Course 13.9-WB-OSOD-Fitos code: Type of compulsory course: Language of Polish/English instruction: Director of dr Dmytro Iakushenko course: Name of dr Dmytro Iakushenko lecturer:

Numbe r of Numbe hours r of Semes ECTS Type of course Course grade per hours ter points semes per ter week


Lecture 30 2 exam II Exercises 30 2 credit with grade

AIM OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course is to present the phytosociology as a part of plant ecology, introduction into the rules and regularities of the structural organization of plant communities, their dynamics, links with environmental factors, principles and methods of classification, and diversity of vegetation in Poland.

PREREQUISITES: Passed courses on general ecology, general and systematic botany.

SCOPE: LECTURE: Basic theoretical principles of phytosociology. Subject of phytosociological studies. Plan cover as a part of the landscape. Vegetation, plant communities and associations. The development of phytosociology in Europe and in Poland. Principles of vegetation classification (Braun-Blanquet). The definition of association and plant community. Characteristic species. Syntaxa. Phytosociological nomenclature. Classification of vegetation. Types of communities. The composition and structure of plant communities. Vegetation structure models. Ecotones. The dynamic of vegetation. Diversity of vegetation in Poland. Overview and characteristics of the plant communities in Poland and their characteristic species. Perspectives of phytosociology. EXERCISES: Methods. Field studies: phytosociological releves (reconnaissance, location and distribution of releves, the size and shape of the surface, aboundance, cover, periodicity of the research). Synthetic and syntaxonomic phase of the study. Numerical methods. Ordination. Applied phytosociology. Vegetation mapping. Phytosociology and landscape ecology. Changes and degeneration of plant communities. Indicator species. Protection of vegetation.

METHODS OF EDUCATION: LECTURE - feeding method: in the form of a multimedia presentation. EXERCISES: - problematic: didactyc discussion - practical: field data collection, survey and presentation. LEARNING OUTCOMES:

Effect of the course Symbol Methods of Type of verification course The student explains relationships between the P2A_W25 The test examination Lecture structure, distribution and diversity of plant Partial tests Exercises communities in the landscapes, and environmental factors; recognize basic syntaxa of the Polish vegetation.

The student is able to distinguish and classify P2A_U23 Preparing the project by Lecture plant communities, can take the oneself Exercises phytosociological releves, conduct the surveys and present their results.

The students work in a group and organize the P2A_K01 Current control Exercises work of showing concern for safety, lecturer listens to the comments and apply its recommendations.

VERIFICATION OF LEARNING OUTCOMES AND CREDIT CONDITIONS: LECTURE: the exam conducted in the verbal form after the credit of laboratory classes. The student is required to respond to at least four of the five questions. EXERCISES: credit provides actively discussions during the conversational lessons and obtain positive ratings from all written colloquia (in the form of open and closed questions, positive rating over 60% of points scored), and acceptation of the all work forms planned for completion in exercise program.

STUDENT WORKLOAD: FULL-TIME STUDIES Workload (in hours) The contact hours 105 The unassisted student work 75 In all 180 ECTS Points Classes with the participation of academic teacher 4 Classes without the participation of an academic teacher 3 In all 7

LITERATURE: RECOMMENDED READING: 1. Weber H.E., Moravec J., Theurillat J.P. International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. 3rd Edition. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2000, 11 : 739-768. 2. Matuszkiewicz J. M. Zespoły leśne Polski. PWN. Warszawa 2001. 3. Matuszkiewicz J.M. Krajobrazy roślinne i regiony geobotaniczne Polski. IGiPZ PAN, Prace Geograficzne, 1993, 158: 1-108. 4. Ellenberg H. Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen in ökologischer, dynamischer und historischer Sicht. 5. Aufl. Verl. E. Ulmer, Stuttgart 1996. 5. Mucina L. Conspectus of Classes of European Vegetation. Folia Geobot. Phytotax.

AUTHOR OF THE PROGRAM: dr Dmytro Iakushenko