Minutes of a Meeting of Yarmouth Town Council Held at Yarmouth School on Tuesday March

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Minutes of a Meeting of Yarmouth Town Council Held at Yarmouth School on Tuesday March

Minutes of a meeting of Yarmouth Town Council held at Yarmouth School on Tuesday March 4th 2014 at 6:30pm

PRESENT: Councillors S Cowley, (Town Mayor), Alan Ingram, Peter Garlick, Kizzy Cowley, Claire Bennett, Debbie Davies, Rod Corbett, Deana Turnbull

IN ATTENDANCE: B Jacobs (Town Clerk), Jessica Hart-Garbett (Harbour Commissioner representative), County Councillor Stuart Hutchinson, Isle of Wight County Press, and 400+ members of the public

229/2013 APOLOGIES No apologies for were received.

230/2013 PUBLIC FORUM:- Cllr Jonathon Gilby and Keiron Blamey of Island Roads were invited to present details about the forthcoming closures of Bridge Road / River Road / Tennyson Road, but were unable to attend. Mayor Cowley explained that they had prior commitments, and referred to a meeting held with Island Roads, attended by the Clerk, Pam Broadbent (Chair, Shalfleet Parish Council) and himself on 3rd March. Considerable discussion took place about Yarmouth road closures. The following points emerged from public discussion: 1) Activity by the Utility Companies is not a significant factor in the closure of Bouldnor Road. 2) Communications from Island Roads had been inconsistent and sometimes non-existent. 3) Here was concern that a 7-day working schedule has not led to a shortened forecast timescale for completion of the geotechnical works 4) Flashing lights and noise during nightime periods had been a nuisance 5) Pedestrian Marshalls hadn’t always been available 6) There was concern about the adequacy of diversionary signage 7) There were inadequate resources at County Hall to monitor Island Roads activities 8) There was concern about proscribed materials being used by Island Roads, e.g. stone-mastic asphalt 9) Concern that Island Roads could fold before completion of the contract, though Cllr Hutchinson insisted that their contract was watertight. 10) There was concerning that Island Roads were breaking the terms of the contract. RESOLVED: The Clerk to write to Island Roads on this issue with examples provided by Mayor Cowley. Cllr Hutchinson said he had tried to get parking concessions in Yarmouth during the period of the roadworks, as well as a rebate on business rates for those affected, and greater compensation for the FYT bus service. Yarmouth Harbour Commission had provided some free parking in the Square.

Dr Gordon Walker of West Wight Medical Practice explained the background to the proposed closure of the Yarmouth Surgery. 3 partners in the Brookside Practice, which services Yarmouth Surgery, have recently left, leaving 3 remaining partners to service 11,000+ patients, and it has not proved possible to recruit replacement GPs. The decision has been taken, therefore, to close Yarmouth Surgery from 28th March until August at the earliest, and to leave NHS England to put the contract for the practice out for procurement. Councillors and the public addressed a considerable number of questions to Dr Walker, and this is a summary of the more salient points raised: Q. Can a nurse practitioner continue to operate the surgery? A. No; it’s a legal requirement that a doctor must be on the premises at all times. Q. What is the logic behind maintaining Freshwater and closing Yarmouth? A. With 11,000 patients to be serviced, it is essential to pool all resources in one area, and that can only achieved by operating the practice entirely out of Brookside. The use of locums will help to

1 offset the problem, and liaison will be carried out with the FYT bus service to help with transport. Anyone wishing to volunteer for driving should give their names to the Clerk of Yarmouth Town Council on 761740, or [email protected]. Q. Is it possible to man the Yarmouth Surgery for 2 afternoons a week? A. This will be considered, but no commitment can be given at this stage. Q. Does the Brookside switchboard need updating? A. This was done 12 months ago, and is manned by a team of telephonists Q. Will all existing staff be retained in the Practice? A. Yes Q. Will the present standard of obtaining appointments be maintained, and will emergency appointments system with the nurse practitioner be maintained? A. Yes Q. Will there be any impact on getting blood tests and/or repeat prescriptions? A. The system will remain as at present Q. It’s important the Yarmouth Pharmacy continues to be used – will repeat prescriptions still be available there? A. Yes Q. Will it be possible to see specific GPS at Brookside? A. This cannot be guaranteed n future, but continuity of care will be maintained. Q. Why has it been so difficult to recruit new GPs at the West Wight practice? A. This is a national problem. There is now less than 1 applicant for each vacancy, as many candidates are opting for locum work or going overseas. As there are now 11 vacancies throughout the Island, it is unlikely that other practices will be able to assist. Q. Could more people be encouraged to use the 111 service? A. This is not a routine service for primary care Q. Will house calls still be available? A. Yes Q. Should the Island MP be approached about this problem? A. Yes Q. Is there any chance that the surgery will be open before the expiry of the 6-month closure period? A. No – August is the earliest time the surgery can be re-opened. Q. How can the public help? A. Use the Brookside Practice as efficiently as possible and continue to use the Yarmouth Pharmacy. Q. Is there any chance that a private healthcare practice could move in? A. The procurement process is open to all suitable organisations Q. Will there be a dedicated Yarmouth section at Brookside. A. No, this will not be possible. Q. Would the existing partners remain if another practice moves into Brookside? A. The existing partners would hope to continue to provide a role in that eventuality. . i) POLICE MATTERS A report on current policing issues in Yarmouth was received and the continuing low level of crime noted, with only 5 minor incidents. ii) HARBOUR ISSUES Pier Square car park - The Commissioners have agreed to allow up to two hours free parking on all Saturdays in March to try and help local businesses during the Bouldnor Road closure. 14 February storm surge - the storm surge on the night of 14 February appears to have been slightly worse than the storm surge in March 2008. This one was accompanied by particularly strong winds from the South West. The water overtopped the emergency slipway and the quays and extended well into Quay Street and Bridge Street virtually reaching the Square as well as at the roundabout and to the west of the Yar Bridge, Gasworks Lane was flooded. The Wightlink Ticket

