Minutes of the Meeting of Talgarth Town Council Held on Wednesday, 10 October 2012, In s3

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Minutes of the Meeting of Talgarth Town Council Held on Wednesday, 10 October 2012, In s3


PRESENT:– Cllr J Wilding (Mayor) (In the Chair), (Deputy Mayor), Cllr J Hopkins (Deputy Mayor), Cllr W Powell (Town & Powys County Councillor) (Deputy Mayor), Cllr N K Bally, Cllr A Bufton, Cllr Z Argent, Cllr M Dodds, Cllr G Jones, Cllr J Lilly, Cllr A Lord, Cllr R Reid, Cllr Pip Turner

APOLOGIES: No apologies

IN ATTENDANCE: Stuart Mackintosh, PCC Leisure & Recreation Services Manager Kay Thomas, PCC Principal Librarian Jan Shivel, Talgarth Librarian Mrs Josephine Rumsey, Town Clerk

16/102 VISIT BY STUART MACKINTOSH, PCC LEISURE & RECREATION SERVICES MANAGER, KAY THOMAS, PCC PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN & JAN SHIVEL, TALGARH LIBRARIAN – Re Public consultation over local delivery of library services – Noted information received on 15 April from PCC that public consultation over local delivery of library services has commenced with community conversations over the future provision of branches in smaller towns across Powys, following approval from the Cabinet in February. The process has begun with a staff consultation, to gather ideas and suggestions for the future from those that work in the areas; this exercise concluded on 15th April. At the same time, meetings have already been held with Town and Community Councils, to outline the situation and seek any proposals for joint solutions, our meeting being held this evening and then consultation with the public, to gather their views, began on 15th April, running until 3rd July 2016. Members of the public can complete the survey online at www.powys.gov.uk/haveyoursay or complete paper copies in libraries across the county. For those who wish to ask further questions or discuss ideas in more detail, there will be a series of drop-in events at libraries during the period of the survey, with venues, dates and times shown on the survey link above. They hoped that many of us will take the opportunity to come along to these sessions. Contact the Principal Librarian on 01597 826864 [email protected] Welcome to the meeting - Cllr A Lord, Mayor, welcomed Kay Thomas, PCC Principal Library, Stuart Mackintosh, PCC Leisure & Recreation Services and Jan Shivel, Talgarth Librarian. Jan Shivel circulated to Town Councillors, a full update of the history and current services etc going on in Talgarth Library and the opening times/hours of 9.5 per week (from Apr 2015). It was noted that Talgarth Library provides a free computer facility and has a good working relationship with Talgarth School. Talgarth WI hires the Library for its meeting once a month, a Palates Class is held weekly in the Library and also the Credit Union as a collection point weekly. Some PCC services are also available from the Library - Applications for Bus passes, Housing Benefit, Recycle bags etc. Kay Thomas and Stuart Mackintosh explained the current situation that £250,000 more savings has to be achieved - timescales from 1 April 2017. They said the local running costs for Talgarth Library were £17,000 per annum and explained the possible scenarios:  50% community contribution = £8,526  Community delivery using PCC’s grant on a 40%, 35%, 30% sliding scale over 3 years – the grant would equal £4,138 in year 1, £3,621 in year 2, and £3,104 in year 3. Discussion took place re the previous idea in 2011 of the possible re-location of the Library into the Market Hall. Agreed to look at upgrading costs etc. A Public meeting would need to be held to get the general opinion of the Community as to their wishes for the Town Council to retain the Library. PCC needs a response re joint working by 1 Sept at the latest.

16/103 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MEETING 13 APRIL 2016 Bronllys Well Being Group – Letter of thanks received from the Bronllys Well Being Group, following their Presentation to the Town Council on 13 April, when support was verbally given to the setting up of the Bronllys Well Being Community Land Trust (CLT). Proposed by Cllr A Lord and seconded by Cllr G Jones, all in favour to formally approve the setting up of the Bronllys Well Being Park Community Land Trust, with a Steering Group, under the auspices of the three main Councils served i.e. Hay Town Council, Bronllys Community Council and Talgarth Town Council and each of these Community Councils contributes a third share (£16.50) of the annual membership to the National CLT Network at an annual cost of £49 thereby opening up access to grants from the CLT Start Up Fund and other support. Agreed Cllr A Lord who was Mayor when the Bronllys Well Being Group gave the Presentation on 13 April, to sign up the bid form, on behalf of the Town Council. Noted the Talgarth Launch for the Bronllys Well Being Park CLT will be held at 7pm Thurs 9th June in the Town Hall, Talgarth. Noted Launch on 13 June at Hay and 14th June at Bronllys. Agreed Cllr W Powell has been nominated as Talgarth Town Council representative to serve on the CLT Steering Group. Noted Cllr J Wilding, Mayor, abstained for any discussion or decision making on this matter.

