TYPING INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXTENDED ABSTRACT 1 First & Last Name of First Author1 and First & Last Name of Second Author2 1 Title, University/Organization, City, Country, E-mail: [email protected] 2 Title, University/Organization, City, Country, E-mail: [email protected] 1 2

EXTENDED ABSTRACT SUMMARY 1 The extended abstract summary shall not exceed two pages. The abstract summary paragraph shall be accurate, clear and well set out. One copy of extended abstract must be mailed with the full manuscript by 1st of September, 2015 to the conference website. All text is single spaced, Times New Roman 11 Points. All paragraphs shall be fully justified. No tab or indentation shall be used on the first line. Text shall be in 11 pt font size. The typed area shall be set at 30 mm margins from all sides 1 Keywords: Minimum of 5 and maximum of 7 keywords should be provided. 1 2

INSTRUCTIONS 1 Major headings are typed in bold capitals; this is already pre-set in the format definition. They start at the left-hand margin on a separate line. 1

SUB-HEADING Secondary headings are typed in initial capitals, bold letters, and start at the left-hand margin and on a separate line. Each sub-heading shall be typed, single-spaced. A font size of 11 point, Times or New Times Roman type, on A4 paper size, shall be used. 1

ILLUSTRATIONS AND TABLES 1 Drawings shall be done on the computer or be made on white paper with black waterproof drawing ink and scanned as black and white bitmaps into the page where they are to appear in the text. Each figure must have a brief descriptive caption as shown in Fig. 1. Number all diagrams, figures and photos sequentially, Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. Do not use too small characters in figures and tables. Tables should not have vertical borders. Captions should be centred. 1 POSITION Put illustrations on the same page as the reference to them in the text, or as soon after as possible, not at the end of the extended abstract. Please do not divide the page into two columns. Small illustrations can be placed side by side. 1

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1 At the end of the abstract, there shall be conclusions and/or recommendations.

0.35 0.3 0.5 Pmax 0.75 Pmax 0.25

) Pmax % (

0.2 n i a r

t 0.15 S 0.1 0.05 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Distance from centerline (mm) Fig.1: Strain distribution from the centerline of the column at different load intervals


TABLE 1: STRAIN VALUES AT CENTERLINE OF COLUMN Distance from Load level centerline of column 0.5 Pmax 0.75 Pmax Pmax 0 0.040 0.060 0.170 50 0.020 0.050 0.147 100 0.025 0.050 0.190 200 0.020 0.045 0.100 1 REFERENCES 1 References shall be cited in the text in square brackets [1], and should follow the following format: 1 [1] Dhir, R.K., Hewlett, P.C., Lota, J.S. and Dyre, T.D. Materials and Structures 27 (1994) 606- 615. [2] Wang, J., Dhir R.K. and Levitt, M. Cement and Concrete Research 24 (8) (1994) 1463-1474. [3] Mehta, P.K. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Durability of Concrete, ACI SP-126, 1 (1991) 1-31.