2 Office was flooded as were several properties on Quay Street. The Harbour Office had a slight ingress of water. The RNLI pontoon was lifted off its supporting piles. The Harbour sustained electrical and equipment damage. The storm surge was well forecast and warnings were promulgated as per the Community Flood plan with the Deputy Harbourmaster acting as Coordinator of the plan. On 13 March between 1100-1300 there is a Coastal Change Yarmouth event being held in the Harbour Office Reception area culminating in the unveiling of a flood marker and information notice in Quay Street. Yarmouth was one of the six areas around the Solent chosen to be part of this European Project to improve communication with the local community about the flood threat; the project has been particularly successful with the participation of Yarmouth School. Island Roads have advised that the annual maintenance work will be carried out on Yar Bridge in the week beginning Monday 17 March. The bridge is unlikely to be closed at any time for road traffic, but they may need to install traffic lights for part of the time to control the traffic. iii) YARMOUTH TOWN TRUST No one was present to provide and update from Yarmouth Town Trust iv) ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr Hutchinson reported that there had been an all-party consensus on Budget cuts. v) THORLEY ISSUES Cllr Ingram reported that no repairs had yet been undertaken to the bus shelter. RESOLVED: The Clerk to bring this to the attention of Island Roads yet again. vi) YARMOUTH ISSUES Cllr Corbett reported water ingress on the Yarmouth side of Barnesfield Bridge along the cycle path. RESOLVED: Cllrs Turnbull and Bennett will investigate Sylvia Mence presented a verbal report on recent flood alerts in Yarmouth; 4/5 Feb: Tidal surge, high water and strong winds, resulted in no flooding beyond the slipway/marshalling area. 7 Feb: Flooding Thorley Bridge. Yarmouth: need meeting to discuss traffic management needs when flooding occurs 14 Feb: This had been dealt with in the YHC Report. RESOLVED: That Sylvia Mence should continue acting on Yarmouth Town Council’s behalf on this issue. Marine Conservation Zones (MCZ23): Yarmouth is listed in the next tranche of possible conservation areas under Marine & Coastal Access Act 2009, the aim is of which is to protect and restore to favourable condition marine habitats and species e.g. ross worm reef and seagrass beds. This could result in some activities banned or restricted – e.g. anchoring, certain types of fishing., harbour use, ferry operation, as well as dredging, yacht racing and anchoring, fishing, tourism. This is a preliminary list with Sec of State to agree sites in late autumn, consultation in early 2015 and designations announced later in 2015. vii) PUBLIC QUESTION TIME No further questions were received, and the Public Forum closed at 8:20.

231/2013 DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL AND DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS Councillor Personal Pecuniary S Cowley Yarmouth Town Trust Any issue involving Lee Farm or buses P Garlick Yarmouth Institute (item 236/2013) D Davies Yarmouth Institute (item 236/2013) Any issue involving Yarmouth CEP School, the Bugle or the 3 Fire Station

K Cowley Any issue involving Lee Farm or buses R Corbett Yarmouth Town Trust

232/2013 MINUTES RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting of the Monthly Town Council held on Tuesday 4th February 2014.were taken as read, confirmed and signed as being an accurate record of the proceedings, subject to recording Cllr Corbett’s interest in Yarmouth Town Trust under minute 208/2013. RESOLVED: The minutes of the extraordinary meeting on Tuesday 11th February were taken as read, confirmed and signed as being an accurate record of the proceedings, subject to recording Cllr Corbett’s interest in Yarmouth Town Trust under minute 5.

