NAME: ______Walk the Line: Questions for discussion

1. What are your first impressions of Johnny? Is he likeable? Why/why not? What were your first impressions of June Carter? What are the differences between them?

2. How does the death of Jack affect Johnny? How does it affect the rest of his family?

3. Why does Ray Cash's attitude and disapproval affect Johnny so much?

4. How does becoming famous change Johnny? How important is it to him? What does Walk the Line say about fame and its effects?

5. Why do you think that Johnny turns to drink and drugs to deal with the problems in his life? How does his way of coping change him as a person? Are they positive or negative changes? How does this affect his family?

6. What effect is achieved by beginning and ending the film with scenes from Johnny's infamous concert at Folsom Prison? Why was it so important to Johnny to perform in prisons for inmates?

7. This is a bio-pic. Based on your loose understanding of June and Johnny, do you think the film achieved verisimilitude? In other words, were the actors believable as the real people whom they were portraying? Why or why not?

8. Would this film be as successful if it was not based on a true story? Defend your answer.

Questions come from the following websites: