Winter Newsletter 2012
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Honorary Secretary Royal Engineer Yacht Club 72 Engineer Regiment (V) Napier Armoury, Alexandra Road GATESHEAD NE8 4HX
Tel: 0191 2395269 MOD Network: 94721 6169 Fax: 0191 2395276 MOD Network: 94721 6176 Email: [email protected]
Trustees Reference: REYC/Sec/Newsletter12 Flag Officers All REYC Members Date: 20 December 2012
This winter newsletter once again comes to you primarily by email, following successful distribution of the newsletter in previous years. Members for whom the Membership Secretary does not hold a current email address will receive this newsletter and the AGM Calling Notice by post. I encourage all members to pass their email address to the Membership Secretary as this enables us to provide you with more cost-effective and sustainable correspondence.
Another year of great sailing has absolutely flown by (literally in some cases). I have been delighted to see lots of activity in all areas of our club, in addition to a steady flow of new members. This is all to be encouraged.
I haven’t been on the water as much as I would have liked but I did enjoy the Round the Island Race. Our crews did well on a lovely and fairly fast day. I was particularly pleased to see strong REYC support for Toe in the Water; thanks to Dave Pardy, Lloyd Hamilton, Roddy Simpson and Steve Palmer.
For the first time in many years, I believe, a club yacht took part in the Mary Cup on the Medway in September. We had a great day with a competitive finish. There were many promises to do it again!
Several people are putting a lot of effort into preparing now for a busy season next year. I hope we will see as many of our Members as possible out on the water in one form or another. Finally, a big thank you to everyone who made our purchase and launch of Right Royal of Upnor such a success. Now let’s use her!
2012 has so far proved to be an eventful year for REYC (Offshore): we performed exceptionally well in the Army Offshore Regatta and won at Lymington; competed in various other races; we have bought a new yacht that has proved fast in races and popular to charter; and we have sold Buccaneer of Upnor. Usage figures are improving, especially considering we had a slight hiatus whilst Right Royal was in commissioning and Buccaneer was being sold. Recent interest from senior Sappers is being exploited to help market REYC (Offshore) to units.
1 Adventurous Training
Several units and sub-units have organised adventurous training expeditions, with one having to cancel at the last minute due to an operational deployment. Of note CRE 3 UK Div sailed Ilex back from the Mary Cup with some of his team, whilst 36 Engr Regt sailed her there; CGS used a Vic 34 but an REYC crew to practice some drills over the summer, and Comd 8 Force Engr Bde brought his HQ down to use 2 of our yachts for a short trip to help build his team over 26/27 Sep 12.
Offshore Racing
The RORC Easter Challenge. A coaching regatta that saw the REYC bring their knives to RORC’s gunfight. Despite coming last in both their classes the REYC crews upheld their reputation for making the most of the coaching available while at the same time having enormous fun.
The Lymington Meet. Right Royal's debut saw her disappear over the horizon from the rest of fleet with Roddy Simpson showing what she is capable of. With first place secured, the remaining crews held firm and provided the REYC with a much sought-after win over the RLYC.
The Round the Island Race. In testing conditions, which made for a 'white sail'-only lap of the island, the three REYC yachts all made workman-like passages. Right Royal (Peter Davies) just pipped Ilex (Dave Speakman) under IRC handicapping with Ragna (Murray Smith) battling through in the end.
The Army Offshore Regatta. The AOR saw Mitra (LCpl Roddy Simpson) win 7 out of eight races, securing the inshore series but with a final count-back taking a mid-fleet offshore score into account, the crew had to settle for second place overall in the Victoria division. 3 RSME also entered a Victoria with a largely novice crew and acquitted themselves very well, but did not count as an RE yacht. Right Royal, skippered by novice racing helm Cpl Keith Busby, had an excellent week fighting hard with the RAC's White Knight and the RA's Bombardier. Teething problems led to gear failure and a missed offshore passage race but despite that Cpl Busby won the Novice Skipper prize. Together the REYC crews finished a creditable third overall in a fleet that was significantly more competitive than recent years.
The Services Offshore Regatta. The Corps was the only one to provide a complete crew. An excellent regatta in 'boisterous' conditions and an ageing fleet saw mounting frustration among the Army crews as they tried to catch the Navy. It wasn't to be but with the Navy dominant and the RAF a distant third the REYC, and the Army in general, have a clear target for next year.
