The magazine of the Founders’ Region • Potomac, Porsche Club of America • August 2014 der Vorgänger 7VYZJOLVM(YSPUN[VU7VYZJOLVM;`ZVUZ*VYULY (YSPUN[VU=(=PLUUH=( ÌÌ ^^^HYSPUN[VUWVYZJOLKLHSLYJVT^^^[`ZVUZWVYZJOLKLHSLYJVT 7VYZJOLVM9VJR]PSSL7VYZJOLVM:PS]LY:WYPUN 9VJR]PSSL4+:PS]LY:WYPUN4+ Ì Ì ^^^YVJR]PSSLWVYZJOLKLHSLYJVT^^^ZPS]LYZWYPUNWVYZJOLKLHSLYJVT 2• der Vorgänger • August 2014 der Vorgänger • August 2014 • 3 Table of contents der Vorgänger The monthly magazine 6 The editors’ column of the Founders’ Region, Potomac, Porsche Club of America. 7 The president’s column August 2014 Volume 60, No. 7 Club officers and progam der Vorgänger is the official magazine of the 8 Founders’ Region, Potomac, Porsche Club chairs of America, Inc. Contributions for der Vorgänger should be sent to the editor at least six weeks preceding the month of pub - lication, preferably via e-mail to 9 Potomac’s 2014 calendar
[email protected]. Please send im - ages in their original sizes. 10 The Longest Day by Daniel Publisher: Tony Kelly 6726 Lucy Lane Munarriz McLean, VA 22101
[email protected] 16 The Gathering of the Faith - Co-Editor: Carrie Albee Co-Editor: Glenn Cowan ful has a new home! Co-Editor: Michael Sherman 10
[email protected] 17 Rally News Contributing photographers: Ken Hills, Michael Madrid, Ken Marks, Tony Pagonis, John Vrankovich, Mia Walsh. 18 Why I Like My Porsche by Contributing writers: Gary Brindle, Syd - ney Butler, John Eberhardt, Jonathan Kin - Bruce Bade berg, Tony Kelly, John Magistro, Tony Pagonis,