Half Term Plan the Foundation Stage Term/Date Topic

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Half Term Plan the Foundation Stage Term/Date Topic

Half Term Plan – The foundation Stage Term/Date June 2017 Summer Term 2 Topic –Water Week Personal, Social & Emotional Communication, Language Mathematics Understanding of the World Expressive arts & design Physical Development. Development and Literacy 1 Focus on discussing holidays. Read a range of Rain rhymes Daily Maths Moment : INTRODUCE NEW TOPIC Art - Rain pictures/rain . Games- Individually practise Circletime-In the holidays Counting in 5’s and 10’s Focus-Water. catchers throwing and catching a ball. I…………… 4 days Teacher Focus-Independent Numbers Why is rain important? Music- Brainstorm/sing a Count the number of catches. writing about the holidays Alter height of throw to add Focus-Problem solving Discuss rain Think about why we variety of water related challenge. TF-Problem solving/Maths need rain. Why is it important? songs/rhymes eg TA focus-Independent writing assessments Brainstorm the things we need I hear thunder, Incy Wincy about the holidays rain for eg drinking, washing etc. Spider, Rain rain go away etc SEAL THEME: CHANGES: How

we change over time Challenge-Write a postcard See pg 17 Discuss with children about your holiday. how they first felt when they Dance- Flipper flappers/dough came into Reception disco

2 Literacy :Non-fiction Daily Maths Moment – Focus-Water. Art- Father’s Day cards PE- SEAL THEME: CHANGES Big book-The Drop Goes Plop Doubling and halving Why is water/rain rain pictures/Make rain sticks Richard Mills sessions begin- key Talk to the children about making Coin recognition important? skills Coffee & a book about Reception. Teacher focus-Independent Numbers Music-. Create rain effects cake Talk to them about what they can writing related to topic Focus-Problem solving Discuss the water cycle. Think first with body sounds & then Games- Individually practise Mon/Weds do now that they couldn’t do when . TF-Problem solving related to about why we need water. Why is with a variety of instruments. bouncing balls. Count the number they first started. TA focus-Response bubbles doubling and halving it important? Brainstorm the Begin with gentle rain and of catches. things we need water for eg progress to harder & faster Alter height of bounce to add RE-Read Noah. Show the children Father’s Day drinking, washing etc. rain. Talk about how we can challenge. a Bible- Challenge-Can you write about Labelling the water cycle . change the sounds the Ask them what they know about the rain? Can you write instruments make by for it. descriptive water words? Discuss clothing suitable for rain example beating them softly and sort into sets. In groups test Handwriting – Zig zag monster a range of materials to find out Dance - letters which would be best for Flipper flappers/dough disco waterproof clothing. Encourage children to predict which they think will be best and why.

*Groups testing for waterproof materials throughout the week

Technology-Links with topic/simple city/fresco/Purple mash/ipads/remote control toys

3 . Literacy :Narrative Daily Maths Moment Focus-The Sea. Art - wave pictures embellish PE: Sports week SEAL THEME: CHANGES Big book-Greedy Grey Octopus Time What is the sea like? with foil boat/fish etc Richard Mills sessions - key skills Sports Day- See pg 19 Remind the children Shape,space and Look at video clips of the sea. Wax resistant underwater Fri about what they can do now that Teacher focus- To write pictures measure Think of creatures that live in Games- Bouncing and catching they couldn’t do at the beginning sentences related to the story the sea. What kind of animals Make a boat that floats to a partner. Count the number Focus-Time of Reception. Think about what or choose a sea creature to might you find on the seashore? Father’s Day cards of catches and try and improve TF-Uses language related to they would like to improve or write about : Look on the internet for photos. Music- Focusing on copying accuracy. Move further apart to O’clock change now before they leave eg I am a shark patterns. Begin with clapping add more challenge. this class. I like to bite I can swim fast patterns & ask children to copy. DT- Make a boat that floats. Recap on different ways a Circletime-I am good at……. TA focus-Guided writing tambourine could be played. I need to get better at………… Technology-Links with Chooses a child to lead & play Challenge-Can you write about topic/simple city/fresco/Purple pass the tambourine all copying Focus on Sports Day. your favourite sea creature. mash/ipads/remote control toys the sound. Talk about how we are all good at different things link this to the Dance- mini olympics event. Some of may Write Dance/Dance sessions be good at running fast, some at Handwriting – Zig zag monster with specialist dance teacher. rolling or catching. Discuss trying letters our best and how it doesn’t matter if they can’t do everything.

