MEETING Action Points

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MEETING Action Points

TYPE OF MEETING: Regional FSAC Meeting DATE & LOCATION 30. Sep. 2015/FAO-Jalalabad Office CHAIR PERSON: Khushal Asifi, OIC, FAO-Jalalabad Office NOTE TAKER: Dr. Anber Gul DAIL Nangarhar, WFP, FAO, IOM, MADERA, NPO/RRAA, SOFAR, DRC, ATTENDEES: OCHA, ACBAR, APA, NCRO, WHH/GAA, SHPOOL and AVPSO Item Subject Agency Presenting

Introduction/review of the actions 1. items & adoption of previous FAO meeting minutes Updates on Seasonal Food Security FAO 2. Assessment 3. Transformative Agenda Presentation OCHA/WFP/FAO

4. Updates on humanitarian situation- OCHA ER

5. Update on DRR projects by WHH/GAA WHH/GAA supported and planned 6. FSAC partners update All Partners AOB



1 The regional IPC team will conduct a meeting to review and WFP/IOM/FAO/ discuss the recent IPC phase classification. DAIL IOM will have presentation on DRR in the next FSAC meeting. 2 IOM


08. November. 2015 WFP Meeting Room


1 Introduction/actions items & adoption of previous meeting FAO minutes DISCUSSION POINTS: FAO OIC Mr. Khushal Asifi chaired the meeting and welcomed to the participants. The meeting started by introduction of the participants. The participants confirmed the last meeting minute which was chaired by DAIL- Nangarhar and provided comment that the minute of the previous meeting need to submit along with the agenda. According to previous FSAC meeting, there were two action points for FAO and WHH/GAA to share reports of Seasonal Food Security Assessment (SFSA) with Partners and deliver presentation on DRR. Action Point

MINUTE NO: AGENDA: FACILITATOR: 2 Updates on Seasonal Food Security Assessment FAO DISCUSSION POINTS:

1 | FSAC CR Minutes of Meetings- 20April, 2015 As it was stated as an action point in the previous meeting minute for FAO to share report of Seasonal Food Security Assessment with partners.

Khushal Asifi delivered presentation on SFSA final report and informed the partners about recent IPC. The SFSA assessment conducts every year and all of the related NGOs should be involved in the assessment too. It was mentioned by the partners that the SFSA addresses very serious food security problems so the SFSA report shared with all partners, while the major part of the SFSA highlighted through power point presentation.

The recent IPC phase classification shows Nangarhar in phase-2 while the projection for Nangahrar is phase-3. The reply of IPC focal point from WFP (Mr. Amini) was easy access of people to market in Nangarhar than other provinces and regions. He added “ The IPC national workshop was conducted in Kabul together with other NGOs and the result of one week team work was phase classification of provinces and eastern provinces as below: 1. Nangarhar in phase-2 (Projection is phase-3) 2. Kunar in phase-2 (Duration and projection) 3. Laghman in phase-3 (Duration and projection) 4. Nooristatn in phase-3 (Projection is phase-4)

IOM (Mr. Safi and Eng. Shahwali NPO/RAA) said “the IPC training is necessary in Nangarhar for IPC partners and should be focused on accurate data collection to justify and properly present eastern region during the IPC workshop”.

The chairman of the meeting suggested to WFP as IPC focal point for ER to establishing technical working group at regional level to share information with partners and collect the required accurate data for further share with IPC team in Kabul.

Action Point The regional IPC team will conduct a meeting to review and discuss the recent IPC phase classification.


3 Humanitarian Reform & Transformative Agenda OCHA/WFP/FAO Presentation DISCUSSION POINTS: FAO, WFP and OCHA presented a power point presentation regarding Transformative Agenda The Transformative Agenda three pillars accountability, leadership and coordination explained to the participants and all three pillars explained by WFP,FAO and OCHA The FSAC cluster mechanism should be strengthen and the Transformative Agenda will be resulted to bring changes in impact of work and the emergency teams can to well manage the emergencies. All emergency are analyzed for taking future actions.

The reason for preparation of Transformative Agenda was how to take timely and suitable action in emergencies.

The available mechanism of emergency/urgency is used for strong coordination and well-managing the emergencies. For responding an emergency in the eastern region, there is a coordination body which is responsible for taking required action which is leading Government by technical support of OCAH.

Action Point

MINUTE NO: AGENDA: FACILITATOR: Updates on humanitarian situation in eastern 4 OCHA/IOM region DISCUSSION POINTS:

From OCHA Mr. Rafiqi delivered detailed presentation on humanitarian situation in eastern region FSAC partners. He presented a clear picture of the humanitarian situation in the eastern region.

Security situation in the eastern region is expected to continue to deteriorate resulting in further decrease in humanitarian access. Hence, conflict induced and displacement will continue.

