Todd - 820 DCMS 2015-16

U.S. History – 8th Grade Mr. Todd Classroom Rules

Purpose of the class:  The purpose of this class is to learn about the history of United States from early native times to the end of Reconstruction in 1877. The major topics we will be discussing are the geography of U. S., Native Americans, Explorers, The American Revolution, Republic, Creation of the Constitution, Jeffersonian Era, Jackson’s Democracy, Manifest Destiny, Civil War, Reconstruction, and the American form of Government (Political and other leaders of the United States).  Students will develop their writing and analytical skills. Students will be required to write well written opinion papers with thesis statements and historical support based on research. Classroom Rules: 1. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings doing the warm-up with your materials for class. (This includes your textbook, ISN, pencil/pen, paper and/or any other materials required for that day). 2. There is zero tolerance for gum, candy, drinks etc. or dress code violations. When you enter the room you need to be in compliance with this rule. 3. No talking while the teacher or another student is talking, unless doing group work. 4. Stay in your seat at all times unless given permission to leave it, unless doing group work. 5. Both quizzes and tests may be major grades. 6. Restroom passes are only given during times of non-instruction. (Note DCMS 10-10 Rule) 7. No grooming yourself in class. 8. Every paper needs a proper heading. (First and Last name, subject, date) 9. Respect the teacher, classmates and yourself. This includes others’ comments, opinions and ideas. 10. Do not ask for a reward. 11. When a substitute teacher or student teacher is present, all class rules apply. 12. If anyone is bullying you let me know immediately. If you retaliate you will be held accountable too. 13. Respect our classroom. Put trash in the appropriate place. Keep your trash off the floor. 14. When you are in social studies class you are to work on social studies assignments. Only with permission may you work on other things. There is always something to do when you have completed the day’s assignments. a. Work on reading assignments scheduled for the next few days. b. Be working on upcoming projects or preparing your National History Day research. Textbooks and Materials The following items are required EVERYDAY in class. - Textbook (class sets if available this year) - ISN/ Spiral notebook. - Pencils/pens/paper You must be in your seat when the bell rings with your supplies for class. Consequences: oWarning o Parent Contact o Referral – each tardy after the second will result in a referral.

Warm-up When you enter the room read the board for any instructions. This includes having homework papers out ready to be turned in, picking up papers from the table or getting out your materials and being ready for class. Everyday at the beginning of class, there will be a This Day in U. S. History/Warmup on the board. Copy this into your ISN or complete the warm-up. You need to be in your assigned seat doing this when the bell rings.

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You are required to have these even when you are absent. Stay up to date with the master Table of Contents on the board.

Absences If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and get any assignments that you missed as soon as you come back. Read your syllabus! Check the assignment board to see what was done on the day you missed. Pick up any papers at the book case. The amount of days missed is how many days you have to make-up your work. If you do not get the work in by that time, it will be counted as late. If you know you will be absent ahead of time you may ask the teacher for an assignments in advance (they may not be available). Parental Contact  Parents can contact Mr. Todd in the following ways  Email: [email protected]  Phone: 281-634-6825  There will be a weekly e-mail home to those parents on my distribution list and you may also view my webpage at the Fort Bend ISD/DCMS website. Please send me a short email to help me create my distribution list as early as possible. We also use the district online e-mail addresses listed for each student.  There is an online textbook available. Go to my website on the David Crockett Webpage, under Resources you can access the online textbook, follow the instructions for signup. Tutorials  Tutorials will be held Thursday after school until 5:00 pm. In the event of a change of date or time students will be notified by the assignment board. During football season I also have tutorials on Tuesday mornings from 8:00 to 8:45 am.  At tutorials you may work on class work that you need to finish, missing work, retake tests or make up missed quizzes, or do a “instead of” assignment to drop a low grade.  Your tests grades will be averaged. If you score lower on a retake then the previous grade will stand. You may retake a test a maximum of two times on request.  You may do one “instead of” assignment per tutorials. These apply to daily grades only.  Extra credit is only offered if a student has all other assignments in and only if the teacher offers the assignment.  Because of these opportunities there is no reason that any student should receive a grade below a C. You are expected to read and follow everything that is contained in this classroom rules handout. All of the rules and regulations in the student handbook apply to this classroom at all times.

Parent Signature______

Student Signature______

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