Modeling Forum Meeting October 2-3, 2002 Santa Fe, NM

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Modeling Forum Meeting October 2-3, 2002 Santa Fe, NM

NOTES: WRAP Planning Team Meeting October 7-8, 2002 Tempe, AZ

---- Participants ----

Jeff Burks Pete Lahm Mike George Rich Fisher CV Mathai Dan Olson Barry Aarons Susan Johnson Don Arkell Doug Lempke Annette Liebe Bob Saunders Marc Pitchford Mark Scruggs Mike Teague Tom Webb John Vimont Fred Roach Bruce Polkowsky Rich Halvey Dennis Schwehr Ron King Bob Gruenig Colleen Delaney Ira Domsky John Bunyak Lee Alter Bill Grantham Bob Ramirez Pat Cummins Virgil Masayesva Lee Gribovicz Rich Sprott Tom Moore Ondrea Barber Randall Simmons

---- October 7 ----

Pat reviewed the agenda.

Summary of Recent Meetings

1) EPA OAQPS/RPO meeting at Research Triangle Park, NC on 9/25/02:

 New non-road emissions model available to states/tribes in next few weeks. NOx and PM emissions may be 1/3 less. Proposed rule for non-road engines/fuel expected in early 2003. Final model and rule to be released at same time.

 EPA intends to designate PM2.5 nonattainment areas by end of 2004. Would cause haze SIPs to be due in 2005 and 2007. EPA intends to amend TEA-21 legislation to require all haze and nonattainment PM2.5 SIPs to be due in 2007.

 Rehearing on American Crown Growers vs. EPA not granted. EPA expects 2 years needed to promulgate a revised haze rule to correct BART provisions. Possible special rule for electrical plants over 750 MW. Reviewing techniques for single source impairment. Progress goals could be further defined to include all controls with a control effectiveness of $1,500/ton or less.

1  Transport Rule – Backstop to Clear Skies Act. Would focus on SOx, NOx, and nonattainment in the East. Could also address visibility, per Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) (II) of the CAA. Rule proposed by end of 2003, finalized about a year later.

 Annex rulemaking – Final rule has been drafted. Should be at OMB by December 1. Finalized in March, at the earliest. Cutting it close. EPA apparently grappled with some of the WRAP’s comments.

 12/3-4 RPO Technical Meeting – Dallas – national coordination meeting. Technical Forums’ member encouraged to attend.

2) National Conference of State Legislatures Seminar on Haze in Denver – WRAP participants involved giving history, process, and products about WRAP. Most of it was news to the attendees. NCSL and the American Legislative Exchange Council have workshops throughout the year. Might be good to continually attend these.

3) Air Managers Committee – comments on workplan from early September meeting.

Status of Projects Needed for §309

 STIP-II Report – Brian Finneran revising SIP template. Roseanne Sanchez revising TIP template. Revised templates expected by April. Workgroup has four people, looking for couple more states/tribes.

 IOC / TOC Projects – Update on products needed for §309 SIPs. Would be nice to catalogue implementation status of other GCVTVC recommendations, per 309(d)(9). Funding not necessary to accomplish, could be good subject for STIP-II workgroup. Better detail/explanation need of AP2 projects.

IOC Afternoon Session

 MTF may need more money in 2004+ years if they are to address multi-P issues and/or stationary VOC and NH3. May also need funds to address “sources subject to BART” since this is now uncertain as a result of Corn Growers.  AP2 explained projects, including SIP guidebook (not funded by WRAP). The Western Interstate Energy Board would do much of the work, but plan on hiring another contractor to develop market and verification methods to encourage trading of RECs. “Technical Assistance” should coordinate with STIP-II workgroup. Money should be marked for tribal tech assistance in 2004-05. Jeff to look into an EE screening tool developed for STAPPA/ALAPCO.  In/Near described status of projects.  EAF described status of projects. Not clear yet who will do “in-house” modeling. Need to make sure we own the REMI output data for analyses already done.  MSF should take advantage of OTAQ and NPS support for diesel demo projects. Should work with STIP-II workgroup to described implementation status of regional/local mobile source measures recommended in GCTVC report. Funding not necessary.

2  FEJF summarized projects and policy/technical overlap. Forum met mostly with TOC during the afternoon.

---- October 7 ----

Work Plan

IOC and TOC presentations on final work plan and budget recommendations.

Projects total just below amount available.

Workplan needs to be fleshed out in some areas (e.g., fire and modeling).

Where projects span 2 year or more, some explanation should be given as to each year’s deliverables. Where projects do not begin until 2004, try to provide some explanation of these, in addition to those that start in 2003.

WRAP needs to make sure contractor deliverables stay on schedule, especially given so many contracts being let.