2 | FSAC CR Minutes of Meetings- 20April, 2015 Eastern region experience localized natural Hazard induced Emergencies like Floods, Epidemics, Heavy Rainfall, Landslides, Snowfall/Harsh winter (Nuristan).

Conflict-induced Issue in the eastern region:

1. Displacement The conflict has resulted in new displacement and there are protracted cases of existing IDPs awaiting durable solution or to return to their place of origin. According to UNHCR, From January to September 2015, approximately (4,841) families (28,803ind) have been displaced due to conflict. UNHCR, WFP, NRC, IRC, ICRC and DRC provided NFIs, Food, Tents and cash.

2. Civilian Casualties: According to Human Right section of UNAMA (406) civilians death between January and September 2015 as a result of conflict. And (6%) increased from the same period of 2014.

3. Afghan Refugee Returned to ER: According to UNHCR from Jan-Sept. (2,155) families or (10,297) individuals have voluntarily returned to the ER and received Humanitarian assistance. According to IOM from Jan-Sept (-) undocumented families from Pakistan are returned to the region and (-) vulnerable families which came under IOM criteria has been assisted.

4. Natural Disasters In 2015 Natural disaster mostly flood and heavy rainfall affected 4,176 families (30,593 individuals), 49 people were injured and 61 were killed. Livelihood services like agriculture land, corps, livestock were also affected.

 Diseases Outbreaks: During 2015 the most common occurrences of disease outbreaks in the ER include: – Measles = (25); Acute Viral Hepatitis(AVH)=7, CCHF=5, Malaria = 2, Pneumonia = (1), – Cholera=1, Rabies=1, Pertussis=1 – Total number of outbreaks = 44 – Total number of dead people = 23 – Total number of polio cases= 6

Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever- CCHF CCHF is a vector-borne hemorrhagic disease caused by a primarily zoonotic virus infecting a wide range of domestic and wild animals. The main implicated vectors are ticks. MoPH countrywide registered 10 CCHF cases where 8 killed. 35 other suspected cases were registered.

5. Humanitarian Financing • HRP 2015 - Total requested US$ 405m Common Humanitarian Fund(CHF) First Standard Allocation • 4 new projects for Eastern Region in 2015 • Implementing partners: Health: PU-AMI (Kunar) and HNI(Nangarhar), WASH: DACAAR(Nangarhar & Kunar), Nutrition: ACF/SCA(Laghman)

6. Challenges:

 Access

Humanitarian access to vulnerable population is impeded by insecurity, difficult terrain and climatic conditions. Majority districts in ER are considered very high risk or extremely by UNDSS. During winter vehicular access is a challenge particularly in Nuristan and Kunar provinces.

• Delay in conducting assessments and response • Lack of resources from GoA • Inflated data on displacement and damages • Durable solution for IDPs 3 | FSAC CR Minutes of Meetings- 20April, 2015 • Lack of reintegration support for returning undocumented Afghans • Closing of 59 schools and 11 clinics.

Action Point


5 Update on DRR projects by WHH/GAA WHH/GAA supported and planned DISCUSSION POINTS: As mentioned in the previous FSAC meeting minute as an action point, WHH/GAA (Mr. Delawar Haqmal) delivered presentation on their AFG 1159 WASH & DRR project. The AFG 1159-WASH & DRR project has been implementing Durbaba, Achin and Nazian districts of Nangarhar province. He consisted the community approach, activities and achievements of DRR project in his presentation and informed the partners about methodology that they have been implementing in their DRR project such as:

 Village mapping  Seasonal calendar  Venn Diagram  Problem Tree  Priority problem  Community action plan  Although such type of project is highly needed for Durbaba district but the project interventions are suspended due to insecurity along the way to Durbaba district.

He mentioned that they have the same DRR project intervention in Dar-e-Noor and Ghushta districts of Nangarhar province as well.

ACBAR Dr. Mohammad Sharaf: suggested that, WHH/GAA should share the projects concept in a workshop to all stakeholders in order to build the capacity of the NGOs staff for preparing good concepts for convincing the donors for fund raising. . He further appreciated the unique platform of Project Appraisal Committee (PAC).

Delawar Haqmal added that currently WHH implement Rural Development Project in Kama and Dara-i-Nur districts through CDCs of NSP program. Besides, another project known as the renewable energy project is being implemented in Khewa and Kama districts.

WHH/GAA mentioned that, 10 projects under DDR program are ongoing and IMC also working in this part. Action Point IOM will have presentation on DDR project in the next FSAC meeting.

MINUTE NO: AGENDA: FACILITATOR: 6 FSAC partners update All DISCUSSION POINTS: WHH/GAA has been implementing rose project in Duraba District of Nangarhar Province.