Cowes Week. Cowes Week saw REYC participation across large parts of the fleet. Although only Ilex was entered of the club boats, we had racers aboard a J/80, another X-332 and we provided a good proportion of the 'core crew' for Toe in the Water’s Farr 52 .
Joint REYC Weekend – May 13. REYC (Offshore) is trying to find a weekend for a joint Inshore and Regions event, possibly based at Thorney Island. The aim would be to try and expose the Club to as many people as we can, tie it to a Regions rally and perhaps to the Lymington Meet (the previous or following weekend) to encourage greater attendance at that event. The idea is to have all aspects of Sapper Sailing there so people can try dinghy sailing, windsurfing and big boat sailing all on one weekend, then have a big BBQ on the Sat night.
Gallipoli 15. Maj Murray Smith will be the lead POC for the RE entry in the ASA expedition to Gallipoli in 2015. Potential Nic 55 skippers and mates are being identified (one confirmed) and details are yet to be promulgated, but the Corps intends to take on at least one leg.
2 REYC(O) Committee
I am pleased to report that we have a strong and stable Committee for Offshore and the arrival of Maj Nick Deppe as Captain-of-Boats is already showing dividends. The Committee Membership is shown below:
RC(O) – Lt Col Phil Crick
Retd Member – Col (Retd) James Anderson (Hon RC)
Treasurer – Maj Simon Finch
Charters Sec – Capt Jon Judge
Capt of Boats – Maj Nick Deppe
Racing Sec – Maj Murray Smith
Offshore Sec – Capt Rob West
Bosuns – Cpl Buzz Busby, LCpl Roddy Simpson, LCpl Adam Hearn.
Ilex Trophy
The Club hosted the annual Ilex Trophy race against the RNSA at Portsmouth in September. We raced fleets of 3 yachts and 3 Bosun dinghies against the RNSA. The offshore match was won clearly by RNSA, after being shortened when the committee boat could not hold station in strong winds. Inshore the match was much closer: REYC won the first fleet race, equipment failures stopped the second race and then led to careful review of the third and final race result with RNSA just winning overall. The combined result was that RNSA beat REYC by one point and retained the Trophy.
Patrick Clarke had in the previous week tried unsuccessfully to have the Ilex Trophy filmed on the BBC’s ‘Antiques Roadshow’ in Falmouth. He gave assembled members of both Clubs an entertaining resumé and reminder of the history of the Trophy and match that we share.
ASA Cruising Rallies
Please see below the proposed dates for the ASA Cruising Rallies in 2013. Lt Col Damien Pealin is organising the rallies and is contactable at [email protected].
5-7 April 2013. Yarmouth. Meet at Hornet Sailing Club on Friday night. Dinner in Yarmouth on Saturday night at the Bugle Inn.
3-6 May 2013 Weymouth. Meet at Yarmouth on Friday night. Sail in company to Weymouth for dinner with berthing at Custom Quay.
30 August – 2 September. St Vaast. Meet at Hornet Sailing Club on Friday night. The aim is to arrive at St Vaast on Sunday having crossed the Channel on the Saturday.
Inshore has had a mixed year with notable successes in some areas, steady progress in others but also some disappointments. In general terms, Inshore is developing and improving in areas already at a high standard but is not correcting those areas that need such action. This imbalance needs redressing which will form the main effort of the Inshore plan for winter 2012/13 and into the main 2013 season.
3 There is no true ‘season’ for Inshore which occurs year-round on either a team or individual basis, but the competition season is April - November.
Windsurfing has had an excellent summer with top-flight results and a growing cohort of beginner and intermediate sailors.
At the Army Windsurfing Championships (Hayling Island 9-13 Jul), we had probably one of our most comprehensive sets of winning results in years, cleaning-up with Team Champions, Inter-Corps Series (all-year) Champions, 1st and 2nd in the Individual Open Championships and 1st in the Intermediate Championships. The results were in the face of fierce competition from the RA and RLC. This year, we competed in-depth in the Open (advanced), Intermediate and Novice Fleets with results as follows:
Army Novice Championships 3rd - Spr Mark Barrett 101 Engr Regt (EOD)
Army Intermediate Championships 1st - Capt Joe Vernon 3 RSME Regt.
