the class. If your absences or tardiness are excessive you will be notified through ATLAS and you may be withdrawn from the course. Being late to class or leaving early is a disruption to the class and is discourteous to the professor and the other students. All students are expected to be on time to class and to stay for the entire period. If you need to leave early notify me before the start of class. Leaving early without prior notification to me will be considered an absence and 5 pts. will be deducted from your test score. A second time will result in being withdrawn from the course.

Cell Phones: Cell phones are to be off or on silent mode while in class. NO ELECTRONIC Laptops DEVICES OF ANY KIND ARE TO BE USED DURING A TEST. If you are caught with an electronic device during a test you will receive an F in the class. This will be considered cheating. Laptops are not to be used in class.

Disorderly Disorderly conduct will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited Conduct: to leaving class early, cell phone use during class, excessive talking and or disruption. You may be notified once; if behavior persists then you will be withdrawn. Or you may be withdrawn immediately.

Tests: You will have 5 tests throughout the semester. There are no makeup tests under any circumstances.

Labs: Various lab activities will be given throughout the semester. The labs will count as 10% of your grade. Attendance is mandatory and will be part of the grade. Leaving lab early or arriving late will be counted as an absence. If you miss 3 or more labs than you may be withdrawn from the course.

Online Homework: (Done online using IMathAS)

Homework will be assigned after each section. It is imperative that you do the homework, as this serves as practice material for the tests.

2 You can access IMathAS by going to Registering and Logging In for IMathAS. Many of you are already be registered in this online homework program. You will use your Atlas username and password to log in.

If you are NOT already registered, at the Login page, click the "Register as a New Student" link. You will be asked to provide:  A username. - Use your Atlas username and password.  A password. You're asked to enter this twice.  Your Firstname (Given name) and Lastname (Surname)  Your email address – enter your Atlas email address [email protected]

When you click "Sign Up", you will be taken back to the Login page so you can log in Logging In At the Login page, you will be asked to supply your login credentials (username and password). You will also be able to select a Viewing/Accessibility option. You should choose: Force image-based display.

If you choose visual display and your browser does not support browser-based visual display, you be brought to a page explaining how to download the necessary plugins (for Windows Internet Explorer), download a compatible browser, or continue with image-based display. This option is set for your current session only, so you can set them differently depending on the support offered by the computer you're currently working at. Home Page The home page lists the classes you're currently taking, and also has options for enrolling in a course, changing your password, changing your user info, or logging out of the system. Enrolling in a Course At your home page, you can sign up for a course by entering the course ID number and enrollment key in the box provided: • Course ID: 219 • Enrollment key: 15456 Click Sign Up.

Final Exam: A final exam is required and will be delivered electronically via Blackboard. There are 40 questions on the final exam and retakes are NOT allowed. Calculators are NOT allowed during the final and formulas will not be provided. The final exam counts as 25% of the student’s overall grade. There are 10 learning modules in Blackboard to help students practice for the exam. A minimum passing score is not required on the final exam IF the student scores 100% on ALL 10 modules

3 Possibilities: 1. Student scores 100% on ALL 10 learning modules:  There is no minimum passing score on the final exam to pass the course.  The Final Exam is 25% of the student’s overall grade.

2. Student does NOT score 100% on all 10 learning modules:  The student MUST PASS the final exam with a minimum score of 70% (28 out of 40).  The Final Exam is 25% of the student’s overall grade.

With either scenario you will need a class grade of “C” or higher to pass and move on to 1033C

*There is no extra credit given in this class no matter the circumstance. Understand all students must be treated equally.

Grading Policy: A: 90% - 100%, B: 80% - 89% C: 70% - 79%

D: 60% - 69% * *These grades will require you to repeat MAT 0022

F: below 60% * before continuing in your math courses.

Withdrawal Policy: A grade of W will be assigned if you withdraw from the course before or on Nov. 2nd 2012.

Note: There no longer exists WP or WF at Valencia, therefore if you do not withdraw by Nov. 2 you will be given a letter grade based on your overall average.

Please note: Always seek advice and guidance from myself and from your counselor before withdrawing from the class. See your counselor to determine how withdrawing from a class may impact your financial aid or Bright Futures that you may be receiving.

Academic You are expected to do your own work on exams. Providing information to Dishonesty: another student or receiving information concerning exam content is considered cheating. Using a cell phone and or a calculator on any test is also considered cheating, regardless of why the cell phone was being used. If a student is caught cheating by myself, the lab instructor, or an employee in the testing center an “F” will be given as the final grade for the course. The student will also risk being expelled from the college.

Students with disabilities: Valencia’s OSD can be found online at

Disclaimer: Changes in the evaluation procedure may be made at the discretion of the instructor.

4 Important Classes do not meet: Sept. 3rd , Oct. 11th, Nov. 21-25th Dates: Withdrawal deadline to receive a “W” is Nov. 2nd Drop/Refund Deadline: September 4 Classes End: December 9 Final Exam Period: December 10-16

Course Progress Sheet

Tests 50% of your grade

Ch. 1 &2 ______Ch. 4 ______Ch. 5 ______

Ch. 6 ______Ch. 3 ______

Final Exam 25% of your grade (40 questions total) Score:______

Modules (in Blackboard) 5% of your grade

Module 1 ______Module 2 ______Module 3 ______Module 4 ______

Module 5 ______Module 6 ______Module 7 ______Module8 ______

Module 9 ______Module 10 ______

Labs 10% of your grade

Lab 1 ______Lab 2 ______Lab 3 ______Lab 4 ______Lab 5 ______

Lab 6 ______Lab 7 ______Lab 8 ______Lab 9 ______Lab 10 ______

Online Homework 10% of your grade All homework will be completed on ImathAS by the due date assigned in order to receive credit.

Chapter 1______Chapter 2 ______Chapter 3 ______

Chapter 4______Chapter 5 ______Chapter 6 ______

5 Tentative Course Schedule

Week Textbook Sections and Plans Dates # Tuesday Thursday Aug 1 Introduction to course 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 27-31 September 2 1.4, 1.5 1.6, 1.7 3 – 7 September 3 2.1, 2.2 2.3, 2.4 10 - 14 September 4 2.5, 2.6 2.7 and review 17 - 21 September Test 5 4.1, 4.2 24-28 Chapter 1 & 2 October 6 4.3, 4.4 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 1- 5 October East Campus Closed 7 4.7 and review 8 – 12 (College night) October Test 8 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 15 – 19 Chapter 4 October 9 5.4, 5.5 5.6, 5.7, 5.8 22 – 26 Oct. 29 – Test 10 5.9, 5.10 and review Nov. 2 Chapter 5 November 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 11 6.4, 6.5 5 – 9 November Test 12 6.6, 6.7 and review 12 - 16 Chapter 6 November 13 3.1, 3.2 College Closed 19 – 23 November 14 3.3, 3.4 3.5 and review 26- 20 December Test 15 Final Exam Review 3- 7 Chapter 3 December 10 - 14 The exact day and time of your 16 Final exam final will be announced week Helpful Links :) Math Center Hours: Printable Practice Worksheets: SPA: 6

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