Minutes of Chilcote Parish Meeting

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Minutes of Chilcote Parish Meeting

Minutes of Chilcote Parish Meeting 10 October 2011 – Chilcote Village Hall

Committee: J Busby (Chairman), R Hockney (Secretary), J Lambeth (Treasurer), L Kennington (Minutes Secretary)

Attendees: 26

Apologies were received from Mr R Taylor, P Dean, Mr P Busby, Mrs D Hockney, Mr C Williams, Mr T Sellens, Mrs J Tyler, C Norman, Mr D Agar

Before the meeting began, a minute’s silence was held in memory of the late Kath Udall, Ged Copestake and Bernard Hawkins. Three very well loved and respected members of our community will be sorely missed by all in the parish. A thank you card from Kath’s family was read out to villagers thanking them for their support following the loss of Kath.

1. Minutes from Previous Meeting

The meeting agreed on the minutes from the last meeting and they were signed as a true record.

2. Matters Arising from Minutes

a) Village Hall Repairs - Mr Hockney to insulate the hall pipes to prevent future winter damage.

3. Treasurer’s Report

Mrs Lambeth presented the accounts in the hall for general inspection. She reported to the meeting that there is currently £5,568.68 in the account with water and electric being the two main bills paying out. Thanks to Mavis, £250 was raised at her recent buffet lunch. A regular income comes in for hall hire from the Air Training Corps. Mrs Lambeth is still awaiting a cheque from the council for £600 to cover the village mowing, Mr Hockney to investigate. Mrs Lambeth has had an enquiry from the bank around the market value of the village hall and what liabilities there are. It was agreed that Mr Robinson (Chair of Village Hall Committee) and Mr Busby write to the bank confirming that the village owns the hall and that there are no liabilities!

4. Secretary’s Report

a) Refuse Collection - Mr Hockney made the meeting aware that with effect from 1st November 2011, Chilcote’s “bin day” will change to a Thursday. Further details are on the village website.

b) Village Mower - Mr Busby very kindly donated a mower to the village to replace the one that was stolen in the summer.

5. Broadband in Chilcote

Mr Hockney shared his annoyance with the meeting at the very slow internet connection speed and said that he would make further enquiries around gaining faster connection. Mr Hockney will keep the meeting updated.

6. Events Calendar

a) Bonfire Night, Saturday 5 November 2011 - Ticket price will be as last year, £10.00 adults (13 years and over) £5.00 children, family concession for 3 rd or subsequent children under 13 - free - Choice of soup, cottage pie and beans, choice of fruit pudding - Tractor ride down to the bottom meadow, fireworks and bonfire - Safe and controlled environment for families and people of all ages - Bring your own drinks - Raffle on the night (prizes welcome) - Offers of pies to Nicky (costs can be reimbursed) - Numbers for tickets to Nicky Busby please - 2 -

- Help with setting up of chairs and tables Saturday morning and putting away Sunday morning would be greatly appreciated. - If anyone has any wood they don’t need, please contact the Busby family and they will come and collect it.

b) Coffee Morning, Saturday 3 December 2011 - Mavis has kindly offered to run a coffee morning.

c) Queen’s Golden Jubilee Celebrations, 2-5 June 2012 - Mr Hockney asked the meeting to think about some ideas of how our village could celebrate the jubilee. Some suggestions were made and it was all agreed on: i) commemorative photos to be taken of everyone outside their house ii) a jubilee garden to be created (where the conifers were chopped down) with seating area and possibly the planting of a tree/time capsule. iii) a special church service followed by a garden opening ceremony and a party later on in the day.

Stewart Tyler and Rod Davies will sketch out a landscaping plan of garden to present to the next meeting.

A 2012 Chilcote events calendar will be distributed around the village over the next few weeks.

7. Wind Turbines - Update

Mr Hockney reported that to date there have been no further developments in Chilcote. However there has been some development in Haunton with Prowind coming forward with fresh plans offering fewer turbines with less height and an incentive for the Haunton community. This is due to go to planning soon. Also, a new development of nine turbines has been planned through Austrey towards Orton.

8. HS2 and 3 Discussions

Mr Hockney circulated copies of a map of Chilcote showing a rough idea of where HS3 would run if it goes ahead. Nicola Busby updated the meeting on the latest government plans for HS2 and circulated a document listing all companies currently against the plans. Nicky stressed the importance of villagers complaining in writing to Andrew Bridgen and you can do this via the NWLDC website. If villagers would like more information on the plans for HS2 and 3, please email Nicky on [email protected]. Barry Hawkins appraised the meeting of his views on HS2 and HS3 and was most concerned about the effect on Chilcote.

9. Any Other Business

a) Winter grit - Mr Williams has asked that with the winter coming on, could grit in the yellow box be left for roads and footpaths and that the people who need grit for drives plan ahead and buy some now.

b) Monthly parish magazines - Mrs Taylor asked the meeting if anyone would be able to occasionally deliver the magazines in her absence. Mrs Lambeth kindly offered to help.

c) Water butt - Mrs Grove asked the meeting whether a down spout from the church could be fitted to the water butt to help Dolina and Mavis during the summer with the watering. The meeting agreed that the best way forward is to have a pipe laid underground from the toilets to the wall. Mr Roobottom and Mr Hockney volunteered to organise.

d) Beat 32 - Steve Udall announced that the Beat 32 website has been withdrawn due to lack of use and funding.

e) Mowing rota - Mr Tyler suggested to Mr Hockney that the current mowing rota needs rescheduling so that the grass is cut more often in the spring and less often during drier periods. Mr Hockney to propose a revised, simpler schedule.

Date of next meeting - Monday 12 March 2012 at 8pm, Chilcote Village Hall

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