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IEEE P802.11 Wireless Lans s97

December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 IEEE P802.11 Wireless LANs


Date: 2017-12-7

Author(s): Name Affiliation Address Phone email Laurent Cariou Intel [email protected] Matthieu Fischer Broadcom

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217

1. Introduction

Interpretation of a Motion to Adopt

A motion to approve this submission means that the editing instructions and any changed or added material are actioned in the TGax Draft. The introduction and the explanation of the proposed changes are not part of the adopted material.

Editing instructions formatted like this are intended to be copied into the TGax Draft (i.e. they are instructions to the 802.11 editor on how to merge the text with the baseline documents).

TGax Editor: Editing instructions preceded by “TGax Editor” are instructions to the TGax editor to modify existing material in the TGax draft. As a result of adopting the changes, the TGax editor will execute the instructions rather than copy them to the TGax Draft.

CID Commenter Cla Pag Comment Proposed Change Resolution use e Nu mb er(C ) 120 Jinjing Jiang 27.9 289. Is there a mode on Please clarify Rejected – the 81 .1 59 SRP_AND_SRG_OBSS_PD_PROHIBI commenter failed TED? to identify an issue 117 Graham 27.9 289. "There are two independent Replace ""There are two Rejected – OBSSPD 69 Smith .1 64 spatial reuse modes, one called independent spatial reuse and SRP don’t OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse and modes, one called OBSS_PD- define the SR the other called SRP-based spatial based spatial reuse and the mode, but a reuse." Bad wording, replace. other called SRP-based spatial threshold and a reuse." with "There are two parameter field. independent spatial reuse The name of the modes: OBSS_PD and SRP." SR mode has therefore been defined to be clear with that regard. 117 Graham 27.9 290. What a long winded way to Delete P290 L1 to L16. Revised – beacon 70 Smith .1 01 describe a possible way to find out reports are also the Color of neighboring APs and used in this of APs that are hidden form the context to collect originating AP. I can see that the information to AP might like to chose a color that define SRG and none of its STAs sees but in this SRG OBSSPD case the STA is straying from the parameters. The network area. If you want to do procedure is this simply say words to the effect detailed here as that "an AP may use a Beacon there are slight request to establish the color of changes compared neighnboring networks." to section 11.11. We however need to modify the text to ensure that the changes are limited to spatial reuse operation. Apply the changes as proposed in doc 1852r41852r7.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 120 James Yee 27.9 290. In the sentence "An HE AP shall As provided in comment. Revised – Agree 17 .1 03 not set a measurement with the comment. mode in a Beacon request to an Apply the changes associated STA to a mode that the as in doc STA has not explicitly indicated 1852r41852r7. support for via the RM Enabled Capabilities element ...", the word "for" is redundant.

112 Albert 27.9 290. Missing periods add missing periods the end of Revised – agree 39 Petrick .2.1 09 all subbullet text in this clause with the commenter. Make the changes as in doc 1852r41852r7 117 Graham 27.9 290. "A non-AP HE STA that performs Delete cited text Rejected – there is 71 Smith .1 21 spatial reuse operation shall a requirement for respond to a Beacon request from the HE STA to its associated AP with a Beacon respond to the report as described in 11.11 (Radio beacon request. measurement procedures)." In The AP is obviously the sentence aboive this t says free to use this that an HE AP may use the Beacon mechanism or not, report for spatial reuse,, but here reason why it is a it says that a non-AP HE STA shall may. respond to a Beacon request. Hence a STA must support it, but an AP need not. Why can't the AP simply use a STA that does support it? Delete

131 Qi Xue 27.9 290. Change this to a 'should' As in the comment Rejected – The 51 .1 21 requirement: current requirement is "A non-AP HE STA that performs reasonable, as it spatial reuse operation shall keeps the AP from respond to a Beacon request..." making multiple requests if a STA does not respond. Note that the STA has the option of providing no information in the response. 138 Yasuhiko 27.9 290. "... with a value equal to BUSY As in the comment. Revised – agree 31 Inoue .2.1 31 followed by an with the RXSTART.indication due to a PPDU commenter. Apply reception then ..." the proposed changes in doc "an RXSTART.indication" should be 1852r41852r7. "a PHY-RXSTART.indication".

140 Yuchen Guo 27.9 290. There is no "RXSTART.indication" change "RXSTART.indication" to Revised – agree 91 .2.1 31 defined in the SPEC "PHY-RXSTART.indication" with the commenter. Apply the proposed changes in doc 1852r41852r7.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 142 Yusuke 27.9 290. "an RXSTART.indication" should be As commented. Revised – agree 76 Tanaka .2.1 31 "a PHY-RXSTART.indication". with the commenter. Apply the proposed changes in doc 1852r41852r7. 130 Osama 27.9 290. The two actions on page 290, it is as in comment Revised – agree 62 Aboulmagd .2.1 32 not clear if it is (a) and (b) as in line with the 32 or (a) or (b) as in line 60. Need commenter. Split to make it clear. the subclause in 2 subclauses for clarity. Add a sentence to clarify that a STA can use only one or the 2 modes simultaneously. IF the commenter also intends to clarify if the STA can do a) or b) or both), make the change to clarify that all is possible. and apply the proposed changes in doc 1852r41852r7. 112 Albert 27.9 290. Missing periods add missing periods the end of Revised – agree 40 Petrick .2.1 35 all subbullet text in this clause with the commenter. Apply the proposed changes in doc 1852r41852r7. 126 Mark RISON 27.9 290. There is no such value Change _and_ to _AND_ Accept – apply the 09 .2.1 35 SRP_and_NON_SRG_OBSS_PD_PR proposed changes OHIBITED in doc 1852r41852r7.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 120 James Yee 27.9 290. In the bullet "The received PPDU is Please clarify. Revised – Disagree 18 .2.l 38 an inter-BSS PPDU (see 27.2.2 in principle with (Intra-BSS and inter-BSS frame the comment. This determination)) defines that if you and the received PPDU is not a receive both the non-HT PPDU carrying a response RTS and the CTS, frame (Ack, BlockAck or you can still do SR. CTS frame), or the received PPDU If you receive only contains a CTS and a PHY- CTS, you can not CCA.indication transition from do SR. The BUSY to IDLE occurred within the sentence is PIFS time immediately preceding modified per the received CTS and that resolution to CID transition corresponded to the end 13929. of an inter-BSS PPDU that contained an RTS that was ignored following this procedure", it is not clear why the prior RTS can affect the STA's decision on later the received CTS and what if the this prior RTS is never received by the STA.

139 Yongho 27.9 290. "The received PPDU is an inter-BSS Change as the following: Reject – partially 29 Seok .2.1 39 PPDU (see 27.2.2 (Intra-BSS and "The received PPDU is an inter- agree with the inter-BSS frame determination)) BSS PPDU (see 27.2.2 (Intra-BSS commenter. Only and the received PPDU is not a and inter-BSS frame BA can be non-HT PPDU carrying a response determination)) and the classified as inter- frame (Ack, BlockAck or CTS received PPDU is not a non-HT BSS PPDU. Ack and frame),..." PPDU carrying a response frame CTS can not. The prerequisite of the second (BlockAck),..." However, for condition is that the received clarity, it is better PPDU is an inter-BSS PPDU. to keep the Because the Ack and CTS frame current text. can't be classifed as an inter-BSS PPDU, the prerequisite of the second condition never be met. Please remove the unnecessay example.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 115 Dorothy 27.9 290. regarding "or the received PPDU as in comment Reject – Disagree 56 Stanley .2.1 40 contains a CTS and a PHY- in principle. it is CCA.indication transition from saying that you BUSY to IDLE occurred within the can ignore PIFS time immediately preceding RTS/CTS, but not the received CTS and that CTS alone. transition corresponded to the end of an inter-BSS PPDU that contained an RTS that was ignored following this procedure.", this was predicated on PHY of STA issues PHY-CCA.indication with a value equal to BUSY. Is this trying to say that you can't ignore an RTS/CTS?

141 Yuichi 27.9 290. "the received PPDU is not a non HT Remove part that reads Revised – there is 14 Morioka .2.1 40 PPDU carrying a response "carrying a response frame" no contradiction. frame...". The recipient only a) can be done knows the content of the PPDU at only before the the end of the PPDU, which end of the PPDU as contradicts with line 32 "a) issue a it is CCA reset, b) PHY-CCA-RESET.request primitive can be done after before the end of the PPDU" the end of the PPDU. However, it is true that it is not clear that the STA may do a) and may do b), meaning that it can do only a), only b) or a) and b). Make the changes as proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 121 kaiying Lv 27.9 290. An HE STA with Change the following condition Revised – agree 88 .2.1 51 dot11HESRPOptionImplemented to "(defined in with the should follow the OBSS_PD level (Adjustment of OBSS_PD and commenter. make based on 27.9.4 transmit power) or 27.9.4 the changes as (Interaction of OBSS_PD and proposed in doc SRP-based spatial reuse)). 1852r41852r7 142 Yunbo Li 27.9 290. HE PPDU should not be excluded delete "non-HE" in all the sub Rejected – this 13 .2.1 53 in the first three sub bullets. bullets. would be redundant as the if carried in an HE PPDU, these frames can not be classified as inter- BSS PPDU, which is already a condition 131 Qi Xue 27.9 290. Change to "An NDP frame" As in the comment Rejected – NDP is 52 .2.1 58 consistently used throughout baseline. 112 Albert 27.9 290. Text states "A STA that takes Sentence needs to be rewritten. Revised – as we 57 Petrick .2.1 60 actions (a) or (b) under the What are actions (a) or (b) now propose to conditions ...." Actions (a) or (b) define 2 not defined, need more clarity. subclauses, we can find a new formulation. Apply the changes as in

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doc 1852r41852r7.

