Held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Louth

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Held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Louth




Councillor F. Robertson (in the Chair)

Councillors: B. Burnett, F.G. Coonghe, C. Finch, M. Jones, G.C. Lindsay, A.M. Lione, Mrs. J. Makinson- Sanders, T.F. Marris, Mrs. M. Ottaway, F. Robertson, K.A. Sharp, D.M. Skinner, F.W.P. Treanor and Mrs. P.F. Watson

The Town Clerk, Mr. C. Brightmore JP and his Secretary Mrs. L. Phillips were also present.

Members of the public addressed the committee prior to the opening of the meeting: a) Mrs. P. Kingswood spoke about her concern at the drop in trade in the town due to there being no long term parking in the town. b) Mr. D. Stead and Mr. B. Jenkins spoke about their objections to planning application (1) 02601/05 United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Land at County Hospital, off Badminton Way and Sandringham Drive. c) Mrs. C. Stephenson spoke about her objections to planning applications NAM/(E)N105/-/06/CM/es, GBM Plots 53 and 54 Bolingbroke Road, Louth. d) Mr. T. Archer addressed the Committee regarding the state of the Cemetery.

13. Presentation by Mr. L. Gardner of the North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospital Trust re. Foundation Trust Application and its Impact on the People of Louth

Mr. L. Gardner the Projects Director of North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospital told the Committee that North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospital currently provide some services at Louth Hospital. At the invitation of Louth Hospital they rent accommodation there from which these services are provided. He said, in addition, North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospital serve an area of Lincolnshire approximately 100 miles long and 15 miles wide. Mr. Gardner said his reason for addressing the Committee was because Government Regulations said he must liaise with local people about the North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospital Foundation Trust Application.

The NHS Foundation Trust is a new form of body called a public Benefit Corporation; they make NHS services accountable to local people. The benefits of becoming a Foundation Trust are:

1. Freedom to decide locally how to provide services 2. Gives local people a say in the running of the hospital 3. Financial freedom 4. Faster decision making

- 1 - He said the priorities are:

1. Quality of care 2. Long term condition and quality of life 3. Local services for local people (they want to help Louth keep its hospital) 4. Local travel support, as required 5. Speedy access; convenient locations (might mean more out of hospital services) 6. Model employer 7. Reputation for excellence 8. Value for money

He said that the Council and local people are welcome to become members of the Trust and attend meetings. He explained that any decision made by the hospital directors, under the new scheme would have to be ratified by a board of governors. In conclusion he listed the reasons why He said North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospital becoming a Foundation Trust would be good. These were:

1. Control of own destiny 2. Local ownership and responsiveness 3. Local accountability 4. Quicker decision making 5. Financial flexibility

For further information please contact: Foundation Trust Office, Butterwick House, Scunthorpe General Hospital, Cliff Gardens, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 7BH or tel: 01724 282282 ext 2852/2753. Web: www.nlg.nhs.uk/foundation.

14. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from The Mayor, Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch who was attending a mayoral engagement to attend, The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Mrs. E. Ballard JP, Councillors J.E. Gains, M. Knight and J. Macdonald.

15. Mayor’s Announcements

Due to the absence of the Mayor there were no Mayor’s announcements.

This section of the meeting closed at 8.04pm.


16. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs. M. Ottaway and seconded by Councillor F.W.P. Treanor and unanimously agreed by Councillors that, in the absence of The Mayor, Councillor F. Robertson chair the beginning of each of the following committee meetings until a Chairman had been elected for those sub committees.

17. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

It was proposed by Councillor K. Sharp, seconded by Councillor D. Skinner and RESOLVED by vote of the Council that Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders be elected Chairman of the Louth Town Council Planning and Environment Committee. Councillor F. Robertson invited Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson- Sanders to take the Chair.

- 2 - It was proposed by Councillor D. Skinner, seconded by Councillor T.F. Marris and RESOLVED by vote of the Council that Councillor M. Jones be elected as Vice Chairman.

18. Presentation by Mr. S. Priestley of ELDC and Mr. A. Barkley of Linx Homes regarding the Linx Homes Monks Dyke Road Development

Mr. S. Priestley the Housing Strategy and Development Manager at ELDC told the committee that he would like a debate about making the most of the proposed development and maximising it. Mr. Barkley said that Linx Homes have been awarded funding for a further 40 homes on Monks Dyke Road. He said some of the issues being considered are security, access, waste bins, play areas and energy efficiency. He asked members of the Committee to feed through any comments regarding these and other issues to Linx Homes and assured them that they would try to incorporate any suggestions into the plans.