16/104 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – There were no Declarations of Interest.

16/105 MINUTES: 13 April main meeting and Confidential minutes - Previously circulated, Cllr A Lord, Mayor, sought adoption. Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr Z Argent, all in favour, that the 13 April Main and Confidential minutes, be signed as correct records.

16/106 CORRESPONDENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA: BBNPA Procedural Change - Letter to all Town & Community Councils regarding a Procedural Change which will come into effect on 1st May 2016, and which will change how the BBNPA deal with correspondence. From 1st May 2016, any correspondence submitted after the committee deadline (i.e. three days before the meeting) will be deemed too late for the committee to take into consideration. Anyone who wishes to make points directly to the meeting is still able to use the public speaking scheme – details of which are available on our website (www.beacons- npa.gov.uk). Visit by Alan Sherman, Head of South Powys Command, Mid & West Wales Fire Authority – Agreed to invite Mr Sherman to a future meeting of the Town Council – date tbc.

16/107 TO APPROVE TALGARTH TOWN COUNCIL ACCOUNTS 1/4/2015 – 31/3/2016 & CONFIRM WELSH AUDIT OFFICE ANNUAL RETURN ACCOUNTING STATEMENTS, ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT PARTS 1 & 2, INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT - Clerk had circulated to all Town Councillors a copy of the Annual Return with Accounting Statements, Annual Governance Statement Parts 1 & 2 and Internal Audit report completed, together with a copy of accounts and bank reconciliation for the year ended 31 March 2016, and a Statement of Explanation of Significant Variations from 2014/2015 to 2015/2016, all of which had been successfully audited by Sharn Drury, Internal Auditor. Proposed by Cllr A Bufton and seconded by Cllr R Reid, all in favour, that the Town Council confirms that the Annual Return has been presented to the Council on 11 May 2016 and approved Accounting Statements, Annual Governance Statement Parts 1 & 2 and Internal Audit report. The Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2016 was completed and signed in the official places by Cllr J Wilding, Mayor and Josephine Rumsey, RFO/Town Clerk for onward transmission to Grant Thornton Auditors by 6 June 2016. Noted Clerk has displayed the Notice to Electors on Town’s Notice Board from 11 April to 6 June 2016, of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Electors’ Rights for the Accounts Year End 31/03/2016 and for the records to be made available from 13 May – 6 June 2016. Noted Grant Thornton External Auditors’ Annual Audit for year ending 31/03/2016 is on 30 June 2016. Proposed by Cllr A Bufton and seconded by Cllr R Reid, all in favour, to pay Ms S Drury, Internal Auditor’s fee of £97.50 – Invoice 6.5 hours @ £15 per hour.

16/108 PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND PLANNING ISSUES – (a) Planning Application 16/13471/FUL – Construction of extension on top of existing extension – 16 Bronant, Talgarth - Town Council comments – Proposed by Cllr A Lord and seconded by Cllr Z Argent, all in favour, to support this Planning Application. (b) Planning Application16/13481/FUL–Agricultural Building House Farm Animals- Pengenffordd Farm - Town Council comments – Proposed by Cllr A Lord and seconded by Cllr R Reid, all in favour, to support this Planning Application. (c ) Planning Application 16/13484/FUL – New Agricultural Building – Pengenffordd Farm, Talgarth - Town Council comments – Proposed by Cllr A Lord and seconded by Cllr Z Argent, all in favour, to support this Planning Application. (d) Planning Application 16/13489/FUL – Single-storey extension and retention of raised platform – Fernleigh, Penbont Road, Talgarth - Town Council comments – Proposed by Cllr A Lord and seconded by Cllr Z Argent, all in favour, to support this Planning Application. (e) Planning Application 14/11433/FUL, Land at School Lane, Talgarth – Noted a letter of concern regarding this Planning Application has been received from Paul Evans, Churchfields. Noted this Planning Application had not been received by the Town Council for consultation and Clerk had made enquiries with the BBNPA who confirmed that this application is for minor non material amendment to application 14/11433/FUL, Land at School Lane, Talgarth and as an application to make a non-material minor amendment is not an application for planning permission, the existing Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 provisions relating to statutory consultation and publicity do not apply. Therefore local planning authorities have discretion in whether and how they choose to inform other interested parties or seek their views. As by definition the changes sought will be non-material, consultation or publicity are unlikely to be necessary. The time period for determination of a non-material minor amendment is 28 days. Or otherwise agreed in writing between the parties. Proposed by Cllr J Hopkins and seconded by Cllr N Bally, all in favour, to respond stating that the Town Council has discussed the content of Ms Jane Pashley’s e-mail and the Town Councillors unanimously believe that the removal of the planned wall is a material change and that full planning permission is therefore required. Also to state that the wall was originally required to ‘link’ the new development with the historic Church and Cemetery boundary wall opposite which is part of the conservation area and feel that the removal of the planned wall would directly impact on the Conservation area. Agreed to urge BBNPA to reconsider their decision about this issue. (e) BBNPA Article 4(2) Directions and conservation area appraisal review – Noted Rosie Burton will take this matter to the BBNPA meeting in June then and we will get together about the precise wording of the consultation regarding the Article 4(2) directions. She said it would be extremely helpful if a representative could attend the meeting i9.30am 10th June so that Members understand that the Town Council are supportive. Cllr N Bally agreed to attend the meeting. (f) Footpaths Talgarth – Cllr A Lord reported he had received a complaint that the gate at the bottom of the Bridle Path RUPP184 by the river is now locked. Agreed to report to BBNPA. Cllr J Wilding had received some concerns regarding the Bridle Path and Foot Path off old road near Pendre Farm and wished clarification of the Bridle Path and Foot Path in this location. Agreed to report to BBNPA for clarification. Noted awaiting update on the reported state of the Footpath from College Farm up to Penywrllod. (g) BBNPA – Community Council Planning Training Session – 4pm – 6pm 19th May – Cllr J Hopkins agreed to attend this training Session.

