Rules and Regulations of Participation in National Women S Expositions

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Rules and Regulations of Participation in National Women S Expositions

Rules And Regulations Of Participation In National Women’s Expositions 2009


1.1.1 A. Admission to the Exhibition

1. Admission shall be restricted to Exhibitors whose product range is covered under item I (7b), (Refer to page number 4-5)

2. There is no legal right to admission.

3. The Women’s Affairs Department shall have sole and absolute discretion to decide on the admission of exhibitors and exhibits as guided by the Department’s mandate.

4. Exhibitors will be informed of admission in writing and admission shall apply only after Women’s Affairs Department has accepted signed exhibition application form and payment of the required amount.

5. Upon signing of admission form the exhibitor will be issued with exhibitor access badge, which will provide access to Exhibition Hall, business Forum and other security controlled areas.

6. The Women’s Affairs Department shall be entitled to revoke any admission if such admission was based on misunderstanding, false information or if the preconditions for approval no longer apply.

7. Should the Women’s Affairs Department be compelled to relocate or change individual stands, entrances, exits or aisles at a later point in time, this shall not give rise to any claims.

B. Terms of payment

1. Each exhibitor shall pay a registration fee, determined by the level of entry in which the exhibitor has been classified. 2. The department shall make arrangements for exhibitors to pay their registration fees at their respective district offices. Exhibitors shall be expected to produce receipts upon arrival on the 20- 21 June 2009. 3. All remittances should be paid in cash and no cheques will be accepted. 4. Payment shall be made according to the level in which each exhibitor is classified as follows;  Level 1 P100.00  Level 2 P200.00  Level 3 P300.00 5. No advertising is allowed at stands for merchandise or firms, which have not been admitted to the event. E. Liabilities and damage to property

1. Incidences of fire, theft and burglary must be reported to the Exposition Management and the police within 24 hours of such incidence. 2. The Exhibitor is liable for all damages caused to third parties as a result of her participation at the exposition, including damages to buildings on the Botswana Conference and Exhibition Centre, accommodation facilities for those who have been given accommodation and to the exhibition halls and/or their furniture and fittings.

F. Final Provisions

1. In submitting the signed Application Form, the Exhibitor agrees to be bound by these Rules and Regulations of Participation.

2. These Rules and Regulations of Participation and the contract arising thereof shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Botswana.

3. The parties hereto irrevocably submit for all purposes of or connection with any matter or issue relating to these Rules and Regulations of Participation and the contracts arising thereof.

4. Exhibitors hereto irrevocably waive any objection, which they may have now or hereafter to the laying of the venue of any proceedings in such court as is referred to herein and any claim that any such proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum.


1. Listing of Exhibits

All exhibits must be listed individually on the application form giving an exact description. 2. Normally-Traded Goods

No Exhibitor shall carry on any business or trade other than the exhibition of goods and articles in which the exhibitor normally deals or which she manufactures and takes orders for the delivery of such goods elsewhere than on the Exhibition Centre unless otherwise specially authorized in writing by the Organizers.

3. Inflammable, pungent, dangerous and objectionable exhibits

Any display of inflammable, pungent, dangerous or objectionable exhibits requires the prior written consent of Women’s Affairs Department. The Exposition Management may in their absolute discretion require any exhibit which, in their opinion, is dangerous or objectionably to be removed forthwith.

4. Noisy Exhibits

a. Inconvenience The Organizer may make such Rules and Regulations as may be considered necessary from time to time in the interests of public health, comfort and safety in respect of noisy exhibits, which may cause inconvenience. b. Public Address System

Exhibitor shall not install or use any sound amplification or Public Address system on or from their site/s at any time.

c. Exhibitors of radios, television sets, Recording instruments, computers, CDs, DVD’s and other similar appliances shall ensure that the volume of sound thereof does not constitute a nuisance to other exhibitors and to the visitors attending the Exhibition.

.d The Exposition Management reserves the right to bring into force and vary as may be necessary from time to time, regulations in regard to the playing of such appliances and the volume of noise there from.

H. Readiness of Exhibits

Exhibitors shall be obliged:

1. To keep sites and stalls at all times in a clean and tidy condition and particularly during the Exhibition to have them cleared and ready each morning in time for the designated opening hours.

2. To complete the preparation of exhibits and be ready 12 hours before the opening of the Exhibition to allow for the judging and for the preview of the exhibition by invited guests and by the press on the day before the official start of the exhibition.

I. Competitions 1. All displayed exhibitions shall be subjected to rules and conditions prescribed by Women’s affairs Department and all exhibitions will be classified in accordance with the group categories determined by the Department.

2. Focus The focus of all the judges shall be on the display i.e. the whole stand. The competitions will only be run if there are sufficient entries. This decision is at the discretion of the judges.

3. Deadline Under no circumstances will entry applications be accepted after the deadline and stands will not be judged unless the entry form has been returned duly completed by the deadline date.

4. Judging Judging takes place on Monday 22- 23 June 2009 of the exhibition commencing at 09.00 a.m.

6. Official Opening and Price Giving

The prize-giving and official opening will be on 24 June 2009, at 1800 hrs at the Gaborone International conversion centre (GICC). The right of admission shall be reserved, and access into the hall shall be by the entrance badge issued to the exhibitor.