19. Chairman’s Remarks

The Chairman, Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders asked Councillors if they would like to attend Planning Training at ELDC in Council Chamber 2 on either the 6th or 7th June. Three Councillors took up the invitation.

20. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from The Mayor, Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch who had a mayoral engagement to attend, The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Mrs. E. Ballard JP, Councillors J.E. Gains, M. Knight and J. Macdonald.

21. Declarations of Interest

The following personal interests were declared:

Councillor B. Burnett

1. Agenda Item 2 - Presentation by Mr. S. Priestley and Mr. A. Barkley - as a member of New Linx Housing Trust.

2. Agenda Item 8 - Planning Application No. (1) 02601/05 - Outline Erection - United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust - Land at County Hospital, off Badminton Way and Sandringham Drive; and (3) 00539/06 - Planning Permission - Wolds Housing Association Ltd - Plots 1 to 12 Former Spout Yard, Chequergate, Louth

As a member of New Linx Housing Trust.

3. Agenda Item 8 - Planning Application No. (19) 00973/06 - Planning Permission - ELDC - Plot 20 Bolingbroke Road - as a member of ELDC

Councillor C. Finch

1. Agenda Item 8 - Planning Applications - all planning applications as a member of ELDC.

- 3 - Councillor T.F. Marris

1. Agenda Item 8 - Planning Application No. (17) 00912 - Outline Erection - Mr. Thompson - Land south of 99 Horncastle Road, Louth; and (22) & (23) NAM/(E)N105/-/CM/es - Planning Permission - GBM - Plots 53 and 54 Bolingbroke Road

Councillor Mrs. P. Watson

1. Agenda Item 8 - Planning Application No. (1) 02601/05 - Outline Erection - United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust - Land at County Hospital, off Badminton Way and Sandringham Drive - as a member of New Linx Housing; and (22) & (23) NAM/(E)N105/-/CM/es - Planning Permission - GBM - Plots 53 and 54 Bolingbroke Road - as a member of Lincolnshire County Council

The following prejudicial interest was declared:

Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders

1. Agenda Item 8 - Planning Application No. (9) 00828/06 - Planning Permission - Mrs. M. Cruickshank - Plot rear of Blair House, 207 Newmarket, Louth - as an acquaintance of the applicant.

22. Minutes of the Meeting

The notes of the Meeting of Tuesday 25th April 2006 (PLAN/06/04/MINS) were approved and signed by the Chairman, as the Minutes and a correct record of that meeting.

23. Town Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding

The Town Clerk had nothing to report.

24. Applications Received by the Local Planning Authority

The Committee considered the applications listed in the schedule (PA/Sched/06/05) and RESOLVED:

1. (1) 02601/05 - Outline Erection - United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust - Land at County Hospital, off Badminton Way and Sandringham Drive - To object on the grounds that the height of the proposed building would lead to ‘overlooking’ and loss of amenity to adjacent premises. The increase in traffic would lead to congestion. Councillors ask that a ‘Traffic Impact Assessment’ be carried out.

2. Councillor B. Burnett left the room while application (3) 00539/06 was discussed.

3. (3) 00539/06 - Planning Permission – Wolds Housing Association Ltd., - Plots 1 to 12 former Spout Yard, Chequergate, Louth – To support. However, Councillors felt that the fenestration proposed was incompatible with the existing style and character of adjacent buildings.

4. (6) 00713/06 - Consent to Display - Focus (DIY) Ltd. - Former Davenport Stannard Knitwear Ltd., Belvoir Way, Louth, LN11 0LQ - To support. Councillors request that all of the illuminated signs be switched off thirty minutes after trading ceases and that no illumination be allowed to shine o to North Holme Road.

- 4 - 5. (15) 00879/06 – Planning Permission – S.G. Investments – Plot 14 Nottingham Road, Louth – To Support with the premise that none of the units should be used for processing waste.

6. (22) & (23) NAM/(E)N105/-/CM/es - Planning Permission - GBM - Plots 53 and 54 Bolingbroke Road - To object on the grounds that the developments would result in an unacceptable intrusion on the amenity of residents of adjacent properties. The intrusion would take the form of noise, dust, smell and pollution. All of the aforementioned elements of intrusion have already been experienced by neighbouring residents and it is strongly believed that the above mentioned developments would substantially add to their loss of amenity.

The Committee also objected to the applications on the grounds that they are contrary to policy A4 of the East Lindsey District Council Local Plan as of the 1999 alteration.

7. Councillors C. Finch and Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders left the room while application (9) 00828/06 was discussed.

8. Councillor C. Finch temporarily left the meeting at 9.30pm to collect The Mayor from her engagement.

9. Councillor B. Burnett left the room while application (19) 00973/06 was discussed.

10. All remaining applications were supported.

25. Correspondence

The Committee noted the following items of correspondence:

1. Temporary Road Closure To: a) Butcher Lane and Cornmarket b) Mercer Row, For: East Lindsey Womens ‘Race for Life’, Dates: a) 9.00am to 1.00pm Sunday 16th July 2006 b) 11.00am to 1.00pm Sunday 16th July 2006, Alternative route: Will be signed.

2. Temporary Road Closure To: a) High Holme Road (Western End) between Grimsby Road and Broadbank Junction b) High Holme Road (Eastern Side of the Broadbank junction for 100 metres), Dates: a) 22nd May 2006 for 2 weeks b) 5th June 2006 for 1 week, Alternative route: a) Via High Holme Road West – North Holme Road and Grimsby Road, b) Via High Holme Road (Western End) Grimsby Road and North Holme Road.

3. ELDC Tree Preservation Order: Louth 1979 No. 2 Order, Trees in Area A1, adjacent to 19 Christopher Close, Louth, Application Reference Number: D/T/2.105.17 Notification of an application to fell 6 Ornamental Conifers at the above location. The reason for the work is due to safety concerns and light restrictions on surrounding properties. An officer of the Council has undertaken a site visit and considers that the trees are no longer worthy of protection from felling.

4. North Somercotes Women’s Institute Letter received from North Somercotes Women’s Institute regarding the Louth Hospice. (Copy of letter attached).

This section of the meeting closed at 9.37pm.


26. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

It was proposed by Councillor D. Skinner, seconded by Councillor B. Burnett and RESOLVED by vote of the Council that Councillor G.C. Lindsay be re-elected as Chairman of the Louth Town Council General Purposes and Finance Committee. Councillor F. Robertson formally announced this and invited Councillor G.C. Lindsay to take the Chair.

It was proposed by Councillor T.F. Marris, seconded by Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders that and RESOLVED by vote of the Committee Councillor B. Burnett be re-elected as Vice Chairman.

27. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from The Mayor, Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch who had a mayoral engagement to attend, The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Mrs. E. Ballard JP, Councillors J.E. Gains, M. Knight and J. Macdonald.

28. Chairman’s Remarks

The Chairman, Councillor G.C. Lindsay told the meeting that Louth Twining Association had requested that Louth Town Council nominate a Councillor to be a member of their organisation.

The Committee agreed that since 6 Councillors are already members it should not put forward another.

Councillor G.C. Lindsay explained to Councillors that their presence would be welcomed, if at all possible, at the Re-dedication of the Twinning Charter Ceremony taking place on Saturday 3rd June at 11am in the Town Hall. He also invited Councillors partners to attend.

The Chairman went on to stress the importance of all Councillors volunteering some of their time, during the Civic Weekend, to ‘look after’ the Council Chamber where the Town Council’s Civic Regalia and Charters etc., are to be displayed. The Council Chamber will be open on Saturday 3rd June from 12pm to 4pm and on Sunday 4th June from 10am to 4pm. Councillor F.W.P. Treanor said his Police Cadets would be present all day on both days. The Chairman thanked him but still urged all Councillors to find a little time to help out.

29. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

30. Minutes of the Meeting

The notes of the Meeting of Tuesday 11th April 2006 (GP&F/06/04/MINS) were approved and signed by the Chairman, as the Minutes and a correct record of that meeting.

31. Town Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding

The Town Clerk referred the Committee to Minute 99 of the previous meeting’s minutes and told Councillors that he had approached Mr. S. Di Giambattista and had received a quote for the work required to conserve the Panorama. He said he had not yet approached 2 other conservators; however, he had a meeting arranged with the ELDC Conservation Department at which he hoped to secure help with the funding for the conservation of the Panorama.

- 6 - The Town Clerk also referred the Committee to Minute 104 of the previous meeting’s minutes and told Councillors that the Mayor’s Parlour is currently being redecorated. He had established that the old carpet is a Wilton and not the product of Louth’s former carpet mill and it will therefore be thrown away. Councillor T.F. Marris is to supply and fit a new carpet which will be ‘in keeping’ with the décor.

