Savernake Team Ministry

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Savernake Team Ministry

TEAM LETTER Dear Everybody Sometimes I wonder what I am to write in the team letter – inspiration is lacking and then it happens - the inspiration comes from other people!

Three times in the last twenty four hours different people have mentioned the same thing to me and that is: why can’t people be nicer to one another and more positive – rather than grumbling about all sorts of things. Wouldn’t a positive attitude be so much better?

That got me thinking about our behaviour around Christmas. At a time when many people are overtired and have too many things to do, but as we get nearer to the celebration, there comes over us a caring attitude for one another. Not just for the people we know, but total strangers we meet and empathise with in the shops and pubs or wherever we happen to congregate. The whole experience leaves us feeling warm and loved. People seem to stop being so critical and instead see the good in one another and in situations and even manage to say thank you to one another.

Even though New Year resolutions are made and often broken in early January perhaps we can all make another resolution beginning right now to take to heart the Christmas message of love and forgiveness. Being vulnerable does not mean being weak, so perhaps we could begin to live like this not just for a few days around Christmas but for the whole year –perhaps even for ever? What a difference that would make!

So I wonder what the world would be like if we all tried to live in this way, with people treating each other with respect and care, all the time. Looking for the good in each other and not the bad – not being rude and critical, or grumpy and difficult? Even, dare I say, greeting one another with a smile!

With my love in Christ Nicolas 1 YOUR CHURCH IN FEBRUARY Love is all we have The only way that each can help the other. Euripides D N S T S R R P F C i l e i r a e a e l m o d e a r t m a a w e a v e y e d d s n e i e e

c e i a m e n r r a e r s n s r g s n e s d s

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1 February 6pm Evensong Chris Chris – Malachi Mary Betty Vikki & Candlemas (to be followed Mary 3:1-5 Marilyn by the APCM) Eileen – Luke 2:22-40 8 February 11am Village Amanda MaryVere – Amanda Caroline 3 before Communion Vikki Isaiah 40:21-31 Lent 15 February 1am Morning David Caroline – Lesley The John & 2 before Worship Mary Proverbs 8:1,22- Three Janet Lent 31 22 February 9.30am Holy Chris Chris – 2 Kings ME Carolyn 1 before Communion Amanda 2:1-12 Lent Joanna – Mark 9:9-15 25 February 5.30pm SALISBURY Ash CATHEDRAL Wednesday (No service in Chute) 1 March 6pm Evensong Mary Mary – 1 Peter Chris No Anne & Lent 1 Chris 2:18-22 flowers Amanda John B – Mark 1:9-15

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! A lot of thought and work went into making St Nicolas’ look especially beautiful for Christmas; the decorations made a lovely contribution to our services! Many thanks also to Chris Stock for our fine new notice board and for lighting the east window for Christmas; more lovely contributions! Sunday Club - Sunday 1st February 10-11.30 in the Village Hall for 4-10 year olds Annual Parochial Church Meeting - Sunday 1st February in Quince Cottage – This meeting will be held after Evensong, and all parishioners are welcome. The Annual Report and the Accounts will be presented (and displayed on the notice board in the church until after Easter). Most PCC meetings last year were held on Tuesdays in the Cross Keys because of Quiz Night in the Hatchet. 2 We would like to thank George very much indeed for looking after us so well. Monthly Munch – Wednesday 4th February 1pm at Providence Cottage. Bible Supper – Monday 16th February 7.30pm at Quince Cottage ‘Pram Service’ (looking for a new name!) - Wednesday 18th February 3.30pm in St Nicolas’. Ash Wednesday is on 25th February. This year there will be no service in Chute but instead we are invited to listen to Father Timothy Radcliffe at 5.30pm in Salisbury Cathedral. His talk will be the first in a series called ‘Fully Alive’. The Lent Course will run for 5 weeks in the Village Hall (to begin with anyway) and is open to anyone. There is no obligation to come to all 5 sessions and no need to say anything! The lunchtime sessions will be on Wednesdays 1-2.30pm from 4th March, and the evening sessions will be on Thursdays from 7.30-9pm. Simple food (soup, bread and cheese and fruit etc) will be provided, followed by light-hearted discussion. Please tell a member of the PCC if you plan to come so that we know how many to cater for! More details in the March Chronicle – but why not give it a try?! LADIES’ BREAKFAST – Saturday 14th MARCH Chute Village Hall with Fiona Castle 9-11am The PCC would like to invite the ladies of Chute to have a Saturday morning off, to come for a lovely free breakfast, to enjoy good company and to listen to Fiona Castle! She is the widow of Roy Castle; she has written several books and is an inspirational speaker about her life and life in general. Several of us went to a Ladies’ Breakfast 2 years ago and heard her speak in Burbage and thought she was wonderful. Now we would like to give the ladies in Chute the opportunity to hear her. Friends are welcome, and ladies from Ludgershall and the Collingbournes are included in the invitation. Final details in the March Chronicle but please book in as soon as you can! ([email protected] or 730233).

