NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of Work 2016 - 2017

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NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of Work 2016 - 2017

NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

Course Title: Functional Skills in English Start date: 11/09/2017 End date: 13/07/2018

Location: Alpha Hair Salon / Hawthorn Farm Tutor: Hayley Boden http://web.ku.edu/~edit/spelllist.html (Spelling tests) Week no./date Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment activities Resources Planned opportunities Activities (How will you check to develop E & D learning throughout English/Maths/work the session?) skills

Week 1 Social awareness Group interviews Q & A Laptops Communication 13/9/17 Course criteria Social games Initial assessment Pens/paper Computer Skills Communication & Course citeria results Handouts Writing Skills integration Complete Initial Student Feedback Projector Reading Skills Initial Assessments assessment & Discussion Learning styles Learning styles questionaire Questionaire Week 2 Read and understand Identify the main Worksheets Laptops Communication 20/9/17 a points and ideas and Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills range of how they are Discussion Handouts Writing Skills straightforward texts. presented in a variety Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills of texts. Purpose of Student Feedback Projector texts, the main categories. Colloquialisms handout. NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

Week no./date Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment activities Resources Planned opportunities Activities (How will you check to develop E & D learning throughout English/Maths/work the session?) skills

Week 3 Read and understand Read and understand Worksheets Laptops Communication 27/9/17 a texts in Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills range of Detail. Discussion Handouts Writing Skills straightforward texts. Worksheet on Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills different types of text. Student Feedback Projector Handout on how to identify different types of text.

Week 4 Read and understand Handout and Worksheets Laptops Communication 4/10/17 a worksheet on utilising Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills range of information contained Discussion Handouts Writing Skills straightforward texts. in Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills Texts. Student Feedback Projector Discussion NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

Week no./date Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment activities Resources Planned opportunities Activities (How will you check to develop E & D learning throughout English/Maths/work the session?) skills

Week 5 Read and understand Identify suitable Worksheets Laptops Communication 11/10/17 a responses to Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills range of Texts. Discussion Handouts Writing Skills straightforward texts. Reading worksheet Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills Student Feedback Projector

Week 6 Read and understand Reading mock exam Worksheets Laptops Communication 18/10/17 a Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills range of Discussion Handouts Writing Skills straightforward texts. Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills Student Feedback Projector NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

Week no./date Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment activities Resources Planned opportunities Activities (How will you check to develop E & D learning throughout English/Maths/work the session?) skills

Week 7 25/10/17 Half term holidays

Week 8 Write a range of texts Write clearly and Worksheets Laptops Communication 1/11/17 to communicate coherently, Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills information, ideas and including an Discussion Handouts Writing Skills opinions, using appropriate level of Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills formats detail. Student Feedback Projector and styles suitable for their purpose and audience.

Week 9 Write a range of texts Present information in Worksheets Laptops Communication 8/11/17 to communicate a logical sequence. Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills information, ideas and Discussion Handouts Writing Skills opinions, using Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills formats Student Feedback Projector and styles suitable for their purpose and audience. NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

Week no./date Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment activities Resources Planned opportunities Activities (How will you check to develop E & D learning throughout English/Maths/work the session?) skills

Week 10 Write a range of texts Use language, format Worksheets Laptops Communication 15/11/17 to communicate and structure suitable Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills information, ideas and for purpose and Discussion Handouts Writing Skills opinions, using audience. Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills formats Student Feedback Projector and styles suitable for their purpose and audience. Week 11 Write a range of texts Use correct grammar, Worksheets Laptops Communication 22/11/17 to communicate including correct and Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills information, ideas and consistent use of Discussion Handouts Writing Skills opinions, using tense. Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills formats Student Feedback Projector and styles suitable for their purpose and audience. Week 12 Write a range of texts Ensure written work Worksheets Laptops Communication 29/11/17 to communicate includes generally Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills information, ideas and accurate punctuation Discussion Handouts Writing Skills opinions, using and spelling and that Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills formats meaning is clear. Student Feedback Projector and styles suitable for their purpose and audience. NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

Week no./date Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment activities Resources Planned opportunities Activities (How will you check to develop E & D learning throughout English/Maths/work the session?) skills

Week 13 Write a range of texts Writing mock exam Worksheets Laptops Communication 6/12/17 to communicate Tutorials Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills information, ideas and Discussion Handouts Writing Skills opinions, using Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills formats Student Feedback Projector and styles suitable for their purpose and audience. Week 14, 15, 16, 17 13/12/17 – 3/1/18 Christmas Holidays

Week 18 Take full part in Make relevant and Worksheets Laptops Communication 10/1/18 formal extended Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills and informal contributions to Discussion Handouts Writing Skills discussions and discussions, Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills exchanges that allowing for and Student Feedback Projector include responding to unfamiliar subjects. others’ input Week 19 Take full part in Prepare for and Worksheets Laptops Communication 17/1/18 formal contribute to the Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills and informal formal discussion of Discussion Handouts Writing Skills discussions and ideas and Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills exchanges that opinions Student Feedback Projector include unfamiliar subjects. NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

Week no./date Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment activities Resources Planned opportunities Activities (How will you check to develop E & D learning throughout English/Maths/work the session?) skills

Week 20 Take full part in Make different kinds Worksheets Laptops Communication 24/1/18 formal of Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills and informal contributions to Discussion Handouts Writing Skills discussions and discussions Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills exchanges that Student Feedback Projector include unfamiliar subjects.