117 Graham 27.9 290. "PHY-CCARE-SET.request" should Please clarify Revised – clarify 73 Smith .2.1 60 be "PHY-CCARESET.request"A STA the spec for this that takes actions (a) or (b) under sentence. the conditions of the previous The second paragraph is deemed to perform procedure NON_SRG-OBSS_PD-based spatial describe SRG- reuse (see 27.11.6 OBSS_PD-based (SPATIAL_REUSE))."PHY-CCARE- spatial reuse, the SET.request" should be "PHY- spec does not CCARESET.request" OK, but what currently need to about the next set of criteria which reference that in follows a PHY-RXSTART, what is other sections. that deemed to be? Is this SRG- Apply the changes OBSS_PD-based? If not why the as in doc distinction? 1852r41852r7.

118 Guoqing Li 27.9 290. There is listed action (a) or (b). Clarify Revised – agree 11 .2.1 60 with the commenter. Apply the changes as in doc 1852r41852r7. 131 Qi Xue 27.9 290. Conditions (a) & (b) are not As in the comment Revised – agree 53 .2.1 60 defined in the previous paragraph. with the Suggest rewording. commenter. Apply the changes as in "A STA that takes actions (a) or (b) doc 1852r41852r7. under the conditions of the previous paragraph..."

142 Yusuke 27.9 290. NON_SRG-OBSS_PD-based spatial Delete(see 27.11.6 Revised – agree 77 Tanaka .2.1 61 reuse operation is not written in (SPATIAL_REUSE)). with the comment. 27.11.6 (SPATIAL_REUSE). Apply the changes as proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 131 Qi Xue 27.9 290. Change PHY-CCARESET.request to As in the comment Rejected – current 54 .2.1 65 PHY-CCA-RESET.request spec uses PHY- CCARESET.request 139 Yongho 27.9 291. "The received PPDU is an Inter-BSS Remove the cited sentence. Revised – agree 31 Seok .2.1 03 PPDU (see 27.2.2 (Intra-BSS and with the inter-BSS frame determination))" commenter. Apply Because the prerequisite of an SRG the changes as in PPDU is an Inter-BSS PPDU, the doc 1852r41852r7. above sentence is not needed.

139 Yongho 27.9 291. Similar to the NON_SRG-OBSS_PD- Insert the following sentence: Rejected – current 30 Seok .2.1 07 based spatial reuse, "The received PPDU contains a assumption is that If an HE STA receives a CTS frame CTS and a PHY-CCA.indication for SRG OBSS_PD, immediately after an RTS (e.g., transition from BUSY to IDLE it is not possible to MU-RTS frame) that is a SRG occurred within the PIFS time ignore RTS/CTS, frame, the SRG-OBSS_PD-based immediately preceding the because the spatial reuse can be applied to the received CTS and that transition OBSS_PD CTS frame. corresponded to the end of an thresholds can be SRG PPDU that contained an RTS more aggressive.

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(including a MU-RTS) that was ignored following this procedure."

125 Liwen Chu 27.9 291. I assume that AP also follows trhe Fix the issue mentioned in Revised – this is 41 .2.1 08 same rules. comment. covered in 27.2.3 and doc 26rx is covering the rules for AP and non-AP STAs. Apply the changes as in doc 1852r41852r7. 119 James June 27.9 291. Parameter names in Figure 29-9 Change "OBSS_PDmax" to Revised – agree in 37 Wang .2.1 10 not consistent with (27-3) "OBSSPDmax", "OBSS_PDmin" principal with the to "OBSSPDmin", ... in Figure comment. Modify 27-9 to be consistent with OBSSPDmax and parameters in (27-3) OBSSPDmin to OBSS_PDmax and OBSS_PDmin. Apply the changes as in doc 1852r41852r7. 121 kaiying Lv 27.9 291. An HE STA with Change the following condition Revised – agree 89 .2.1 15 dot11HESRPOptionImplemented to "(defined in with the comment. should follow the OBSS_PD level (Adjustment of OBSS_PD and Make the changes based on 27.9.4 transmit power) or 27.9.4 as proposed by (Interaction of OBSS_PD and doc 1852r41852r7. SRP-based spatial reuse)). 141 Yuichi 27.9 291. There is no way for HE STA to Remove conditions that will not Rejected – The 15 Morioka .2.1 17 know that the non-HT PPDU does be known to the receiving STA comment is not carry a certain frame before until the end of the PPDU. correct, but this is the end of the PPDU. not so important here, as it is possible to ignore the PPDU (by only ignoring the NAV) at the end of the PPDU. 142 Yunbo Li 27.9 291. HE PPDU should not be excluded delete "non-HE" in all the sub Rejected – non-HE 14 .2.1 18 in the first three sub bullets. bullets. is needed here, as the problem is already solved for HE PPDUs, where the BSS_color is set accordingly. 120 Jinjing Jiang 27.9 291. Public Action frame includes the Remove "or an FTM frame" Revised – Modify 80 .2.1 20 FTM frame, duplicate items in the the typo for SRG bullets? section where we only consider group addressed public action frames, and not all public action frames. Make the changes as proposed by doc

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117 GEORGE 27.9 291. Currently, SR_DELAY and As in the comment Rejected – 41 CHERIAN .2 30 SR_RESTRICTED is applicable for SR_delay and both SRP & OBSS-PD. Remove the SR_restricted are applicability of SR_DELAY and also useful for SR_RESTRICTED for OBSS-PD OBSS_PD SR. 120 James Yee 27.9 291. P. 290 line 30-61 are defining As provided in comment. Rejected – even if 19 .2.l 30 NON_SRG_OBSS_PD-based spatial the PPDU is an SRG reuses, here the spec should also PPDU, the STA can require the PPDU received is not decide to apply from a SRG STA. NON-SRG OBSS_PD spatial reuse. Therefore, the condition is not a requirement. 141 Yuichi 27.9 291. In order to allow efficient use of SR Add "If the Rejected – the 16 Morioka .2.1 33 resource, STA should be allowed to PHYCCARESET.request primitive concept is subtract the time it took to is issued before the end of the interesting, but determine that the received PPDU PPDU, the Backoff counter of the proposed is an inter-BSS PPDU from its BO the STA may be decremented by resolution is timer. the time it took from the incomplete This is especially important to beginning of the PPDU until the because it creates effectively utilize the SR resource, PHYCCARESET.request primitive a new problem – because by the time the BO was issued" i.e. the simple expires in many cases the OBSS subtraction PPDU would be already be proposed will finished. cause all STAs with a backoff count less than the the determination time to hit zero at the same time causing a multi- way collision – a complete proposal needs to deal with this problem. 141 Yuichi 27.9 291. Even if the TXOP is limited to the Add description as to how the Revise – see 17 Morioka .2.1 34 duration of the PPDU, the STA is SR PPDU will not collide with resolution for CID allowed to send an SR PPDU that response to MU transmission. 14278 which adds extends beyond the end of the further restriction. TXOP. This SR PPDU will collide with the response frame of the MU transmission.

142 Yusuke 27.9 291. This rule limits the TXOP obtained Add "and the duration of Revised – agree 78 Tanaka .2.1 34 by the OBSS_PD mechanism to the transmitting PPDU shall not with the duration of the HE MU PPDU to exceed the end of the PPDU" commenter. Apply prevent interfering. According to after "the TXOP shall be limited the changes as IEEE802.11 2016, start of PPDU to the duration of the PPDU" proposed in doc shall be within TXOP but end of 1852r41852r7. PPDU could exceed the end of TXOP so limitation of TXOP is not enough and the duration of PPDU must be limited as well.

112 Albert 27.9 291. Missing periods add missing periods the end of Revised – agree 38 Petrick .2 36 all subbullet text in this clause with the comment.

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Apply the changes as in doc 1852r41852r7. 117 Geonjung 27.9 291. According to the subclass 27.11.6 Add Revised - 36 Ko .2.1 37 (SPATIAL_REUSE), when a STA "If the PHY-CCARESET.request Agree with the transmits a Trigger frame, it is primitive is issued before the commenter. For a recommended to set the end of the PPDU, and a TXOP is trigger carried in TXVECTOR parameter initiated within the duration of VHT, it is true that SPATIAL_REUSE to SR_DELAY or the PPDU, then the TXOP should a STA can classify it SR_RESTRICTED. Since a Trigger be limited to the duration of the as inter-BSS PPDU frame is allowed to be sent in a HT PPDU if a Trigger frame is in the based on the VHT- or VHT PPDU, there may be other PPDU." SIG field, so we frames aggregated to the Trigger could have an frame in the same PPDU. If an issue here. But inter-BSS STA transmits a frame there does not based on the OBSS_PD-based SR seem to be any on the PPDU, STAs solicited by the reason why we Trigger frame may not be able to would use VHT respond to the Trigger frame after PPDU to send a the CCA. Therefore, we can define trigger frame. The the operation for a STA which proposed received a Trigger frame, for resolution is example, the similar operation therefore to when the Spatial Reuse field is set include a note to to SR_DELAY or SR_RESTRICTED. recommend the AP not to transmit trigger frames in VHT PPDU format. Apply the changes as in doc 1852r7.

117 Graham 27.9 291. Adjustment of OBSS_PD Adopt text in 17/1003 Rejected – Current 75 Smith .2.2 39 and transmit power. 17/0582 OBSS_PD protocol clearly shows problems withj this does not describe method and in reality no-one how a STA chooses would or should implement it. If its TxPower and they did they would soon switch it OBSS_PD level and off. It sounds good that reducing leaves that to the the poower makes you less of an implementer. This interefer, but if you reduce the is comparable to power, you reduce the SNIR of the MCS selection wanted transmission, hence you algorithms that are decrease the MCS , you still have a not described in good possibility of not being the spec and left successful. Hence you slow down to the the network. How this is supposed implementer. Doc to be an improvement for HE 582 describes that defeats me. In addition there are if the STA uses a no rules for transmission other wrong proprietary than reducing the power. 17/582 solution to derive clearly shows that it can only work its OBSS_PD level if a dynamic CCA threshold (DSC) is and TxPower, used but the lobby has refused to performance can allow that. This is a bad feature as be bad. A similar it stands and either should be presentation can deleted or the text in 17/1003 be made to show should be adopted which at least that a wrong MCS makes it work over a greater set of selection conditions. algorithm can lead to bad performance.

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This does not prove that the mechanism is bad and that we need to specify the algorithm to select OBSS_PD and TxPower, similarly that we don’t need to specify the MCS selection algorithms. 142 Yusuke 27.9 291. When a HE STA lowers the Define a mechanism to adjust Rejected – if HE 79 Tanaka .2.2 39 transmission power based on RTS threshold based on STAs decides to OBSS-PD, the transmission may modified transmission power or lower its TxPower, not be heard by another STA in the OBSS-PD levels. it takes such risk BSS and it could cause inter-BSS and need to take collision more than regular that into account transmission. in its algorithm to set its TxPower. 117 Graham 27.9 291. "Adjusting the OBSS_PD level and Delete "Adjusting the OBSS_PD Revised – disagree 74 Smith .2.2 41 transmit power can improve the level and transmit power can with the statement system level performance and the improve the system level of the commenter. utilization of the spectrum." It has performance and the utilization It has been shown been shown that this is not true, of the spectrum." in many 17/0582 shows pretty clearly that presentations that this does not work. If the lobby this can improve insists on retaining this feature, this (example: then at least avoid alternative 1161r1). truths. Delete However, this sentence is not needed and can be removed. Apply the changes as proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 120 James Yee 27.9 291. In Equation (27-3), replace As provided in comment. Revised – agree 21 .2.2 46 "OBSSPDmin" with "OBSS_PDmin" with the comment. and "OBSSPDmax" with Make the changes "OBSS_PDmax" since these are the as proposed in doc right terms used in other parts of 1852r41852r7. the spec(e.g. figure 27-9). 130 Osama 27.9 291. This clause provides the rules for as in comment Rejected – a STA is 63 Aboulmagd .2.2 46 adjusting OBSS_PD value. However allowed to apply it doesn't state when this change is OBSS_PD SR under requested, i.e. what event does specific conditions. trigger this adjustment? If it meets these conditions it can apply this mechanism. In such case, it needs to select OBSS_PD and TxPower values. The selection process is implementation dependent but must adhere to the rules defined in this subclause.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 142 Yusuke 27.9 291. "OBSSPD" and "OBSS PD" should As commented. Revised – agree 81 Tanaka .2.2 46 be unified to "OBSS_PD" with the comment. Make the changes as proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 117 Graham 27.9 291. "...and shall respect the condition Replace cited text with "in Revised – agree 76 Smith .2.2 47 defined in Equation". I can't find accordance with Equation" with the comment. any other use of this expression in Make the changes 11md or this document. Replace as proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 117 Graham 27.9 291. Equation 27-3 indicates that the Replace Γëñ with = Rejected – one 77 Smith .2.2 47 TX power may be less than the must ask and simple rule and could, in fact, be answer the set to zero. Seems pretty dumb to following question: me to have the < sign there as it is what are the bad enough already and can one consequences of a really see devices using less than STA using a TXP the permitted power if they were value less than dumb enough to do this anyway? what is permitted? Is it a net positive or negative for the individual STA, and is it a net positive or negative for the system? Unless someone knows the answer to that question, a proposal to disallow TXP below the maximum computed value cannot be considered. One argument to be made is that any action that causes a net increase in hidden nodes must be bad and therefore should be avoided, but this delta positive gain must be weighed against the gain of the feature, and again, the value of delta is unknown and should a problem arise, the feature can be tailored/tapered or otherwise adjusted later when such information is known. 117 Graham 27.9 291. "PHY-CCARE-SET.request" should Replace "PHY-CCARE- Rejected – can’t 72 Smith .2.1 65 be "PHY-CCARESET.request" SET.request" with "PHY- find any PHY- CCARESET.request" CCARE-set

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 142 Yusuke 27.9 292. "TX_PWR" should be "TXPWR" As commented. Revised – agree 82 Tanaka .2.2 05 with the comment on the harmonization issue, but propose to do the contrary. Make the changes as proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 117 Graham 27.9 292. Figure 27-9 indicates that the TX Delete the shading and change Rejected – see CID 78 Smith .2.2 06 power may be less than the simple the arrow on "Allowable 11777. rule and could, in fact, be set to OBSS_Pdlevel" to point at the zero. Seems pretty dumb to me t edge. as it is bad enough already and can one really see devices using less than the permitted power if they were dumb enough to do this anyway?

119 James June 27.9 292. RSSI_LEGACY is a relative value Please clarify it. Revised – agree 39 Wang .2.2 31 with value 0 to 277. It is not clear with the that it can be used to compare commenter. with OBSS_PD. Suppress the mention to RSSI_legacy and mention receive signal strength, which is used in the receive operation subclause. Apply the changes as in 1852r41852r7. 139 Yongho 27.9 292. "If the bandwidth of the received As in comment. Revised – not 32 Seok .2.2 32 PPDU differs from 20 MHz, then certain exactly the value of the OBSS_PDlevel is what the increased by 10 log (bandwidth/20 commenter is MHz)." requesting, but the More exactly, apply a floor to a term bandwidth log. has no reference, so formalizaing that term to CH_BANDWIDTH and removing the units (MHz). Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 117 Graham 27.9 292. "output of the antenna connector" Replace cited text with "at the Rejected – “output 79 Smith .2.2 45 What about printed antennas? input to the antenna" or better of the antenna still check with 11md where this connector” is used has come up. throughout 802.11 2016. 130 Osama 27.9 292. The two terms SRG OBSS_PD and as in comment Revised – the 64 Aboulmagd .2.2 46 Non-SRG OBSS_PD appear terms are actually suddenly in the middle of page introduced sooner 292. Need to at least introduce the in the section. For terms and why two of them are clarity, the general needed. section is now split in 2 subclauses to clarify the

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differences between SRG and non-SRG operation. Apply the changes as proposed in 1852r41852r7. 139 Yongho 27.9 292. "An AP may define SRG OBSS PD Sepcify that an AP can include Rejected – For 33 Seok .2.2 47 Min Offset and SRG OBSS PD Max one or more Spatial Reuse simplicity, it is Offset values that are used by its Parameter Set element. better to have a associated STAs and by the AP to single SR derive an SRG OBSS_PD level for parameter set determining reception behavior element. for inter-BSS PPDUs that are determined to be SRG PPDUs." An AP can makes different SRG OBSS PD Min Offset and SRG OBSS PD Max Offset values for different SRG BSSs. For supporting this, an AP may include one or more Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element.

120 James Yee 27.9 292. Throughout the spec, it is never Please clarify. Reject – the 22 .2.2 57 explained how the SRG indicated requested change by a Spatial Reuse Parameter Set is to insert text elementan is formed by an HE AP that is outside of STA. The spec should either the scope of the provide some information or say standard. this is not within the scope of this spec.

