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PELL CITY HIGH SCHOOL American Government Syllabus 2012-13 Instructor: Coach Guinn Classroom: 232 Contact information for Coach Guinn Phone: 205-338-2250 Email: [email protected]
I. Course Description: This class will help students acquire the knowledge to meet the standards and objectives to the Alabama High School Graduation Exam and Alabama Course of Study.
II. Objectives, Goals, and Purpose of the Course: United States Government is a one-semester required course for grade 12. Its goal is to foster the development of civic competence and civic participation for all students. In this course, students will use the knowledge and analytical skills learned in grades 10-11 U.S. History courses to focus on the origins, structure, and functions of government at all levels. Emphasis is placed on the intellectual factors that influenced the development of a republic based on the rules of law, freedom of opportunity, individual liberty, and representative democracy. The course also includes a detailed study of the Constitution of the United States and its provisions. Students in the United States Government course engage in analysis of primary sources, including those specific to the founding of the United States, speeches, landmark Supreme Court Cases, and relevant political commentaries. Objectives 1. Identify the origins of the government. 2. Analyze the purposes, organizations, functions, and principles of the Constitution of the United States. 3. Explain the federal system of the United States of divided powers. 4. Describe functions, organizations, and purposes of federal, state, and local governments. 5. Trace the expansion of suffrage. 6. Identify the roles of political parties in the U.S. 7. Identify the constitutional provisions of the legislative branch of the government. 8. Identify the constitutional provisions of the executive branch of the government. 9. Identify the constitutional provisions of the judicial branch of the government. 10. Describe the rights of citizens in a constitutional democracy.
III. Required Material: 1. Textbook: United States Government: Democracy in Action. Any destruction to the book will result in a fine to the student. Students are responsible for ensuring the book is in good condition when it is returned at the end of the course. 2. Three-Ring Binder. Students must have a three-ring binder filled with loose leaf paper. * Tabs are not required for your notebook, but you should have plenty of room for handouts and assignments that will be completed in class. 3. Pens or pencils. Students can use either pens or pencils for class. If using a pen, it must be either BLACK OR BLUE ink. Any other colored ink will result in a zero on the assignment. 4. Colored pencils. Occasionally we will use colored pencils. You will need to get a small pack and leave it in your locker. You will be notified the day before to bring these to class.
IV. Content *DATES ARE TENATIVE AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE! First Semester First nine weeks: Ch. 1, 2, 4, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 Second nine weeks: Ch. 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 23, 24 V. Format and Methodology This class will consist of lectures, reading assignments, PowerPoint presentations, group assignments, and class discussions. Students should take notes and participate daily to positively participate in the overall development of the daily lesson. - Active participation in class learning is only as interesting as the student body wants it to be. Questions and discussions are the basis of education and involving yourself as much as possible can only improve your ability to learn.
VI. Evaluation Students’ grades will be determined by averaging their grades that they have earned from various categories. The categories are as follows: 1. Tests 2. Homework/Notebook 3. Projects 4. Class work/Quizzes
*Tests will generally have matching, multiple choice, and some form of writing (either essay or short answer). **Assignments are due in class on the assigned date. Late assignments will not be accepted unless previously arranged with the teacher.
VII. Make-up work: 1. Each student is responsible for work that he/she misses. 2. Students should copy notes from a classmate. Do not ask me for a copy! 3. Make the necessary arrangements to make up missed tests, quizzes, and/or assignments.
VIII. Academic Honesty Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional matters. I reserve the right to take disciplinary action against any student that is found guilty of academic dishonesty or otherwise fails to meet these standards. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty in quizzes, tests, and/or assignments; or claiming credit for work not done or done by others.
IX. Discipline Procedures: You are expected to conduct yourself in a manner that is appropriate for a high school classroom at all times. This behavior should be equivalent to the expectation of Pell City High. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. o For an infraction of my rules or a minor infraction of the Pell City High/Pell City Schools code of conduct, a morning/afternoon detention hall will be assigned. o Any other infraction will be handled by the teacher or an administrator of the school accordingly.
X. Class Rules: Each student is expected to adhere to PCHS expectations (Instilling Purpose, Character, and Honesty in Students): 2. Be respectful. o Be respectful to all – Students and teachers alike 3. Follow all rules and procedures. o Adherence to the Pell City Schools Handbook is expected. 4. Exercise self discipline. o Control your out-bursts, talking inappropriately, and speaking out of turn. 5. Be responsible and accountable. o Complete your tasks. Copying someone else’s work is cheating and will not be graded. Know right now that you will be held accountable for your work and your actions. 6. Focus on learning. o Although there is a time in school for socialization, your purpose here is to learn. 7. Be on time. o Students will be marked tardy is they are late. You will not be allowed in class without a pass. 8. Come prepared. o Bring your materials to class daily. This includes your book, notebook, assignments, writing utensils, and whatever else you may need for class that day.
XI. Accommodations- Policy on Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 students: Reasonable accommodations will be made for those qualified individuals with disabilities. If accommodations are needed to meet course requirements, the instructor will make these changes to meet the individual’s needs. If you need special accommodations for a documented disability, please let me know.