4 . Literacy :Narrative Daily Maths Moment – Focus-The beach . PE: SEAL THEME: CHANGES Greedy Grey Octopus Counting beyond 20 What is the beach like? Art- Richard Mills sessions - key skills See pg 18. Read the short story. 3d shapes Observational drawing of Games- Working with a partner In pairs children to discuss the New Teacher focus- To write Numbers Look at images of beach on shells/fish/beach pictures recap on activities from last scenario, and feed back their children sentences related to the story Focus-Addition-Number flipchart etc Look at a variety of Wax resistant underwater week. Bouncing and catching to a ideas. or choose a sea creature to pictures visit- bonds to 20 shells observe colour texture etc. partner. Count the number of write about : Look at shell patterns under the Puppet sea creatures catches and try and improve Weds/Fri eg I am a shark digital microscope Music-Repeat of last weeks accuracy. Move further apart to pm 1.30- TF-Finding number bonds to I like to bite session but use alternative add more challenge. 2.30pm 10/20 I can swim fast Investigate floating & sinking instruments. Dance- Flipper flappers/dough TA focus-response bubbles DT- Make a boat that floats. disco . Challenge-Can you write your own Greedy Grey Octopus story? Technology-Links with topic/simple city/fresco/Purple Handwriting – Zig zag monster mash/ipads/remote control toys letters

5 LITERACY : NARRATIVE Daily Maths Moment Focus- Victorian wash day. Art -Free activities PE: language features – -Counting on and back to 100 How did people used to Make clothes for Mrs Wishy Richard Mills sessions - key skills SEAL THEME: CHANGES Big book – Mrs Wishy Washy wash their clothes? Washy’s washing line. Numbers Music See pg 19 Celebrate the Focus-Subtraction/counting Talk to the children about how Listen to the piece of sea Games- working with a partner children’s achievements over the Teacher focus-Retell the story back their parents wash their clothes. related music. Ask the children practise dribbling a year. Talk about what activities in writing/pictures Talk to the children about how what the music reminds them ball to one another. they have enjoyed best. Assessments related to of/what it makes them want to TF-Subtract 2 single digit washing used to done. On the transition-phonic phases, key do/how it makes them feel. numbers and count back to find patio set up the wash tub etc and Circletime-In Reception I words, spellings etc wash clothes-grating soap, using What do they like about the enjoyed………….. the answer dolly, posher etc. Practise ironing piece? TA focus- Victorian wash day with a flat iron. Dance- Flipper flappers/dough activity disco

Challenge-Can you write instructions for washing?

Technology-Links with Handwriting – Recap on 1 armed topic/simple city/fresco/Purple robot letters mash/ipads/remote control toys ICT: Write away/literacy support software

6 SEAL THEME: CHANGES LITERACY UNIT: Finish any Victorian wash Art- Variety of free activities-

New NARRATIVE Daily Maths Moment – day activities Make a Mrs Wishy Washy PE: Talk about what they have children language Numbers to 100 character Richard Mills sessions - key skills enjoyed about being in Reception. visit- features – Numbers Music - Build on last weeks Discuss moving into Year 1. Talk Mon/Fri pm Big book – Mrs Wishy Washy Focus-Numbers beyond 20 work:Listen to the piece of sea G ames - Working with a partner about things that will be the same 1.30- Technology-Links with music. Ask the children what develop dribbling and things that will be different. 2.30pm Teacher focus-Retell the story topic/simple city/fresco/Purple the music reminds them skills from last week. Talk about the things they are in writing/pictures TF-Activities beyond 20 mash/ipads/remote control toys of/what it makes them want to looking forward to in Y1, their Assessments related to do/how it makes them feel. new teacher/teachers, how they transition-phonic phases, key will need to behave etc. words, spellings etc Dance- Flipper flappers/dough disco TA focus- Victorian wash day


Challenge-Can you make your own Mrs Wishy Washy story mat?

Handwriting – Recap on curly caterpillar letters

7 SEAL THEME: CHANGES Read a range of pirate stories Daily Maths Moment – Focus-Pirates Art- Variety of free activities- PE: Pirate themed Literacy Addition/Subtraction Pirate pictures/pirate Richard Mills sessions - key skills Have a ‘you are special’ circle activities! IT-Fresco-pirate pictures flags/pirate hats etc time Numbers Look back at photos from the Labelling Pirate treasure maps Focus-Pirate problem year on the interactive Music : solving whiteboard; share their memories Pirate lists Sing pirate songs eg Pirate counting with coins and about reception; how have they When I was 1 etc changed. What can they do now Writing ‘A message in a bottle’ treasure that they couldn’t do at the Handwriting – focus on capitals Pirate themed counting and beginning of Reception? problems. TF- Assessments related to Dance: Dancing to pirate music Circletime-Now I can……. transition-phonic phases, key words, spellings etc

Challenge-Can you write an invitation for the pirate party?

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