16/109 VERBAL REPORTS – COUNTY CLLR WILLIAM POWELL – Cllr W Powell gave a brief update on PCC issues: PCC – Breconshire meeting AGM – Cllr Powell reported that the Breconshire meeting had taken place earlier that day and a further EGM was to be held on 16th May in regard to Schools’ issues. Members appointed to Committees at the AGM today included Cllr William Powell to remain as a member of the Breconshire Committee, Audit Committee and to join the Planning Committee. Gwernyfed High School – Proposed Closure - Consultation – Cllr Powell confirmed that one week’s extension had been given to the Consultation period, now to end 1st June. Tenants Panel – Housing meeting – Cllr Powell reported that he had attended a recent meeting of the Tenants Panel at Hay-on-Wye. He had raised the wish expressed locally to explore creating a Residents Association - and procedural information had been forwarded to the interested parties. ONE VOICE WALES – Brecon & Radnor Area Committee - Fri 22 Apr in Llanafawr Community Centre – Noted Cllr M Dodds & Cllr Z Argent attended and minutes to follow. Talgarth Primary School – Governors meeting – Noted meeting held Mon 16th May re Budgetary issues. Festival Group – Cllr R Reid reported that more fund raising events were to take place and the recent event – a Claire Voyant evening in the Town Hall had gone well. Proposed by Cllr M Dodds and seconded by Cllr J Wilding, all in favour to give free hall hire for this event. Xmas Lights Group – Cllr M Dodds reported that the ‘Boat Race’ fund raising event held at the WAW Festival on Sat 30th April had gone well. Tourist Information & Resource Centre (TIRC) – Cllr Z Argent reported that TIRC AGM is to be held at 7pm Fri 13th May in the Town Hall Committee Room. Cllr Argent said that she was working on the feedback form to the ‘Lottery for All’, now due in, in relation to the successful bid to purchase new computer equipment. Noted Cllr J Wilding agreed to assist in completing the form. Noted that both Cllr Z Argent and Cllr J Hopkins were unable to get the TIRC ‘After-hours Screen’ to work. Cllr Z Argent thanked Cllr A Lord for giving his personal ‘After-hours Screen’ for use in the TIRC which is now up and running. TOWN HALL – Cleaner & Gate Opening – Agreed to pay Invoice of V W Cleaning Services for Apr – Cleaning 15hrs @ £10.50 per hr- £157.50 + Open/Close gates 8hrs - £57.60–Total £215.10. New Curtains/Blinds etc for Town Hall – Awards for All Grant Application – Cllr J Wilding, Mayor, reported the good news that we have been awarded £5,000 grant from ‘Awards for All’. Table Tennis Club – Cllr J Wilding asked if we really needed the 4th Table Tennis Table (which is still boxed) in order to make more room in the Town Hall. Agreed that Cllr A Bufton looks at the Table Tennis file (recently handed to the Clerk by Gareth Walters, former Table Tennis Organisation) to see if there are any clauses relating to disposing of Table Tennis tables etc purchased via a Grant from Powys Community Chest Panel Grant – Sponsored by The National Lottery. Agreed we ask Sam Organ, Chair TADSCA if they are able to help run the Table Tennis Club and to advertise in next Newsletter due end of June. Ladies’ toilets – Two faulty lights in ladies’ toilets –Agreed to payment of £141.20 + VAT to Skyrme Electrical Solutions for the supply and fit of two faulty lights as per Tender. Fire Alarm & Emergency Light quarterly testing – Noted Skyrme Electrical Solutions will undertake first test during first week of June as per Tender. Town Hall Valuation – Agreed to a valuation being undertaken when renovation work is complete. Pictures/Certificates etc – Noted Cllr A Bufton agreed to meet with Cynthia, Luncheon Club, to agree re-positioning of her certificates etc in the Town Hall. Frames for official documents and for Chairmen names etc – Cllr Bufton to seek suitable frames. Revised Town Hall Hire fees - Clerk reported that Cllr J Lilly looking into heating options etc and previously agreed to work out costing of usage of gas/electricity, based on Cllr A Bufton’s recorded readings and we would consider revised Town Hall Hire fees when this information is to hand. Regeneration Group – Received Agenda for 3rd May and minutes of the 5th April meeting. Re-decorating outside Town Hall – Request received from the Regeneration Group wishing to paint the rendering, windows and doors of the Town Hall if the Town Council supplies the materials. Cllr A Bufton suggested that we consider this after the current works by Smith Builders has been completed. Agreed that the Regeneration Group members liaise with Cllr A Bufton and Cllr R Reid re colours etc. It was noted that Peter Edwards, Volunteer painter, is asking if we are ready for him to finish off his decorating at the Town Hall. Flix in the Stix – Noted next Flix on Sat 21st May – The Dressmaker Cllr J Wilding reported that Steve Woodward had joined the Regeneration Group as a Volunteer and now shows the Flix in the Stix films together with Andrew Bufton when available. Cllr J Wilding reported that she had been informed by Andrew SIGNS that the Banner for Flix in Stix on Town Hall would cost approx £60 each time if we choose for him to collect and adjust each time. Noted the Walkers are Welcome have chosen not to have the banner done for "Resistance" due to the cost and will advertise on Town’s Notice Board & FYI Talgarth Regeneration Plan – Cllr J Wilding reported that a Public Meeting has been arranged at 6pm on Fri 10th June in the Town Hall, to update the Community on their proposals for regenerating Talgarth in the interests of the community, then share own thoughts on the plans to enhance our historic town including, The River Ennig project update, Affordable Housing, Community Spaces & Gardens & former Mid Wales Hospital. Litter Picking around the Town – Noted the Regeneration Group had arranged for a ‘Litter Picking’ morning on Wed 27th April, in advance of the WAW Festival. Sports Event – Fri 29 July – Sun 1st Aug – Cllr J Wilding reported that the Event was well in hand and asked Town Councillors to tell everyone about the Event. WALKERS ARE WELCOME GROUP – Cllr A Lord reported that the WAW Festival - 29th April – 2nd May had gone very well. Cllr J Wilding, Chair of the Regeneration Group, reported that the group had put on the film ‘Resistance’ for the WAW Festival in the Town Hall on Sat 30th April. Cllr M Dodds reported that he ran a Quiz for the WAW Festival on Sun 1st May at the Castle Hotel which raised £140. Agreed to forward a letter of Congratulations to the WAW group on such a successful Festival. Received Agenda for meeting 7.30pm Wed 4th May in Town Hall and draft mins 23 March 2016.