This is a one-off special Saturday morning; don’t miss it!

3 WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER (non denominational)

Friday 6th March St Mary’s Church Collingbourne Kingston 2 pm Speaker: Revd Mary Edwards All welcome

Women's World Day of Prayer is a global, ecumenical movement of informed prayer and prayerful action, organised and led by Christian women who call the faithful together on the first Friday in March each year to observe a common day of prayer and who, in many countries, have a continuing relationship in prayer and service. The service is written by a different country each year and that country then becomes the focus of the world's prayers on the day itself, which begins as dawn breaks over the islands of Tonga in the Pacific and continues across each continent until the last services of this special day are held back in the Pacific, on the islands of Samoa, circling the world in prayer for 36 hours. 'IN CHRIST THERE ARE MANY MEMBERS YET ONE BODY’ On Friday 6th March over 3 million people worldwide will be praying and worshipping together during an annual day of prayer, using a service prepared by Christian Women in Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea is a land of many ethnic groups and over 800 distinct languages of which more than half are unrelated. As a result, there is great cultural diversity, yet the women of Papua New Guinea have emphasized the oneness there is in Christ. In spite of gender inequality, women in Papua New Guinea are beginning to take their place in professions previously closed to them. There are now women who are pilots, engineers, doctors, lawyers, judges, lecturers and also officers in the military forces. In this way, they make a very positive contribution to their nation. Our local service will be held at St Mary’s Collingbourne Kingston at 2.00pm on Friday 6th March 2009

4 CHUTE PARISH COUNCIL Planning Applications K/59810/TR2 Land opposite The Friars, Lower Chute. Safety Tree work. No objection by PC. E/09/34 & 36 The Old Dovecote, Forest Lane. Replace garage with extension etc. Under consideration by PC Planning Application Outcomes 59637/TR2 Percy/Hyde Cottage. Lower Chute To fell Ash tree. No objection by PC. Now approved by KDC 59825/TR2 2 Tolley Cottages, Chute Cadley. Tree works. No objection by PC. Now approved by KDC 59872/TR2 Chute Manor. Reduce 3 lime tees by 40%. No objection by PC. Now approved by KDC 59696/F Melbury Lodge. Slate roof + retention of porch & windows. No objection by PC. Now approved by KDC Upper Chute Residents – Subsidised Amenity Skip A general purpose skip (which can be used for any general domestic waste that can’t be disposed of for recycling) has been arranged with KDC. It will be placed on the Village Green as usual on Fri 6th Feb 2009 (for that weekend). No overflow please – we will be charged for clearing this. Beat the Criminals – Get Registered In the December Issue I advised all with an e.mail facility and who wanted to be kept advised of actual and potential crime in the area to get their e.mail address registered with the police so they can receive real-time crime alerts. Our Community Constable, PC Mark Randle, advises that a few extra folk have registered with him recently but there is still some way to go if the scheme is to work effectively. To get registered just send him a brief message on [email protected] . Incidentally, he tells me he sends his crime alerts out on a ‘blind‘ address list so your details will be protected. 2009 Calendar to help avoid Distraction Burglaries We are all at risk of being caught out by the lovely folk who carry out distraction burglaries but the statistics indicate that the more elderly or vulnerable amongst us are more at risk. A free 2009 calendar has been produced which not only bears pictures of Wiltshire’s beautiful countryside but also crime prevention messages to regularly remind us of how to avoid being taken advantage of. If you know someone who might benefit from one of these calendars please contact the social care help desk at Wiltshire Council - 01225 713001 – or at [email protected]

