Health Science II Lesson Plans

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Health Science II Lesson Plans

Health Science II Lesson Plans Mrs. Joni Brewington Feb. 16-20 Objective: 1.05 understand concepts of teamwork. *LS *STG Procedures 1- Starter: Journal prompt each day. A 1 Day one: Team work key terms, concepts of teamwork, strategies of team V 2 building. T 3 Day two: Characteristics of effective teams, trust walk, and leadership. K 4 Day three: Attributes and attitudes of an effective leader, managing team conflict, effective healthcare teams.

Vocabulary Certification, licensure,registration,empathy,honesty,dependability,associates/bachelors/masters/doctorate Homework Day one: Computer personality survey Day two and three: Review notes. Materials Day one: 1.05 Team work key terms handout, 1.05 understand concepts of teamwork pp, 1.05 concepts of teamwork handout, and computers. Day two: 1.05 characteristics of effective team pp and handout, 1.05 trust walk activity teacher resource, blindfolds, and 1.05 effective leader pp. Day three: 1.05 effective leader pp, 1.05 attributes and attitudes of an effective leader handout, 1.05 managing team conflicts pp and handout, and 1.05 effective healthcare team pp and handout.

Evaluation Day three: Quiz 1.05 prototype assessment items. Feb. 21-27 Essential Standard 1.00: Understand healthcare foundation standards. *LS *STG Objective 1.06 Understand the fundamentals of wellness. Procedures  Starter: Journal prompt each day A 1  Day one: Three day food & physical activity diary, and research/brochure V 2 project in library or computer lab. T 3  Day two: Elements of wellness, practices that promote wellness and physical K 4 activity, and risk factors that affect wellness.  Day three: Stress management and strategies, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) health practices.  Day four: presentation/elements test.

Vocabulary Certification, licensure,registration,empathy,honesty,dependability,associates/bachelors/masters/doctorate Homework Day one-three: 3 day food and physical activity diary, brochures project, and study for test.

Materials Day one: Computers, 1.06 three day food and physical diary, 1.06 teacher resource, 1.06 practices that promote wellness pp, 1.06 health screenings examinations handout, and 1.06 guidelines for education brochure handout. Day two: 1.06 understand the fundamentals of wellness pp, 1.06 elements of wellness handout, 1.06 practices that promotes wellness pp, student notebooks, 1.06 risk factors that affect wellness pp and handout. Day three: 1.06 practices that promote wellness pp, 1.06 stress management techniques handout, *STG – Strategies - Levels 1,2,3,4 LS – Learning Styles – Auditory, Visual, Tactile, Kinesthetic Health Science II Lesson Plans Mrs. Joni Brewington CAM health practices pp and handout. Day four: 1.06 3 day food and physical activity diary, brochures, test on 1.01-1.06 and scan sheets. Evaluation Day three: Quiz 1.06 prototype assessment items handout. Day four: Test on 1.01-1.06. Feb. 28- Essential Standard 2.00: Understand safety and infection control procedures. *LS *STG March Objective 2.01 Understand safety procedures. 5 Procedures  Starter: Journal prompt each day. A 1  Day one: Patient safety considerations, and healthcare professional safety V 2 considerations. T 3  Day two: Body mechanics & Body mechanic rules. K 4  Day three: Environmental safety, signs & symbols matching, and basic emergency response.  Day four: Fire safety, use of fire extinguisher skill, other emergency procedures, and possible guest speaker.  Day five: Regulatory agencies, and national patient safety goals. Vocabulary CDC, OSHA, FDA, EPA Homework Day one-three: Study notes. Day four: Safety scenarios handout. Day five: Review notes Materials Day one: 2.01 safety considerations pp, 2.01 patient and healthcare professional safety considerations handout, and 2.01 healthcare professional safety pp Day two: 2.01 body mechanics pp and handout, 2.01 body mechanics rules handout. Day three: 2.01 environmental safety pp, 2.01 environmental safety considerations handout, 2.01 signs& symbols matching handout, 2.01 basic emergency response pp, and student notebooks. Day four: 2.01 fire safety pp and handout, 2.01 use of fire extinguisher handout, possible 2.01 guest speaker form handout, and 2.01 other emergency procedures pp and handout Day five: 2.01 safety guidelines regulatory agencies review pp, student notebooks, 2011 ambulatory care national patient safety goals handout, 2011 hospital national patient safety goals handout and universal protocol video. Evaluation Day five: Quiz 2.01 prototype assessment items. March 6- Essential Standard 2.00: Understand safety and infection control procedures. *LS *STG 13 Objective 2.02 understand infection control procedures. Procedures  Starter: Journal prompt each day. A 1  Day one: Types of infection, classes of microorganisms, and transmitting V 2 infection. T 3  Day two: Chain of infection activity, hand washing, glitter bug potion K 4 activity.  Day three: Vaccinations, 3 levels of aseptic control, and standard precautions  Day four: Personal protective equipment (PPE), and donning and removing PPE.  Day five: Infection control precautions, and extended infection control

