School Technology Plan Template

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School Technology Plan Template

Crab Orchard Elementary School Technology Plan Lincoln County School District

SBDM Adoption Date: March 10, 2015

Plan Start Date: 4/01/2015

Plan Expiration Date: 4/01/2016 Acknowledgements

District Technology Staff: Karen Patterson – Technology Integration Specialist/Technology Resource Teacher

School Administration: Principal – Dreama Tomlison

School Technology Committee: STC – Ashley Frith Teacher – Catherine Spurlin Teacher – Dana Bullock Teacher – Gayle Coffman Teacher – Lisa Hurd Crab Orchard Elementary School Technology Plan

Vision Statement

Crab Orchard Elementary will promote the use of technology as a tool to promote educational excellence. The ultimate goal is to assure our staff and students become lifelong learners and to encourage and support our staff in their endeavors in preparing our students for the 21st century.

I. Needs Assessment/Objectives  Teachers will document daily technology use in the District Technology Use Calendar  Teachers will document through lesson plans daily technology integration  Provide teachers with a self evaluation tool they can use to assess their level of proficiency  Technology committee will create a Technology Skill Assessment for teachers in order to get a better understanding of technology proficiency levels A. School Goals:

Student Outcomes: (Create a list of Student Outcomes) 1. Students will use technology as an instrument for gaining and applying knowledge. 2. Students will use technology to broaden horizons, recognize and appreciate diversities, and to facilitate contact across communities and cultures. 3. Students will use technology to know how to access, analyze, and present information. 4. Students will gain knowledge and skills to prepare them for their future careers. 5. Students will possess and demonstrate skills in keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. to prepare them for their futures. 6. Students will actively engage in developing project-based learning lessons. 7. Students will demonstrate the ability to complete a research project utilizing technology and Internet resources. 8. Students will use presentation technology to enhance learning. 9. Students will actively engage in developing project-based learning lessons.

Teacher Outcomes: (That you want to see over the next 3 years.) 1. Teachers will use technology effectively to help students achieve high academic standards. 2. Teachers will successfully integrate technology that enables them to provide students with engaging standards-based content into every curriculum area. 3. Teachers will demonstrate a proficiency in creating and using word processing, spreadsheets, digital imaging, and presentations. 4. Teachers will create and use computer generated assessments designed to provide feedback regarding student achievement and identifying students in need of early intervention. 5. Teachers will be able to utilize all of the technology tools at their disposal. 6. Teachers will actively engage in developing project-based learning lessons.

B. Technology Inventory Survey

Technology in School Thin Client Solution/Lenovo Goal Workstations 5 student computers in every homeroom 5 more student computers in each classroom 40 Additional Teacher workstation/office/library/conference/lab New teacher workstations

Lab(s) 1. 30 L300/monitors/etc.; 30 L300 2. 3 10 thin client computer Laptops 6 20 Totals

Technology in School Current Goal Average student/computer School Wide 1 : 1 ratio per classroom (list 3 : 1 individual teachers or classrooms on a separate sheet) Projectors 25 Ceiling mounted projectors 25 Interactive Whiteboards 15 PDA’s 20 Document Cameras 20 Mobi 15 Mini Lab 10-resource Mini labs for every classroom PS3 Lightspan Lab 30 Classroom Performance 21 System (clickers) Mimio 20 IPAD 23 20 IPOD touch 20 Digital cameras 5 20 Webcam 2 20 Printers 4 In every homeroom

C. Goals:  Acquire funding for teacher release time for technology training, project initiatives and web page management  Acquire flash drives for each teacher to manage and share documents, data, files, digital images, etc.  Acquire digital mini DVD video cameras  Acquire additional digital cameras for student use  Acquire additional presentation hardware, such as laptops, additional mobile carts, scanners, scan converters, mobi’s, mimio tablets, mini lab, IPAD, IPOD, etc.

II. Access  Computers and other technology provided in sufficient quantities to support needs and learning for staff and students.  Open labs to enhance student learning.  Crab Orchard Elementary website enables communication with parents and community through Faculty and Staff Email, access to information in school news, school calendar of schedules and events, photo gallery, etc.  Parent/Teacher Conferences communicate all aspects of students’ education, including technology.  Family Fun Nights are open to all parents with hands-on lessons demonstrated for the parents.  Open House – Parents and community members are always welcomed and invited to visit the computer lab and classrooms.  PTO – During these meetings, the school’s technological capabilities are often utilized through student work, presentations, and digital imaging.

III. Staff Professional Development Crab Orchard Elementary will provide staff development that enables employees to competently and effectively use and manage technology resources. Staff development needs:  Training in basic word processing, spreadsheets, Email, presentation and digital imaging software  Training on Math and Reading software such as Accelerated Reader, Star Reading, Orchard Software (Fraction Concepts, Guided Reading 1-2-3-4, Math Word Problems Beginner-Intermediate, Phonics, Probability, Reading for Comprehension, Writing Assessment), Math Investigations (Classroom Collaboration), Math Blasters - Master the Basics, Quarter Mile Math, Read Write Gold (assistive technology software for reading and writing), Lightspan CDs (math and reading)  Training on using LCD projectors, digital cameras, scanner, and video camera, CPS System  Train staff on the responsible use of technology, online and Email ethics, Internet protocol, and county and state Internet policy  Training on developing lesson plan models for integrating technology into curriculum.  Technical support and assistance will be provided by STC to teachers in integrating available technology in all content areas; multimedia presentation, science simulations, interactive software, Internet research, etc. Staff professional development needs will be determined by:  Survey results (Loti online as of now, and paper pencil)  Individual teacher growth plans  Individual staff needs per Technology Skill Assessment To insure individual technology needs are met:  Review survey and initial Technology Skill assessment to access specific training needs  Lincoln County Technology Standards Evaluation Tool will be used by administrators to evaluate technical performance  Technology Resource Teacher will provide on-site training to individual teachers, grade-level team teachers, or whole staff to meet specific needs  Technology Resource Teacher will provide professional development to all staff addressing research-based strategies, learning styles and differentiated instruction for all learners as requested  Provide appropriate technology resources