5 Freedom of Information Your Councillors have recently adopted a revised policy on provision of information to their parishioners: there is a copy displayed on the Notice Board at the Village Hall. There is also copy on the Chute website. Next Meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Thursday 12th February at 7.30pm – venue the Village Hall. As always, you will be welcome to attend. The agenda will be displayed around the Parish and the previous (draft) minutes will be displayed in advance on the Council notice board at the Village Hall. David Clark Chute Parish Clerk 730782 CHUTE FOREST PARISH COUNCIL Wiltshire County Council – Area Boards Consultation. Cllr Caddick lead on this item by giving an overview of the consultation and informed Members that the Members of the Tidworth Community Area Pilot Board (TCAB) had resolved to support the option of two separate boards for the Tidworth and Pewsey areas. She then outlined the advantages and disadvantages of the options in the consultation paper. Following a discussion Members resolved to let the status quo of two separate Boards for Pewsey and Tidworth Community Areas to stand for the time being. Planning. K/59810/TR2– Proposed works to trees on the roadside opposite the Friars Hatchett Hill Lower chute for Mr L Allen to consist of the crown lifting of a holly tree, an ash tree and seven sycamore trees, and the cutting back of the hedge away from the road. Members had previously resolved not to raise any objections and and Notice of Permission was issued on 24 December 2008. K/59748/F – Notice of granting of Full Planning Permission for the demolition of a single garage and erection of a double garage and increase to width of site. Amenity Skips. C’llr Close reported no further progress due to being unable to make contact with the new owners of the land onto which it was proposed that the skip could be placed. C’llr Close will continue to follow this matter up. Tidworth Pilot Area Community Board (TACB). C’llr Caddick reported TACB Members had received briefings on a range of Disability issues including and the availability of learning and development facilities in the community area, Wellington Academy and the Transport Group. She asked if there were any villagers that might be missing out on the provision of disability services, but none were identified; she passed round a copy of the Academy Newsletter and asked if a Member might wish to volunteer to

6 be a member of the Transport Group at which point the Chairman volunteered. She also informed Members that non attendance of the police at Parish Council meetings was raised as an issue and asked Members for their view. Members expressed general satisfaction with the level of attendance by the local officers but suggested that it might be a good idea for the Chief Constable or other senior officer to come and present to the local community on an annual basis. Cllr Caddick closed her report by stressing to the other Members that engagement with this pilot board, its successor and the Tidworth Community Area partnership is vital in that they will both increasingly provide a real opportunity for the Council to make its voice heard. KDC Cllrs Introductions. KDC Cllr CA Wood introduced himself by saying that he will be standing as a United Kingdom Independence Party Candidate for election to Wilshire Council at the elections to be held in June 2009. He then gave a short résumé of his relevant personal history and experience. Cllr C Howard introduced himself by saying that he will be standing as a Conservative Party Candidate for election to Wilshire Council at the elections to be held in June 2009. He then gave short a résumé of his relevant personal history and experience. Wiltshire Constabulary Report. As PC Randle was unable to attend he submitted a written report which the Chairman summarised by saying that the matter reported last month relating to a problem dog in the village has been resolved, sadly the dog was destroyed. No new issues this month in Chute Forest but in the Chutes in general there were four calls, one for a false alarm at a residential property, one concerning a elderly male who was located safe and well, a welfare concern for a suicidal male who had consumed a large amount of alcohol and self harmed who was located with a minor injury. Finally an anonymous report relating to anti social behaviour in Upper Chute which on arrival of Police units turned out to be nothing. The Neighbourhood Bulletin is getting more popular and has also improved the two way passage of information and a volunteer is needed to print off a hard copy to display in a prominent place in the village. The Chairman thanked PC Randle in his absence and suggested that PC Randle contact Mr Chris Stock with a view to displaying hard copies of the e-bulletin. Date of next meeting. The date of next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 19th March 2009. The date of Annual Parish Meeting was confirmed as Thursday 16th April 2009 and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council as Thursday 21st May 2009. Philip Gill Clerk to Chute Forest Parish Council - 01264 398 534 VILLAGE HALL DIARY 7 FEBRUARY

