Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Life. M. Mitchell and S. Forrest. Artificial Life, Vol

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Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Life. M. Mitchell and S. Forrest. Artificial Life, Vol

Genetic algorithms and artificial life. M. Mitchell and S. Forrest. Artificial Life, Vol. 1, No. 3 (1994), pp. 267- 289. Reprinted in C. G. Langton (Ed.) Artificial Life: an Overview, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (1995). Abstract Postscript PDF

The Baldwin effect in the immune system: learning by somatic hypermutation R. Hightower, S. Forrest, and A.S. Perelson. In R.K. Belew and M. Mitchell, (eds.), Adaptive Individuals in Evolving Populations, Addison- Wesley ,Reading, MA, pp. 159-167 (1996). Postscript PDF

Computer Immunology (DRAFT) S. Forrest, S. Hofmeyr, and A. Somayaji. Communications of the ACM Vol. 40, No. 10, pp. 88-96 (1997). Postscript PDF

Modeling the role of neutral and selective mutations in cancer. Maley, C.C. and S. Forrest. In: Artificial Life 7. M. Bedau, J. McCaskill, N. Packard, and S. Rasmussen (eds.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 395-404. Postscript Genetic Algorithms S. Forrest. Computing Surveys Vol. 28:1, pp. 77-80 (1996). Postscript PDF

Artificial Immune Systems in Industrial Applications D. Dasgupta and S. Forrest. Accepted for presentation at the International conference on Intelligent Processing and Manufacturing Material (IPMM). Honolulu, HI (July 10-14, 1999). Postscript PDF

Genetic operators for the DNA fragment-assembly problem. R. Parsons, S. Forrest, and C. Burks. Machine Learning Vol. 21:1/2, pp. 11-33 (1995). Abstract Postscript PDF

Modeling complex adaptive systems with Echo S. Forrest and T. Jones. In Complex Systems: Mechanism of Adaptation, R.J. Stonier and X.H. Yu (eds.), Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press, pp. 3-21 (1994). Abstract Postscript PDF

The ecology of Echo P. Hraber, T. Jones, and S. Forrest. Artificial Life Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 165-190 (1994). Abstract Postscript PDF

Fitness Distance Correlation as a Measure of Problem Difficulty for Genetic Algorithms. T. Jones and S. Forrest. In L.J. Eshelman (Ed.) Proc. of the Sixth Int. Conf. on Genetic Algorithms Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, pp. 184-192 (1995). Abstract Postscript PDF

John Holland's invisible hand: An artificial immune system. S. Forrest, and S. Hofmeyr. Presented at the Festschrift held in honor of John Holland, University of Michigan (1999). Abstract Postscript PDF T. Jones and S. Forrest ``Genetic algorithms and heuristic search'' Submitted to International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Jan. 1995).

How the immune system generates diversity: Pathogen space coverage with random and evolved antibody libraries. M. Oprea and S. Forrest. 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) July 1999. Abstract Postscript PDF

Immunity by Design: An Artificial Immune System. S. Hofmeyr and S. Forrest. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Morgan-Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, pp. 1289-1296 (1999). Abstract Postscript PDF

"Fitness Landscapes: Royal Road Functions." M. Mitchell and S. Forrest. In Back, Fogel, and Michalewicx (Eds.) Handbook of Evolutionary Computation. Institute of Physics Publishing, Phiuladelphia and Bristol UK, B2.7:1-25 (1997). Postscript

Architecture for an Artificial Immune System. S. Hofmeyr and S. Forrest. Evolutionary Computation 7(1), Morgan-Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, pp. 1289-1296 (1999). Abstract Postscript

Building diverse computer systems S. Forrest, A. Somayaji, and D. Ackley. In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (1997). Abstract Postscript PDF

Immunology as information processing. S. Forrest and S.A. Hofmeyr. In Design Principles for the Immune System and Other Distributed Autonomous Systems, edited by L.A. Segel and I. Cohen. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity. New York: Oxford University Press (2000). Postscript

The Evolution of Emergent Organization in Immune System Gene Libraries R. Hightower, S. Forrest, and A.S. Perelson. In L.J. Eshelman (Ed.) Proc. of the Sixth Int. Conf. on Genetic Algorithms, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA. Postscript PDF

P. D'haeseleer, S. Forrest, and P. Helman ``An immunological approach to change detection: algorithms, analysis, and implications.'' 1996 IEEE Symposium on Computer Secuirity and Privacy, Submitted Nov. 1995.

S. Forrest, S.A. Hofmeyr, A. Somayaji, and T.A. Longstaff "A sense of self for Unix processes." 1996 IEEE Symposium on Computer Secuirity and Privacy, Submitted Nov. 1995.

