4-H Parent/Volunteer Conference
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December 11, 2008
To: County 4-H Parents and Volunteers
From: Alan VanDeventer Comanche co. 4-H Educator
The program for the SW District 4-H Parent/Volunteer Conference, which will be held Saturday, January 24, 2009 at the Great Plains Technology Center in Lawton, is enclosed.
This conference is an excellent opportunity for you to learn more about new state programs, successful programs in other counties and to network with other volunteers and extension educators from throughout Southwest Oklahoma.
The SW District 4-H Speech Contest will be held in conjunction with the conference, as well as the District Horse Council meeting. 4-H members accompanying registered volunteers or educators may bring one mini-fair display.
Take note of the following items:
► You must return your pre-registration to our office by January 12, 2009. ► Please complete the interest survey for concurrent sessions – this helps instructors plan for the number participants and helps us make decisions on whether to cancel a session if there is not enough interest. ► Each county is responsible for providing one silent auction item ► Certificates will be provided for volunteer certification and CEU’s for teachers and others needing continuing education credit ► Most workshops will be offered one time – a team of volunteers should attend the conference to be sure the county gets maximum benefit from information presented. ► Volunteer Board nominations are due in the District Office by January 14th as well – we have one slot to fill. That person’s board duties will begin in July of 2009 and run through July of 2012. If you are interested, we have more information at the county extension office. ► Mini-fair participation (by 4-H members) is limited to one display per registered adult. Mini-fair booths must pre-register by January 12. Space is limited and will be assigned on a first come – first served basis. 4-H Parent/Volunteer Conference January 24, 2009 Great Plains Technology Center, Lawton Theme: All Roads Lead to 4-H Tentative Schedule 8:30 am Registration for District Speech Contest –Building 600 District Officers in Charge 9:00 am District Speech Contest (room assignments are tentative) Senior Talks – Room 656 Senior Illustrated Presentations – Room 623B Senior Power Point – Room 614 Intermediate Talks – Room 615 Intermediate Illustrated Presentations & Power Point – Rm 634 Beginner Talks – Room 655 Beginner Illustrated Presentations – Room 626 10:00-11:00am District Horse Council – Room 301 B 10:30 am Registration and Set up Mini Fair Displays – Bldg 300 11:15 am Lunch– Room 301 Welcome, Introduction of Volunteer Board Candidates, Voting Recognition of County Volunteer & Lifetime Volunteers of the Year 12:15 – 1:00 pm Concurrent Sessions Session 1 – Room 301 – Put Some Fun in your 4-H Meetings – Chase & Julie Leadford Session 2 – Room 301A – The Arts are IMPORTANT to 4-H Project Work – Karla Knoepfli Session 3 – Room 301B – 4-H Centennial Road Trip – Kevin & Cathy Allen
1:15 – 2:00 pm Concurrent Sessions Session 1 – Room 301 – Leathercraft – Tandy Leather Session 2 – Room 301A – Your “Future” in 4-H – Kyle Worthington Session 3 – Room 301B – Everyday Creativity – Kevin & Cathy Allen
2:15 – 3:00 pm Concurrent Sessions Session 1 – Room 301 – Creating Club Scrapbooks – Lori McAnelly Session 2 – Room 301A – Teen CERT program – Samantha Ephgrave & Justin McConaghy Session 3 – Room 301B – Getting the Most out of Posters and Educational Displays – Taler & Radonna Sawatzky All youth and adults attending must complete a registration form (including District/State 4-H Officers and Ambassadors)
Return to County Extension Office by January 12
Name ______County ______
Complete Mailing Address ______
Phone # ______E-mail ______
Registration: Adult Youth
Full Day – includes lunch & breaks $5.00 ______District Speech Contest Participant (does not include lunch or conf. reg.) $5.00 ______Age as of 1/1/09 ______Title of Presentation______Type of Presentation Speech Illustrated Presentation Power Point Age division Beginning (9-11) Intermediate (12-14) Senior (15 & over) Mini-fair booth (24- no more than 36 inches wide, free standing) One youth per registered adult ______
Interest Survey Please indicate your interest in the following workshops so instructors will know how many to plan for (handouts, materials, etc.). Because of materials involved with some workshops, enrollment may be capped.
12:15 – 1:00 pm Concurrent Sessions 4-H Centennial Road Trip – Kevin & Cathy Allen “Arts” in 4-H – Karla Knoepfli Put Some Fun in your 4-H Meetings – Chase & Julie Leadford
1:15 – 2:00 pm Concurrent Sessions Leathercraft - Tandy Leather (enrollment limited to first 20 who respond) Everyday Creativity – Kevin & Cathy Allen Your “Future” in 4-H – Kyle Worthington
2:15 – 3:00 pm Concurrent Sessions Creating Club Scrapbooks – Lori McAnelly Teen CERT program – Samantha Ephgrave & Justin McConaghy Posters and Displays – Taler & Radonna Sawatzky
Make checks payable to Comanche County OSU Agency Account Workshop Descriptions
12:15 – 1:00 pm Concurrent Sessions 4-H Centennial Road Trip – Kevin & Cathy Allen Learn more about the 4-H Centennial Road trips, and participate in hands-on activities to help prepare you to take your club or county on an intra-state exchange trip to learn more about 4-H and Oklahoma.
The Arts are IMPORTANT to 4-H Project Work – Karla Knoepfli Albert Einstein said that "imagination is more important than knowledge." Studies show youth demonstrate better grades, a capacity for self-assessment and a secure sense of their own abilities when engaged in creative activities. Explore how 4-H is a positive example of "arts-based" programs for youth and the key components to a genuine learning experience. Leave with a fresh perspective of how to perceive and approach 4-H programming and project work
Put Some Fun in your 4-H Meetings – Chase & Julie Leadford Ice breakers and simple games are a great way to create an atmosphere of fun and make kids and teens feel welcome and at ease at your 4-H meetings. Join us in a game or two and get some ideas for some fun activities for your 4 H meetings.
1:15 – 2:00 pm Concurrent Sessions Leathercraft – K. C. Kreger - Tandy Leather Leaders will have the opportunity to complete a stamped and colored leather project and all volunteers attending the workshop will receive a free “clover” stamp. Participants will bring home hands-on ideas that members will enjoy at meetings and camps. Catalogs will be available.
Everyday Creativity – Kevin & Cathy Allen Every challenge and situation has multiple solutions – sometimes we just have to re-train our minds to “see” the problem and the solution from a different angle. Learn how to apply creative problem solving techniques to everyday situations.
Your “Future” in 4-H – Kyle Worthington This workshop introduces the new Essential Elements of 4-H Curriculum. Being “Futuristic” means making decisions today based on a positive believe about the future. Positive environments provide opportunities for youth to see themselves in the future and to harness the hope and optimism to shape life choices and experiences that facilitate the transition into participating in the future.
2:15 – 3:00 pm Concurrent Sessions Creating Club Scrapbooks – Lori McAnelly
Teen CERT Program – Samantha Ephgrave & Justin McConaghy Do your 4-H youth know what to do in a disaster? Through the Citizen Corps’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training, youth-adult partnerships can be fostered to develop youth emergency response teams that can assist local communities. This workshop will include a tabletop simulation exercise and discuss how you can become involved in your community’s CERT program.
Getting the Most out of Posters and Educational Displays – Taler & Radonna Sawatzky Displays are a great way to educate people about your project area and promote 4-H. Leaders will see several examples of educational displays and 4-H poster art. An educational display or poster is something that every 4-H member can make and use for a variety of events and activities.