EPA having some difficulty tracking things and relating them back to haze rule requirements. Find themselves “reverse engineering” to match products to requirements. Now is a good time to improve the “birds-eye” description of workplan, especially given amount of work going on, nearing completion of 309 effort, and the possibility of applying for 2004 funds much earlier next year (possibly March-April). Should add section in work plan describing long-term vision (per EPA grant guidance) as one means of addressing issues above.

308 planning should proceed, but not at the cost of delaying any 309 products. Should convene a work group early next year consisting of Webb, Saunders, Liebe and others to flesh out a technical work plan for 308.

Some difficulty in forums focusing on long-term policy issues – e.g., establishing reasonable progress goals and identifying contribution of individual states – partly because of work load.

Organizational Issues (see memo handed out)

Mobile Sources Forum to become policy forum under IOC, emissions inventory work for mobile sources to move to Emissions Forum, Dust Emissions Joint Forum mission and purpose discussed, schedule for 11/6-7 meeting in Las Vegas at the Desert Research Institute.

7 vacancies exist or are forthcoming on IOC and TOC. State and tribal caucuses asked to help ID people for 5 of these positions. Need names by 10/25 to get on WRAP Board agenda.

Forum Co-Chairs status:

3  Air Pollution Prevention – stable for now - Hap Boyd and Jeff Burks  Air Quality Modeling – put forward Kevin Briggs (CO, pending management approval) and Mary Uhl (NM) as additional Co-Chairs to TOC  Ambient Monitoring & Reporting – Marc Pitchford alone for the present time, add Co- Chair as AMRF workload picks up, as he anticipates with Causes of Haze report  Areas In & Near Class I Areas – stable, expect new member from San Maguel tribe  Dust Emissions – organizational issues next month at first meeting  Economic Analysis – member Jeff Blend seeking support to fill vacant co-chair position, expecting new members from San Maguel tribe and Brigham Young Univ. Would like to get industry rep too.  Emissions – Alice Edward’s (AK) name to TOC, Bob Ramirez and Lee Gribovicz stepping down, Dennis Schwehr to verify ability to continue  Fire Emissions – Pete Lahm to continue, interested in having a Co-Chair and has a state candidate for consideration by IOC/TOC, need to have a Co-Chair with experience – particularly in policy forums, Don Arkell and Bill Grantham to followup with states and tribes, respectively  Market Trading – Colleen Delaney and Ira Domsky to finish §309, forum composition deserves re-evaluation thereafter  Mobile Sources – John Kowalcyzk through Board meeting, Bob Neufeld as Co-Chair (role as co-pilot), need to identify experienced mobile source person to replace John, perhaps MPO  Tribal Data Development – Ondrea Barber sole Co-Chair for now, NTEC letter to WRAP region tribes soliciting participation in forums. Governor Chino sent letter to tribes noting need for participants in this and other forums/committees.

Discussion of Forums’ responsibilities for determining natural conditions and natural emissions

EPA Review/Coordination Issues

Tom Webb reported plans for EPA summit meeting to discuss in a few weeks, with followup to define expectations from EPA/WRAP/States, EPA protocol would take input from summit meeting, issues:

 Work out SIP content expected by EPA and from States  Identify where and when an individual SIP would deviate from the model SIP – states/tribes should notify EPA as soon as possible of such deviations  Consider which aspects of SIPs can be “committed to” by 12/2003 vs those that must be fully adopted.

Response to letters (WRAP, WESTAR, individual states’), have EPA/WRAP staff conference call to catch up on status of EPA responses. Model TIP/possible FIPs and EPA activities were discussed, discussion of tribal 20k SO2 ton set-aside and enforceability, market trading program needs SIPs and any TIPs to be approved approximately same time or market may be hindered, EPA urged to avoid bringing in other issues (e.g., PSD) as condition of approving haze SIPs.

4 Board Meeting

Workplan presentation – Pat to present overview, followed by IOC/TOC co-chairs with details. IOC to cover of Fire, MTF, AP2, Mobile Sources, and Clean Air Corridor projects. Also include AMC update.

Other – Status of multi-P legislation, IOC/TOC appointments and forum co-chairs, American Corn Growers and impact on timing/plans.

Ozone Issues

Ozone appears to be increasing on Colorado Plateau. Legitimate issue to be addressed by WRAP, but should not use regional haze funds to do analysis. Need a better definition of questions/issues. Modeling Forum should consider ways of including summary information on ozone in future reports/updates to the extent this can be done without doing additional analyses. Inform Board when issue and possible approaches are better defined.

Forest Service Certification of Impairment

Rich Fisher summarized nature/process of letter sent from two FS regions. Group discussed meaning of “certification.” Such letters result in unintended consequences. FS should consult with states in future before taking formal action/notice.



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