Public Record Office, London Lists and Indexes, Na XXV. List Rentals

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Public Record Office, London Lists and Indexes, Na XXV. List Rentals PU BLIC RECORD OFFICE, LOND ON L I S T S A N D I N D E X E S , N a X X V . L I S T R ENTALS AND S U R V EY S AND OTHER ANALOGOU S D OCU MENTS PR ESER V ED IN THE PU BLIC R EC OR D OF F ICE . BY AR R ANGEM ENT WITH E ’ I N ER Y F F IC E L ND N H ER MAJ STY S STAT O O , O O NE W7 Y O R K KR A U S R E PR I N T C O R P O R A TI O N 1 9 6 3 E I EE LU M . FOR AN INTR OD U CTION TO THIS R EPR INTED SERIES, S V O E F A E PR C . TH IS List has been prepared with the V iew o f renderi ng m o re easily ac c e ssibl e th e num erous R ental s an d Surv eys in the Public R e co rd Offi c e o f l ands which at various tim e s h av e co m e into th e po ss e ssio n o f the Crown o r hav e been th e subje c t m of ad ini strative or judic ial enq uiry. f h v c s d abl o o o are the f m of n uis t o ns b O t e sur eys a o n i er e pr p rti n in o r i q i i , eing the s m s o r d c o f u s as to v lu nu and x n . O h s pre ent ent ver i ts j rie a e , te re e te t t er are c ertifi c ate s o f c om m issioners based o n the eviden c e o f per so n s liv ing in th e n eigh l ll n d n n bourho o d and sum b w ac u d w h h e lands su v . I m a , pre a y e q ai te it t r eye y c s s th e d o o s o f h s w n ss s x d a e ep siti n t e e it e e are anne e . In style and m eth od the se do cum e n t s vary fro m suc h elabo rate and system ati c surv eys as th o se o f th e po s s e ssio n s o f th e Earl s o f No rthum berland and We stm o re l nd an d o h so ns m d b W ll m H om berston and Edm un d H all u su t a t er per a e y i ia , p r an to S ci l C om m ssio d d 1 1- 2 nd 382 o a o u h a pe a i n ate in 570 (pp. 25 53 a t r g m m o dum o r ud l d wn l o f som h o u r f m e ran r e y ra p an e se o ar . Wh l som o f th e l s or nt- o ll s u m b n m r l l s s o f i e e renta re r are q ite eagre , ei g e e y i t n n s s c f in the d b ach o h s n ll d scr b d as d l d te a t pe i y g rent pai y e , t er , ge era y e i e etai e l s are full o u h to ld as m uch nfo m o f i h d b su v renta , en g yie i r ati n as i s urn s e y a r ey, ivi dd o to the m s o f the n n s an d the s id o r abl the g ng, in a iti n na e te a t rent pa pay e , x and o s o n o f the h o ldi and th e fo m o f nu e tent p iti ngs r te re . The s V ol um is co m l d a m sur f om x s i l s s but pre ent e pi e in gre t ea e r e i t ng i t , ’ additi o nal m atter has been e x tracted from the Mi sc ellane o us B o oks o f the King s “ R em em branc er and o f the Treasury of the R e c eipt and th o se of the Augm en tatio n and L d R v nu O fli ces an d al so f m h — o f an e e e ro t e C alendar s (Eliz abeth Charl e s II . ) D om s c S P e ti tate aper s . The li st o f sur veys made during th e C om m onweal th an d kn own as P l am Su v s which fo m d A h R o f ar i entary r ey , r e ppendice s to the 7th and 8t epo rts th e D u K o f the R co ds has b n l r d n d i o o d ep ty eeper e r , ee entire y evi s e a n c rp rate in h t e pre sent V o l um e . A l se e c tio n o f do cum ents of the nature o f surveys has bee n m ade from th e S c l C o mm s o o f th e D uch o f L c m n n lud d in pe ia is i ns y an aster . Si ilar retur s , ot in c e the s n l s to be fou d am o h h pre e t i t , are n ng t e Spe cial C om m i ssi o n s o f th e E xc eq uer d scr b d the 38th R o e i e in ep rt . An m has b m ad to m od n s la - atte pt een e er i e p c e n am e s thr ough out . Th d e ate s giv en in sq uare bracket s d o n ot appear in th e o riginal d o cum ent s and m l co c u l are ere y nje t ra . Th e l has b c f ll vis d and s h o u h h b M r H o ac ist een are u y re e een t r g t e pre ss y . r e H dl m of h s D atm n ea a , t i ep r e t . H MA E . C . XWELL LY T . Public R ecord O cc fi , JIa 19 8 0 . y, " RENTALs TSURvEY s Em gf , i f ! 0 3“ l A t l w ‘ " " B s D F o R D S H I R E L i A f t “ ~ t l enfvm e th honoun 1 m. Amp hi l: un i rgf Bri f valor qt q 1 : 5 . 2 . d r l f i . No Be ford (Hen VIII .] Detai led enta o qpossessi on s of di vers chantr es i i 35 m s . J Elston Biggleswade Flitto n H i ' i “ 1 . 24. No . 3 Hedio id Survey of po ssessron s of Newnham Priory N ’ 1 O 6 Bg Ston T r e “ 1 9 1 24 s . 4 . 5. o ei i e ri rs 11 Stacy possessions ms . 1 1 9 P fl n‘ u f ’ J f ~ j "! 4 4 l l l l f f J I l ‘ n J A ' ‘ ‘ ’ ' 1 . 1 . No Beeston Terrier of R ogerde Trumpingto n s lands . I 2 . 1. - . 1 . No Rental or rent roll. ms e o . 7 . A: m adow bo k ms ‘ o s Detailed rental i possession of chantries , o &c 26 . c lleges , ., ms 1" N O '0 1; 1 0 . an d M i guel”; 28 . 60 . 4 . No Terrier . ms " J ' en t t ei n Prior th e R tals rio , hf y of Caldwell , ' Monastery of the Holy Trinity in the Wood , and f Bushmead . 6 . the Priory o , ms Detailed rental . ofifll possessions o f Ramsey Abbey . 2 ms . " Crown land s Detailed rental? 23 ms . 18 . 80 . No . Dunstable 3 ms 3 22 . Wt . 2 19 7 0 1 150. M . i « ' e —u n fl n d o n s h ure 5 111 5: e n . Y H Abb q El l g j I i“ x u . n . BEDFORDSHIRE . Description . Rentals and Surveys (General Series) .
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