Army Open Windsurfing Championships 1st - Maj Steve Jones DCRE RAF Leuchars.
Army Open Windsurfing Championships Runner Up - Lt Col Gareth Baker CO 1 RSME Regt.
Army Inter-Corps Team Championships and Inter-Corps Series winners - Team RE:
Lt Col Gareth Baker Lt Col Andy Gladen Major Steve Jones Maj Mark Collins BEM Capt Hugo Cox Capt Joe Vernon WO2 Dave Curry
At the North West Europe Windsurf Championships in Holland, Maj Steve Jones was the individual winner with WO2 Dave Curry an excellent third.
Lt Col Gladen and Maj Collins were fortunate to secure places on an early season ASA windsurfing trip to Dahab on Egypt’s sunny and windy Sinai Peninsula.
As part of the three-man Army team, Lt Col Gladen took part in the 40th Anniversary Weymouth Speedweek in Oct.
Lt Col Gareth Baker RE was in the winning Army team in the Inter-Services Championships in Oct.
Maximum effort is being put into REYC windsurfing development. WO2 Curry, now stable in RETDU, is running the RE windsurf academy. A legacy PRI grant from 1 RSME Regt is being transferred and added to by 3 RSME Regt for WO2 Curry to purchase additional development equipment at Hawley Lake but for wider use as well.
4 Dinghies
Dinghies have had a mixed summer, entering a limited number of events but doing well in those that were run.
The Fryer Cup (13/14 Jun) was very kindly run by the Mem Sec in ideal conditions and he duly won the event once again having put on another masterclass.
The REYC Dinghy Team won their component of the Ilex Trophy against the RN in Sep.
With a new Dinghy Sec, the intent is to concentrate on growing dinghy sailing in the Corps from the bottom up.
Kitesurfing has had a solid summer of development with 23 Engr Regt now the REYC kitesurfing hub.
Inshore Committee.
The REYC Inshore Committee now comprises as follows:
RC(I) - Lt Col Andy Gladen
Sec - Maj Jim Edwards
Windsurf Sec - WO2 Dave Curry
Kitesurf Sec - Maj Richard Millbank
REYC Membership of AISTC(S)
REYC Members are kindly reminded that the REYC has group membership at AISTC(S) - Thorney Island. This membership allows REYC Members to sail AISTC(S) craft with the requisite qualifications. Further questions on craft availability and qualifications should be addressed to AISTC(S) on 01243 388315. Key points of contact are:
1. Principal AISTC (and dinghies) - Sgt Richard Thisby.
2. CI Windsurfing - Bdr Nick Moult.
Useful Website – this website will take you to all Inshore and Offshore courses and activities.
Lymington Meet. This year’s Lymington Meet in May proved to be a great success for the REYC, who finally beat the RLYC (aided no doubt by the new yacht, Right Royal, which sails particularly well in light airs). The date for this year is already agreed as Saturday 18 May 13. I hope some more cruising boats will come along to enjoy meeting up with other Sapper sailors and join in the excellent drinks and dinner at the RLYC. There is no need to go racing to take part in this event. Details will be sent out in the Spring.
5 Log Book Trophies. Just a reminder that there are two new trophies due to be awarded for the 2012-13 season. These are for the ‘best’ cruising logs. These awards are open to all serving and retired REYC members. Cruises may be undertaken under sail or power but not on commercial ‘cruise ships’. The log is to be written and submitted by an REYC member, who need not be the skipper or owner of the vessel. Entries are to be submitted in hard copy format, no later than 30th January 13 for presentation at the following AGM. Accounts (or extracts) may be included in subsequent Year Books.
Long Distance Log – Avalanche Trophy. Awarded for a cruise containing a passage of longer than 1,000 nautical miles.
Coastal Log – Torch Trophy. Awarded for a cruise in mainly coastal (or inland) waters, with a duration of 7 or more days. An account of a weekend dash to Cherbourg and back would not be eligible.
RC(R) Travels. Michael Gill (Rear Cdre (Regions)) will depart on his travels in Jan 13 and will not be back in the UK until Sep 13. Patrick Clarke (Regions Sec) will stand in for Michael for REYC matters during his absence.