Week 21 Take full part in Present Worksheets Laptops Communication 31/1/18 formal information/points of Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills and informal view clearly and in Discussion Handouts Writing Skills discussions and appropriate Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills exchanges that language Student Feedback Projector include unfamiliar subjects. Week 22 Take full part in Work on personal Worksheets Laptops Communication 7/2/18 formal presentations and Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills and informal discussions on laptop Discussion Handouts Writing Skills discussions and ready for mock exam Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills exchanges that next week. Student Feedback Projector include unfamiliar subjects. NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

Week no./date Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment activities Resources Planned opportunities Activities (How will you check to develop E & D learning throughout English/Maths/work the session?) skills

Week 23 Take full part in Informal and formal Worksheets Laptops Communication 14/2/18 formal dicussions mock Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills and informal exam Discussion Handouts Writing Skills discussions and Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills exchanges that Student Feedback Projector include unfamiliar subjects.

Week 24 21/2/18 Half term holidays

Week 25 Select, read, Select and use Worksheets Laptops Communication 28/2/18 understand and different types of Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills compare texts and use texts to obtain and Discussion Handouts Writing Skills them to gather utilise relevant Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills information, ideas, information; Read and Student Feedback Projector arguments and summarise, opinions. succinctly, information/ideas from different sources. NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

Week 26 Select, read, Identify the purposes Worksheets Laptops Communication 7/3/18 understand and of texts and Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills compare texts and use comment on how Discussion Handouts Writing Skills them to gather meaning is Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills information, ideas, conveyed Student Feedback Projector arguments and Detect point of view, opinions. implicit meaning and/or bias Analyse texts in relation to audience needs and consider suitable responses; Week no./date Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment activities Resources Planned opportunities Activities (How will you check to develop E & D learning throughout English/Maths/work the session?) skills

Week 27 Write a range of texts, a) Present Worksheets Laptops Communication 14/3/18 including extended information/ideas Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills written documents, concisely, logically Discussion Handouts Writing Skills communicating and Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills information, ideas and persuasively; Student Feedback Projector opinions effectively b) Present information and on complex persuasively. subjects clearly and concisely; c) Use a range of writing styles for different purposes NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

Week 28 Write a range of texts, d)Use a range of Worksheets Laptops Communication 21/3/18 including extended sentence Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills written documents, structures, including Discussion Handouts Writing Skills communicating complex Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills information, ideas and sentences, and Student Feedback Projector opinions effectively paragraphs to and organise written persuasively. communication effectively. e) Punctuate written text using commas, apostrophes and inverted commas accurately; f) Ensure written work is fit for purpose and audience, with accurate spelling and grammar that support clear meaning in a range of text types Week 29 Make a range of a) Consider complex Worksheets Laptops Communication 28/3/18 contributions to information Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills discussions in a range and give a relevant, Discussion Handouts Writing Skills of contexts, including cogent Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills those that are response in Student Feedback Projector unfamiliar, and make appropriate effective language; presentations. b) Present information and ideas NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

clearly and persuasively to others; c) Adapt contributions to suit audience, purpose and situation; d) Make significant contributions to discussions, taking a range of roles and helping to move discussion forward;

Week no./date Learning Outcomes Teaching & Learning Assessment activities Resources Planned opportunities Activities (How will you check to develop E & D learning throughout English/Maths/work the session?) skills

Week 30 Make a range of Discussions mock Worksheets Laptops Communication 4/4/18 contributions to exam Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills discussions in a range Discussion Handouts Writing Skills of contexts, including Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills those that are Student Feedback Projector unfamiliar, and make effective presentations. Tutorials NVQ Level 2 in Hairdressing Scheme of work 2016 - 2017

Week 31 & 32 11/4/18 & 18/4/18 Easter Holidays

Week 33- Week 37 Exam revision and Worksheets Laptops Communication 25/4/18 – Mock exams Handouts Pens/paper Computer Skills 23/5/18 http://www.ocr.org.uk Discussion Handouts Writing Skills /qualifications/by- Q & A Worksheets Reading Skills type/functional- Student Feedback Projector skills/support- materials/ Week 38 Half term 30/5/18 Week 39 -Week 44 6/6/18 to 11/7/18 - Revision sessions and Exams

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