IV. Integration: Crab Orchard Elementary provides instruction tailored to meet student’s needs. Integrating technology with core instructional objectives will increase our students’ capabilities to be more productive, manage information, and to develop higher order reasoning skills, which they can apply outside the classroom both now and in the future.  Students and staff will use technology as a tool for conducting research, gathering, recording and displaying data and higher level thinking skills  Students and staff will use hands-on time with technology in order to complete projects and assignments and to view technology as an instructional tool  Examples of technology integration: o Reading and Literacy: . Read Write Gold for assistive technology in Reading and Writing . Starfall ( to assist the emergent reader . Education City . Study Island 3rd-5th grade . Lexia Learning . Reading Eggs for Pre-2nd grade students . Plato Learning ( for curriculum-based instruction and assessment . Inspiration supports visual thinking techniques  Use of graphical organizers to organize and display information which helps students better comprehend or recall concepts, categories, or facts  Saved and retrieved information can be used at a later date to help students connect with prior knowledge . Internet and word processing software :  Vocabulary matching exercises  Vocabulary completion exercises  Multiple choice comprehension exercises  Written discussion exercises  Hands-on writing o Math: . Internet, math software and word processing/spreadsheet software  Creating spreadsheets for graphing and embedded charts  Study Island 3rd-5th grade  DreamBox learning  Explore components of mathematics instruction: reasoning, numeration, operations, modeling, measurement, uncertainty/probability, and patterns/functions.  Explore research-based and critically acclaimed programs that provide or supplement math instruction  Use of Web sites that support math standards and illustrate the use of higher-level, problem-solving skills  Integrate math activities and understand how to manage project-based learning o Use computers and LCD projectors to model and augment instruction: . Teaching Reading and Language Development  Use of presentation software to illustrate, to teach, and to reinforce the reading process  Through demonstration and modeling of computer programs and software, students gain confidence in their ability to repeat the process allowing them to focus on learning the concept being taught. . Modeling word processing software demonstrates to students how they can use the software in daily instruction (daily journal writing, grammar lessons, fill in the blank activities, research and essays, etc.) . Demonstrating and modeling the writing process.  Writers use presentation software or Inspiration to organize their ideas.  Writers transfer these ideas to paragraph form using word processing software.  Using graphic organizers, teachers guide the class discussion and record the students' ideas. . Teacher demonstrates how to transfer this collected information into organized paragraphs. . Students will see how to create, organize, and write using computer programs.  Technology can be used in everyday instruction: Examples: o Access online weather forecast . Weather Channel ( . USA Today Weather ( . Weather Underground ( o Monthly calendar that includes daily URL links that will add understanding of the month’s events . Connected Newsletter Calendar (Crab Orchard Elementary subscription includes a calendar with daily links) . Education World . Today in History ( . This Day in History ( o Daily or weekly mathematics challenge . Math Problems of the Week ( . Math Counts ( . Aunty Math’s Math Challenge of the Month ( o Extend students’ vocabulary and reinforce spelling . Vocabulary Builder ( . Word of the Day ( . Word Central ( o Have students locate a “Quote for the Day” . Quote of the Day ( ) . Quote a Day ( . Quotes a Day ( . Vocabulary matching exercises . Vocabulary completion exercises . Multiple choice comprehension exercises . Written discussion exercises o Science and History . Science Question of the Week ( . Students explore and compare their town and themselves with students from other cities, countries and cultures . The Internet offers many credible and expansive resources for students to use to do research. V. 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure. Technology users often see this area as one of the most pressing problems when dealing with Digital Citizenship. We recognize inappropriate behavior when we see it, but before people use technology they do not learn digital etiquette (i.e., appropriate conduct). Many people feel uncomfortable talking to others about their digital etiquette. Often rules and regulations are created or the technology is simply banned to stop inappropriate use. It is not enough to create rules and policy, we must teach everyone to become responsible digital citizens in this new society.

2. Digital Communication: electronic exchange of information. One of the significant changes within the digital revolution is a person’s ability to communicate with other people. In the 19th century, forms of communication were limited. In the 21st century, communication options have exploded to offer a wide variety of choices (e.g., e-mail, cellular phones, instant messaging). The expanding digital communication options have changed everything because people are able to keep in constant communication with anyone else. Now everyone has the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with anyone from anywhere and anytime. Unfortunately, many users have not been taught how to make appropriate decisions when faced with so many different digital communication options.

3. Digital Literacy: process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology. While schools have made great progress in the area of technology infusion, much remains to be done. A renewed focus must be made on what technologies must be taught as well as how it should be used. New technologies are finding their way into the work place that are not being used in schools (e.g., videoconferencing, online sharing spaces such as wikis). In addition, workers in many different occupations need immediate information (just-in-time information). This process requires sophisticated searching and processing skills (i.e., information literacy). Learners must be taught how to learn in a digital society. In other words, learners must be taught to learn anything, anytime, anywhere. Business, military, and medicine are excellent examples of how technology is being used differently in the 21st century. As new technologies emerge, learners need to learn how to use that technology quickly and appropriately. Digital Citizenship involves educating people in a new way— these individuals need a high degree of information literacy skills.

4. Digital Access: full electronic participation in society. Technology users need to be aware of and support electronic access for all to create a foundation for Digital Citizenship. Digital exclusion of any kind does not enhance the growth of users in an electronic society. All people should have fair access to technology no matter who they are. Places or organizations with limited connectivity need to be addressed as well. To become productive citizens, we need to be committed to equal digital access.