Membership Matters
After no less than 5 years of dedicated service, Lt Col (Retd) Patrick Clarke has handed over the mantle of Membership Secretary to Lt Col (Retd) Andrew Douglas. Your Year Book 2012 should have reached you together with an accompanying statement of income received in respect of membership for 2012 and a Data Validation sheet for return to the Membership Secretary. Thanks are due to those who have replied; returns are still requested from those that have not yet replied please.
Membership Secretary Lt Col (Retd) Andrew Douglas 6, The Row Pusey FARINGDON Oxfordshire SN7 8QF
Please remember to notify the Membership Secretary of future changes in status and/or address to the address above or by email to: [email protected]
A summary of the Club’s membership as at Sep 12 is:
Ser Type of Number Membership (a) (b) 1 Full 331 2 Associate 23 3 Honorary 17 4 Non-sailing 31 5 Registered 73 6 TOTAL 475
6 Communications
As part of the Committee's ongoing efforts to increase the utility of the Club to its members, 2012 has seen a series of developments in how we can communicate with you.
The first, long overdue, development has been the creation of a Club website. This has all the areas you would expect (Inshore, Offshore, News etc) and serves as a first point of call for all queries about club matters.
Linked to this is a 'tumblr' gallery and blog which gives an opportunity to see images, film, articles and related material.
For the offshore racers there is also a busy Facebook page allowing for discussion, crew trawls and the usual 'banter' before, during and after events.
And finally we have been working on expanding the MailChimp system currently employed by the offshore community for e-mailing information, trawls and the like. With the vast majority of club members now providing us with an e-mail address there is an intention to use this medium to ensure that members are kept fully aware of Club, ASA and RYA issues and events. We often wish we could pass on requests for crew, pleas for skippers or reminders about Club events etc., but in most cases the cost and slowness of the postal service prevent us from doing so; e-mail “bulletins” should help us to close that gap.
If you have anything you would like publicised, have articles or submissions to share or just have a great sailing photo you want to show off please get in touch with Maj Murray Smith (Offshore Racing Sec) at [email protected].
The website is at
The gallery is at
If you want to be added to the REYC Offshore Racing Facebook Group please contact the Offshore Racing Sec.
Yearbook 2013
With a busy club there are a lot of interesting stories, and what better way to get your newly spun yarn to the wider Club than to submit an article for the 2013 REYC Yearbook! If you have been out sailing in interesting waters or against interesting opposition, please consider putting an article together (with photos if possible) and emailing it to the Yearbook Editor, Capt Andy Vaughan ([email protected]). The deadline for inclusion is 15 Feb 13.
AGM and Dinner 2013. The form for the REYC AGM and Dinner is included at Enclosure 2 of this email (as well as on the RE Institution1 and REYC website under ‘NEWS’). Both events will take place on 22 Mar 13 in Brompton Barracks (RE Warfare Wing Auditorium and Officers’ Mess respectively). Please return your proforma in good time as this greatly simplifies the business of organising the dinner and accommodation.
Gift Aid. A note on Gift Aid has been included at Enclosure 3, detailing how it could apply to the REYC and generate extra funds for the Club. Further discussion will take place at the 2013 AGM.
Rule Book. The latest REYC Rule book is now on the REYC Website under ‘About’.
7 Saskia Hart
S J HART Maj Hon Sec
1. RE Supplement calling notice for REYC AGM and Dinner.
2. Proforma for REYC AGM and Dinner 2013.
3. Gift Aid Notice.
4. Rule Book (by mail only). It is available online on the REYC Website.
8 Enclosure 1
Notice is hereby given that the AGM of the Royal Engineer Yacht Club will take place on Fri 22 Mar 13 at 1600hrs in the Chatham Station Auditorium (formerly known as Command Wing Auditorium), Brompton Barracks. Tea and coffee will be available in the Auditorium reception room from 1530hrs. Any items for inclusion in the Agenda under “Any Other Business” should be notified by Fri 15 Feb 13 to the Hon Sec (contact details below). Please note that, in accordance with Rule 29c of the Rules and Bye-laws 2011 only full members of the Club may vote or forward any new proposals to the General Meeting of the Club. Hon Sec contact details: Maj SJ Hart RE, Training Major, 72 Engineer Regiment (Volunteers), Napier Armoury, Alexandra Road, GATESHEAD, NE8 4HX. Mil Tel: 94721 6169. Civ Tel: 0191 2395269. Fax: 94721 6176. DII(F): 72ENGR-RHQ- OPS-TM. Email: [email protected].