R. Hightower, S. Forrest, and A. S. Perelson "The Evolution of Emergent Organization in Immune System Gene Libraries." In L. J. Eshelman (Ed.) Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, pp. 344--350 (1995). S. Forrest, R. Smith, and A.S. Perelson "Searching for Diverse, Cooperative Populations with Genetic Algorithms" Evolutionary Computation, 1:3, pp. 191-211 (1993). S. Forrest, B. Javornik, R.E. Smith and A.S. Perelson) "UsingGenetic Algorithms to Explore Pattern Recognition in the Immune System." Evolutionary Computation, 1:3, pp. 191-211 (1993).

Lazy_eval.pdf Using Lazy Evaluation to Simulate Realistic-size Repertoires in Models of the Immune System (bulletin of mathematical biology) DOI: 10.1006/bulm.1997.0035 Journal Title: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Year: 1998 Volume: 60 Issue: 4

Simulated evolution of antibody gene libraries under pathogen selection. M. Oprea and S. Forrest. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.Abstract Postscript PDF

How the immune system generates diversity: Pathogen space coverage with random and evolved antibody libraries. M. Oprea and S. Forrest. 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) July 1999. Abstract Postscript PDF

A distributed approach to anomaly detection P. D'haeseleer, S. Forrest, and P. Helman (1997). Abstract Postscript

M. Mitchell, J.H. Holland, and S. Forrest ``When will a genetic algorithm outperform hill climbing?'' In J. D. Cowan, G. Tesauro,and J. Alspector (editors), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 6}. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann (1994).

Novelty Detection in Time Series Data using Ideas from Immunology D. Dasgupta and S. Forrest. In Proceedings of The International Conference on Intelligent Systems (1999). Abstract Postscript PDF

Principles of a Computer Immune System A. Somayaji, S. Hofmeyr, and S. Forrest. 1997 New Security Paradigms Workshop pp. 75-82 (1998). Abstract Postscript PDF

Detecting intrusions using system calls: Alternative data models. C. Warrender, S. Forrest, B. Pearlmutter. 1999 IEEE Symposium on security and Privacy (1999). Abstract Postscript PDF

Building diverse computer systems S. Forrest, A. Somayaji, and D. Ackley. In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (1997). Abstract Postscript PDF Deriving shape-space parameters from immunological data for a model of cross-reactive memory. D.J. Smith, S. Forrest, R.R. Hightower, and A.S. Perelson . Journal of Theoretical Biology Vol.189, pp.141-150 (1997). Abstract Postscript PDF

Modeling the effect of prior infection on vaccine efficacy. D.J. Smith, S. Forrest and D.H. Ackley, and A.S.Perelson. In Artificial Immune systems and their Applications , Springer-Verlag, Berlin Germany (1998). Also presented at the 1997 IEEE International conference On Systems, man, and cybernetics. October, 1997. Abstract Postscript

Principles of a Computer Immune System A. Somayaji, S. Hofmeyr, and S. Forrest. 1997 New Security Paradigms Workshop pp. 75-82 (1998). Abstract Postscript PDF S. Forrest "Gentic Algorithms: Principles of Natural Selection Applied to Computation." Science Vol. 261, pp. 872-878 (Aug. 13, 1993). Deriving shape-space parameters from immunological data for a model of cross-reactive memory. D.J. Smith, S. Forrest, R.R. Hightower, and A.S. Perelson . Journal of Theoretical Biology Vol.189, pp.141-150 (1997). Abstract Postscript PDF S. Forrest and A. Perelson "Computation and the Immune System." SIGBIO Newsletter, Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 12, Num. 2 (June, 1992). (NASA project)

Automated Response Using System-Call Delays." A. Somayaji and S. Forrest. Usenix 2000. Abstract Postscript

Variable efficacy of repeated annual influenza vaccination. D.J. Smith, S. Forrest and D.H. Ackley, and A.S.Perelson . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96:14001-14006 (1999) Abstract Postscript PDF

S. Forrest, A.S. Perelson, L. Allen, R. Cherukuri ``A change- detection algorithm inspired by the immune system.'' Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (Feb. 1995). S. Forrest, A.S. Perelson, L. Allen, and R. Cherukuri "Self-Nonself Discrimination in a Computer" Proceedings of 1994 IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy (in press).

Evolution (and learning) of v-region genes A. Perelson, R. Hightower, and S. Forrest. Research in Immunology Vol. 147, pp. 202-208 (1996). Abstract Postscript PDF

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