119 James June 27.9 292. Why do we have this condition Please clarify or remove Revised – Agree 38 Wang .2.2 63 "Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Offset Γëñ with the SRG OBSS PD Max Offset" ? It is commenter. Some not clear they are related. more flexibility can be obtained by removing this condition, while no issues seem to be generated by this removal. Apply the changes as in doc 1852r41852r7. 142 Yusuke 27.9 293. "OBSS_PD SR Disallowed" should As commented. Revised – agree 83 Tanaka .2.2 09 be "Non-SRG OBSS_PD with the comment. Disallowed" Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 115 Dorothy 27.9 293. Table 27-6, what is "OBSS_PD SR as in comment Revised – agree 57 Stanley .2.2 12 Disallowed"? with the comment. Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 122 kaiying Lv 27.9 293. Change "OBSS_PD SR Disallowed" as comment Revised – agree 47 .2.2 12 to "Non-SRG OBSS_PD SR with the comment. Disallowed" Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 118 Guoqing Li 27.9 293. InTable 27-6, the use of "Spatial Change the wording to "Spatial Revised – the 28 .2.2 15 Reuse Paraeter Set element not Reuse parameter set element value 0 or 1 is for received" set to 0 is not a natural received" and change the "0" the Non-SRG way to say this paramemeter set is and "1" in this table accordingly. OBSS_PD SR receive. Change the wording to disallowed field. "Spatial Reuse parameter set Clarify by element received" and change the modifying the title "0" and "1" in this table of the column. accordingly. Apply the changes as proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 118 Guoqing Li 27.9 293. In Table 27-6, the use of 0 and 1 is Change 0 and 1 to "yes" or "no". Revised – agree 31 .2.2 15 understood, but this is not setting with the comment. a value for a particular field. Modify the title of Change 0 and 1 to "yes" or "no". the column to make the 0 and 1 values applicable. Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 138 Yonggang 27.9 293. Is the value of Non-SRG OBSS PD Revised – it’s 55 Fang .2.2 24 Max -82 or -62 for the case of written in the OBSS_PD_SR Disallowed = 1? table: -82dBm

118 Guoqing Li 27.9 293. In Table 27-7, The use of "Spatial Change the wording to "Spatial Revised – agree 29 .2.2 41 Reuse Paraeter Set element not Reuse parameter set element with the comment. received" set to 0 is not a natural received" and change the "0" Clarify the title of way to say this paramemeter set is and "1" in this table accordingly. the column. Apply receive. Change the wording to the changes "Spatial Reuse parameter set proposed in doc element received" and change the 1852r41852r7. "0" and "1" in this table accordingly. 118 Guoqing Li 27.9 293. In Table 27-7, the use of 0 and 1 is Change 0 and 1 to "yes" or "no". Revised – agree 32 .2.2 41 understood, but this is not setting with the comment. a value for a particular field. Clarify by Change 0 and 1 to "yes" or "no". modifying the title of the column. Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 142 Yusuke 27.9 293. This sentence should be in 27.9.3 As commented. Revised – agree 84 Tanaka .2.2 55 SRP-based spatial reuse operation with the comment. Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 115 Dorothy 27.9 293. regarding "shall not perform SRP- as in comment Revised – agree 58 Stanley .2.2 56 based SR transmissions", why is with the comment. this in the OBSS_PD-based Apply the changes section? proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 115 Dorothy 27.9 294. the grammar in the paragraph is as in comment Revised – agree 59 Stanley .2.3 03 undecipherable with the comment. Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 141 Yuichi 27.9 294. What happens to the case where Add description that the power Rejected – the 18 Morioka .2.3 03 the HE STA ignores an inter-BSS restriction period only starts power restriction PPDU but does not initiate when the STA starts countdown. is needed even if countdown because it has nothing the count is to send? The power restriction already zero with period should not start in this case. an empty queue because the STA might be triggered during this time and needs to to follow the power restrictions because it declared the medium to be IDLE based on SR. In the non-zero count case with an empty queue, the countdown begins anyway, because if you have a non- zero count and you have what is indicated to be an idle medium, you count down, regardless of your TX queue condition. 117 Graham 27.9 294. "If a STA ignores an inter-BSS Replace cited text with "If a STA Revised – agree 80 Smith .2.3 04 PPDU following the procedure in ignores an inter-BSS PPDU with the comment. (General), using a chosen following the procedure in Apply the changes SRG OBSS_PD level, or a chosen (General), using a proposed in doc non-SRG OBSS_PD level shall start chosen SRG OBSS_PD level, or a 1852r41852r7. an OBSS_PD SR transmit power chosen non-SRG OBSS_PD level, restriction period." Does not read then the STA shall start an right. . OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period. " 142 Yusuke 27.9 294. We should consider the case a STA Two suggestion. Rejected – 85 Tanaka .2.3 04 whose queue is empty ignored an 1. OBSS_PD SR transmit power commenter does inter-BSS PPDU for receiving restriction period shall be not state how the opportunity. The STA does not applied to only a STA which STA would know intend transmission which would starts countdown of backoff. that it will not cause interference, so the 2. Define upper limit of cause OBSS_PD SR transmit power OBSS_PD SR transmit power interference, restriction period should not be restriction period. without this, the applied to the STA. Otherwise the proposed change restriction period for such a STA, is incomplete. As e.g. a light traffic device, is going for applying only to be unreasonably long. when there is a non-zero count, see the resolution for CID 14118. Regarding the proposal for an upper bound, there is no clear answer as to what that upper bound should be,

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217

especially given that the EDCA parameters are dynamic. A STA can choose to not use OBSS_PD and thereby avoid the risk of a long restriction period.

119 James June 27.9 294. Should have a maximum value Recommend to change to --- Rejected – this is 42 Wang .2.3 06 (such as maximum allowable TXOP This OBSS_PD SR transmit not considered as duration) for OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period shall be the TxOP duration power restriction period terminated at the end of the is not always regardless when STA gains TXOP TXOP available and in its backoff reaches zero. Since it that the STA gains once its order to push the might take a long time for backoff backoff reaches zero or TBD STA to use a static to reach zero in some cases. duration whichever is sooner". operating point of TxPower/OBSSPD level. And there is no clear answer as to what that upper bound should be, especially given that the EDCA parameters are dynamic. A STA can choose to not use OBSS_PD and thereby avoid the risk of a long restriction period. 119 James June 27.9 294. Note 1 and Note 2 should be Change to nomative text Rejected – this is a 40 Wang .2.3 07 nomative text. note because the normative text above covers these conditions. These notes are just to clarify the normative text above. 117 Graham 27.9 294. "TXP-Wrmax" should not have the Delete "-" Revised – 81 Smith .2.3 11 "-" Harmonize to TX_PWRmax. Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 139 Yongho 27.9 294. The TXPWR_max that calculated Insert the following sentence: Rejected – It is 34 Seok .2.3 14 with the chosen non-SRG SRG "If a Trigger frame is received considered that OBSS_PD level have to also limit within an ongoing OBSS_PD SR the UL Power the maximum transmit power of transmit power restriction Headroom the UPH calculation, depending on period, the maximum UL calculation should the CS Required subfield. transmit power of an HE TB be done PPDU in Equation (27-1) shall be independently equal or lower than the from whether TXPWRmax, calculated with the spatial reuse chosen non-SRG OBSS_PD or operation is used SRG OBSS_PD level with or not. Equation (27-4), except when the CS Required subfield of the Common Info field of the Trigger frame is set to 0. In which case, the maximum UL transmit power of an HE TB PPDU is not constrained by TXPWRmax of the OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction. 142 Yusuke 27.9 294. It is better for readability to As commented. Revised – agree 86 Tanaka .2.3 16 separate this paragraph into 2 by with the comment. adding line break between Apply the changes "period." and "If a STA". proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 137 Tomoko 27.9 294. "(including HE Trigger-Based Change to "(including HE TB Revised – agree 02 Adachi .2.3 22 PPDU)" Use TB. PPDU)". with the comment. Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 139 Yongho 27.9 294. "...for the transmissions of any Change as the following: Revised – agree 35 Seok .2.3 22 PPDU (including HE Trigger-Based "...for the transmissions of any with the comment. PPDU) until the end of the PPDU (including HE Trigger- Apply the changes OBSS_PD SR transmit power Based PPDU, except when the proposed in doc restriction period." HE TB PPDU is triggered by a 1852r41852r7. As same with non-SRG OBSS_PD, Trigger frame having the CS please include the following Required subfield set to 0) until exception case. the end of the OBSS_PD SR "including HE Trigger-Based PPDU, transmit power restriction except when the HE TB PPDU is period." triggered by a Trigger frame having the CS Required subfield set to 0"

142 Yusuke 27.9 294. "(including HE Trigger-Based As commented. Revised – agree 87 Tanaka .2.3 22 PPDU)" should be "(including an with the comment. HE TB PPDU, expect when the HE Apply the changes TB PPDU is triggered by a Trigger proposed in doc frame having the CS Required 1852r41852r7. subfield set to 0)" 122 kaiying Lv 27.9 294. Change to "including HE Trigger- as comment Revised – agree 49 .2.3 23 Based with the comment. PPDU, except when the HE TB Apply the changes PPDU is triggered by a Trigger proposed in doc frame having the CS Required 1852r41852r7. subfield set to 0" 125 Liwen Chu 27.9 294. the notes are too weak. Fix the issue mentioned in Rejected – this is a 40 .2.3 27 Transferring them to normative comment. note because the requirement. normative text above covers these conditions.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217

These notes are just to clarify the normative text above. 131 Qi Xue 27.9 294. Add a normative text to cover the As in the comment Rejected – this is a 55 .2.3 27 following two notes: note because the normative text NOTE 1--The STA can increase but above covers not decrease the chosen SRG these conditions – OBSS_PD level or non-SRG see in particular, OBSS_PD level during an OBSS_PD the equation 27-4. SR transmit power restriction These notes are period. just to clarify the NOTE 2--The STA's power is always normative text equal or lower than the minimum above. TXPWRmax among all TXPWRmax from ongoing OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction periods.