The Town Clerk informed the Committee that he had received from ELDC a schedule of their meetings for the 2006/2007 year. He reported that all Louth Area Meetings clash with Louth Town Council meetings notwithstanding that he had submitted a list of the meetings of Louth Town Council for 2006/07 to ELDC in February of this year. Following a proposal by Councillor Mrs. P.F. Watson, who told the Committee that she was expected to attend Area Meetings it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk should write to ELDC and ask them to change the dates of the Area Meetings. A copy of this letter should be sent to all District Councillors and Mrs. Kuomi.

32. Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer

It was proposed by Councillor F. Robertson, seconded by Councillor F.W.P. Treanor and RESOLVED by a vote of the Council that Councillor G.C. Lindsay be re-elected as the Responsible Financial Officer for Louth Town Council.

33. Appointment of Staff Appraisal Group

It was RESOLVED to form a staff appraisal group consisting of the Chairman of the General Purposes and Finance Committee, Councillor G.C. Lindsay, the Chairman of the Planning and Environment Committee, Councillor Mrs. J. Makinson-Sanders and The Mayor, Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch.

34. Mayor of Louth’s Formal Chain of Office Councillor F. Robertson explained to the Committee that since the formation of Louth Town Council in 1974 no Town Mayor had been allowed to add a medallion commemorating their year of office to the Mayor’s Formal Chain of Office. He said the Mayor thought this a shame and reported that The Mayor thought council should remove approximately the first 20 medallions from the Mayor’s Chain of Office and have these mounted for display. He said she then thought if any of the past Mayor’s, since 1975, wished to add a medallion they should be allowed to do so, at their own cost and only if they agreed that their medallion would meet strict standards in relation to size, appearance and uniformity.

The Mayor, Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch and her Consort Councillor C. Finch arrived at 10pm.

Following a proposal by The Mayor, Councillor Mrs. M.W. Finch it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk would obtain a quote for removing 40 of the first medallions and having these mounted for display.

35. Coat of Arms

It was RESOLVED that Spout Yard People’s Park be allowed to use the wolf rampant, from the official Coat of Arms, as a model for a weather vane in the park.

This section of the meeting closed at 10.15pm


36. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs. M. Ottaway, seconded by Councillor F.W.P. Treanor and RESOLVED by vote of Council that Councillor J.P. Dean be elected Chairman of the Louth Town Council Cemetery Committee.

- 7 - It was proposed by Councillor F.G. Coonghe and seconded by Councillor C. Finch that Councillor K. Sharp be elected Vice-Chairman of the Louth Town Council Cemetery Committee. However, there was also a proposal by Councillor F.W.P. Treanor and seconded by Councillor M. Jones that Councillor Mrs. M. Ottaway be elected Vice-Chairman of the Louth Town Council Cemetery Committee. On a vote of the Council it was RESOLVED Councillor K. Sharp was elected Vice-Chairman. He was invited to take the chair in the absence of Councillor J.P. Dean.

Councillor D. Skinner left the meeting at 10.18pm.

37. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Mrs. E. Ballard JP, Councillors J.E. Gains, M. Knight and J. Macdonald.

38. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

39. Minutes of the Meeting

The notes of the Meeting of Tuesday 2nd May 2006 (CEM/06/05/MINS) were approved and signed by the Chairman, as the Minutes and a correct record of that meeting.

40. Town Clerk’s Report on Matters Outstanding

The Town Clerk referred the Committee to Minute 45 of the previous meeting and told the Committee that as instructed he had approached Mr. E. Jorgensen to ask him to review the roadway repair and give his opinion on its value for money. However, Mr. Jorgensen had declined to review the work. Therefore, the Town Clerk had approached Mr. D. Fairburn of Foxhall Construction Ltd., to review the work, who had expressed the opinion that value for money had been obtained, when once considered the work done as a whole.

The Town Clerk referred the Committee to minute 47 of the previous meeting and reported that he had examined the Cemetery fence and was satisfied that the Cemetery Fence Post referred to in Minute 47 needed replacing.

41. Cemetery Store Building

The Committee was told that the Cemetery Store Building urgently needed its roof repairing. Corroborating photographs were passed around the meeting and the Town Clerk informed the Committee that he had a quote for the remedial works from Foxhall Construction Ltd. It was RESOLVED to approve the remedial works in principle and refer the financing of the repairs to FOG.

The meeting closed at 10.37pm.

Signed______(Chairman) Dated______

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