The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day:)

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The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day:)

From Father Jim Francis Capparuccini

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day:) October 24, 2016 St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop Wednesday, November 2nd at 7:00PM, we commemorate 8:30 AM Lyle & Marianne Utt all of our faithful departed family and friends. We observe October 25, 2016 this day because we believe that the souls which are not 8:30 AM Richard L. Casper perfectly cleansed from venial sins or who have not fully October 26, 2016 atoned for their past transgressions are waiting in 8:30 AM Pat Mastro Purgatory. I invite all to attend this solemn day of October 27, 2016 commemoration. Thus, we not only remember our love 8:30 AM Offering of Thanksgiving to St. ones; we also help them gain Heaven. Just think, if we Gabriel assist them into Heaven, their gratitude will be an eternal October 28, 2016 Saints Simon and Jude, one and they, in turn, will assist us to gain and share the Apostles Beatific Vision. This is truly an exchange of loving gifts to 8:30 AM Clayton Moorman each other. On this day, at ICC, there will be October 29, 2016 remembrance candles for those who have died since last 8:30 AM Olga Boshonek November 2, 2015. This year, our parish community has 5:00 PM Offering of Thanksgiving to St. had 84 departed parishioners. Their names have been Raphael written in our Book of Remembrance, which will be placed October 30, 2016 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time in the Sanctuary of both churches for the entire month of 7:00 AM Margaret Verduchi November. We hope that all who have died have obtained 8:30 AM Edward & Patricia McCarthy eternal happiness in Heaven. But for those who are in 9:00 AM SJ Helen and John Koval, Sr. Purgatory preparing to enter Heaven, we must assist 10:15 AM People of the Parish them. As a parish community and family, we need each 12:00 PM Victoria Panes (Living Intention) other’s prayers and support. At Mass, the Universal Prayer always has an intention for those who have died. In The Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia’s conclusion, here is a prayer that may be recited for our Annual Raffle: departed loved ones: "Eternal rest grant unto them, O Did you know that the Sisters of St. Francis started Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the serving this parish in 1930? For 86 years 116 Sisters souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, have ministered in this parish two of whom continue rest in peace. Amen." to do so through the presence of Sr. Grace Andrew who serves as Director of Religious Education and Why Jewish Scripture Readings at Sunday Mass? The first scriptural reading for Sunday Mass leaves lots Sr. Dolores who volunteers in Outreach. of folks befuddled at least and frightened at worst! What is all this talk about God “bringing doom, gloom and destruction on Israel and/or her neighbors?” What did they mean for the Jewish listeners millennia ago? How Just ten bucks will support the Sisters of St. Francis! are we today to understand these passages from the Old The Sisters of St. Francis will be selling chances Testament? Why are they an integral part of Next weekend, October 29 th and 30 th at Immaculate understanding the New Testament and especially the four Conception and St. Jude’s. Plan ahead and bring Gospels? Come and explore the backstories of the Old your address labels and a check. Checks should Testament readings that we will hear during Advent and be made out to the Sisters of St. Francis beyond! Bring a friend. Our Parish Youth Group will be Foundation. Your gracious support through the available for child care during this time for a slight donation purchase of a book of 6 raffle tickets for $10.00 for Work Camp. Hope to see you there on Sunday, Nov. 20th and Sunday, Dec. 11th at 1:15pm in the chapel. will help to care for their retired Sisters at Assisi House. The Sisters of St. Francis feel blessed to We extend our condolences and prayers to the have served in this parish for so long. Any way that families of those who have recently died: you can support our efforts would be most Thomas Kelley, Sr. appreciated. God Bless.