118 Guoqing Li 27.9 294. Note 1 is unnecessary. STA should Remove NOTE 1. Revised – Agree 12 .2.3 29 be allowed to decrease its that the note is OBSS_PD level to be more confusing. conservative. This restriction does Normative text not not seem necessary. seems clear enough. TGax editor to make changes identified by CID 11812 in doc 1852r41852r7. 131 Qi Xue 27.9 294. Repeated Note 1 & Note 2 in lines As in the comment Revised – agree 56 .2.3 37 37-40 and lines 27-31 with the comment. Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 120 Jing Ma 27.9 295. It is a little confusing by "Inter-BSS as in the comment Revised – agree 70 .2.3 00 S1" and "Inter-BSS D1" in the with the comment. figure. Cause "Inter-BSS Intra-SRG Apply the changes S1" and "Inter-BSS Intra-SRG D1" proposed in doc are used in the same figure to 1852r41852r7. represent inter-BSS STAs which are belong to the same SRG, in same sense it'd be more clear to use "Inter-BSS Inter-SRG S1" and "Inter-BSS Inter-SRG D1" instead of the current "Inter-BSS S1" and "Inter-BSS D1"

130 Osama 27.9 295. Figure 27-10 is an enigma to me. It as in comment Revised – agree 65 Aboulmagd .2.3 01 needs some explanation and those with the comment. S1 and D1. Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 142 Yunbo Li 27.9 295. Since restriction period 1, 2 and 3 Can we keep only single Rejected – it is one 16 .2.3 01 terminated at the same time, why restriction period during the way of do we need to introduce multiple OBSS_PD_SR? representing the restriction periods in the normative rules in mechanism? the specification.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 119 James June 27.9 295. In Figure 27-10 "S2 max TXPWR is as indicated Revised – agree 41 Wang .2.3 10 equal to max (..." should be with the comment. change to "min (... " Apply the changes proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 134 Sigurd 27.9 295. In Figure 27-10, SR S2 detects all Clarify Revised – add 20 Schelstraete .2.3 20 inter-BSS packets and resumes its some text to AIFS/BO processing once it has clarify that S2 does established that SR can be applied. not receive OBSS However, in the figure inter-BSS PPDU from D1’ transmission OBSS PPDU D1'-S1' is and therefore ignored by SR S2, even though the continues AIFS/BO counter has not yet decrementing reached zero. Why is this? backoff. Apply the changes as proposed in 1852r41852r7. 118 Guoqing Li 27.9 295. In this figure It is more reasonable change max (...) to min (...) Revised – agree 13 .2.4 40 that the S2 max TXPWR is equal to with the comment. min (...), not max (...). The STA Apply the changes should honor the power contraint proposed in doc calculated over all the previous 1852r41852r7. ignored OBSS PPDU. 122 kaiying Lv 27.9 295. Change the " max (NON SRG as comment Revised – agree 50 .2.3 46 TXPWRmax1, NON SRG with the comment. TXPWRmax 2, SRG Apply the changes TXPWRmax 3)" in the figure to proposed in doc "min (NON SRG 1852r41852r7. TXPWRmax1, NON SRG TXPWRmax 2, SRG TXPWRmax 3)"

142 Yusuke 27.9 295. In Figure 27-10, S2 max TXPWR Change "S2 max TXPWR is equal Revised – agree 88 Tanaka .2.3 46 should be equal or lower than the to max" to "S2 max TXPWR is with the comment. minimum TXPWERmax among all equal to min" in Figure 27-10 Apply the changes TXPWRmax from ongoing proposed in doc OBSS_PD SR transmit power 1852r41852r7. restriction periods.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 120 Jing Ma 27.9 295. The MAC may not be able to Please add specification about Rejected – section 69 .2.4 57 determine whether continue how the MAC determines already backoff countdown because the whether continue backoff clarifies this point. MAC may not get the clear countdown based on the IPI BUSY/IDLE indication about the values provided by the PHY after medium from the PHY regarding issue PHY-CCARESET.request. procedure described in 27.9.2 and Or add a STATE parameter 28.3.21 HE receive procedure. indicating the medium Further details about the "BUSY/IDLE" to PHY- interaction between the MAC and CCARESET.confirm primitive PHY should be added. which is similar with According to the precedure in PHY.CCA.indication primitive, the MAC issues and sends PHY-CCARESET.request primitive to the PHY. Then no further description about how the PHY reacts and indicates MAC the medium "BUSY" or "IDLE" in current ax draft. If follow the specification of PHY- CCARESET.request(IPI-STATE) primitive in baseline (see in 802.11-2016), the PHY reset the CCA state machine and send a PHY-CCARESET.confirm to the MAC with observed IPI values which are the values not a BUSY/IDLE indication. As a result, the MAC may not be able to determine whether continue backoff countdown because there seems no clear indication from the PHY saying the medium is BUSY/IDLE

125 Liwen Chu 27.9 303. Add the rule that the AIFS rule still As in comment Revised – AIFS 42 .2.4 01 needs to be respected. does not need to be explicitly mentioned because it is implicit when naming the “EDCAF” which is always gated by the medium condition. Apply the changes as defined in doc 1852r41852r7. 142 Yusuke 27. 29 First sentence describes Add description about Revised – This 80 Tanaka 9.2 1.4 advantages of adjusting the advantage form the view sentence is .2 1 OBSS_PD level and transmit of the STA like follows; removed as part of power from the view of The STA which adjusts the resolution of system level. However a OBSS_PD level and comment 11774. STA itself can't be aware of transmit power can ignore system level improvement transmitted signals but can be aware of only the received from outside the STA's performance by itself. range which it intends to Advantages from the view of execute communication

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 the STA should be added, and gain opportunity to otherwise there is no comunicate with intended incentive or motivation for partner. the STA to take adjusting the OBSS_PD level and transmit power.

127 Mark 27. "legacy portion of the PPDU" Define these portions as Revise – TGax RISON 16 9 is not a defined concept, nor the L-STF, L-LTF and L- editor to make is "legacy portion of the SIG fields changes as DSRP_PPDU" shown in 11- 17/1852r7 that are marked with CID 12716 CIDs for clause

CI Comm Claus Pag Comment Proposed Change Resolution D enter e e Numb er(C) 11 Albert 157 In Figure 9-589dd-(SR In the text define the Rejected – In section 25 Petrick 43 .09 Control field format) the default value of the (B3- 9.2.2, it is written 6 Reserved field shows bits B7) "Reserved. Set to 1." that “reserved bits (B5-57) as Reserved. Text and fields are set to is missing of logical default 0” setting. 11 Carol 157 missing word missing "during" before Revised – agree with 47 Ansley 43 .46 "SRP-based SR the comment. Apply 0 transmissions." the changes as proposed in doc 1852r41852r7. 11 Doroth 156 Regarding, "The Spatial as in comment Revised – agree with 54 y 43 .48 Reuse Parameter Set the comment. Apply 8 Stanle element provides the changes as y information needed by proposed in doc STAs when performing 1852r41852r7 OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse", what about SRP Disallowed in the SR Control Field? I do not believe it applies to OBSS_PD-based SR. 11 Doroth 157 what is "Non-OBSS_PD SR as in comment Revised – agree with 54 y 43 .25 Disallowed"? the comment. Apply 9 Stanle the changes as y proposed in doc 1852r41852r7 11 Doroth 157 what are the values of as in comment Revised – Reference 55 y 43 .44 HESIGA_Spatial_reuse_valu normative text for 0 Stanle e15_allowed? clarification. Apply y the changes as proposed in doc

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 1852r41852r7

12 kaiyin 157 Change "SRP_AND_NON- as comment Revised – agree with 23 g Lv 43 .46 SRG-OBSS- the comment. Apply 2 PD_PROHIBITED " to the changes as "SRP_AND_NON_SRG_OBSS proposed in doc _PD_PROHIBITED " 1852r41852r7 12 Mark 157 " set the TXVECTOR Deleted "SRP-based SR Revised – agree with 60 RISON 43 .44 parameter SPA- transmissions" in the the comment. Apply 6 TIAL_REUSE to cited text the changes as SRP_AND_NON-SRG-OBSS- proposed in doc PD_PROHIBITED SRP- 1852r41852r7 based SR transmissions." – garbled 12 Mark 157 "HESIGA_Spatial_reuse_val Change to Rejected – this field 65 RISON 43 .06 ue15_allowed" is a very "SRP_AND_NON_SRG_OB is set by the AP to 5 odd field name SS_PD_PROHIBITED allow its STAs to set Allowed" throughout the bit in SIG-A for their PPDU to the value 15 which is SRP and non-SRG OBSS_PD. Otherwise, its STAs can not set the SIG-A SR value to 15. The proposed new name is therefore less clear than the current one. Propose yoReject unless there is a better proposed name. 14 Yusuke 156 This element also provides Add SRP-based spatial Revised – agree with 22 Tanak 43 .46 information needed by reuse. the comment. Apply 6 a STAs when performing the changes as SRP-based spatial reuse. proposed in doc 1852r41852r7 14 Yusuke 157 Delete "SRP-based SR As commented. Revised – agree with 22 Tanak 43 .46 transmissions". the comment. Apply 7 a the changes as proposed in doc 1852r41852r7

CIDs for clause 27.11.6

CI Comm Claus Pag Comment Proposed Change Resolution D enter e e Numb er(C)

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 12 Albert 156 The definition of Non-SRG make two places Revised – agree with 42 Petrick 43 .43 OBSS_PD SR Disallowed is consistent. the commenter. 9 just used for Tx control. Modify section However it seems the field is to include used for setting HE SIG-A also in clause 27. the condition in the general Non-SRG OBSS_PD operation and clean typo in section 27.11.6.

