What Current Research Says to the Middle Level Practitioner. INSTITUTION National Middle School Association, Columbus, OH
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 427 847 PS 027 331 AUTHOR Irvin, Judith L., Ed. TITLE What Current Research Says to the Middle Level Practitioner. INSTITUTION National Middle School Association, Columbus, OH. ISBN ISBN-1-56090-120-9 PUB DATE 1997-00-00 NOTE 361p. AVAILABLE FROM National Middle School Association, 2600 Corporate Exchange Drive, Suite 370, Columbus, OH 43231; phone: 800-528-NMSA; fax: 614-895-4750 (NMSA Stock No. 1244). PUB TYPE Books (010)-- Information Analyses (070) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC15 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Ability Grouping; *Adolescent Development; Adolescents; Classroom Techniques; *Curriculum Development; Discipline Policy; Educational Environment; Educational Philosophy; Educational Research; Gifted; Higher Education; Inclusive Schools; Interdisciplinary Approach; Intermediate Grades; Junior High Schools; *Middle School Students; Middle School Teachers; *Middle Schools; Motivation; *School Organization; Self Esteem; Student Evaluation; *Teacher Education; Teaching Methods; Team Teaching; Urban Schools ABSTRACT This volume provides recent research findings on important topics related to the still-expanding middle school movement. They are divided into seven parts, addressing teaching/learning, curriculum, teacher education, social context, organization, leaderships, and issues and future directions. Following an introduction to middle level education research, by Irvin and Hough, the chapters are: (1) "Young Adolescent Development" (Eccles and Wigfield); (2) "Enhancing Self-Concept/Self-Esteem in Young Adolescents" (Lipka); (3) "Motivation and Middle School Students" (Anderman and Midgley); (4) "The Effects of Interdisciplinary Teaming on Teachers and Students" (Arhar); (5) "Teaching with Time on Your Side: Developing Long-Term Relationships in Schools" (McLaughlin and Doda); (6) "Middle Level Discipline and Young Adolescents: Making the Connection" (Bennett); (7) "Ability Grouping: Issues of Equity and Effectiveness" (Mills); (8) "Differing Perspectives, Common Ground: The Middle School and Gifted Education Relationship" (Rosselli) ;(9) "Inclusion" (Hines and JohnstOn);(10) "A Multifaceted Approach to Teaching Limited Proficiency Students" (VanNess and Platt);(11) "Assessment" (Stowell and McDaniel);(12) "Middle Level Competitive Sports Programs" (Swaim and McEwin);(13) "Middle Level Curriculum's Serendipitous History" (Toepfer);(14) "Effects of Integrative Curriculum and Instruction" (Vars);(15) "Curriculum for Whom?" (Brazee); (16) "Curriculum for What?`The Search for Curriculum Purposes for Middle Level Students" (Beane);(17) "Current Issues and Research in Middle Level Curriculum: On Conversations, Semantics, and Roots" (Powell and Faircloth); (18) "Middle Level Teacher Preparation and Licensure" (McEwin and Dickinson); (19) "Multicultural Issues in Middle Level Teacher Education" (Hart);(20) "Improving Urban Schools: Developing the Talents of Students Placed at Risk" (Mac Iver and Plank);(21) "Service Learning and Young Adolescent Development: A Good Fit" (Schine);(22) "Home-School Partnerships: A Critical Link" (Brough);(23) "Organizational Trends and Practices in Middle Level Schools" (Valentine and Whitaker); (24)"A Bona Fide Middle School: Programs, +++++ ED427847 Has Multi-page SFR---Level=1 +++++ Policy, Practice, and Grade Span Configurations" (Hough);(25) "Components of Effective Teams" (Trimble);(26) "Transition into and out of Middle School" (Mizelle and Mullins); (27) "Collaboration and Teacher Empowerment: Implications for School Leaders" (Clark and Clark); (28) "Women in Leadership Roles" (Clark and Clark); (29) "The Middle Level Principalship" (Valentine, Trimble, and Whitaker); and (30) "Setting a Research Agenda" (Hough and Irvin). Each chapter contains references. (HTH) ******************************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ******************************************************************************** PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS Office of Educational Research and Improvement BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) %This documenthas been reproduced as eceived from the person or organization originating it O Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. )1. ( / What Current Research Says to the Middle Level Practitioner 3 National Middle School Association is dedicated to improving the educational experiences of young adolescents by providing vision, knowledge, and re- sources to all who serve them