Msc/Dip in Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis

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Msc/Dip in Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis


This is what the Taught MSc in Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis does.

Taught Stage We use the common marking scheme. 1) All exam questions have to be provided with model answers before the papers are drawn up by the Exam Board and the external. The questions are single marked (usually by the compiler) and as the class is quite small ~12, all marked scripts are then sent to the external. We may consider double marking in future for some items. 2) In-course assignments are also single marked and the top, bottom and middle are sent to the external. 3) The mini research project reports (sem 2) are double marked (by the supervisor and one internal marker usually the CO).They are then sent to the external and one single mark is agreed.

Dissertations In addition to the standard University marking form we send out the attached guidelines to markers. These were drawn up by the Exam Board to supplement the 'basic' University marking scheme which some markers found inadequate .

All dissertations are marked independently by two internal markers, one of whom must be on the Board of Examiners. Supervisors cannot mark their sudent's thesis. As our class is quite small at ~12, all the dissertations are then sent to the external examiner with copies of the internal markers' reports and feedback from the project supervisor (this helps to rate the complexity of the project and flags up any problems during the project which were outwith the student's control). At the Exam Board meeting all 3 marks + all reports are considered before agreeing a final mark for each dissertation.

Hope that helps but if you need any more information just get back to me. Regards


----- Original Message ----- From: "Sally West" To: "Judith McQueen" Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 12:31 PM Subject: Re: Marking Guidelines for MSc in QG&GA dissertations

Judith, this is very helpful - many thanks indeed.

Do I take it that there is no marking guidance along the lines of your attachment for dissertations sent out to examiners of the taught courses?

Rgds Sally Sally

Markers of exam questions are sent the University Common marking scheme and have the model answers so not sure what else is needed.

In-course assignments (essays and problem sets in the main so not too different from exams) are assessed by the setter. Model answers and/or feedback are provided for the students.

The guidelines for marking the miniproject report are attached. - similar to the ones for dissertations.

Judith MSc/Dip in Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis 2004/05


Class Mark Description

Very high 90-100 Exceptional. Thesis is exceptionally well presented distinction demonstrating: (i) complete command of the relevant concepts and facts, (ii) a high critical or analytical ability, (iii) originality, and (iv) evidence of substantial discussion

High 80-89 Excellent. Thesis is excellently presented showing the above distinction features, but not fully achieving one of them.

Distinction 70-79 Excellent. Thesis demonstrates (i) a clear grasp of the relevant concepts and facts, (ii) evidence of critical or analytical ability (iii) with a thorough discussion.

High pass 60-69 Very Good. Thesis shows (i) a strong grasp of the concepts for MSc and facts, (ii) an accurate analysis (iii) with a good discussion.

Pass for 50-59 Good. Thesis shows (i) some understanding of the basic MSc concepts and facts, (ii) a reasonably accurate analysis (iii) and the sufficient discussion may have some minor errors.

Pass for 40-49 Satisfactory for Diploma but not for the MSc. Thesis Diploma, shows (i) only a basic grasp of the fundamental concepts and but not MSc facts, (ii) a rudimentary analysis and (iii) the discussion has major errors or omissions

Fail for 0-39 Fail. Unsatisfactory for Diploma. Thesis shows (i) a Diploma confused understanding of the subject, (ii) presents less than a third of a material expected and (iii) has major errors.

Neil Cameron 2 March 2005

(Agreed by the Board of Examiners for 2004/05) M.Sc./Diploma in Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis 2004/05


 Projects are to be marked according to the guidelines given in the Table below.  The percentage mark should be written at the foot of this sheet, but not on the actual report.  You are encouraged to write comments in the text of the report. These not only assist the examiners in comparing reports, but can also provide useful feedback to the student (who will get this annotated copy back next term).  The attached form, which has also been sent to you by email, is for feedback to the student. Please provide a typed summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the project report, with constructive suggestions for improvement. This will be very helpful to the student at this stage in the course.  The project report and mark sheets must be returned to Judith McQueen (Room 136, Ashworth Labs, The King’s Buildings) by 2.00pm on Thurs 31 March. If you have any queries phone 650 5490 or email [email protected]


Class Mark Description

Very high 90-100 Exceptional. Report is exceptionally well presented distinction demonstrating: (i) complete command of the relevant concepts and facts, (ii) a high critical or analytical ability, (iii) evidence of substantial discussion

High 80-89 Excellent. Report is excellently presented showing the above distinction features, but not fully achieving one of them.

Distinction 70-79 Excellent. Report demonstrates (i) a clear grasp of the relevant concepts and facts, (ii) evidence of critical or analytical ability (iii) with a thorough discussion.

High pass for 60-69 Very Good. Report shows (i) a strong grasp of the concepts and MSc facts, (ii) an accurate analysis (iii) with a good discussion.

Pass for MSc 50-59 Good. Report shows (i) some understanding of the basic concepts and facts, (ii) a reasonably accurate analysis (iii) and the sufficient discussion may have some minor errors.

Pass for 40-49 Satisfactory for Diploma but not for the MSc. Report shows (i) Diploma, but only a basic grasp of the fundamental concepts and facts, (ii) a not MSc rudimentary analysis and (iii) the discussion has major errors or omissions

Fail for 0-39 Fail. Unsatisfactory for Diploma. Report shows (i) a confused Diploma understanding of the subject, (ii) presents less than a third of a material expected and (iii) has major errors.

Student Name: Supervisor Name:

FINAL MARK Signature:

Date: M.Sc./Diploma in Quantitative Genetics and Genome Analysis 2004/05


Student Name:

Title of Report:

Comments for transmission to the candidate : Date:

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