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NOTE: This Course Will Become Inactive Effective End of Summer Term 20193 Form 2A, Page 1

NOTE: This course will become inactive effective end of summer term 20193 Form 2A, Page 1




COURSE TITLE: Capstone Issues in Criminal Justice

PREREQUISITE(S): Completion of CJE 2000, CJC 2000, CJL 1500





Lecture/Discussion: 3


Other _:




This Capstone course is intended to be the final course in a student’s academic experience in the criminal justice program. It is intended to the culmination of the criminal justice student's academic experience. This course will provide the student with the ability to synthesize their previous knowledge, gained from all courses previously taken in the program. This course will prepare students for entry-level position in a criminal justice career, and advance to upper-level academic courses.

SUGGESTED TEXT(S): Vi s i o n s for Ch an g e : C r ime & J u s t i c e i n t h e T w e n t y -F i r s t C e n t u r y. ( l a t e s t e di t i o n) . Prentice Hall.

C r i m i n a l P r oc e du r e : L a y i n g D o wn the L a w . ( l a t es t e d i t i on ) . Aspen Publishers. Form 2A, Page 2


REVIEW OR MODIFICATION DATE: Fall Term, 2012 (20131) - Proposal 2012-97 Fall Term, 2014 (20151) - Proposal 2014-19 Form 2A, Page 3


I. The Study of Criminal Justice 3 A. Criminal Justice and Criminology B. C.J. Career C. The Goals of Criminal Justice Study D. Ethical issues in the criminal justice system.

II. Crime in the United States 3

A. How Crime is Measured B. Categories of Crime C. Uniform Crime Reports D. Other Classifications 1. White Collar Crime 2. Organized Crime 3. Victimless

III. Criminal Law 3

A. Justice Defined B. Law, Development of C. Criminal law, Purpose of D. Sources of Criminal Law E. Elements of Crime F. Criminal Responsibility

IV. Overview of Criminal Justice System 3

A. Governmental Structure B. Police, Courts and Corrections C. Critical Issues D. Issue of diversity in the criminal justice system.

V. Rights of the Accused 3

A. 4th Amendment B. 5th Amendment C. 6th Amendment D. Exclusionary Rule Form 2A, Page 4


VI. Law Enforcement Processes 3

A. History - Police Roles B. Organization C. Issues in Police Administration D. Police and the Rule of Law

VII. Prosecution and the Defense Function and 3 Structures

A. History B. Prosecutor C. Defense Attorney D. Right to Counsel E. Grand Jury and Preliminary Hearing

VIII. The Judicial Process 3

A. The Courts B. The Criminal Trial C. Trial Process D. Standards of Proof

IX. Sentencing 3

A. Sentencing Rationale B. Sentencing Options C. Incarceration Sentences D. Problems in Sentencing E. Sentencing Reforms F. Probation

X. Employment Skills 3

A. Securing information on employment opportunities B. How to complete an accurate résumé C. Appropriate interview skills D. Appropriate professional dress and Form 2A, Page 5


XI. Corrections 3

A. History B. Jails C. Prisons D. Community Corrections E. Inmate Culture F. Privatization of Corrections

XII. Prisoner's Rights 3

A. Substantive Rights of Prisoners B. Procedural Rights of Prisoners C. Loss of Rights

XIII. Parole 3

A. History B. The Parole Board C. Parole Rules D. Parole Supervision

XIV. Juvenile Justice System 3

A. History B. Juvenile Court Jurisdiction C. Juvenile Trial D. Disposition and Treatment E. Institutionalization Form 2A, Page 6 PROGRAM TITLE: Criminal Justice Technology

COURSE TITLE: Capstone Issues in Criminal Justice

CIP NUMBER: 1743.010300



01.0 DES CRI BE AND D IS CUS S THE CRI M IN AL J USTI CE S YS TE M -- The student will be able to:

01.01 Define the primary components of criminal justice and their primary responsibilities. 01.02 Identify problems that keep the system from functioning effectively and efficiently. 01.03 Explain the function and procedure of the federal uniform crime reporting (URC) system. 01.04 Contrast present day criminal justice traditions and practices with their historical precedents and beginnings. 01.05 List the procedures an offender undergoes in his/her progression through the system. 01.06 Define and evaluate the present day value of the peelian principles. 01.07 Identify courtroom procedures.

02.0 DES CRI BE AND D IS CUS S THE PR INC IPLES O F C RIM IN OLO G Y -- The student will be able to:

02.01 Discuss the criminal justice system through the processes of detection, apprehension, prosecution and corrections. 02.02 Summarize the major theoretical factors and forces assumed to cause crime. 02.03 Identify the impact of crime on persons and property. 02.04 Discuss the extent of crime in the United States. 02.05 Discuss the concept of victimless crimes. 02.06 Discuss the ramifications of violent crimes, the career criminal and organized crime. 02.07 Identify elements of deviant and abnormal behavior.

03.0 IDEN TIF Y THE CRI M IN AL I NVESTI GAT IO N PR OCEDU RE -- The student will be able to:

03.01 Explain some of the investigative techniques used in solving crimes. 03.03 Explain the necessity for and the methods of marking and preserving evidence. 03.09 Discuss principles of proper interrogation techniques.