The 2013 annual dinner of the Royal Engineer Yacht Club will be held on Fri 22 Mar 13 in the HQ Officers’ Mess, Brompton Barracks. Dinner will be at 1930 for 2000hrs. Dress for serving officers will be Mess Dress; otherwise it will be black tie. Members are encouraged to bring their spouses and may invite other private guests. An application form is on the REYC Website Inst RE website and on the REYC website Forms should be returned to the Hon Sec by Fri 15 Feb 13, which is the closing date for guaranteed applications. Accommodation is available in the Mess and will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis once the needs of official guests have been met. Confirmation of the application and of accommodation will be sent by email.
Return to: Maj S J Hart Honorary Secretary REYC 72 Engineer Regiment (V) Napier Armoury, Alexandra Road GATESHEAD NE8 4HX Email: [email protected]
1 From:
Rank/Title Initials Known Name Surname Decorations
Tel No:
Email address (for confirmation of place):
3. I wish to attend the AGM (Chatham Station Auditorium): YES /NO
4. I wish to attend the Annual Dinner (HQ Mess): YES /NO
5. I wish to invite the following guests to the Dinner: Rank/ Initials Known Name Surname Appointment/ Title Representing *
*Please include any pertinent appointments eg Flag Officer appointments.
6. Changing Facilities / Accommodation Requirements:
a. Accommodation b. Changing Facilities
7. Table preferences (no guarantees!):
OFFSHORE INSHORE Please tick one box if you have a preference
Date: ______Signed: ______
Received by Hon Sec: Processed:
Confirmation email sent on Dinner places Room type & Qty
The subject of Gift Aid was discussed in outline at the REYC AGM in Mar 12. The VCdre undertook to investigate further and to report to members on the options open to the Club and the implications. This note updates members.
HMRC Recognition. The REYC is investigating with HMRC whether it will recognise REYC for tax purposes while it is an ‘excepted charity’. The answer will inform discussion on ‘Gift Aid’ at the AGM in Mar 13.
Background. Gift Aid is operated and regulated by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Charities are regulated by the Charities Commission. The REYC is what is termed an ‘excepted' charity, that is one of group of charities that do not have to register with the Charity Commission in our case because we are a ‘service fund of the Armed Forces'. Charities can apply to HMRC for permission to be recognised by them for tax purposes, which then allows the charity to claim Gift Aid on donations received.
DSPS(A)2, who write the policy on Army charities, have no record of service funds receiving Gift Aid. A number of charities associated with the Armed Forces claim Gift Aid, but they operate as registered charities; they have left the ‘service fund' umbrella and are registered directly with and operate under regulation of the Charity Commission. The ASA is one of these.
Informal discussion with HMRC suggests that an application from the REYC to register for tax purposes as an excepted charity could be successful. They will give informal advice but can only give an opinion following a full application on their Form ChA1. Therefore the REYC cannot determine in advance whether an application will be successful. Registration for tax purposes requires no subsequent action until the REYC decide to claim from HMRC. If registration with HMRC fails then, depending on the reasons, REYC could then reapply, consider changing its charitable status with the Charity Commission so that a future application to register as a charity with HMRC would be a successful or abandon the idea.
Implications for discussion at the AGM. Use of the Gift Aid scheme would require the Club to maintain records for HMRC inspection. These include a Gift Aid declaration for every member it was applying for and records of the Gift Aid application, which have to be kept for 6 years. This declaration could be gathered as part of the annual membership validation. Gift Aid is only applicable to donations. For the REYC this means that only the Hulls Fund donations made by many members would be eligible to Gift Aid. This could raise about £750 pa for the Club. Subscriptions are not eligible as members receive a service as a result of that subscription because they can participate in sailing that is, in part, funded by the Club. The Gift Aid application is completed on-line using a simple toolkit.
2 Director Staff and Personal Services (Army).