5. Digital Commerce: electronic buying and selling of goods. Technology users need to understand that a large share of market economy is being done electronically. Legitimate and legal exchanges are occurring, but the buyer or seller need to be aware of the issues associated with it. The mainstream availability of Internet purchases of toys, clothing, cars, food, etc. has become commonplace to many users. At the same time, an equal amount of illegal/immoral goods and services are surfacing such as pornography and gambling. Users need to learn about how to be effective consumers in a new digital economy.

6. Digital Law: electronic responsibility for actions and deeds Digital law deals with the ethics of technology within a society. Unethical use manifests itself in form of theft and/or crime. Ethical use manifests itself in the form of abiding by the laws of society. Users need to understand that stealing or causing damage to other people’s work, identity, or property online is a crime. There are certain rules of society that users need to be aware in a ethical society. These laws apply to anyone who works or plays online. Hacking into others information, downloading illegal music, plagiarizing, creating destructive worms, viruses or creating Trojan Horses, sending spam, or stealing anyone’s identify or property is unethical.

7. Digital Rights & Responsibilities: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world. Just as in the American Constitution where there is a Bill of Rights, there is a basic set of rights extended to every digital citizen. Digital citizens have the right to privacy, free speech, etc. Basic digital rights must be addressed, discussed, and understood in the digital world. With these rights also come responsibilities as well. Users must help define how the technology is to be used in an appropriate manner. In a digital society these two areas must work together for everyone to be productive.

8. Digital Health & Wellness: physical and psychological well-being in a digital technology world. Eye safety, repetitive stress syndrome, and sound ergonomic practices are issues that need to be addressed in a new technological world. Beyond the physical issues are those of the psychological issues that are becoming more prevalent such as Internet addiction. Users need to be taught that there inherent dangers of technology. Digital Citizenship includes a culture where technology users are taught how to protect themselves through education and training.

9. Digital Security (self-protection): electronic precautions to guarantee safety. In any society, there are individuals who steal, deface, or disrupt other people. The same is true for the digital community. It is not enough to trust other members in the community for our own safety. In our own homes, we put locks on our doors and fire alarms in our houses to provide some level of protection. The same must be true for the digital security. We need to have virus protection, backups of data, and surge control of our equipment. As responsible citizens, we must protect our information from outside forces that might cause disruption or harm. VI. Technology Support  Technology maintenance requests will be forwarded to School Technology Coordinator. STC will be responsible for maintaining local hardware and assisting in technology issues  Using the Help Desk, STC will be responsible for submitting work request to the Lincoln County Technology Maintenance Staff  Administration, School Technology Committee, TRT and STC responsible for assisting teachers in integrating technology in the classroom to improve student achievement  Administration, School Technology Committee, TRT and STC will establish and support an environment encouraging comfortable, creative and independent use of instructional technology.  Staff will be responsible for routine care and maintenance of classroom computers

VII. Public Relations  Crab Orchard Elementary will continue to refine, revise and enhance school website to better inform parents/guardians, and community about issues, events, news and our technology vision  Will continue to revise and update website resources for parent/guardian and community  Each team (grade) will create and maintain a classroom website as a communication strategy  Will gather parent/guardian Email addresses to create a distribution list or listserv

VIII. Funding  Grant opportunities  State and district funds (SEEK, Title I, etc.)  PTO Donations and fundraisers  Securing building budget funds

IX. Program Evaluation  Periodic evaluation using Lincoln County Technology Standards Evaluation Tool and Technology Skill Assessment  Guided questions to be used as an Evaluation Tool  Students – to measure growth and the success of the plan  Staff – measure training and growth and the success of the plan  Support – defining what’s working and what else is needed X. Building Coalition . Leaders of the community are invited to attend career day . Community businesses assist PTO sponsored fundraiser to support technology in recycling cell phones and inkjet/toner cartridges

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