16/110 QUEEN’S 90th BIRTHDAY COMMEMORATIVE COINS – Cllr A Lord had asked for this to be put on the Agenda. Agreed not to purchase Coins for the children on this occasion.

16/111 PROPOSED CLOSURE OF GWERNFED HIGH SCHOOL – Secondary School Consultations Noted PCC has extended the Consultation which commenced 6th April by one week to 1st June 2016. The consultation documentation is available on the Council’s website, via the following link: http://www.powys.gov.uk/en/schools-students/plans-for-powys-schools/ Cllr A Lord, Mayor, reported that he is currently preparing a response to the consultation and will circulate a draft response to colleagues for their input.

16/112 TALGARTH PUBLIC CONVENIENCES – Cllr R Reid reported that he had repaired the hinge and inserted a bolt on the Public Conveniences’ gate. Cllr R Reid also reported that the walls in the Public Conveniences have been looking quite dirty in places, at the entrance and under the gents’ hand-drier, for some-time. Agreed to report this matter to Healthmatic. Clerk reported that the PCC Grant of £5,000 for 2016/2017 for the running of the Public Conveniences has been received. Noted we are awaiting from PCC Legal section a document for the transfer of the fixtures and fittings of the toilets to the Town Council.

16/113 TOWN HALL GROUND FLOOR MAINTENANCE WORKS/ACCESS ONTO MILL YARD Town Hall basement/The Mill Lease – Deed of Easement – Received e-mail confirmation today, 11th May, that the Deed of Easement has been completed by both parties today. Agreed to inform Matthew Little, Smith Builders that the remainder of the ramp and building work can re-commence as soon as possible. Agreed Cllr A Bufton and Cllr R Reid get together and see what works needs to be done inside the old Market Hall to make it into a useable condition and approx. costs.