8 Sunday 1st 10.30am Sunday Club Village Hall

Tuesday 3rd 8.00 Fete Committee meeting Village hall

Tuesday 10th Gardening Club Village Hall

Thursday 12th Chute Parish Council Village Hall

Friday 13th Barn Dance Village Hall

Saturday 14th pm & evening Chute 2010 Village Hall

Tuesday 17th Evening Royal Artillery Pony Club AGM Village Hall

Savernake Team Council Thursday 19th Village Hall meeting

Thursday 26th Cricket Club AGM Cross Keys


Church service – details under Sundays Times vary St Nicolas ‘Your Church in . .’

Mondays 7.30pm Line Dancing Village Hall

Tuesdays Quiz Night Hatchet

Wednesdays 10.00am Parents & Toddlers Village Hall

St Nicolas (Except Wed Wednesdays 7.30pm Choir practice 4th which will be at Tantanoola, C. Forest)

Thursdays 7.45pm Bell ringing St Nicolas

King George Thursdays 8.00pm Cricket Club fitness training Playing Field

Thursdays Curry night Hatchet

Yoga (not Yoga on 20th or 27th Fridays 9.30am Village Hall Feb.)


March 13th Barn Dance Village Hall

April 9th Chute Annual Parish Meeting Village Hall

April 10th Barn Dance Village Hall

April 16th Chute Forest Annual Parish Meeting Village Hall

May 7th Local Elections Village Hall

June 4th or 11th European Parliamentary Elections Village Hall 9 MESSAGE FROM JIM FOXEN

Just a line to all of you who have sent kind words, wishes, cards and gifts during my recent illness. It is much appreciated and I hope to be out and about around the village very soon.

Jim Foxen


SUBSCRIPTION For several years now, the subscription for the Chute Chronicle has remained at £3.00 a year which, we hope you will agree, has represented excellent value. This has largely been made possible by an increase in advertising revenue which has helped off set some of our increased costs. In the past 12 months, however, the Chronicle has made a small loss, and so the decision has been taken to increase the annual cost by £0.50 to £3.50.

The subscription will be collected by your regular local distributor in late February / early March, possibly at the same time as delivery of your March Chronicle; we hope we can rely on your continued support.

The Chronicle Finance Board CHRONICLE DEADLINE The Chronicle editorial team always endeavour to have the Chronicle printed so that it can be delivered to you before the end of the each month, however, as you will have noticed, this has not always been possible. To help us achieve delivery before month end, we must therefore bring forward the contribution deadline from 23rd of the month to 20th – and please note, that even then we will have to be fairly strict on deadlines if the copy is to be with you all promptly.

Based on a 20th deadline, the editorial team will compile the magazine and aim to meet on the 22nd to proof read it, make any necessary changes, and send it to the printer. This should then allow somewhere between 3 and 7 days (assuming 1 weekend somewhere along the way) for the printer to do the printing, the magazine to be collected, packaged into smaller quantities, delivered to the local distributors and then put through your door by the month end.

11 We hope you will understand the reason for the change, as we continuously try to improve your village magazine for you.

The Chronicle Editorial Team. VILLAGE WEBSITE

The village web site has moved forward substantially in recent weeks and will, very soon, more accurately reflect all the activities and charms of the Chutes.

12 If you haven’t looked at it recently, have a look at; the Cricket Club is just one example of the breadth of content that can be made available. If there is information that you would like to see included, or have any comments, then please contact one of the following: Simon Falla - 730837 - [email protected] Chris Stock – 730613 - [email protected] Emma Hawkins - 730458 – [email protected] and they will be pleased to help.