Congratulations to those who were recently baptized Don’t forget to visit our Parish Website for the Allen Henry Cohey IV Weekly Scripture Puzzles and other resources.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word The Outreach would like to say a huge THANK YOU to the Elkton United Methodist Church who Children’s Liturgy is for children ages 5-8 ONLY. Children donated over 231 bags of food!! Thank you, Thank who are not these ages are asked to remain in church. Catechist for Sun, October 30 Children’s Liturgy is: you, Thank you for helping to support this essential prayer of the lowly pierces faith, please contact the ministry!! the clouds.” May our Parish Office at 410-398- humility and lowliness help 1100. us rely on God and respond to the cries of the Pregnant? Have a poor today. Liturgy Newborn? Does your child need to be Readings for next week: Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; 2 Tm 31 st Sunday in Ordinary 4:6-8, 16-18, Lk 18:9-14 Baptized? You’re Time Invited! Baptism Classes First Reading: Wisdom Monday are: Jan. 9, March 20, May 11:22—12:2 Eph 4:32—5:8; Lk 13:10- Are you unbaptized and 15 and August 21, 2017. In this reading, we are 17 have a desire to be All classes are Monday reminded of the love God baptized? Are you a evenings, 7:00-8:30 PM in feels toward every Tuesday Christian interested in our Parish Center. It’s creature, or else he would Eph 5:21-33; Lk 13:18-21 becoming a Catholic? Are never too early to take the not have created them. you a baptized Catholic class to prepare for the God shows mercy on our Wednesday who never received the Baptism of your child. sins and hopes we will Eph 6:1-9; Lk 13:22-30 sacrament of Eucharist Parents are required and repent and have faith in and Confirmation? If you Godparents are him. Thursday answered yes to any of encouraged to attend Second Reading: 2 Eph 6:10-20; Lk 13:31-35 these questions then RCIA these classes. Please Thessalonians 1:11—2:2 is for you!! RCIA is the contact the Parish Office to Paul tells the Friday process by which baptized register for the Baptism Thessalonians that God Eph 2:19-22; Lk 6:12-16 and unbaptized Christians Preparation Class and to will make them worthy of become members of the arrange the date of his call, so that they can be Saturday Catholic Church. It is also Baptism during Mass or at glorified in Christ. Paul also Phil 1:18b-26; Lk 14:1, 7- the process by which 1:30 pm on the 2nd and tells them he is unsure 11 baptized Catholics receive 4th Sundays at IC and at when Christ will come the sacraments of 10:30 am on the 3rd again, but urges them not Pope Francis Year of Eucharist and Sunday at SJ. Call the to believe people who Mercy Quote of the Week Confirmation. Do you feel Parish Office at 410-398- falsely state that Jesus has The Gospel account that God calling you to have a 1100 for more information returned. holds up the humble prayer deeper relationship with or to register Gospel: Luke 19:1-10 of the tax collector over the Him? If so, contact the Zacchaeus, the wealthy self-centered prayer of the Parish Office at 410-398- chief tax collector in Pharisee, invites us to 1100 or [email protected] Jericho, was very excited reflect on these words to learn more about RCIA when Jesus came to town written by Pope Francis: and to set up an interview and asked to stay with him. “Whenever our interior life with Pat Kosman. The People were angry that becomes caught up in its RCIA process is a Jesus would go to a own interests and wonderful way to have a sinner's home. Zacchaeus concerns, there is no greater understanding of The Gospel this week then told Jesus he planned longer room for others, no the Catholic faith and describes two different to give half of his place for the poor. God’s become closer to attitudes toward prayer. belongings to the poor, and voice is no longer heard, God.Sponsors are The tax collector and the repay any person he had the quiet joy of his love is needed to walk with those Pharisee both pray but cheated. Jesus was no longer felt, and the who are learning about the in drastically different Catholic faith through the delighted since his mission desire to do good fades. ways. Bring it Home this was "to search out and This is a very real danger RCIA process. Do you love your Catholic faith and you week by reflecting on save what was lost." for believers, too. Many fall which character your prey to it, and end up want to share it with resentful, angry, and others? Please consider attitude toward prayer listless. This is no way to being a sponsor! Call the most reflects. With your live a dignified and fulfilled Parish Office at 410-398- family talk about what it life; it is not God’s will for 1100 to sign up. It requires means to be humble in Daily Readings: 30th us, nor is it the life in the a small amount of effort yet prayer. Strive to be Sunday in Ordinary Spirit which has its source you'll receive large humble; knowing God is Time: in the heart of the Risen rewards. If you are in control, in prayer and interested in learning Christ.” (Evangelii in your daily life Sunday Gaudium) As our First more about the Catholic Reading reminds us: “The Faith Formation Immaculate looking for ways that we meeting for any reason, can support the