16/114 BLACK MOUNTAINS LIONS GROUP – DONATION OF A DEFIBRILLATOR – Agreed to arrange training for the Community at a Public Meeting in the Town Hall, hopefully Mon 11th July 2016 at 6.30pm with Anthony Hamilton-Shaw of the Charity ‘Cariad’, who will give free training/demonstration (a donation is usually given) of the Defibrillator asap. Noted Cariad is a registered charity that was set up by Mrs Sherilyn Hamilton-Shaw, to raise the necessary funding to provide local schools & communities with defibrillators and life-saving training – More information can be found on their website. Agreed to advertise Public Meeting in Newsletter and Talgarth FYI.

16/115 PCC HIGHWAY/TRUNK ROAD AGENCY ISSUES – Speeding, Bronllys Road, Talgarth – Noted Cllr W Powell has written to Edwina Hart, for an update since her communication on 6 July 2015 to the North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent, regarding traffic speeds on the A479 at Talgarth when she said she was aware of this issue and in discussion with GoSafe, the Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership, about speed enforcement in Talgarth. In the meantime, she has asked her officials to discuss the installation of a Speed Indicator Device on the trunk road with PCC, who own the devices. Awaiting Edwina Hart’s response. 50mph Trial on the A479 between Tretower and below Pengenffordd – Cllr J Lilly verbally reported that he had obtained the views of the local Community and the majority thought the 50mph trial was a good thing and would send a short update so we could include this in the next Newsletter, due out end of June. Noted Cllr A Lord had previously asked County Councillor W Powell to respond to Dr Bramley with his views and keep the Town Council informed. Noted Cllr W Powell had previously forwarded copy of his letter sent to Edwina Hart, Minister WAG requesting an update on the details of how the A479 trial speed limit will be evaluated in terms of effectiveness, and when we might expect to see the outcome of this review. He also said that in assessing the A479 speed limit trial, it would be useful to ensure that the value of the 50mph speed limit in the villages of Pengenffordd and Waun Fach is assessed in its own right, as well as within the value of the 50mph speed limit over the longer stretch within which the villages lie. Those involved in the campaign feel that this is important to ensuring a comprehensive review of the trial. Noted a full response had not been received. Dumped wood/cuttings on river bank on side of footpath leading from Regent Street to Asylum Bridge Bell Street/Penbont Road – No new update. Cycle Path out of Talgarth to Three Cocks – opposite Great Porthamel GP Biotec Ltd – No new update since Simon Crowther PCC said he was liaising with the PCC depot & landowner to try and resolve this issue.

16/116 POWYS TEACHING HEALTH BOARD & CHC & BRONLLYS WELL BEING GROUP etc Powys Community Health Council – Cllr J Wilding, Mayor, reported that there have not been any CHC meetings since our last meeting.

16/117 DOMICILIARY CARE IN THE TALGARTH AREA – Cllr J Wilding has no new update but confirmed that she has personally sent (not as a Town Councillor) a FOI on the Domiciliary Care debacle requesting information on how much they have saved etc and would share this information with the Town Council, when received.