This is YOUR web site, so please feel free to use it. Devizes Constituency Conservative Association The Annual General Meeting of The Chute & Chute Forest Branch Will be held in Chute Village Hall Friday 20th February 2009 at 7.30pm There will be wine and cheese after the meeting Alexa Conder Hon.Secretary

CHUTE RELIEF IN NEED CHARITY Two years ago I put a notice in the Chronicle giving an outline of this Charity. It was started in 1795 by George Foyle and was added to several times over the next century. The money was used to provide blankets and coal for those in need. In 1979 the last ton of coal was distributed. We agreed then that this was no longer necessary. Now that we are facing hard times it may be that there is someone or a family in the village who is finding things difficult. If there is a real need, which cannot be met by other means, we are able to offer some small help. A maximum sum of £300 could be available. This money is offered for a real need and does not need to be repaid. The Fete committee has generously offered us further funds if we find we cannot cover our commitments. We much appreciate this offer and will take it up only if it becomes necessary. If you need help or know of someone in difficulty please contact me (730222) or Audrey Cherrington (260) or Vicky Alderson (388) or Betty Rolls (634) or Mary Edwards (the Vicar 01264 852693).

13 Michael Sykes (Chairman)

14 FIRST NEWS Information about our work throughout Wiltshire can be found in the Winter edition of First News which is on the home page of our web site with the front cover photograph of First News kindly supplied by Chris Franklin.

Learn about the merger of Youth Action Wiltshire with Community First, the success of ‘Store is the Core’ and the Landfill Communities Fund plus many more items of news.

We encourage non-members to join and support Community First and listed below are some of the benefits which you will receive as a member, with the added knowledge you are supporting our work, building partnerships and maintaining close links with rural communities. You will also see a link on the Community First website giving details on how to become a supporter.

 Advice and support for  Access to networking voluntary groups opportunities  The sharing of good practice  Our quarterly magazine First News  Links to Parish and Town  Free access to funding Councils advice  Ideas for action to help your  Low cost training community  Ideas for developing  Access to lobbying community facilities framework  Access to low cost mailing to  Free up to date a wide range of organisations information from national organisations

If you would like any further information or your details need to be updated, please do not hesitate to contact me.

With kind regards.

Sheila Martin Fundraising, Marketing and Community Transport Assistant Community First Wyndhams, St. Joseph's Place Devizes, SN10 1DD 15 Tel: 01380 722475 ext. 218, fax: 01380 728476 Registered Charity No: 288117. VAT Registration No: 639 3860 06 Company Limited by Guarantee Reg. No: 1757334 England Registered with the Financial Services Authority No: FRN311971 CHUTE WEATHER DATA - 2008

16 Courtesy of Virginia Chambers CHUTE CRICKET CLUB

2009 is shaping up to be the most challenging and exciting season since the club was reformed, with fixtures against many top local sides including Burbage, Collingbourne, Linkenholt, St Mary Bourne, Shalborne, Wallop, and others, so bring on the summer! Plans are also well advanced for our own 6 a-side tournament in August, which really is cricket at a very fast pace, so there is plenty to look forward to, so long as the weather is kind to us.

Full details are available on the village website but 3 dates are of particular note:  Starting Thursday 5th February, at 8pm, at the King George Playing Field, will be Fitness Training. Open to all those, cricketers and non cricketers alike, who are keen to ease off some of those winter pounds, while gently increasing their

level of fitness. Nothing too strenuous, but plenty of stretching and gentle movement.  Thursday 26th February, 8pm, the Club’s AGM at

17 the Cross Keys.  Starting Thursday 12th March, 8.15pm to 9.15pm, indoor nets at the John Hanson School in Andover.

For further info or to join us, contact Chris Stock on 730613 or [email protected]

TO LET: Garden Studio in Tangley

Recently renovated, fully furnished and equipped, detached property comprising large open-plan living/dining/kitchen with separate cloakroom downstairs and spacious double bedroom with en-suite facilities upstairs. Ample parking. £600 per month excl.

