Machrihanish Seabird Observatory (MSBO) January Records 2014

Compiled by Eddie Maguire (warden)

 2014 started surprisingly well with a first for MSBO: a pale first-winter ‘white- wing’ showing features of Kumlien’s Gull was found dip-feeding with Black- headed, Common and Herring Gulls near the observatory. The identification was resolved conclusively from photographs. It was present only on 26th – 27th. This is the first occurrence of this N American race of Iceland Gull in Kintyre although there are around a dozen or so recent records for Argyll (Jim Dickson pers. comm.). There were at least 20 Kumlien’s in the UK / Ireland during 22nd - 28th January 2014 including 2 birds in Highland (Birdguides).  An unseasonal Common Sandpiper was also a big surprise / signicant find by MSBO (December / January) and our first ever winter record of this species.  Furthermore, a very pale, almost white harrier set alarm bells ringing when it was spotted quartering / ranging around Westport Marsh: could this possibly have been a male Pallid Harrier? Unfortunately, observers saw the bird only briefly from a moving vehicle (towing a caravan) and were unable to stop to get a closer look!

Common Buzzard at Machrihanish golf course – Eddie Maguire

Selected Species List Whooper Swan Flock 6 adults by Tonrioch Farm, The Laggan on 28th.

Canada Goose Flock c. 80 by Westport Marsh on 22nd.

Teal Westport Marsh: 33 on 22nd.

Goldeneye A loose flock of 14 on 29th included 11 adult males.

Long-tailed Duck A female-type was present on 28th (Kevin Hamilton). This is thought to be the same bird that was regular in the area during November / December.

Red-throated Diver Ones and twos regular in the bay.

Great Northern Diver Total of 16 offshore and one >S on 30th: largest loose pack 6.

Golden Eagle Unusually, an immature was soaring high over the Dalintober area of Campbeltown at 15:45hrs on 31st. At one point it was over Campbeltown Loch then high over the Sailing Club before drifting to the N over High St.

Hen Harrier Ringtails: West Darlochan (near Aros Moss) on 1st. Aros Moss on 12th. Westport Marsh on 22nd. Males: Aros Moss on 12th. West Darlochan on 27th (all records Kevin Hamilton / Eddie Maguire). Note – an exceptionally pale, almost white male (Pallid Harrier?) was seen briefly at Westport Marsh on 22nd (David Millward / Jo Goudie).

Male Hen Harrier, Westport Marsh – David Millward

Lapwing Flock 170 Westport Marsh on 22nd. Purple Sandpiper Flock 14 on 26th.

Sanderling Flock 12 ranging offshore on 24th then >NE into Machrihanish Bay.

Sanderlings – Kevin Hamilton

Common Sandpiper – Kevin Hamilton

Common Sandpiper One is wintering by MSBO: it was present from at least 9th December (found and photographed by Kevin Hamilton), seen several times during January including 27th (Kevin Hamilton) and 29th (Eddie Maguire). Kevin’s photograph rules out any possibility that the bird could have been a Spotted Sandpiper. This is the first winter occurrence of this species at MSBO.

Bar-tailed Godwit Two on the shore at Machrihanish village on 29th. Scarce here in winter.

Turnstone Flock 11 on 26th.

Kumlien’s Gull A first-winter was present / photographed by the old lifeboat station on 26th / 27th (Eddie Maguire / Kevin Hamilton et al). The first MSBO record of this N American race of Iceland Gull and also the first occurrence in Kintyre (photo below).

Kumlien’s Gull – Eddie Maguire

Twite The most significant movement recently concerns a bird ringed at Gairloch, Highland by Tony Mainwood on 27th October 2013 and controlled on 13th November at MSBO (46 days). Our first control from anywhere N of MSBO.