16/118 TALGARTH ISSUES Newsletter – Agreed to invite contributions for the Summer Newsletter – for distribution early July. Cllr J Wilding felt it important that we put in the Newsletter what the Town Council does and what it has achieved etc and to include a small update on each Town Councillor. It was also agreed to look at costs for a better quality printing. Agreed to this way forward. Bronze Sign on Roundabout Wall Nr Rugby Club – Cllr J Wilding, Mayor, asked when the sign was to be returned. Agreed Clerk ask Cllr W Powell for an update. Annual Vintage Tractor Run for Cancer Research – Invitation received from Brian Kite of Talgarth to the Presentation evening of approx. £4,000 to Cancer Research, on Wed 1st June at 7pm at the Cock Hotel, Bronllys. Noted Cllr A Lord will not be available. Cllr J Wilding, Mayor, Cllr M Dodds and Josephine, Town Clerk agreed to be in attendance. Bowling Club – Awaiting amended EOI application form from Steve Butcher PCC for signature by the Talgarth Town Council following confirmation of ownership of the Car Park adjacent the Club. Noted Steve Butcher confirmed that having spoken with David Pritchard, regarding the map previously supplied, it would appear that the Car park adjacent to the Bowling Green is in PCC ownership, however the current management Service is with Housing and not Outdoor Recreation as hoped. He would like to reiterate that this update should not affect any ongoing work to transfer the Bowling Green facility to Talgarth Town Council, with the car park remaining with the Housing Service, but the car park being available to use on a first come basis stating that this should not cause a problem. Noted Cllr A Lord, Mayor at the time, responded on behalf of the Town Council, stating that the Town Council is not sure about the Bowls Club car park not holding things up, on the contrary the Town Council regards it as critical, also stating that looking at it on Google Earth it is obvious that the only real access to the bowling club is via the car park. If for instance PCC Housing decide to build a couple of houses on it, or sell the land for development, then the Bowls Club would be in real difficulty not just for parking but for proper access for grass maintenance equipment. Cllr Lord said that we have to insist that for as long as the Bowls club is in existence that the car park is treated as part and parcel of it. Whilst the preference would be for this land to be transferred with together with the rest of the site we accept that it may problematic. However, for the site to remain viable the Town Council has to have control of it in a way that ensures it remains a car park for the life of the Bowls Club. Steve Butcher confirmed that the car park is not part of any proposed asset transfer, the car park will remain as an area for overspill parking area for the local community, including the Bowls Club members and will remain as part of Powys County Councils Housing Service portfolio. Noted Steve Butcher confirmed that PCC will be issuing to the Talgarth Bowls Club a licence - this interim licence will enable the Bowls Club to start to organise, programme and complete maintenance on the bowling green while discussion continue regarding the asset transfer of the site. Community Asset Transfer of Pavilion, King George V Playing fields – Noted Cllr J Wilding, Cllr M Dodds, Cllr R Reid and Josephine Rumsey, Town Clerk attended the TADSCA AGM on Wed 27th April. Josephine circulated to the meeting, an update of where we are with PCC and confirmed that the Transfer of the King George V Playing fields/Pavilion/Children’s Play area and Tennis Courts had been transferred to Talgarth Town Council on 4th April 2016. Noted this Asset has been insured with Zurich Insurance, the Town Council’s Insurer, with an additional premium of £57.82 up to renewal date of 1st June. TADSCA wished to know the boundaries of the King George V Playing fields which they will have responsibility. Josephine agreed to get this information from PCC. Noted we are still awaiting completion of the final works and Electrical Certificates at the Pavilion as discussed on 1st Apr with Cllr A Bufton, Cllr M Dodds and Cllr R Reid at a meeting with Steve Butcher PCC. Awaiting a further meeting with TADSCA to sign up the Management Agreement withthe Town Council. Noted Josephine has received the Council Tax Invoice of £1,000.16 for 2016-2017 for the Pavilion which the Town Council will have to pay until TADSCA takes over. Clerk informed TADSCA group that they could get rebates on the Council Tax when they take it over – either a 50% rebate if they have a Licensed Bar or 100% rebate if they do not have a Licensed Bar at the Pavilion. Proposed by Cllr R Reid and seconded by Cllr Pip Turner that the Town Council pays any TADSCA bills ie Highground ground maintenance, PCC Council Tax, Electricity etc out of the £5,026 grant already received by the Town Council from PCC and the balance be transferred to TADSCA when their bank is set up and the Management Agreement signed. TOWN TWINNING PROJECT - Talgarth/Pizzoferato– Update from Jane Green,Co-ordinator:  Town Twinning Youth Group – the group has arranged an event on Sun 12th June at 12.30pm in the Town Hall – programme to follow- the evemt is free to promote the project to other young people – they are having a raffle to try to raise some funds for the Youth group. It would be nice if as many Town Councillors could pop into the event.  European funding – results of applications should be known by end of May. Former Mid Wales Hospital – No new update. Car Park Charging – Talgarth Car Park – Proposed Car Parking Charges for Talgarth Car Park – Agreed County Councillor W Powell chase this matter and report back to us. WAG Petition & Talgarth FYI – No new update. Car Park Deeds – Cllr Powell previously agreed to arrange with PCC to inspect the deeds of the car park, in case there is a covenant or other restriction which may help us in this matter. Noted Cllr J Wilding wished to view the Car Park Deeds & those of King George V Playing fields Deeds. Cllr Powell to arrange. No new update. Old Post Office property – No new update. Talgarth & District Regeneration Group - Bell Street & Co Op Regeneration - Building sites with Planning Permissions and not developed and Boarded up Properties in the Town of Talgarth & Nat West Bank – No new update. Seats around the Town & Churchyard – Noted Cllr R Reid has stained and repaired as necessary, seats in the Churchyard and around the Town. Black Mountains Classic Tour 2016 – Received notification from Chris Phillips that Brecon Motor Club are again promoting the Black Mountains Classic Car Tour based in and around Talgarth and in particular Gwernyfed RFC on Sunday June 26th. For information, last year saw nearly 50 cars enter and they have already accepted over 40 entries for this year's event at this early stage. A copy of a notification letter to the residents of Trefecca Road who may experience difficulties with regards car parking was received. Whilst they are basing the event at the rugby club they are routeing the cars through the town on their return leg so that the entrants get to have a feel for the place and although it's too early to confirm they are considering having the final control in the square before their return to the club for their evening meal. An invitation received for Town Council members to view the start at the club and as they arrive back at around 16:00 in the square. Woodlands Play area – No new update. Woodlands Centre – No new update since confirmation received on 9th Mar from Steve Evans, Housing Management & Options Team Leader ( South), that PCC when he stated that he is still continuing with carrying out fire risk assessments to all communal/community facilities throughout the County, and therefore until these are complete and all necessary measures /actions following the assessments are undertaken, then the Community hall will be unavailable for use. He says PCC is looking to make the community room at Woodlands avenue available as soon as possible. GP Biotec Community Liaison Group – Noted GP Liaison Group meeting has been postponed from 27th April to 18th May, at GP Biotec, on site in the new office/education space – they say room not quite ready and there will also be a little more to discuss in a few weeks’ time, amongst other things a meeting between the BBNPA and appointed Heritage expert (Edward Holland) will have taken place on the 4th May to discuss the conservation strategy for the farmhouse. Noted spreading dates: 18/19 April - at Trebarried, Gwernyfed and possibly Bronllys. 20/21April near Three Cocks and Builth, 27 April spreading at Glanusk, 3rd & 4th May - spreading at Glanusk, Bronllys and then moving to the outskirts of Brecon today and tomorrow. 4th May – spreading at Felinfach today and not Brecon, 5th May – spreading Talachddu today, Spreading solid digestate this evening on field Penmaes side of the river. Wye & Usk Foundation – Awaiting full response from Dr Stephen Marsh-Smith OBE, Executive Director, Wye and Usk Foundation re this issue. Clerk to chase. Cllr A Lord, Mayor reported that Simon Evans, Usk & Wye Valley had contacted him months ago but had still not come back. Cllr A Bufton expressed concern that we had never a received a reply to his concern reported a year or so ago.