Sisters in Conception you must contact the CATHOLIC HEART their mission to spread religion office for your WORK CAMP School News Jesus’ love. child to remain in this Are you entering 8th It’s hard to preparation program. grade through early If you know of anyone avoid Youth Ministry & college age Fall of election talk who would is considering a Catholic education for their Confirmation 2017? Have you ever as we get wanted to go on a closer to children, please OCTOBER November, have them contact mission trip? If you and our middle school the school for 23rd Be Not Afraid answered yes, then students have been more information. come to an interest following the candidates, We will be holding two 30th Saintly Night meeting with your evaluating positions, and more open houses this parents, Sunday, making predictions. They year. One during Catholic 9 th -12 th and COLLEGE October 30th at 4pm in will be holding a rally, Schools Week, and one in AGE the Youth Room. presenting the positions of the spring. Tours are th th available upon request by If you are in 9 -12 or a the different candidates college-age young adult, Catholic Heart Work and holding a mock contacting the office at 410-398-2636. you are invited to join Camp gives you the election this week. It will be opportunity to attend a interesting to see if our youth group, Sunday week long mission with results match the national Faith Formation nights in the Youth vote! Room of the Parish youth from the parish. You will work, serve, Religious Education Center from 6-8pm. celebrate Mass, and Our & Sacraments students 7 th and 8 th GRADE build relationships. You have been YOUTH will also have fun too! Religion Classes: Gr. following If you are in 7th and 8th the status K-8: Adult Education Sunday, October 23rd at grade, you are invited to of Haiti since Hurricane attend youth group, Interested in a study Matthew left a path of 8:30am and th rd group? Many devastation. The students Wednesday, October 26 Sunday, October 23 from 6-8pm in the Youth opportunities are available. have a connection with the at 6:15pm. Call the Office at 410-398- island through the Felician Room of the Parish 1100 for information. Sisters who have a mission Grade 4 Parent/Child Center. there. Last Bible Session: ADULT ENRICHMENT year, we raised Parents of Gr. 4 Rel. Ed Parents and PROGRAM money for a students are invited to join Parishioners: The The Topic This Year is clean water their child for a special youth group is in need of Revelation: The Kingdom program, and session on the Bible In the Soda in cans. Pizza Yet to Come. The Seventh Sister Marilyn and Sister school during Rel. Ed This th gift cards are Session will be held this Inga visited us, shared Wed., Oct. 26 and Sun., th th welcome, too! Mon., Oct. 24 at 6:30pm stories of the children in Oct. 30 and repeated on Tues., their village, and thanked th CONFIRMATION Oct. 25 at 9:15 am in the the students for their SACRAMENT OF Parish Center Library. The service. We were all RECONCILIATION Confirmation classes have begun. If you topic this week will be: relieved to learn that Sister Parents Revelation 12-13: The Marilyn and Sister Inga are attend Sunday nights, who please use the Youth Good, The Bad, and The doing alright since the Ugly. storm, but the stories of Room entrance of the Parish Office to get to your hunger, lack of water, and The next bible timeline destruction of so many attended the class. If you attend homes have given us Orientation meeting for Wednesday or Thursday, great adventure several opportunities. One please use the main session will be the First Reconciliation rd is to be thankful that we Program are reminded entrance to the Parish Thursday, Nov. 3 at 9:15am in the Parish were not in the storm’s that the Parent/Child Office. path; another is to pray for Center. The Topic will be: meeting is TODAY, If you missed Lesson 2 or Maccabean Revolt: 1 the health and safety of Sunday, October 23 rd those we do not know. The 3, there is a makeup class Maccabees. th third is to have another from 4-5:30pm in Sunday Oct 30 from opportunity to comfort Church. NOTE: If you 8:30am-10am in the Holy Heroes Free Mass those in need. We will be are unable to attend this Parish Center. Prep Resources available: Go to and - caf just write "Community sign up. 6:30 PM Kitchen" in the memo Cantor Rehearsal - section. Thank you so Social Concerns IC 7:00 PM much for your continued Parish Choir Outreach: We are very low Rehearsal - IC on food!! 7:00 PM RCIA - PC We are currently asking for: jelly, pudding, and jello Friday, October 28 generosity. 