2. Proposed changes

11ax Editor: Modify 27.9 Spatial reuse operation as follows:

* Spatial reuse operation

* General

The objective of HE spatial reuse operation is to allow the medium to be reused more often between OBSSs in dense deployment scenarios by the early identification of signals from overlapping basic service sets (OBSSs) and interference management.

There are two independent spatial reuse modes, one called OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse and the other called SRP-based spatial reuse.

An HE AP participating in spatial reuse may request an associated non-AP HE STA to gather information regarding the neighborhood by sending a Beacon request (see (Beacon request)) by following the procedure described in 11.11 (Radio measurement procedures). An HE AP shall not set a measurement mode in a Beacon request to an associated STA to a mode that for which the STA has not explicitly indicated support for (12017) via the RM Enabled Capabilities element (see (RM Enabled Capabilities element)). An HE AP that sends a Beacon request for this purpose (#11770):

* May request that the non-AP HE STA gather information of BSSs matching a particular BSSID and/or SSID.. * May request that the non-AP HE STA generate a report only for the channel the requesting AP is operating on or is considering switching to.. * Shall request that the non-AP HE STA include the HE Operation element of neighboring HE APs in order to help determine the BSS Color information of the neighboring APs..

An HE AP may use information from Beacon reports from associated STAs to make decisions related to spatial reuse. The exact algorithm is beyond the scope of this specification.

A non-AP HE STA that performs spatial reuse operation shall respond to a Beacon request from its associated AP with a Beacon report as described in 11.11 (Radio measurement procedures).

* OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse operation

O B S S_PD-based s pati al reuse operat ion comp ri ses t wo t ypes of operat ion. Th ef ir st type i sdefined i n (G eneral operat ion wi thN on-SR GO B S S_PD le vel) , a nd T he fi rs tmo de a ll ow sa ST A, under s peci fi c onditi ons, t oi gnore an i nter-BS SPPD U using a No n-SR G OB SS_PD le vel. T hes econd t ype is defi ned in ( Ge neral operati on wi thSR G OB SS_PD le vel) a nd a ll ow sa STA, under specif ic condit ions, t o ignore inte r-B SS PPDU sthat a re i denti fi ed as bei ng SR G PPD Us, using an S R G OB SS_PD le vel. Wi thin a s ingle B eacon inte rval of the B S Sw itwh h ic ht he ST A is associ at ed, a STA m ay operat e using one of t he tw om odes or neit her mo de, or both m odes si mu lt aneously.

* General operation with Non-SRG OBSS_PD level

If the PHY of a STA issues a PHY-CCA.indication with a value equal to BUSY followed by an PHY-RXSTART.indication due to a PPDU reception then the STA’s MAC sublayer may a) issue a PHY-CCARESET.request primitive before the end of the PPDU and not update its

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 basic NAV timer based on the PPDU and or may b) not update its basic NAV timers based on frames carried in the PPDU if all the following conditions are met: (#13062)

* The STA has not set the TXVECTOR parameter SPATIAL_REUSE to the value SRP_andAND_NON_SRG_OBSS_PD_PROHIBITED in any HE PPDU it has transmitted in the current beacon period.. * The most recently received Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element from its associated AP had the Non-SRG OBSS_PD SR Disallowed subfield equal to 0 or the STA is an AP and its most recently transmitted Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element had the Non-SRG OBSS_PD SR Disallowed subfield equal to 0. (#12429) * The received PPDU is an inter-BSS PPDU (see E r ror: R e ference source not found ) and the received PPDU is not a non-HT PPDU carrying a response frame (Ack, BlockAck or CTS frame), or the received PPDU contains a CTS and a PHY-CCA.indication transition from BUSY to IDLE occurred within the PIFS time immediately preceding the received CTS and that transition corresponded to the end of an inter- BSS PPDU that contained an RTS that was ignored following this procedure.. (#13929) * The SPATIAL_REUSE subfield in the HE-SIG-A (if present) of the received PPDU is not set to SRP_ AND_NON_SRG_OBSS_PD_PROHIBITED.. * The RXVECTOR parameter RSSI_LEGACY in the PHY-RXSTART.indication primitive, which defines tThe received power signal strength level, which is measured from the legacy portionL-STF, L-LTF or L-SIG of the PPDU and which is used to determine PHY-CCA.indication, (#12716) is below the Non-SRG OBSS_PD level. The Non-SRG OBSS_PD level is (defined in A djustm ofent OB S S_PD a nd t ransmi powe t r . If the STA has dot11HESRPOptionImplemented set to true, it also follows the rules defined in 27.9.4 (Interaction of OBSS_PD and SRP-based spatial reuse)) to determine Non-SRG OBSS_PD level.. (#12188) * The PPDU is not one of the following: * A non-HE PPDU that carries a frame where the RA field is equal to the STA MAC address.. * A non-HE PPDU that carries a group addressed Public Action frame.. * A non-HE PPDU that carries an NDP Announcement frame or FTM frame.. * An NDP..

If the inter-BSS frame is carried in an HE ER SU PPDU (where power of the L-STF/L-LTF symbols is boosted 3 dB), the received powersignal strength measured based on the non-HE portion of the HE PPDU preamble shall be decreased by 3 dB to compensate for the power boost factor when compared to the OBSS PD level.

The PHY-CCARESET.request primitive shall be issued at the end of the PPDU if the PPDU is an HE SU PPDU or an HE ER SU PPDU and the RXVECTOR parameter SPATIAL_REUSE indicates SR_DELAY.

NOTE - If an AP wants to get the protection equivalent to SR_DELAY, when transmitting a trigger frame in non-HE format, it might not transmit the trigger frame in a VHT PPDU, but in a non-HT or an HT PPDU. (#11736)

If the PHY-CCARESET.request primitive is issued before the end of the received PPDU, and a TXOP is initiated within the duration of the received PPDU, then the TXOP and the duration of the transmitted PPDU within that TxOP shall be limited to the duration of the received PPDU if the received PPDU is HE MU PPDU and the RXVECTOR parameter SPATIAL_REUSE indicates SR_RESTRICTED. (#14278)

N OT E- T h erest ri ct ion, in additi on t ot he T xOP l im ofit , the PPDU durat ion w it hin the T xO Pis i ncluded in the above paragraph r el at ed to SR _ R E STR ICT E Da s there a re c onditi ons wh ere t he Tx OP l im can it be e xceeded ( see T XOP l im it s). (#14278)

A STA that takes actions (a) or (b) under the conditions of the previous (#9761)paragraphignores a PPDU following the procedure described in this subclause is deemed to perform NON_SRG-OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse (see E rr or: R e ference s ource not f ound ). (#13062, #11257, #14277) General operation with SRG OBSS_PD level

If the PHY of a STA issues a PHY-CCA.indication with a value equal to BUSY followed by a PHY-RXSTART.indication due to a PPDU reception then the STA's MAC sublayer may a) issue a PHY-CCARESET.request primitive before the end of the PPDU and not update its

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 basic NAV timer based on the PPDU or may b) not update its basic NAV timers based on frames carried in the PPDU if all the following conditions are met: (#13062)

* The received PPDU is an Inter-BSS PPDU (see E rr or: R e ference s ource not f ound ). (#13931) * The received PPDU is an SRG PPDU (see E rr or: R e ference s ource not f ound .. * The most recently received Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element from the AP associated with the STA had the SRG Information Present subfield equal to 1 or the STA is an AP and its most recently transmitted Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element had the SRG Information Present subfield equal to 1. * The RXVECTOR parameter RSSI_LEGACY in the PHY-RXSTART.indication primitive, which defines tThe received power signal strength level, which is measured from the legacy portionL-STF, L-LTF or L-SIG of the PPDU and which is used to determine PHY-CCA.indication, (#12716) is below the SRG OBSS_PD level. The SRG OBSS_PD level is defined in A djustme nt o f O B S S_PD a nd t ransmi t powe r . If the STA has dot11HESRPOptionImplemented set to true, it also follows the rules defined in 27.9.4 (Interaction of OBSS_PD and SRP-based spatial reuse) to determine SRG OBSS_PD level.. (#12189) * The PPDU is not one of the following: * A non-HE PPDU that carries a frame where the RA field is equal to the STA MAC address.. * A non-HE PPDU that carries a group addressed Public Action frame.. (#12080) * A non-HE PPDU that carries an NDP Announcement frame or an FTM frame.. * An NDP..

If the inter-BSS frame is carried in an HE ER SU PPDU (where power of the L-STF/L-LTF symbols is boosted 3 dB), the received powersignal strength measured based on the non-HE portion of the HE PPDU preamble shall be decreased by 3 dB to compensate for the power boost factor when compared to the OBSS PD level.