Available immediately - call 01264 730254

18 FUND RAISING FOR MOON BEARS Next year I am embarking on a trek in North Vietnam - I am raising funds for Animal Asia and their quest to end the barbaric bile farming of Moon Bears. I shall pay all my personal expenses so every pound or euro raised goes straight to the cause. My motto is 'Putting Fun into Fundraising' and a couple of spring events are: Flower Arranging Workshop Rathlin, Tangley, SP11 0RU 01264 730628 Wednesday 25 March 10am - 12.30 Coffee/tea, wine, soft drinks and light refreshments Raffle and sale Helen McGarray and Janet Kimble of 'The Blooming Workshop', Kingsworthy, will demonstrate several designs; we will then have hands-on opportunity to create our own table decorations to take home. Please bring apron and scissors/secateurs (some can be provided) Helen and Janet did the most beautiful arrangements for our daughter's wedding and also in Winchester Cathedral. Not to be missed! Tickets £35 (normally £45) STOP PRESS Saturday 4 April 11am - 4pm Highclere Village Hall Special Plant and Produce Sale Designer Goods, Children's Games Refreshments Tables £10 Entrance Free Fun for all the Family Contact Mary Holden 01264 730628 [email protected] All proceeds to Moon Bear Rescue,

19 WALKING IN WILTSHIRE – More than 80 Wiltshire walks to download and print FREE! There’s no doubt about it, walking is good for you. It’s good for your heart, it’s good for your lungs, it’s good for the muscle and bone growth of your children and it’s good for your feeling of wellbeing! Strong scientific evidence now supports the many benefits to health of regular walking – it is recommended that we take at least 10,000 steps a day. Studies show that walking can:  Reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke  Lower blood pressure  Reduce high cholesterol  Reduce body fat  Enhance mental well being Walking offers a great way to help kids get the active habit. If parents express excitement about the prospect of a walk in the countryside, they are more likely to transmit this feeling to their children. It’s important to treat the walk as an exploration or adventure and to go at the child’s pace, no matter how often they want to stop and look at things; take treats to eat and plenty to drink; and head for some landmark that will appeal to them such as a castle, a playground, an ice cream van or a boating pond. If children experience walking as part of a fun activity they are more likely to want to go again. So, how do you find out what is on offer? John Harris, a keen walker, got fed up with the lack of information on walks that were going on in the county. So, he decided that if he couldn’t find what he was looking for – he had better create it! So came into being. This site gives you all the information you need for the best walking in the County: details of more than 80 walks to download and print free, details of all the Wiltshire walking groups, maps and walk books – plus loads more information. So check out the website and get walking! CHUTE WEB SITE – Are you interested in producing a section on Chute walks? If so please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

20 Snowdrops are here. Hooray . CHUTE GARDENING CLUB February 10th 8.00p.m. Village Hall. All welcome to the Gardening club’s first talk: Kevin Hobbs – Hilliers. Research and Development of Unusual Plants The cost of membership to the club for the year remains £5 but you are welcome to come along for a single event for just £1. The programme this year includes: The Importance of Bees in Gardening, Herbs- “Sage advice in Thyme for Summer Planting” (including a cookery demonstration), Gardening for Butterflies, Orchids and The Leckford Estate.

The Plant Sale – Sunday May 17th Please remember the Plant Sale when in your garden splitting perennials or digging out unwanted plants. The Plant Sale is the Club’s main fundraising event and a lot of hard work goes into making it successful. All help is very much appreciated and any contributions will be very gratefully accepted. The Flower Show - Saturday July 11th From observation of the successful participants at the Flower Show, it is clear that success has been the reward for planning and hard work. Consequently provisional copies of the Flower Show are available now – finalised copies will be available at the February meeting. I, however, live in the hope that the chaos theory will be proven a superior model one year!! The Garden competition classes are open to all and are judged prior to the Flower Show. This year these will be: The Conservation Cup: The Best Terrace or Patio The Morse Cup: The Best Cottage Garden The Henry Plate: My Favourite Garden.