in order to develop healthy, productive, and ethical citizens. kilink'R. RI:RR k RP, It What Current Research Says RIZRRI2F21-ii< RRRkIZKRIt, 'RitINRItkR to the Middle Level Practitioner Judith L. Irvin, Editor National Middle School Association Columbus, OH National Middle School Association 2600Corporate Exchange Drive, Suite370 Columbus, Ohio 43231 Telephone(800) 528-NMSA Copyright@ 1997 by National Middle School Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the publisher except in the case of brief quota- tions embodied in reviews or articles. The materials presented herein are the expressions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the policies of NMSA. NMSA is a registered servicemark of National Middle School Association. Printed in the United States of America Sue Swaim, Executive Director Jeff Ward, Director of Business Services John Lounsbury, Editor Mary Mitchell, Copy Editor/Designer Marcia Meade, Publications Sales ISBN: 1-56090-120-9 NMSA Stock Number: 1244 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data What current research says to the middle level practitioner/Judith L. Irvin, editor p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 1-56090-120-9 (pbk.) 1. Middle schools--United States. 2. Middle school teaching-- United States. 3. Middle school students--United States. 4. Middle schools--United States--Curricula. I. Irvin, Judith L., date. II. National Middle School Association. LB1623.W43 1997 97-26451 373.236--dc21 CIP 6 iv 1:PRPRiulk RNIZ.RkkIM 10212kkaft. I<RRRRI.k.12, RPRRRPRk. Table of Contents FOREWORD Sue Swaim, Executive Director, NMSA p. ix FOREWORD John H. Lounsbury, Publications Editor, NMSA p. xi PREFACE Judith L..Irvin p. xiii INTRODUCTION 1.Research in Middle Level Education Judith L. Irvin and David Hough 3 II TEACHING/LEARNING 2.Young Adolescent Development Jacquelynne S. Eccles and Allan Wigfield 15 3.Enhancing Self-Concept/Self-Esteem in Young Adolescents Richard Lipka 31 7 4.Motivation and Middle School Students Lyn ley Hicks Anderman and Carol Midgley 41 5. The Effects of Interdisciplinary Teaming on Teachers and Students Joanne Arhar 49 6.Teaching with Time on Your Side: Developing Long-Term Relationships in Schools H. James McLaughlin and Nancy M. Doda 57 7.Middle Level Discipline and Young Adolescents: Making the Connection Betty J. Bennett 73 8.Ability Grouping: Issues of Equity and Effectiveness Rebecca Mills 87 9.Differing Perspectives, Common Ground: The Middle School and Gifted Education Relationship Hilda C. Rosselli 95 10.Inclusion Rebecca A. Hines and J. Howard Johnston 109 11. A Multifaceted Approach to Teaching Limited Proficiency Students Jill Van Ness and Elizabeth Platt 121 12.Assessment Laura P. Stowell and Janet E. McDaniel 137 13.Middle Level Competitive Sports Programs John H. Swaim and C. Kenneth McEwin 151 HI CURRICULUM 14.Middle Level Curriculum's Serendipitous History Conrad F. Toepfer 163 8 15.Effects of Integrative Curriculum and Instruction Gordon F. Vars 179 16.Curriculum for Whom? Edward Brazee 187 17.Curriculum for What? The Search for Curriculum Purposes for Middle Level Students James A. Beane 203 18.Current Issues and Research in Middle Level Curriculum: On Conversations, Semantics, and Roots Richard R. Powell and C. Victoria Faircloth 209 IV TEACHER EDUCATION 19.Middle Level Teacher Preparation and Licensure C. Kenneth McEwin and Thomas S. Dickinson 223 20.Multicultural Issues in Middle Level Teacher Education Laurie E. Hart 231 V SOCIAL CONTEXT 21.Improving Urban Schools: Developing the Talents of Students Placed at Risk Douglas J. Mac Iver and Stephen B. Plank 243 22.Service Learning and Young Adolescent Development: A Good Fit Joan Schine 257 23. Home-School Partnerships: A Critical Link Judith Allen Brough 265 VI ORGANIZATION 24.Organizational Trends and Practices in Middle Level Schools Jerry Valentine and Todd Whitaker 277 25. A Bona Fide Middle School: Programs, Policy, Practice, and Grade Span Configurations David Hough 285 26.Components of Effective Teams Susan B. Trimble 295 27.Transition Into and Out of Middle School Nancy B. Mize Ile and Emmett Mullins 303 VII LEADERSHIP 28.Collaboration and Teacher Empowerment: Implications for School Leaders Sally N. Clark and Donald C. Clark 317 29. Women in Leadership Roles Sally N. Clark and Donald C. Clark 327 30. The Middle Level Principalship Jerry Valentine, Susan Trimble, and Todd Whitaker 337 VIII ISSUES AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 31.Setting a Research Agenda David Hough and Judith L. Irvin 351 ABOUT THE AUTHORS p. 357 1 0vin knilleRRR RRRRURR RRARRRRR: RRRARRRR RRRRRRRR Sue Swaim Foreword Education is at an important crossroad; and middle