The PHY-CCARESET.request primitive shall be issued at the end of the PPDU if the PPDU is an HE SU PPDU or an HE ER SU PPDU and the RXVECTOR parameter SPATIAL_REUSE indicates SR_DELAY.

NOTE - If an AP wants to get the protection equivalent to SR_DELAY, when transmitting a trigger frame in non-HE format, it might not transmit the trigger frame in a VHT PPDU, but in a non-HT or an HT PPDU. (#11736)

If the PHY-CCARESET.request primitive is issued before the end of the received PPDU, and a TXOP is initiated within the duration of the received PPDU, then the TXOP and the duration of the transmitted PPDU within that TxOP shall be limited to the duration of the received PPDU if the received PPDU is HE MU PPDU and the RXVECTOR parameter SPATIAL_REUSE indicates SR_RESTRICTED. (#14278)

N OT E- T h erest ri ct ion, in additi on t ot he T xOP l im ofit , the PPDU durat ion w it hin the T xO Pis i ncluded in the above parag raph r el at ed t oSR _ R E STR ICT E Da s there are c onditi ons wh ere t he T xOP l im canit be exceeded (see T XOP l im its) . (#14278) Adjustment of OBSS_PD and transmit power

Adjusting the OBSS_PD level and transmit power can improve the system level performance and the utilization of the spectrum. (#11774) When using OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse, an HE STA may adjust the OBSS_PD level in conjunction with its transmit power in accordance with (#11776) and shall respect the condition defined in .


OBSS_PDlevel  max(OBSSPDmin min(OBSSPDmax OBSSPDmin + TXPWRref – TXPWR)) The adjustment rule is illustrated in I ll ustr at ion of t he a djustm ent rule s for O B S S_PD and TX _PWR.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217

* Illustration of the adjustment rules for OBSS_PD and TX_PWR

The value of the OBSS_PDlevel is applicable to the start of a 20 MHz PPDU received on the primary 20 MHz channel. If the bandwidth of the received PPDU differs from 20 MHz, then the value of the OBSS_PDlevel is increased by 10 log (bandwidth/20 MHz), using the bandwidth in MHz indicated by the value of RXVECTOR parameter CH_BANDWIDTH or CH_BANDWIDTH_IN_NON_HT+1 when present.. (#13932)

TX_PWRref = 21 dBm for non-AP STAs.

TX_PWRref = 21 dBm for an AP with the Highest NSS Supported M1 subfield in the Supported HE-MCS and NSS Set field of its HE Capabilities element field equal to or less than 1.

TX_PWRref = 25 dBm for an AP with the Highest NSS Supported M1 subfield in the Supported HE-MCS and NSS Set field of its HE Capabilities element field equal to or greater than 2.

TX_PWR is the STA transmission power in dBm at the output of the antenna connector.

An AP may define SRG OBSS PD Min Offset and SRG OBSS PD Max Offset values that are used by its associated STAs and by the AP to derive an SRG OBSS_PD level for determining reception behavior for inter-BSS PPDUs that are determined to be SRG PPDUs. An AP may define a Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Offset value that is used by its associated STAs and by the AP to derive a Non-SRG OBSS_PD level for determining reception behavior for inter-BSS PPDUs that are not determined to be SRG PPDUs. The values of SRG OBSS PD Min Offset, SRG OBSS PD Max Offset and Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Offset are transmitted to associated STAs within the Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element.

An AP transmitting a Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element shall respect the following constraints:

* 82 dBm  82 + SRG OBSS PD Min Offset dBm  62dBm.. * SRG OBSS PD Min Offset  SRG OBSS PD Max Offset.. * SRG OBSS PD Max Offset + 82 dBm  62 dBm.. * Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Offset  SRG OBSS PD Max Offset. (11938)

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* Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Offset + 82 dBm  62 dBm..

HE STAs shall maintain a Non-SRG OBSS_PD level, with its value selected by respecting the OBSS_PD level condition in but with Non- SRG OBSS PD Min and Non-SRG OBSS PD Max in place of OBSS_PDmin and OBSS_PDmax, respectively, where Non-SRG OBSS PD Min and Non-SRG OBSS PD Max are determined according to De te rmi ning N on-SR G OB S SPD Mi na nd N on-SR G OB S SPD Ma x values015db7abd 985fe6a49 d31b9 3ebc73a 77.docx .

* Determining Non-SRG OBSS PD Min and Non-SRG OBSS PD Max values 015db7a bd9 85fe 6a49d 31b93 ebc73 a77. doc x

Non-SRG OBSS_PD SR Non-SRG Offset Present field Disallowed field in Spatial in Spatial Reuse Parameter Set Value of Non-SRG OBSS PD Min Value of Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Reuse Parameter Set element element (#14283, #11555)

Not applicable when Spatial Not applicable when Spatial 82 62 Reuse Parameter Set element is Reuse Parameter Set element is not received not received

0 0 82 62

0 1 82 82 + Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Offset

1 Don’t care 82 -82

HE STAs shall maintain a SRG OBSS_PD level, with its value selected by respecting the OBSS_PD level condition in but with SRG OBSS PD Min and SRG OBSS PD Max in place of OBSS_PDmin and OBSS_PDmax, respectively, where SRG OBSS PD Min and SRG OBSS PD Max are determined according to D et ermining SR G OB S SPD Mi na nd SR G OB SS PD M ax val ues015db7abd9 85fe6a4 9d31b93 ebc73 a77.docx .

* Determining SRG OBSS PD Min and SRG OBSS PD Max values 0 15db7 abd98 5f e6a49 d31b9 3ebc7 3a77.d ocx

SRG Information Present field in Spatial Reuse Parameter Set Value of SRG OBSS PD Min Value of SRG OBSS PD Max element

Not applicable when the Spatial N/A N/A Reuse Parameter Set element is see NOTE see NOTE not received

0 N/A N/A see NOTE see NOTE

1 82 + SRG OBSS PD Min Offset 82 + SRG OBSS PD Max Offset

NOTE—When SRG Information is not present, a STA cannot determine a PPDU to be SRG and so will not use SRG OBSS PD Min or SRG OBSS PD Max values.

STAs which receive a Spatial Reuse Parameter Set information element from their associated AP that has a value of 1 in the SRP Disallowed subfield shall not perform SRP-based SR transmissions. (#14284)

The Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element is optionally present in Beacons, Probe Responses and (Re)Association responses. OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period

If a STA ignores an inter-BSS PPDU following the procedure in Ge neral, using a chosen SRG OBSS_PD level, or following the procedure in G eneral using a chosen non-SRG OBSS_PD level, then the STA (#11780) shall start an OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period. This

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217

OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period shall be terminated at the end of the TXOP that the STA gains once its backoff reaches zero.

If a STA starts an OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period with a chosen non-SRG OBSS_PD level, the STA’s transmit power as measured at the output of the antenna connector shall be equal or lower than the TX_PWRmax, calculated with this chosen non-SRG OBSS_PD level with , with the appropriate non-SRG parameters according to D et ermining No n-SR G OB SS PD M in and No n-SR G OB SS PD M ax v al ues015db7abd9 85fe6a4 9d31b93 ebc73 a77.docx , for the transmissions of any PPDU (including an HE TB PPDU, except when the HE TB PPDU is triggered by a Trigger frame having the CS Required subfield set to 0) until the end of the OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period.

If a STA starts an OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period with a chosen SRG OBSS_PD level, the STA’s transmit power as measured at the output of the antenna connector, shall be equal or lower than the TX_PWRmax, calculated with this chosen SRG OBSS_PD level with , with the appropriate SRG parameters according to D et ermining SR G OB S S P D Mi n a nd S R G OB SS PD M ax v al ues015db7abd9 85fe6a4 9d31b93 ebc73 a77.docx , for the transmissions of any PPDU (including an HE Trigger-BasedB PPDU, except when the HE TB PPDU is triggered by a Trigger frame having the CS Required subfield set to 0) until the end of the OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period.

Multiple ongoing OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction periods may overlap in time.

NOTE 1—The STA can increase but not decrease the chosen SRG OBSS_PD level or non-SRG OBSS_PD level during an OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period. (#11812)

NOTE 2—The STA’s power is always equal or lower than the minimum TX_PWRmax among all TX_PWRmax from ongoing OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction periods.


unconstrained if OBSS_PDlevel  OBSS_PDmin TXPWRmax =  TXPWRref – OBSS_PDlevel – OBSS_PDmin if OBSS_PDmax  OBSS_PDlevel  OBSS_PDmin NOTE 13— is equivalent to the condition defined in .

NOTE 24—Anytime, even if TX_PWRmax is unconstrained, the STA has to respect the transmit power restrictions defined by 11.8.6 Transmit power selection.

An example of OBSS_PD SR operation is shown in E x am ple of OB SS_PD SR operati on . In this example:

- STA SR S2 receives the PPDU from S1 and, when it classifies it as inter-BSS PPDU, ignores it using OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse with Non-SRG OBSS_PD, starts the OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period 1 with TX_PWRmax 1 and decrements its backoff counter until the reception of the PPDU from D1.