Sally Tweed Secretary Chute Gardening Club 730365

21 BOURNE VALLEY MOVIES Our film for February 2009 is ideal for all the family. “The Fox and the Child”(U), is a huge hit in its native France (but it is in English). Nostalgic, romantic and beautiful, it is directed by Luc Jacquet, whose talents were very obvious in the inspiring “March of the Penguins”. No well-known stars, but a magical atmosphere generated by the encounter of a lonely child with a fox. You won’t be disappointed! The showing will be at the Vernham Dean Millennium Hall on Wednesday, 18 February 2009 at 7.30pm (the bar opens at 7pm). Tickets, priced at £5, can be purchased in advance at Hurstbourne Tarrant post office and at the George Inn, Vernham Dean, Pat Caddick on 730730 or £5.50 on the door. Looking further ahead, we have “Easy Virtue”, with Kirsten Scott Thomas and Colin Firth, on March 18. More news later but the films available in Spring/Summer look mouth-watering. Pat Caddick MARGARET EDWARDS

I wish to thank everybody in the Chutes for their support, whether by offers of or actual practical help, good wishes, cards and prayers during Margaret's illness. Both Margaret and I derived much comfort from the care and concern so freely given by you all.


The venue for Choir Practice, which will resume on Wednesday 4th February, will now be at Audrey Cherrington's house, Tantanoola, Chute Forest at 7.30 pm. New volunteers also welcome.

Helen Joyce 730351


VALENTINES EVENING Saturday 14th February 8 til Late A Welcoming Glass of Pink Bubbly Followed by a Heart-Warming Supper Including a Love-ly Dessert Music and Dancing for All Licensed Bar Chute Village Hall

For tickets £10.00 in advance only contact Pat and Barry 730730 Carolyn and Rick 730758 Judy and Nigel 737227 Dress Smart Casual

23 Happy Hour Monday to Thursday 6 – 7pm All drinks half price (excludes wine list except house wines) 2 for 1 Menu Wednesday and Thursday Evenings 7 – 9pm Choose two main meals from our selected menu and get the cheaper meal free. Friday Steak Nights Back by popular demand from Friday 6th February and now with extra sauce and topping choices Cross Keys 3rd Year Anniversary Party Saturday 7th March Live Band & Lamb Roast

Always a good night Come and help us celebrate another year

The Cross Keys Inn, Upper Chute, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 9ER 01264 730295 [email protected]

24 Gt Ham/ Little St Shalb'n/ Date Burbage C' Ducis C' Kingston Grafton Bedwyn B'mere Bedwyn Katharine Bagshot

1st Feb 8am HC 9.30am 11am 6pm 11am 8am HC 11am HC 9.30am 9.30am 09 4th in 11am All Family Matins Evensong Family ME RH HC NLH HC RH Epiphany Age Service AD lay Service

2.30pm HC 04-Feb- 12.30 HC S'mr Ct 8pm ------09 ME Mid-week 8 Feb 09 8am HC 9.30am 11am 11am 9.30am 9.30am 8am HC 3 before NLH 11am Parish 8am HC ME - Matins Matins HC HC RH RH Lent Fam Com Com ME AD RH NLH 11 Feb 09 9.30am MU 12 noon ------(Wed) HC HC RH 15 Feb 09 8am HC 8am HC 6pm 11am 11am 6pm 2nd Sun 11am All 9.30am HC 11am 9.30am 9.30am Evensong Parish Parish Evensong before Age 6pm ME Family HC LD HC NLH ME Com LD Com RG lay Lent E’song Service 11am 22 Feb 09 8am HC 11am 11am 6pm Family 9.30am one Sun 11am Family Matins 8am HC 11am HC Evensong Service HC - before Family Service (jt with RH LD lay &/or ME + Baptism RH Lent Service ME Shalb) lay RH 7.30pm 9.30am HC 12 noon 25 Feb 09 9.30am HC HC + NLH 7.45pm - - HC + - - - (Wed) ME Imposition HC Imposition RH


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