233/2013 FINANCE 233/2013.1 Payment of Accounts. The following payments are authroised for March 2014: 1353 Brian Jacobs Clerk's salary February £470.08 1354 Post Office HMRC Clerk's salary February £117.60 1355 Yarmouth Institute Extraordinary Meeting 11/2/14 £20.00 1356 Ricoh UK Ltd Office printer rental £43.05 1357 Brian Jacobs Purchase Office 2010 software £20.00 233/2013.2 Bank Reconciliation. RESOLVED: That the bank reconciliation for February 2014 is accepted

234/2013 PLANNING ISSUES 234/2013.1 Planning Applications No objections were raised to the following applications: pplication No Location Proposal Dates TCP/02370/G - Whitewalls Cottage Main Road Householder Application Proposed single Comments Due P/00140/14 Thorley Yarmouth Isle Of Wight storey extension on rear elevation to form By: 14/03/2014 PO410SX garden room TCP/25539/A - former Lloyds TSB The Square Change of use from bank to antique shop Comments Due P/00133/14 Yarmouth Isle Of Wight PO41 By: 07/03/2014 0NS

234/2013.2 Other Planning issues The following were noted: Permission Granted:

4 Permission refused: None Street Trading Licenses: Granted: Jules Ices, Island wide

235/2013 YARMOUTH & THORLEY HOUSING NEEDS SURVEY RESOLVED: Mayor Cowley to meet with Cllrs Turnbull and Garlick to discuss

236/2013 COMMUNITY CENTRE RESOLVED: To confirm agreement of the application for Charitable Incorporated Organisation for the Community Hall of Yarmouth and District to be presented to the Charity Commission (circulated at last meeting).

237/2013 2014 DISPLAY OF WW1 ARTEFACTS AT THE TOWN HALL Cllr Corbett reported that arrangements were progressing well on this display, and likely dates will be 27/7/14 and 3/8/14. RESOLVED: To consider the formation of an Events Committee at the October meeting.

238/2013 LITTER BINS Cllr Bennett had no further information to report about litter bins in Yarmouth and Thorley.

239/2013 YARMOUTH IN BLOOM Cllr Turnbull reported that she had spoken to Wightlink, and she will prepare a plan, which will include Thorley.

240/2013 BICYCLE ISLAND GRANTS Some discussion took place about the notice from CAIW, and one area of concern was of appropriate signage within Yarmouth. RESOLVED: Cllr Turnbull will contact John Allen of Wight Cycles and report back to the next YTC meeting.

241/2013 NOMINATIONS FOR COMMUNITY ACTION AWARDS RESOLVED: The Clerk to forward nominations for the Community Action Awards 2014 for Yarmouth PTFA for their work in fund raising and providing extra-curricular activities and sport coaching.

242/2013 PROVISION OF DISCRETIONARY SERVICES RESOLVED: To defer a meeting with representatives of the Isle of Wight Council to discuss the provision by YTC of discretionary services until October, and the Clerk to advise IWC accordingly.

243/2013 VISIT ISLE OF WIGHT RESOLVED: Mayor Cowley will contact David Thornton, Chief Executive of Visit Isle of Wight, to arrange for him to address the Council.

5 244/2013 CLERK’S REPORT 244/2013.1 DOG FOULING RESOLVED: The Clerk to pursue arrangements for a further meeting re Dog Warden patrols with Mark Lyth/Cat Quinn and Mike Rowlands. 244/2013.2 VISIT ISLE OF WIGHT – SUPPORT FOR FLOOD-HIT BUSINESSES RESOLVED: The Clerk to put this notice on the YTC noticeboard, and forward the email to Cllr Turnbull to discuss with Destination Yarmouth. 244/2013.3 ISLAND VILLAGE OF THE YEAR SLCC have asked all parish and town councils to enter their local town or village in the Village of the Year competition. RESOLVED: The Clerk to provide more details before the next meeting. 244/2013.4 PUBLIC SECTOR MAPPING MASTERCLASS There were no nominations for this free course. 244/2013.5 ISLE ENGAGE The report, circulated by email on 27/2/14, regarding the Isle ENGAGE Big Lottery Fund Bid was noted. 244/2013.6 INVITATION TO DOFE INFORMATION & NETWORKING EVENT - THURSDAY 27TH MARCH The invitation to the above event (circulated by email 27/2/14), was noted. 244/2013.7 OPENING OF YARMOUTH POST OFFICE It was noted that the new post office will be opened by Andrew Turner 7th March at midday. 244/2013.8 IWC SUSTAINIBILITY SURVEY RESOLVED: To add the Local Heroes Orchard, the HNS and the Community Plan to the list of projects.

245/2013 CORRESPONDENCE RESOLVED: To accept the correspondence list for February as presented. 246/2013 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS RESOLVED: To include the following items on forthcoming Agendas: Yarmouth in Bloom 2014/15 Grants 2014/15 Contracts Clearance of shingle from Pier Shore bench Bicycle Island grants

247//2013 DATE OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: To note the date, time and venue of the next meeting, Tuesday 1st April 2014 at 6.30pm at Yarmouth Town Hall, and the Annual Town Meeting on April 22nd at Yarmouth School.

248/2013 EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS RESOLVED: That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.

Signed...... (Town Mayor)



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