- When it classifies the PPDU from D1 as inter-BSS PPDU, it ignores it using OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse with Non-SRG OBSS_PD, starts the OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period 2 with TX_PWRmax 2 and decrements its backoff counter until the reception of the PPDU from S1’’.

- It defers during the TxOP S1’’ set by the intra-BSS PPDU from S1’’ which belongs to its own BSS. At the end of the TxOP S1’’, it resumes its backoff decrement until the reception of the PPDU from S1’.

- When it classifies the PPDU from S1’ as SRG PPDU, it ignores it using OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse with SRG OBSS_PD, starts the OBSS_PD SR transmit power restriction period 3 with TX_PWRmax 3 and decrements its backoff counter until it reaches zero, as it does not receive the PPDU from D1’.

- It starts transmitting a PPDU with a TX_PWRmax equal to min(TX_PWRmax 1, TX_PWRmax 2, TX_PWRmax3) and respect this transmit power restriction until the end of the SR TxOP. (#13065, #13420)

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( #1 2070 , #11941 )

* Example of OBSS_PD SR operation OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse backoff procedure

If an HE STA ignores an inter-BSS PPDU following the procedure in Ge neral, the HE STA may continue the countdown of an existing resume backoff EDCAF procedures right after the PHY-CCARESET.request primitive is sent, provided that the medium condition is not otherwise indicated as BUSY.

11ax Editor: Modify 27.9.3 SRP-based spatial reuse operation as follows:

* SRP-based spatial reuse operation

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 When the conditions specified in SR P-based s pati al r euse operat ion are met that allow the transmission of an SR PPDU, an HE STA may transmit an SR PPDU to a STA that has indicated support for the role of SR Responder.

STAs which receive a Spatial Reuse Parameter Set information element from their associated AP that has a value of 1 in the SRP Disallowed subfield shall not perform SRP-based SR transmissions. (#14284)

SRP-based SR opportunities are identified from the value of the RXVECTOR parameter SPATIAL_REUSE and/or the contents of a Trigger frame. An HE STA may initiate an SR transmission during an SRP-based SR opportunity using an adjusted transmit power level for the duration of an ongoing PPDU when certain conditions, designed to avoid interfering with the reception of the ongoing PPDU at the recipient are met. When the RXVECTOR parameter SPATIAL_REUSE of the ongoing PPDU has the value SRP_DISALLOW or SRP_ AND_NON_SRG_OBSS_PD_PROHIBITED, no SRP-based SR transmission is allowed for the duration of that PPDU.

An HE-STA supporting SRP-based SR operation indicates support for SRP-based SR operation by setting the SR Responder subfield to 1 in the HE MAC Capabilities Information field of the HE Capabilities element (see Table 9-262aa (Subfields of the HE PHY Capabilities Information field)).

An AP sending a Trigger frame may set the SR field in the Common Info field of the Trigger frame to SRP_DISALLOW or, if permitted, to SRP_ AND_NON_SRG_OBSS_PD_PROHIBITED to forbid OBSS STAs from performing SRP-based SR transmission during the ensuing uplink SRP_PPDU duration. An AP sending a trigger frame shall not set the SR field in the Common Info field of the trigger frame to SR_DELAY.

11ax Editor: Modify Spatial reuse parameter set element as follows:

* Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element

The Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element provides information needed by STAs when performing OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse as defined in 27.9.2 (OBSS_PD-based spatial reuse operation), and SRP-based spatial reuse as defined in 27.9.3 (SRP- based spatial reuse operation). The format of the Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element is defined in Spat ia l R e use Parame te rSet e le me nt. (#14226)

Non- SRG SRG SRG SRG SRG BSS Elemen Lengt Element ID SR OBSS OBSS Partial OBSS Color t ID h Extension Control PD Min PD Max BSSID PD Max Bitmap Offset Offset Bitmap Offset

Octets: 1 1 1 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 1 0 or 8 0 or 8

* Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element

The Element ID, Element ID extension and Length fields are defined in E rr or: R e ference s ource not f ound .

The SR Control field is defined in S R C ontr olf ie ld form at.

B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B7

Non-SRG HESIGA_S Non-SRG SRG SRP OBSS_PD patial_reus Offset Information Reserved Disallowed SR e_value15_ Present Present Disallowed allowed

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Bits: 1 1 1 1 1 3

* SR Control field format

The SRP Disallowed subfield in the SR Control field indicates whether SRP-based SR transmissions are allowed or not at non-AP STAs that are associated with the AP that transmitted this element. SRP-based SR transmissions are disallowed when the SRP Disallowed subfield has the value 1. SRP-based SR transmissions are allowed when the SRP Disallowed subfield has the value 0.

The Non-SRG OBSS_PD SR Disallowed subfield in the SR Control field indicates whether non-SRG OBSS_PD SR transmissions are allowed or not at non-AP STAs that are associated with the AP that transmitted this element. Non-SRG OBSS_PD SR transmissions are disallowed when the Non-SRG OBSS_PD SR Disallowed subfield has the value 1. Non-SRG OBSS_PD SR transmissions are allowed when the Non-SRG OBSS_PD SR Disallowed subfield has the value 0. (#11549)

The Non-SRG Offset Present subfield indicates whether the Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Offset subfield is present in the element. When this bit is set to 1, the Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Offset subfield is present. When this bit is set to 0, the Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Offset subfield is not present.

The SRG Information Present subfield indicates whether the SRG OBSS PD MIN Offset, SRG OBSS PD Max Offset, SRG BSS Color Bitmap and SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap subfields are present in the element. When this bit is set to 1, the SRG OBSS PD Min Offset, SRG OBSS PD Max Offset, SRG BSS Color Bitmap and SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap subfields are present. When this bit is set to 0, the SRG OBSS PD Min Offset, SRG OBSS PD Max Offset, SRG BSS Color Bitmap and SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap subfields are not present.

The HESIGA_Spatial_reuse_value15_allowed subfield in the SR Control field indicates whether non- AP STAs that are associated with the AP that transmitted this element may set the TXVECTOR parameter SPATIAL_REUSE to SRP_AND_NON-SRG-OBSS-PD_PROHIBITED SRP-based SR transmissions. (#11470, #12606, #14227) The subfield has the value of 0 or 1 and the interpretation of each of these values is described in 27.11.6 (SPATIAL_REUSE)(#6768). (#11550)

The Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Offset subfield is present when the value of the Non-SRG Offset Present subfield is equal to 1; otherwise the Non-SRG OBSS PD Max Offset subfield is not present. The Non- SRG OBSS PD Max Offset field contains an unsigned integer which is added to the value 82 dBm to generate the value of the Non-SRG OBSS PD Max parameter.

The SRG OBSS PD Min Offset subfield is present when the value of the SRG Information Present subfield is equal to 1; Otherwise the SRG OBSS PD Min Offset subfield is not present. The SRG OBSS PD Min Offset field contains an unsigned integer which is added to the value 82 dBm to generate the value of the SRG OBSS PD Min parameter.

The SRG OBSS PD Max Offset subfield is present when the value of the SRG Information Present subfield is equal to 1; Otherwise the SRG OBSS PD MAX Offset subfield is not present. The SRG OBSS PD MAX Offset field contains an unsigned integer which is added to the value 82 dBm to generate the value of the SRG OBSS PD Max parameter.

Submission page 1 December 2017 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/0947r217 The SRG BSS Color Bitmap subfield is present when the value of the SRG Information Present subfield is equal to 1; Otherwise the SRG BSS Color Bitmap subfield is not present. The SRG BSS Color Bitmap subfield is a bitmap that indicates which BSS Color values are used by members of the SRG of which the transmitting STA is a member. Each bit of the bitmap corresponds to one of the 63 available BSS Colors, where the lowest numbered bit corresponds to BSS Color value 0 and the highest numbered bit corresponds to BSS Color value 63. A BSS Color value is used by at least one BSS that is a member of the same SRG of the transmitting STA if the corresponding bit of the bitmap is set to 1. If a bit in the bitmap is set to 0, then no BSS in the same SRG of the transmitting STA uses the corresponding BSS Color value.

The SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap subfield is present when the value of the SRG Information Present subfield is equal to 1; otherwise the SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap subfield is not present. The SRG Partial BSSID Bitmap subfield is a bitmap that indicates which Partial BSSID values are used by members of the SRG of which the transmitting STA is a member. Each bit of the bitmap corresponds to one of the 26 possible values of BSSID[39:44], where the lowest numbered bit corresponds to Partial BSSID value 0 and the highest numbered bit corresponds to Partial BSSID value 63. A Partial BSSID value is used by at least one BSS that is a member of the same SRG of the transmitting STA if the corresponding bit of the bitmap is set to 1. If a bit in the bitmap is set to 0, then no BSS in the same SRG of the transmitting STA uses the corresponding Partial BSSID value.

11ax Editor: Modify 27.11.6 SPATIAL REUSE as follows:

27.11.6 SPATIAL_REUSE A STA shall set the TXVECTOR parameter SPATIAL_REUSE of an HE PPDU to SRP_DISALLOW or, if permitted, to SRP_AND-NON-SRG_OBSS_PD_PROHIBITED, if the STA is an HE non-AP STA and the SRP Disallowed subfield of the SR Control field of the most recently received Spatial Reuse Parameter Set element from its associated AP is equal to 1. (#12429)

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