Nomination Forms for Electronic Submission

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Nomination Forms for Electronic Submission

For outstanding college graduates

Nomination forms for electronic submission NOMINATION FORMS FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION - GUIDELINES

IMPORTANT: Please read the 2014 Premier’s Awards background and submission guidelines before completing the following forms. Some requirements have changed.

 The deadline for submissions is WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 by 11:59 p.m. via Colleges Ontario’s FTP site. For more information, please read “How to: Upload nominations to Colleges Ontario’s FTP site” at

1. ENTRY FORM: The name of the nominee entered on the entry form must appear exactly how the nominee would like his/her name to appear on all print and electronic materials relating to the awards. Please consider this when including honourifics, middle initials, etc.

The phonetic pronunciation of the nominee’s name is important for the awards gala evening. Please ensure the nominee approves the phonetic pronunciation before submitting the nomination. Please indicate emphasis in pronunciation by using capital letters for particular syllables (e.g., apprenticeship = ah-PREN-tis-ship).

A valid email address is mandatory for each nominee as Colleges Ontario will be using email for correspondence with nominees.

The main college contact is the person that will be responsible for handling correspondence with nominees, registering nominees for the event, approving nominee banners, etc. Please inform Keiko Kataoka at [email protected] if there are other people from your college that should be included on Premier’s Awards correspondence.

2. NOMINEE’S PROFILE: This profile is to be a maximum of 750 words using the template provided. Please do not alter the template.

The completed Nominee Profile and Profile Summary are the documents the selection committee will use in making its decision. Please do not include media releases, letters of reference, news clippings, CDs, books, etc., as these will not be included in the judging process.

 The nominee’s profile must clearly describe why this individual should win the award and why he/she stands out among the nominees (i.e., what makes this individual extraordinary?).

 The content of the profile should strive to provide background facts, rather than praise specific to the nominee’s achievements, with a focus on how his/her program(s) of graduation helped him/her achieve career success and make meaningful contributions to his/her sector and community.

 Sourcing information is required if the nomination includes quotations describing the nominee and/or his/her achievements. If you describe a nominee as “the leading expert” or “the first in his field” with regards to the nominee’s achievements, a link or

2 source is required as a footnote in the box provided. These notations will not count towards the final word count.

3. PROFILE SUMMARY: This summary is to be a maximum of 100 words using the template provided. This summary should describe the career achievements and successes that make the nominee worthy of this award.

Please focus on information specific to the nominee and not specifics about the program or college from which they graduated.

The information provided in this section will be used on the Premier’s Awards website and in printed materials. Please ensure that the nominee is comfortable with the wording in this summary before submitting the nomination forms.

Please avoid using references such as “last year” or “last June” in this summary. Instead, reference specific dates (e.g., he received a business award in June 2012).

4. RELEASE FORM and AUTHORIZATION AND CONSENT FORM: The release form must be signed and dated by the nominee after he/she has read through the content and is satisfied with, and can verify, the accuracy of the information presented. The fillable PDF version of the nomination form includes the Adobe Digital Signature option which may be helpful for nominees who are unable to sign the forms in person. This option requires access to the Adobe Acrobat program. Further details on how to use the Adobe Digital Signature can be found here: Instructions for adding a digital signature. A digital signature will be accepted on these two forms. The nominee can also print, sign, and scan the two forms.

Note: Selection criteria and additional information about the Premier’s Awards can be found in the background and submission guidelines.


Award category: (please check one) Business Community Services Creative Arts and Design

Health Sciences Recent Graduate Technology

Name of Nominee: Mr. Ms. Mrs. Miss Dr. Other:

Insert the nominee’s name as it is to appear on the Premier’s Awards certificate and promotional materials, including any honourifics or initials.

Name: ______

Phonetic pronunciation of name: ______(e.g., Foundation = Foun-DAY-shun) Graduating college: ______

Nominating college (if different from above): ______

Program(s) of study: ______

Year(s) of graduation: ______

Address: (please check one) Business or Residence


City: ______Prov./State: ______Postal/Zip code: ______

Business phone: ______Fax: ______

Email: ______

Residence phone: ______Fax: ______

Email: ______

Main college contact (for follow-up information and awards gala event coordination): Name: ______Title: ______Phone: ______Email: ______

College representative who completed this form (if different from main college contact): Name: ______Title: ______Phone: ______Email: ______


In order to standardize the nominee profiles, the following template MUST be used. While the amount of space you devote to each section is flexible, you may not exceed a maximum of 750 words for the entire profile. Please use 12 pt. font.


Program(s) of study and year(s) of graduation:

Primary job title and primary place of employment (please include only one (1) job title and place of work for the nominee that should appear on all materials relating to the Premier’s Awards).

Additional job title(s) and place(s) of employment if applicable:

Please check if this is a posthumous nomination


5 Highlights of career achievements:

How college education contributed directly to career achievements:

How has the nominee contributed to his/her sector:

6 Awards/recognition:

Additional education and year(s) received:

Total word count: ______


Name: ______

Please read the profile summary guidelines carefully before filling out this section.

Maximum: 100 words. Use 12 pt. font in text box below.

Total word count: ______


I, ______, (Please print) as a nominee for a 2014 Premier’s Award for outstanding college graduates, have reviewed this nomination and confirm that the information provided is accurate.

Nominee signature: ______

Date: ______

College representative name: ______

College representative signature: ______

Date: ______


Nominees and winners of the 2014 Premier’s Awards for outstanding college graduates will be celebrated in Toronto, Ontario, on Mon., Nov. 24, 2014, at a gala awards evening at the Fairmont Royal York hotel.

Recipients of the 2014 Premier’s Awards will be announced and presented with their awards at the gala awards evening.

8 Authorization and consent for publication for the 2014 Premier’s Awards

This document must be completed and submitted with the nomination forms by the deadline in order for the nomination to be deemed complete.


I hereby allow Colleges Ontario to use the biographical information submitted in the nomination forms including but not limited to my name, the company’s name, a description of my occupation and business title, and the photograph submitted of me as well as the use of photographs taken of me, recordings of my voice, video recordings of me, my likeness, image, appearance, a quotation or summary of my opinion and the posting of my presentation on the Colleges Ontario’s websites for use in internal and external reports, advertising, promotions, newsletters, brochures and other publications, both printed and Internet based, in respect of Colleges Ontario materials including but not limited to the 2014 Premier’s Awards.

By signing this form indicated below, I agree to hereby release and forever discharge Colleges Ontario and its employees, agents and representatives from any and all claims, demands, expenses, actions, causes of action and for any and all liability howsoever caused arising out of or in any way related to the collection, and use of information, records and images pursuant to, and on this form.

I have read this form after it was completed. I understand its contents, and I am eighteen (18) years of age and over.

Print name: ______

Signature: ______

Date: ______


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