Meeting Location: HUB 102
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President’s Session Meeting Location: HUB 102
Saturday, October 7th, 2017
I. Call to Order
Time: 9:05am
II. Roll Call
Not in Attendance:
i. Abington
III. Approval of 10/6 President’s Session Minutes
Altoona: Move
Harrisburg: Second
All in Favor
IV. New Business
CRC Vote
i. Everyone turned in votes for CRC commonwealth members
Smoke free task force
i. Rachel Miller is representing CCSG
ii. Here are recommendations
iii. We are passing legislation that we support the committee, UPUA passed this on Wednesday
iv. In contingency with UPUA and GPSA
v. Recommendations (Support of Penn State smoke free)
v.1. First recommendation is to become smoke free
v.2. Second recommendation is to create an office for the smoke free task force v.3. Third recommendation is to implement this in Fall 2017, This spring a small launch of this will be implemented, summer of 2018 will attempt to get employees on board
v.4. Fourth: Tobacco programs will be available
v.5. Fifth: Enforcement of policy should be through the mechanism of peer support
v.6. Media Campaign
v.7. Each campus work with community
vi. Moustafa (Behrend): Can you post on BOX?
vi.1.a. Zak: Can do
vii. Ryan Morris (Berks): I like what we have here
viii. Collin (York): Is there different implementation for each campus?
viii.1. Yes, full-time director will oversee implementing it in a certain way that fits to each campus
Greek Life
i. Anything to do with Greek Life go to Hunter!
ii. Greek Life campuses see Hunter
i. Asking for input on what Ad-Hocs you would like to see
ii. Ones we have come up with:
ii.1. Sustainability
ii.1.a. Relation to housing and food services
ii.1.b. Commonwealth campuses to not have a composting facility, UP does
ii.1.c. Anything relating to sustainability
ii.1.d. Feedback:
ii.1.d.i. Altoona: thumbs up
ii.1.d.i.1. Green to-go boxes on our campus, must bring them back so that they can be washed and reused, but most students do not return ii.1.d.ii. Berks: Sustainability team is formed, community service, clean trails around campus, use the trash they find to build new things
ii.1.d.iii. Beaver: Community garden is being started
ii.1.d.iii.1. Giving to vegetables to salvation army
ii.1.d.iv. Shenango: Also has a community garden, problem is that students do not want to take the time to separate their trash
ii.1.d.v. DuBois: Separate containers for trash, recycling ad hoc
ii.2. Student Leadership Styles
ii.2.a. Everyone has a different leadership style
ii.2.b. Feedback: Most campuses give thumbs up
ii.3. SMART Goals
ii.3.a. Feedback: Most campuses give thumbs up
ii.4. Diveristy Summit
ii.4.a. Feedback: Thumbs up
ii.5. How to Plan Cross-Campus Events
ii.5.a. Feedback:
ii.5.a.i. A couple of campuses are close to each other
ii.5.a.ii. Mix of thumbs up and down, mostly No
ii.5.a.iii. Collin (York): A million things he would rather do than trying to work with other campuses
ii.6. Transition of Administrations
ii.6.a. Feedback: One Thumbs down, most thumbs up iii. Any other ideas from campuses?
iii.1.Ryan Morris (Berks): Club and organization by campus (collaboration between clubs)
iii.1.a. Ann-Queen: This happened 2 years and was not very effective
iii.2.Austin (Fayette): Getting athletes involved in campus events
iii.2.a. Most campuses agree with this
iii.2.b. Megan (Behrend): Sometimes athletes are just too busy to go to events iii.3.Schulykill: Commuter Problems
iii.3.a. Everyone is divided
iii.3.b. Commuters won’t go in the
iii.4.Samuel (Abington): Space on campus that recently opened, I was told that the space was basically only for certain orgs but when it reopened they reiterated the fact that anyone can use it
iii.5.Collin (York): Should have specifics of things to discuss
i. Zak is a partial expert, Andrea is the expert!
ii. Pulling of funds or adding of funds
iii. Estimate of what enrollment will be on each campus and give out money based on that (Permanent Allocation)
iii.1.When they get the real enrollment total, they might have to take back a certain amount of money if you have less students than they originally forecasted
iv. Andrea: Some campuses give waivers to certain students, they do not have to pay the fee
iv.1. UP does not take your funds!
iv.2. Asked that the budget office makes the adjustment permanently so campuses aren’t faced with the challenge of allocating funds that they actually don’t have
Paying for CCSG
i. 54 cents per student, increase of $1
i.1. It was originally funded through administration, but we wanted to be more independent like UPUA
ii. The Problem: We give the campuses autonomy to decide where they want to pull the funds from
iii. We increased fee to supplement an original cost
iv. Make sure that your voice is being heard in that decision-making process
v. Andrea: One or two campuses decided to take it from parking fines, most campuses decided to take it out of the SGA fund
v.1. If you were not involved in this decision, I would ask next year to be involved
v.2. CCSG’s role is to educate you at a university perspective vi. Ryan (Berks): This whole thing came out over the summer, a lot of the DSA’s just made the call because students were not on campus at the time
vii. Zak: Everyone should talk to their DSA about this (you need to be involved in the decision-making process)!!
viii. Andrea: Your facility portion of the fee, is being put into the same pot as it was before it was only one fee
viii.1. Two documents that inform the use of the facility fee: If you have not seen these, please look at those! We will be reminding the DSA’s that these documents do exist
viii.2. If you are saving for a major project, we suggest/encourage that you set aside a small amount of money to do immediate things that might come up, so that students see that the fee is being used for their benefit
viii.3. Communication between administration and campuses, talk to DSA and also use the membership of CFB in that
viii.3.a. New website for student fee (
Adjournment: 10:01 am