Chalfont St Giles Parish Council s2

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Chalfont St Giles Parish Council s2

Report No. 38/16


A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on Wednesday 24 August 2016 in the Gardens Association Hall, School Lane at 8.00 p.m.

Present: Cllr D Bray (Chairman), Cllr J Chamberlain, Cllr R Gill, Cllr J Lomas, Cllr R Massey and the Clerk.

Public Forum: Cynthia and Brian McCarthy from Warren Farm came to discuss planning application CH/2016/1149/FA for conversion of two agricultural outbuildings to create two residential dwellings. Mr McCarthy explained that the buildings would have parking and the Old Dairy/cow shed development would face into the woods. Where necessary asbestos roofs would be replaced with slate. The piggery has never been used for pigs and the cow shed has not been used for over 15 years.

Cllr Bradley attended to update the planning committee on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan working party to 2 August 2016.

1. CSGPC have been offered a grant from Groundwork UK dated 02 August 2016 towards to cost of appointing a Consultant to assist with the review, design and writing of a Neighbourhood Plan. This has to be spent on the approved activity within 6 months ie by the end January 2017] 2. Bids have been sought from 3 consultants 3. Troy Planning have been approached and following meeting with them in the village, their bid has been revised to more closely meet CSGPC requirements 4. Troy Planning have said that the proposed time table is very tight.

Recommendation accepted by CSG Parish Council on 3 August 2016

1. The scope would be to take the preparation of the NP through to the point when it can be submitted to a Referendum in 2017 2. Accept the grant offered and the condition that it must be spent within 6 months and appoint Troy Planning 3. Start by asking Troy Planning to undertake a Front End Study in August 2016 4. If costs are confirmed within the proposed budget at the end of the Front End Study, then proceed with the remainder of the project from 1 September 2016

Subsequent actions:

1. Kathleen Martin [Revitalisation Committee] and Rafael McDonnell [Save St Giles] have agreed to join the NP Working Party 2. Draft Front End Study due to be completed in August 2016 3. Subject to approval, the main project work to start on 1 September 2016 4. Considerable evidenced consultation will be needed in the run up to pre-submission to the Local Authority

1. Minutes of the meeting held on 3 August 2016 report 36/16: Were agreed and signed in the meeting.

2. Matters arising from the Minutes: None

3. Apologies for absence: None

4. Declarations of Interest: None

5. Correspondence: None

6. Correspondence received after the agenda was circulated 6.1. A response from planning enforcement re the fence around Ye Old Beams and Cottage and the painted on beams. As the beams are over 15 years old it would not be appropriate to

In accordance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations Act 2014, all non-confidential supporting documentation is available to view from the Parish Council Offices. Report No. 38/16

take action over this matter. The new fence will require planning permission and an application will be made. 6.2. A vision document was circulated for The Nurseries, Narcot Lane. This had been submitted to Chiltern District Council support the emerging local plan. 6.3. Bierton House, Deanway. Planning application CH/2015/2213/FA was pending an immediate decision. In the meantime squatters have moved into the property, police and solicitors aware.

7. Planning applications: CH/2016/1149/FA Warren Farm, Conversion of two agricultural outbuildings to create two Nightingales Lane, residential dwellings with associated landscaping and Chalfont St Giles, HP8 hardstanding 4SH

The Parish Council strongly object to this application which represents an overdevelopment of the whole site due to a number of residential conversions already existing. We believe that this development would be detrimental to the current residents by the increased vehicle movements, noise and lack of privacy. We would also ask for the tree protection officer to be consulted regarding the trees to be removed as part of the development. We would also ask for the historical buildings officer to be consulted for his opinion.

CH/2016/1396/FA October Cottage, Back Two storey front, part single / part two storey rear and Lane, Chalfont St Giles, first floor side extensions HP8 4PB

The Parish Council object to this development as it represents overdevelopment of the site. There is not enough realistic car parking for the property.

CH/2016/1435/FA 15 Bowlers Orchard, Single storey front/side extension and two storey rear Chalfont St Giles, HP8 extensions 4LB

No objection.

CH/2016/1438/FA Stratton Downs, Dodds Single storey garage extension Lane, Chalfont St Giles, HP8 4EL

No Objection.

CH/2016/1440/FA Pearmains, Copse Lane, Open sided extension to garage for the provision of log Jordans, HP9 2TA store

A decision on this application has been deferred by Jordans Village Limited due to lack of information on the plans. We will await decisions from JVL.

CH/2016/1444/FA 8 Hillside Close, Chalfont Two storey rear extension St Giles, HP8 4JN

No objection.

CH/2016/1449/TP Beech House, Long Crown lifting, crown cleaning and the removal of a Wood Drive, Jordans, branch from an oak tree protected by a Tree HP9 2SS Preservation Order

The Parish Council have no objection to this application but refer it to the tree protection officer.

CH/2016/1483/TP Stratton Way, Mill Lane, Removal of two field maples and a cherry tree all Chalfont St Giles, HP8 protected by a Tree Preservation Order 4NR

The Parish Council have no objection to this application but refer it to the tree protection officer. In accordance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations Act 2014, all non-confidential supporting documentation is available to view from the Parish Council Offices. Report No. 38/16

CH/2016/1491/PNE 10 Palliser Road Notification of proposed single storey rear extension; Chalfont St Giles depth extending from the original rear wall of 5.8 HP8 4DN metres, a maximum height of 2.8 metres and a maximum eaves height of 2.8 metres

The Parish Council object to this application as it does not fall within permitted development and therefore will require a full planning application.

8. Items of for future agendas None 9. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 14 September 2016

The meeting ended at 9.10 p.m.

In accordance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations Act 2014, all non-confidential supporting documentation is available to view from the Parish Council Offices.

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