9:00 AM Rosary Crusade - CH The Ladies Ancient Parish and Family Life Order of Hibernians Saturday, October 29 (LAOH) Cecil County 9:00 AM The Knights of Division 1 is a Catholic Parish Coffee: Join us Rosary Crusade - for Parish Coffee Columbus are Action service group CH serving the parish and Sunday, providing coffee and 4:15 PM th community. We are November 6 after the 9 donuts after 10:15 mass Confessions - IC AM Mass at St. Jude’s. at ICC on November 5:00 PM always looking for new th 13 ! Sisters of St. members! If you are a Parish Events / Information Francis Raffles - IC woman of Irish decent or Book Study - PC 7:00 PM NA by birth, please consider 9:15 AM - Caf joining us. Our next Adult Ed class - PC meeting is November 6:30 PM Our next Community 12th at 1pm in the Parish Sunday, October 23 Handbell Rehearsal Kitchen will be held on Center. For more 8:20 AM - IC Friday, October 28th at 7:30 PM information, please call Confessions – SJ Elkton Presbyterian Janice White at 410- 8:30 AM Contemporary Church. We will be Rehearsal -IC 378-3493. Religious Ed - S/PC having a fried chicken 1:30 PM Wednesday, October 26 luncheon for something Baptisms - SJ new this time! We are 4:00 PM 1st 9:00 AM Reconciliation parent/child Rosary Crusade/St asking for donations of mtg - IC Jude Novena – CH large cans of green Christian Yoga: All are 5:30 PM 9:30 AM beans, dinner rolls, or welcome to join in an Cantor Rehearsal - Confirmation Class any kind of dessert to be hour and a half; Christ - PC IC 1:00 PM delivered to the parish centered meditative and 6:00 PM HS center or the Gathering - PC Leisure Club - PC gentle stretching Yoga 3:45 PM Presbyterian Church on classes. Classes are: Monday, October 24 Children’s Choir - the day of the luncheon. Mondays 7 - 8:30pm in 9:00 AM IC We also need volunteers ICS gym. Wear Novena – CH 6:00 PM to help serve and clean Volleyball - gym comfortable clothes and 5:30 PM up after, from11:00-1:30 bring a yoga mat and Volleyball - gym 6:15 PM Religious Ed - S/PC If you can help in any towel. A $5 per class 6:30 PM capacity, please call Adult Ed class - PC 8:15 PM offering is suggested. 7:00 PM Knights of Joyce Speakman at Come to one or all Christian Yoga - Columbus - PC 610-597-3135, or Kathy classes and feel free to gym Chamberlin at 410-398- bring a friend! Call the 8:00 PM Thursday, October 27 7299. We would love to 9:00 AM parish center with any AA have you! Of course, questions. Mtg - Caf Rosary Crusade - CH cash donations are also 6:00 PM always welcome and are Tuesday, nd October 25 Confirmation Class directly used for buying 42 Annual Christmas - PC 9:00 AM food. If donating by Bazaar 6:00 PM Holy Hour check, please make it “An Irish Christmas” Volleyball - gym – CH 6:30 PM out to Immaculate November 12-13, 2016 9:15 AM Cub Scout Meeting Conception Church, and Breakfast with Santa!! baskets. If you have any Expense Saturday, November, 12, baskets taking up space or Offertory 8:15AM ICS Cafeteria silent auction items, we $256,835.94 $8/person (Ages 3 and up, would greatly appreciate a October 9 Surplus Under 3 free) donation! Contact Gail Fiscal Budget $17,613.85 $30/immediate family (2 Jusiewicz at 302-547-2777 Immaculate Conception adults and their child or [email protected] $7,861.94 If you do not have an dependents) Includes: If you have picked up an $9,314.56 Online Giving Account; it Breakfast, Printed Photo extra tree during the end St. Jude’s is easy to set one up! This with Santa (Aaron Jessee of year clearance sales is a convenient way to Photography), Gift from and would like to donate it, $1,507.00 provide consistent financial Santa (Knights of please contact Terry at $1,946.33 support to your church. Columbus), Goodie Bag 443-553-2324. We are Online To sign up: (Cecil Dancenter), Craft, accepting gently used 1.) Go to our and Letter from Santa. books for the Book Nook! $1,481.00 website: Menu: Bring your books to the $2,641.44 www.iccparish.weconnect. Waffles, parish center. com Scrambled 2.) Click on “Go to Eggs, Many hands make light $9,962.10 Online Giving” Bacon, Muffins, Fruit, work! We have several $13,902.33 3.) Sign up! Coffee, Hot Chocolate, areas that need your help! 2016-2017 Fiscal YTD Tea, Juice, Water, Milk. Visit Offertory Surplus Limited Seats Available! $5,285.84 Don’t Delay! We do sell mas to view descriptions, Building Maintenance out!! Please contact the available time slots, and to Fund: Parish Office for VOLUNTEER for the area Collected reservations at 410-398- YOU would like to help 1100. Details can be found with. Or visit the Parish’s $274,449.79 in the Breakfast with Santa website at brochure sent in the recent Community Events / Information bazaar and click on the sign-up mailing. Genius button. Contact Knights of Columbus Online Natalie at Bishop Becker Council payment [email protected] 2427 is et or 302-981-5226. 443-616-5370 or Our Lady of Fatima is available. Thanks! having Designer Bag For Meetings: 2nd and 4th Bingo on Sunday, information, contact For more information, Wednesdays of the Donna, 443-760-0444 or please contact Terry October 30th in the month at the Parish donnamichelangelo@yaho Gustafson at Msgr. Dwyer Hall. Doors teresa.gustafson@verizo Center. open at 1PM. Bingo or 443-553-2324. begins at 2PM. Religious Goods: We are Refreshments will be asking for items for the available for purchase. Religious Goods booth. If your creations fit the Cost is $25, plus Religious Goods category, Halloween Specials. please consider donating Check out the website at your talents for the benefit of ICC. Some ideas are: for the flyer and ticket thankfulness jars; information or call 302- Christmas, 328-3431 for tickets. friendship/blessing cards; or rosary bracelets. If interested, contact Diane Cattrell at [email protected].

Still needed for the bazaar! We still need donations for our silent auction and unused

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