WFP has been implementing the below projects:  Gabion protection wall projects are going on in the Dara-e-Noor district, which is protecting a school from the flood. Two sites of Gabion protection wall is going on in Watapoor district in river site to protect houses, agricultural land and also roads. This project is implemented by AREA.  Protection Gabion wall in Laghman province in Mehterlam is going on to protect Agricultural land and also houses from the river and flood. This project is implemented by RRDPO  Road expansion Nuristan in Nurgram district is going on, the length is 6km. the project is implemented by RRDPO and also the same organization is implementing a 4km road construction and widening project in Dawltshah district.  Construction of new 983m road in Shigal district is going on, the project is implemented by the NCRO a national organization.

4 | FSAC CR Minutes of Meetings- 20April, 2015  Construction of 6km new road and also re-creation of 4km canals (main canal with several braches) is going on in Kamdish district of Nuristan province.

Some proposal are received and under review under Asset creation activity which E-voucher for the labors.  Protection Gabion wall project in Ghawchak area of Nangarhar province, looking to have a joint project with other interested donor (UNDP, IOM).  A Gabion protection wall project in Marawara district of Kunar province, proposal received and under review.  A gabion protection wall project in Laghman province in Mehteral and proposal is under review.


 Protection wall projects in Lalpoora , Mohamand Dara, Goshta, Kama districts of Nangahar and Khas Kuner district of Kunar province.

 Ongoing river bank construction project with one kilometer length in Goshta district of Nangarhar province

 Poultry farm project in 2 villages and will distribute 22 six months old poultries for each 5 beneficiary and also 50 kg poultry ration for each beneficiary. The size of poultry farm is 6 Mx3 Meter.

 They have kitchen garden project for women in 5 districts too. They have provided potato vegetation seeds for 118 farmers too under the kitchen gardening project.

 They have facilitated different vocational trainings regarding, carpentry, wilding for 29 men beneficiaries and also tailoring and box making and other trainings for 40 women.  5 irrigation canal and 8 water divider projects are ongoing.


 A home based small poultry farming project for 120 female beneficiaries has been started and will be completed on December 2015. The project is going to be implemented in Woch Tangi, Tangi 1, Tangi 2 and Tangi 3 of Behsood district. The poultry farms includes, Hen 40, Rooster 4, feed 200kgs, feeder 4, drinker 4 and the other required items.

 DRC recently completed BPRM grants for 343 male and female beneficiaries of vocational training, apprenticeship, Self-Help Group and Small and Medium Enterprise in different targeted locations of Nangarhar province.


SOFAR has been implementing poultry project in Kooz Kunar district where they distributed layer hens and Dar-e- Noor district of Nangarahr province where broilers chicks are distributed. They support 50 female beneficiaries in each of abovementioned districts. Drinker, wire-mesh and other required items are part of the beneficiary kit.

 FAO has shared information about new project of FAO for animal health services and gave details on project goal, components wise and activities, the training for VFUs will be started very soon hopefully by starting of November. The FAO has also mentioned the marketing issue of IDs project that 3 more boths established in JLBD city for the sale of dairy product.


5 | FSAC CR Minutes of Meetings- 20April, 2015 S. No Name Title Organization Email address Phone

1 Mashal Rokhan Admin SOFAR [email protected] 0777598559

2 Jamal Naser Rafiqi HAO OCHA [email protected] 0793001103

3 Dr. Sharaf RM ACBAR [email protected] 0700601917

4 Ajab Khan PC MADERA [email protected] 0700617979

5 Mullah Jan Deputy AM DRC [email protected] Nil

6 Anwer Khan Zurmaty Regional Manager APA [email protected] 0797530536

7 Ajmal Mommand HOP WFP [email protected] 0700636366

8 Shapoor Amini Senior. PA WFP [email protected] 0706005179

9 Shahwali RM NPO/RRAA [email protected] 0700601853

10 Mohammmad Ibrahim Program Manager NPO/RRAA [email protected] 0777636929

11 Eng. Sayed Ghufran Director NCRO [email protected] 0700603672

12 Delawar Haqmal Area coordinator WHH/GAA [email protected] 0779638383

13 Sayed Naeem Site engineer NCRO [email protected] 0700603672

14 Khan Mohammad DAIL M & E [email protected] 0789811997

15 Shfiullah Shadab ED SHPOOL [email protected] 0795122899

16 Sayed Fahim Site Engineer AVPSO [email protected] 0788730301

17 Anber Gul Livestock expert FAO [email protected] 0793505823

18 Khushal Asifi OIC FAO [email protected] 0798410572

19 Mohammad Nasir Attai HOS WFP [email protected] 0706004506

6 | FSAC CR Minutes of Meetings- 20April, 2015

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