*STG – Strategies - Levels 1,2,3,4 LS – Learning Styles – Auditory, Visual, Tactile, Kinesthetic Health Science II Lesson Plans Mrs. Joni Brewington precautions. Vocabulary CDC, OSHA, FDA, EPA Homework Day one-four: Review notes Day five: Study for test Materials Day one: 2.02 types of infection pp and handout, 2.02 infection control key terms handout, 2.02 classes of microorganisms pp and handout, and 2.02 transmitting infection pp, and student notebooks. Day two: 2.02 chain of infection activity teacher resource and handout, 2.02 transmitting infection pp, CDC hand hygiene pp, 2.02 hand washing handout, hand washing supplies, glitter bug potion activity teacher resource, glitter bug potion from pocket nurse, and ultraviolet light. Day three: Methods used to control the spread of infection pp, student notebooks, methods used to control microorganisms pp, 2.02 3 levels of aseptic control handout, 2.02 precautions pp, and 2.02 standard precautions handout Day four: CDC and PPE pp, 2.02 donning and removing PPE handout, and PPE equipment. Day five: Methods used to control microorganisms pp, 2.02 infection control precautions handout, 2.02 extended infection control precautions handout. Evaluation Day five: Quiz 2.02 prototype assessment items. Day six: test on 1.01-2.02 March 14- Essential Standard 3.00: Understand health science standards. April 3 Objective 3.01 Understand diagnostic & therapeutic services. Procedures  Starter: Journal prompt each day.  Day one: Diagnostic and therapeutic services, and patient assessment using the senses.  Day two: Collect pt. data, and pt. assessment using medical instruments.  Day three: Medical instruments quiz, and record & report pt. data.  Day four: Subjective or objective, and report pt. data.  Day five: Measure & record temp. using an electronic thermometer and measure & record temp. using an tympanic thermometer.  Day six: Measure & record radial pulse, and measure & record apical pulse.  Day seven: Measure and record respirations, and Blood pressure.  Day eight: Measure and record combined vital signs and height and weight.  Day nine: Measure and record visual acuity and record vital signs.  Day ten: Positioning a patient, and using reagent strips to test urine.  Day eleven: Patient movement.  Day twelve: Transfer to chair/wheelchair.  Day thirteen: Transfer to a stretcher.  Day fourteen: Massage therapy. Vocabulary Ophthalmoscope, otoscope, penlight, reflex hammer, sphygmomanometer, stethoscope. Homework Day one: Review notes. Day two: Obtain medical history from a family member or friend. Day three - twelve: Study notes. Day thirteen: Pt. movement scenarios. Day fourteen: Review notes.

*STG – Strategies - Levels 1,2,3,4 LS – Learning Styles – Auditory, Visual, Tactile, Kinesthetic Health Science II Lesson Plans Mrs. Joni Brewington Materials Day one: 3.01 understand diagnostic and therapeutic services pp and handout, 3.01 collect patient data pp, 3.01 using the senses teacher resource and handout. Day two: 3.01 collect pt. data pp, 3.01 key terms related to collecting pt. data handout, and medical instruments used in pt. assessment. Day three: 3.01 instruments used for pt. assessment handout, and 3.01 record and report pt. data pp Day four: 3.01 record and report pt. data pp. Day five: 3.01 vital signs pp, 3.01 key terms related to interpreting pt. data handout, 3.01 measure and record temp. using an electronic thermometer handout, and 3.01 measure and record temp. using an tympanic thermometer handout. Day six: 3.01 vital signs pp, 3.01 measure and record radial pulse handout, and 3.01 measure and record apical pulse handout. Day seven: 3.01 vital signs pp, 3.01 measure & record resp. handout, and 3.01 measure and record blood pressure handout. Day eight: 3.01 vital signs pp, 3.01 measure and record combined vital signs handout, and 3.01 measure and record height and weight handout. Day nine: 3.01 vital signs pp, 3.01 measure and record visual acuity handout, 3.01 record vital signs handout. Day ten: 3.01 positioning a pt. pp and handout, 3.01 positions for pt. assessment handout, 3.01 testing urine pp, 3.01 using reagent strips to test urine handout, and urine specimen. Day eleven: 3.01 pt. movement pp, 3.01 ambulation with crutches handout. Day twelve: 3.01 transfer to a chair / wheelchair handout. Day thirteen: 3.01 transfer to a stretcher handout. Day fourteen: 3.01 massage therapy pp and handout. Evaluation Day three: Medical instruments quiz. Day fourteen: Quiz 3.01 prototype assessment items.

*STG – Strategies - Levels 1,2,3,4 LS – Learning Styles – Auditory, Visual, Tactile, Kinesthetic

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