Royal Air Forces Association

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Royal Air Forces Association


Royal Air Forces Association

Minutes of the North Costa Blanca BRANCH Meeting

held 12.00–13.00, 10 th April 2017, at Los Arcos, Pedreguer

Action 1. Present

Cameron Gair (President) Bob Hunt (Chairman) Colin McNae (Vice-Chairman and Webmaster) Brian Flowers (Secretary) Maggie Dennis (Treasurer and Welfare Officer) Alan Gill (Social and Entertainment Officer) Sue McNae (Wings Appeal Officer) Len Hewitt (Flyer Editor)

2. Apologies

 None

3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting was proposed by Cameron Gair, seconded by Ann Gill and approved unanimously.

4. Matters Arising

 None

5.0 Report by the Chairman.

 The Chairman welcomed 45 members with a special welcome for Norman & Hazel Dunnington and Shane Martin.

5.1 Appointment of Branch Life President

 The Chairman explained that Gaby Ferenczy had retired as Branch President in order to devote his time to taking care of Margaret, his wife. In appreciation of Gaby’s contribution to the Branch as Branch President, it was proposed to make Gaby a Life Vice-President, which he had accepted with thanks.

 The Chairman presented a President’s name-badge to the new Branch President, Cameron Gair. Cameron then presented name-badges to Maurice & Jaye Hamlin.

5.2 RAFA Annual Conference and EAC, 12-14 May, Yarnsfield

 The Chairman reported that no resolutions had been received so far and it was possible that only the Branch Committee would have time to formulate the NCB’s response to the resolutions.

 Margaret Hunt would be the NCB Delegate for this conference. 2

5.3 Autumn EAC, Dublin, 6-8 October 2017

 A proposal had been received from the Republic of Ireland Branch to take over as hosts for the Autumn EAC following the withdrawal of the Costa del Sol Branch’s offer. This had been approved by the European Area Council.

 Colin McNae had provisionally agreed to be the NCB Delegate for the Autumn EAC but he withdrew following the change in venue. Margaret Hunt was then proposed and approved as the NCB Delegate.

5.4 RAF’s 100 th Anniversary

 The Costa Blanca Branch had invited NCB members to participate in their celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the formation of the RAF. This would be organised about 4-6 April 2018. A dozen NCB members expressed an interest in participating in this CBB event.

 Stewart Wass proposed that the NCB should organise a similar event locally and invite interested ex-RAF people who were not necessarily Branch Members. The event could be advertised in the CBN. It was noted that ACA members prefer a lunch-time event as they do not like to drive after dark.

 The Chairman would prepare a reply to the CBB based on the above.

5.5 NCB Bank Account Transfer from Bankia, Alfaz del Pi, to Sabadell, Benitachell

 The NCB Bank Account had been transferred from Bankia, Alfaz del Pi, to Sabadell, Benitachell, which is near the Treasurer’s appartment. The Treasurer said that she was pleased with the convenient location and the good service provided by Sabadell.

5.6 Proposal for Members to obtain Branch Meeting Minutes from the Website

 The Secretary confirmed that Branch Meeting Minutes would not be emailed to NCB members in future and they could obtain the minutes from the NCB website:

 Any members who have difficulties downloading the Branch Meeting Minutes from the website should inform the Secretary, who will then send them the minutes by email.

5.7 Flyer Editor

 The Chairman welcomed Len Hewitt, the new Flyer editor, to the Committee.

 Len had prepared a draft of the Spring edition of The Flyer, which he passed to Pauline Flowers for proof-reading.

 Len also asked members to forward photos of recent events and to send articles for publication.

6. Vice-Chairman’s Report

 The Vice-Chairman reported that he had changed the Flying Day at Muchamiel Airfield to 3rd May, as the pilot, Carlos Fabra Dolz, was not available on 10th May. Participants were requested to sign up on the new participation form. 3

7. Secretary’s Report

 The Secretary reported that there were presently 120 NCB members, (59 Full Members and 61 Associate Members).

 The Secretary explained that he would undergo a back operation on 8th May, so he would be unable to attend the next Branch Meeting. However, Brian D’Souza had kindly offered to take the minutes for the next Branch Meeting.

8. Treasurer’s Report

 The Treasurer reported that the NCB finances on 31st March 2017 were as follows:

Bank Account: €14,384·26 Cash: €85·07

9. Welfare Officer’s Report

 The Welfare Officer reported that she was still in contact with the ex-RAF gentleman, who was awaiting cataract operations on both eyes. A grant from the RAFBF had been credited to the NCB’s Welfare Bank Account ready to assist with the costs.

 The Welfare Officer had applied for respite care in a UK RAFA care-home for an NCB couple.

 It was noted that the ECREU group, organised by The Guardian, wished to be informed about UK expats’ concerns that need to be raised in the UK parliament, in view of the ongoing implementation of Brexit. Queries about government pensions for former military or civil service personnel living in the EU, and the need to continue Attendance Allowance for UK expats, are two examples of such concerns.

 John Snell pointed out that continuation of the availability of free Spanish NHS healthcare was the main concern of UK expats living in Spain.

10. Social and Entertainment Officer’s Report

 The Chairman thanked Cameron, Corinne and Hannah Gair for their assistance to NCB members who visited the Gandia Fallas on 16th March.

 Alan gave the following list of future events:

- 22nd April, Royal Society of St George, Cumbre del Sol Restaurant, €25, see Bob Hunt.

- 25th April, La Brisa Restaurant, Teulada, 19.00/19.30, €15 pp

- 3rd May, starting 10.00, Flying Day, Muchamiel Airfield, lunch available,

- 19 May, 19.30/20.00, Allo Allo, Alcalali Theatre + meal 18.00, €25. (Show only €12).

 - 27th June, Branch Anniversary function, dtf.

NB Volunteers are required to organise a quiz-night and a Treasure Hunt. 4

11. Wings Appeal Officer’s Report

 The Wings Appeal Officer reported that today’s Branch Meeting raffle had raised €175 for the Wings Appeal.

 Sue said that raffle prizes would be gratefully received.

 The President suggested that members could give any £1 coins that they possess to the Branch Wings Appeal, as these coins would cease to be valid in mid-October 2017.

12. Chaplain’s Report

 Father Jim reported that he had met an ex-RAF Wing Commander at a recent expat funeral and he would try to persuade him to join the NCB.

 Father Jim was in touch with the NCB couple who were seeking a stay in a UK RAFA respite home.

13. Webmaster’s Report

 The Webmaster reported that there were 1.304 hits on the NCB website in March..

14. AOB

 Len Hewitt reminded members that for Spring edition of The Flyer he needed reports and photographs of NCB functions from September 2016 onwards..

15. Date and place of next meeting

 The next Branch Meeting will be held 12.00-13.00 on 8h May at Los Arcos, Pedreguer.

(Brian Flowers – Rev.2 - 12th April 2017)

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