Sagittarius Full Moon, June 9, 2017

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Sagittarius Full Moon, June 9, 2017

Sagittarius Full Moon, June 9, 2017

Full Moons illuminate the heights and depths of each sign. This Full Moon in Sagittarius (Sun in Gemini) opens our minds and souls to greater truth and wisdom. It offers opportunities for giant breakthroughs and shifts in consciousness, personally and collectively, helping us spiral up to a new level of understanding. Sagittarius is concerned with the development of the higher mind. This involves gaining wisdom through the myriad experiences of life, different cultures, religions and philosophies. The Archer is the mentor or sage who understands the outworking of universal law and sees the big picture. The dark side of Sagittarius is exaggeration, bigotry, dogmatism and ingrained belief systems. Gemini emphasizes the development of our communication skills and our ability to use our thoughts and words in positive ways. The shadow side of Gemini is the know-it-all or chatterbox.

Gemini informs while Sagittarius interprets. The Archer aims toward the heavens, beyond the confines of limited thinking, for answers. As we open our hearts to more expansive realities, our awareness of the higher dimensions expands. The gift of this Full Moon is the opportunity to develop a more global consciousness and a greater understanding of divine law.

“The supreme law of the land is the Great Spirit’s law, not man’s law.” Hopi Indian proverb

Each soul is an integral part of the collective consciousness, the Soul of the World. When one of us evolves spiritually, so does the collective consciousness of humanity, the Anima Mundi. Our intuitive Sagittarius energy senses the expansiveness of our spirit within and appreciates all that is beyond words… the awe of nature, the majesty of Earth’s natural wonders. Sagittarius loves to gaze at the stars, contemplating infinity.

“Existence is beyond the power of words to define. Terms can be used but none of them are absolute.” Lao Tzu

Where the Moon at 19 degrees Sagittarius falls in our charts we have the opportunity to get in touch with our spiritual Selves, our trusty inner guide, in order to work through our challenges. In this area of life we are urged to move beyond the familiarity of our mundane existence and become more aware of our true place in the universe. We come to understand a higher purpose for our lives and the perfection of the Divine Plan.

“All things work together for good. A divine law pervades all life and good comes out of ignorance and darkness.” White Eagle

Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, stations direct in Libra just after the peak of this Full Moon. Jupiter has been retrograde since February 5. During the retrograde period we have had the opportunity to rethink and renegotiate our relationships, based upon spiritual principles, upon fairness, equality and respect. This is vital in order to heal the wounded yin and to find balance in an unbalanced world. Libra is about holding onto our authentic Selves, the guidance of our spirit within and the wisdom of our souls, in spite of forces pulling from different directions.

“All compromise is based upon give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take.” Mahatma Gandhi

The two very bright stars that dominate the constellation of Gemini were identified by many ancient cultures as the Twins, Castor and Pollux. They were usually depicted bound together by each other’s arms. Castor (the mortal twin) is diminishing in its intensity in comparison with Pollux (the immortal twin). Likewise, focus upon our mortal selves diminishes as our divine mind grows stronger and directs our lives. We are reminded that:

“The more we live by our intellect, the less we understand life.” Leo Tolstoy

The evolutionary intent of Gemini is Brotherhood through Wisdom. Where the Sun at 19 degrees Gemini falls in our charts we are learning when to speak and when to remain silent. Here we are to link and exchange ideas in the spirit of brotherhood, to see things from more than one point of view. Above all, we are learning the power of our thoughts and words to create our future. What we put out affects the greater whole, visible and invisible.

“If you train yourselves to think positively, to think good and believe in good, you are serving the whole of creation.” White Eagle

The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 19 degrees Gemini: “A large archaic volume.”

This symbol refers to the importance of understanding the Ancient Wisdom contained in the Akashic Records, the Soul of the World, but also deep within our own souls. This wisdom can help us navigate these troubled times and bring harmony into our lives and Peace on Earth.

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 19 degrees Sagittarius: “Pelicans moving their habitat.

Conditions are forever changing and this symbol dramatizes the necessity to be ready to move to more harmonious surroundings when our present situation and environment becomes unhealthy, uncomfortable or stressful. This involves letting go of the past, unloading excess baggage and having the courage to make the needed changes, remembering that:

“Man suffers because of his craving to possess and keep forever things that are essentially impermanent….this frustration of the desire to possess is the immediate cause of suffering.” The Buddha

Heather Threlfall – June 2017 – [email protected]

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