16/119 TREFECCA ISSUES – Proposed Footpath – Trefecca – Talgarth – No new update.

16/120 BURIAL GROUND Churchyard Entrance Gates – Agreed to ask Peter Edwards if he would like to paint up these gates and we would provide the materials. Howell Harris’ Father Memorial Stone – No new update. ‘Restoration of Churchyard Walls’ – Awaiting information from Dr Mervyn Bramley regarding this matter, as promised. Seats in Churchyard and about the Town – Cllr R Reid reported that he had stained many of the seats in the Churchyard and around the Town, repairing some as needed. Fellow Councillors thanked Cllr Reid for his hard work and thanked him for doing such a good job in making the seats look so nice. Tender from 1st Apr 2016 for 1,2,3 years - Note new Tender commenced from 1st Apr 2016 of OTM Garden Services (18 Cuts for year) for 1,2,3 years. Contract - 1st Year – 1 4 2016 – 31 03 2017 - £3,230.00 + 20% VAT £646.00 = £3,876.00 Contract - 2nd & 3rd Years – 1 4 2017 – 31 03 2019 - £6,783.00 + 20% VAT £1,356.60 = £8,139.60 (For 2 years) Noted 1st cut of 18 was on Mon 11th April and Cllr R Reid had confirmed the cut was satisfactory. Agreed to payment of Invoice 518 £269.16 + £53.83 VAT – Total £322.99. Woodland Davies Solicitors – No new update since Angharad Woodland, Solicitor reported some time ago, that she is liaising with Jeffreys & Powell Solicitors to enforce the Undertaking they provided in May 2011 relating to the District Valuer's invoice for£276.00 and will keep us informed. Donation of Seat in Churchyard – Noted that Cllr G Jones’ family seat awaiting to be positioned. St Gwendoline’s Church/Churchyard – Quinquennial Inspection Report Sept 2014 – Awaiting update on Sun dial from Tim Martin and to discuss the remaining contents of the Quinquennial Inspection report that affect the Town Council, at a future meeting. Noted local resident Mr Bill Morgan wished to make a contribution to the cost of the Sun dial repair. Noted the Clerk had been speaking with Tim Martin, who said that several members of the public had offered to assist him to renovate the Sun Dial (as they did with the WW1 War Memorial). Tim Martin said materials for the job would cost around £500 and he would not charge for the work and would oversee the job with Volunteers. Agreed to put this item in the next Newsletter due out end of June. Tree Planting Scheme at St Gwendoline’s Churchyard – Extension area – Tree / Shrub Planting at St Gwendoline’s Churchyard – Extension area – Cllr A Bufton and Cllr R Reid previously agreed to meet on site to suggest ideas of suitable path areas etc for Town Councillors to consider.