7. Judges' decision

(a) The judge’s decision is final. No discussion concerning individual results will be entertained. Categorization of exhibits will be classified into three levels. A predetermined group of exhibits shall be judged in each level, i.e. in each determined category and level there shall be only one prize. (b) The following are the categories which shall form the basis of judging:  Basketry  Pottery  Textiles  Bread and confectionery  Agricultural produce  Household chemicals and detergents  Upholstery/quilting  Herbal products  Leather products  Art and crafts including fine art, hand made craft etc  Food processing  Live animals including small stock, poultry, piggery and cattle production.  Accessories including jewellery, bead work and other related items  Services  Welding and Fabrication  Information and Technology

8. Parameters: Competition parameters are as follows

- Overall impression (impact appeal of the display) - Originality - Information (including pricing of products) - Quality of Personnel on the Stand (Must be knowledgeable) J. Sale of Exhibits

1. Direct Sales Direct sale (spot sales) and open price-labeling of goods or samples on the stands is prohibited, EXCEPT ON THE DAYS designated for trading. Trading days shall start on the morning of 25 June 2009.

2. No unauthorized commercial activity, in particular the offering or selling of objects or services of any kind is permitted within the Exhibition Centre, unless specifically authorized by Management in writing or from stands specifically designated for the purpose of selling.

3. Inspection of stands The Exposition Management has the right to inspect the stands and take the appropriate measures if these rules are not adhered to. If an exhibitor seriously and repeatedly violates contractual obligations, Women’s Affairs Department is entitled to close the stand.

K. Removal of Exhibits

1. During the exhibition

Exhibits may not be removed during the course of the event and displays must remain intact for the duration of the exhibition unless the exhibits run out due to selling during trading days.

2. After the Exhibition

Removal of Exhibition Goods Exhibits may NOT be removed from the Exhibition Centre immediately after the closure of the gates to visitors on the last day of the fair. Only hand-held goods may be removed from the halls on the last day until the halls are secured at 1800hrs. Security personnel will enforce this regulation very strictly to ensure the security of all exhibitors and their exhibits.

Clearing of stands may start at 08.00a.m, the day after the exhibition has officially closed. Only Exhibitors and their official contractors wearing badges will be given access.

3. Fire Regulations

Exhibitors shall have to comply with the requirements of the Chief Fire Officer of the City of Gaborone.

4. Obstruction of Gangways or Open Space:

No exhibitor shall at any time obstruct or allow to be obstructed by his goods or in any other manner whatsoever, gangways, thoroughfares, passages, open spaces, roadways or pathways. A breach of the conditions of this clause shall entitle the Organiser to have such obstruction removed at the cost of the exhibitor, should she fail to clear such obstruction within 60 minutes of being so required by the Organiser.

5. Public Health Bye-laws Exhibitors shall have to comply with the requirements of the Public Health Bye-laws of the City of Gaborone.

L. Damage to Property

No exhibitor shall paint, colour-wash or otherwise colour or disfigure any of the internal walls of any hall without the prior written consent of the Organiser or otherwise cause any damage whatsoever to the Venue property. Any damage so caused shall be made good at the entire cost and expense of the exhibitor concerned and to that end the Exposition Management shall be entitled at its opinion to cause such repair, work as may be necessary to be done and recover the cost thereof from the exhibitor concerned. M. Signage

No signboards, advertising, painting or other matter or thing shall be affixed to any building or structure by an exhibitor on her site/s in such a way as to interfere with the vista or otherwise than parallel with the front of the site, save as may be specially arranged with the Exposition Management.

No signboard, advertising matter, painting or other matter or thing whatsoever shall be attached by the exhibitor to any building or other structure belonging to the Organiser or Venue Owner without the prior permission of the Organiser or Venue Owner, and then only on such condition as the Organiser or Venue Owner may from time to time determine.

N. Access to the Exhibition Centre 1. Access prior to the Opening a. Access to the Exhibition Centre prior to the Exhibition shall be by entry badges issued by the Organiser.

b. Vehicle Access to Exhibition Halls Vehicles will not be permitted access to the halls without specific authority from the Organisers or their Security Personnel.

c. Exhibitors and/or their duly authorised contractors, artisans and employees shall obtain such passes from the Management which will admit them to the Botswana Conference and Exhibition Centre at any time during normal working hours for the purpose of erecting such structures as may be required to house their exhibits.

d. All exhibitors, artisans and contractors must produce their passes at any time when so required by the Organisers. Admission will be by such access gates as shall from time to time be decided by the Organiser.

2. Opening Times of the Exhibition to Visitors

The gates will open at 08.00hrs and will close at 18.00hrs. Exhibitors must make sure that their exhibits are orderly arranged before they vacate their stalls 2 3. Times of Access to Stands for Exhibitors

Access to Halls and to external sites will be daily during the Exhibition at 08.00hrs, i.e. The Exhibition Centre will be secured half an hour after the official closing time.

4. Trolley system During the exhibition period deliveries to stands will be by using the trolley system. It will become operational from 8.a.m to 5 p.m. on the first day of Exposition.

The Department will assist in the off loading of the exhibits on the first and last day of the Exposition.

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