04.0 DES CRI BE THE JUVE NI LE DEL INQUE NC Y F IEL D -- The student will be able to:

04.02 Explain the general proceedings of the juvenile court system. 04.04 Identify some of the major causes of juvenile delinquency. 04.06 Explain labeling theory.

05.0 S UMMA RIZ E LA W E NFO RCE MEN T ADM IN IS TR A TI ON -- The student will be able to:

05.01 Appraise the impact of National patrol studies. 05.02 Compare and contrast the various organizational structures of law enforcement agencies. 05.04 Define the general principles of allocation and deployment of patrol resources. Form 2A, Page 7


05.07 Identify crime prevention techniques.

06.01 DEM O N S T R A T E L A W E N F O R CEM E NT O P E RA T I O N S P R O CED U RES -- The student will be able to: 06.02 Demonstrate knowledge of mobile patrol techniques. 06.04 Demonstrate effective oral communication techniques. 06.05 Prepare an effective written report. 06.07 Explain the important to establishing good rapport with citizens.

07.0 DES CRIBE THE F IEL D O F CO RREC TI ONS —The student will be able to: 07.01 Discuss the history and evolution of corrections. 07.03 Discuss major problems facing contemporary corrections. 07.07 Identify contemporary sentencing guidelines. 07.08 Define the concept of community corrections. 07.09 Define and contrast the concepts of probation and parole.

08.0 DE S CR I B E T HE FI E L D O F C R I M I N A L L A W—The student will be able to: 08.02 Define and contrast civil and criminal proceedings. 08.03 Identify the difference between procedural and substantive due process. 08.04 Explain the legacy of English common law and its relationship to modern jurisprudence. 08.07 Discuss legal defenses in criminal law. 08.08 Discuss the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.

09.0 E X P L A I N E V I D E NCE A ND R ULES O F EV I DENC E —The student will be able to: 09.01 State the purpose of evidence. 09.02 Name and describe types of evidence.

10.0 DEM O N S T R A T E E M PL O Y M E N T S K I LL S --The student will be able to: 10.10 Conduct a job search. 10.11 Secure information about a job. 10.12 Identify documents that may be required when applying for a job. 10.13 Complete a job application. 10.14 Demonstrate competence in job interview techniques. 10.15 Identify or demonstrate appropriate responses to criticism from employer, supervisor or Other persons. 10.16 Identify acceptable work habits. 10.17 Demonstrate knowledge of how to make job changes appropriately. 10.18 Demonstrate acceptable employee health habits.

11.0 ID E N T I F Y T HE I S S UES RE LA T I NG T O H UM A N D I VER SIT Y I N T H E CR I M I N A L JU S TI CE S Y S T E M . 11.02 Identify and describe community relations programs. 11.04 Identify major cultural, ethnic and human differences that exist in society. 11.05 Discuss examples of prejudice, discrimination and racism. 11.07 Discuss ethics as it relates to criminal justice. 11.08 Discuss the impact of internal and external controls on criminal justice professions.

Florida State College Course Learning Outcomes & Assessment At Jacksonville

NOTE: Use either the Tab key or mouse click to move from field to field. The box will expand to accommodate your entry. Section 1 SEMESTER CREDIT HOURS (CC): 3 COURSE PREFIX AND NUMBER: CCJ 2932 CONTACT HOURS (NCC): COURSE TITLE: Capstone Issues in Criminal Justice Section 2 TYPE OF COURSE: (Click on the box to check all that apply) AA Elective AS Required Professional Course College Prep AS Professional Elective AAS Required Professional Course Technical Certificate Other PSAV Apprenticeship General Education: (For General Education courses, you must also complete Section 3 and Section 8)

Section 3 (If applicable) INDICATE BELOW THE DISCIPLINE AREA FOR GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES: Communications Social & Behavioral Sciences Mathematics Natural Sciences Humanities

Section 4

INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCIES: Quantitative Reading Speaking Critical Analysis Scientific Method of Inquiry Skills Information Ethical Writing Listening Working Collaboratively Literacy Judgment Section 5 STATE GENERAL EDUCATION LEARNING OUTCOME AREA Communication Critical Thinking Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning Information Literacy Global Sociocultural Responsibility Type of Outcome: Section 6 Gen. Ed, LEARNING OUTCOMES METHOD OF ASSESSMENT Program, Course Demonstrate the understanding of the major  theoretical factors and forces assumed to Program Examination, Written Assignment, or Exercise 2 cause crime.  Demonstrate the understanding of the court Program Examination, Written Assignment, or Exercise 3 and legal systems in the United States.  Demonstrate and understanding of the Program Examination, Written Assignment, or Exercise 4 United States law enforcement system.  Demonstrate an understanding of the United Program Examination, Written Assignment, or Exercise 5 States correctional system  Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical Program Examination, Written Assignment, or Exercise 6 issues involved in the criminal justice system  Demonstrate an understanding of the impact Program Examination, Written Assignment, or Exercise of diverse cultures on the criminal justice system.  Demonstrate an understanding of Course Examination, Written Assignment, or Exercise employment skills in criminal justice professions.

Section 7 Name of Person Completing This Form: Jami L. Myers Ph.D Date: 2-04-2012

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