16/121 CORRESPONDENCE/INFORMATION RECEIVED DURING THE MONTH (NOT ON AGENDA) & DISCUSSED – FOR ACTION/INFORMATION/ON CIRCULATION- BBNPA - Consultation 28 Apr – 23 June on Addendum to Biodiversity in the Towns of the Brecon Beacons National Park SPG BBNPA - Weekly Register of Planning Applications - 15 Apr, 22 Apr & 29 Apr 2016 BBNPA - 24/05/2016 – 10am - Planning, Access and Rights of Way BBNPA - Agenda for Urgent Business Committee, Friday, 29th April, 2016, 1.00 pm BBNPA - Agenda for Audit and Scrutiny Committee, Friday, 29th April, 2016, 10.00 am BBNPA - Scrutiny - The next scrutiny study to be undertaken by the BBNPA is on the subject of 'Partnerships'. Partnership working is seen by many as a key element in the future working practices of most/all public sector organisations, yet effective partnerships are notoriously difficult to sustain over the medium to longer term. To gain an understanding of the form of partnerships or engagements which appear to work effectively for the BBNPA - and why - the scrutiny study will be in two stages and you are invited to join us in either or both stages. Each stage will take no more than 6 months. The first stage is focused on gathering information about all the BBNPA's 'partnerships' and classifying them into categories so that we can better understand which type of partnerships appear to work effectively and why. Armed with this understanding, the second stage will then involve other UK National Parks, some international parks and particular UK public bodies to contrast experiences of partnerships. If you would like to join us in this study, involving either or both stages, please contact Lora Davies by return email/contact details below or Julia Gruffydd [email protected]. Prof Alan Lovell, Brecon Beacons National Park Authority Member BBNPA - Smarter Energy Future for Wales – report. OVW - Brecon/Radnor Member Councils –The members of the Brecon & Radnor Area Committee have asked for OVW to forward to us Member the current OVW membership list of Councils, following a brief discussion under "Membership Recruitment and Retention" recently. OVW would be grateful for any help in seeking to persuade non-member councils to consider the benefits of joining our organisation and the attached document may help with this. OVW - Chairing Skills Training Session at Builth Wells on 31st May OVW - Older Peoples Commissioner for Wales Newsletter Spring 2016 OVW - Update to Model Financial Regulations PAVO - Members e-briefing May 2016 Powys Diabetes Patient and Carer Groups - Noted Powys Teaching Health Board is setting up Diabetes Patient and Carers Groups to give local people with diabetes and their carers the chance to meet and give their views about the services they receive and how well these meet their needs. Meetings will be held regularly in both North and South Powys and it is anticipated that the inaugural meetings will take place in June 2016. Further information can be found on Powys THB website - http://www.powysthb.wales.nhs.uk/event/9543 Anyone who is interested in joining the Groups, should email [email protected] or telephone 07966 389952. NB Josephine has put up a notice about this on the Town’s Notice Board. Request for Financial Assistance – Request received from Brecon & District Dial a Ride. Agreed to be considered at Feb/Mar 2017 meeting.

16/122 AMOUNTS RECEIVED Hall hire – Zumba – Mel – Apr £44, May £44 £88.00 Hall hire – Table Tennis - £7, £8, £4, £11 £30.00 Hall hire – Bronllys Hospital Well Being Park £5.00 Hall hire – Talgarth Junior Football Club – Jan party. £15.00 Burial Ashes – JR dec’d £66.00 R W Evans & Son – Memorial Stone – JJ dec’d £112.20 Talgarth Luncheon Club – 50% donation to Eurobin hire 1/4/16 - 30/0/16 £152.62

16/123 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Skyrme Electrical Solutions - £141.20 + £28.24 VAT £169.44 PCC – Eurobin Hire – 1/4/16 – 30/9/16 £305.24 OTM – 1st Cut April - £269.16 + £53.83 VAT £322.99 OTM – May - £269.16 + £53.83 VAT £322.99 Zurich Insurance 1/6/16 – 31/3/17 - £2440.76 + £231.88 Premium Tax £2,672.64 J Rumsey, Clerk – May Salary £1,067.47 Less Tax £213.40 = £854.07 Tel Rent £16.19, Broadband £17.01, Home Office £35, Postages £2.55, Travel £2.25 £927.07 Cllr J Wilding – Travel to Swansea – Meeting – 94 miles @ 0.45p per mile £42.30 Calendars for Pizzoferrato £26.00 Wilkinson – Envelopes £2.15 V W Cleaning Services – Town Hall May Invoice – 11hrs Deep Cleaning @ £10.50 per hr = £115.50 + Open/Close gates – £32.40 – £147.90 Black bags £2.50 Bronllys Well Being Park Community Land Trust (CLT) – 1 yr fee £16.50 King George V Playing Fields PCC – Pavilion – April Council Tax £100.16 High Ground – April ground maintenance - £88.62 + £17.72 VAT £106.34

16/124 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Current Account - £1,507.08 High Interest Account - £52,154.62

There was no further business and the meeting closed at 9.45pm.

SIGNED: ……………………………………..

DATE: ………………………………………...

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