Fairbanks Local School District
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Fairbanks Local School District Milford Center, Ohio 43045 Regular Meeting Tuesday, July 14, 2015 7:30 P.M.
I. Call To Order- PM
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
II. Roll Call Of The Board
Present Absent Mrs. Lisa Adkins, President ______Mr. Mark Lippencott, Vice-President Mr. Chip Hubbs, Member ______Mr. Dave Huber, Member ______Mrs. Jaynie Lambert, Member
III. Moment of Silence
IV. Public Participation Below is the list of companies that will discuss with the board a development of a master facility plan. 1. Schorr Architects will be joining Legat & Kingsott Architects 2. SHP Leading Design 3. Bercardi and Partners, Inc. will be represented by Mark Nicholas and Dan Mayer 4. Triad Architects will be represented by Zach Price 5. Fanning Howey
V. Approval of the Agenda Be it resolved, on the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Fairbanks Local Board of Education approves the agenda as listed below.
______moved, seconded by ______to the resolution and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
______VI. Minutes
____ moved, seconded by ____ to approve the minutes of the June 28, 2015 Board Retreat and the June 29, 2015 Regular Meeting and roll call resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
______VII. Treasurer’s Report A. Be it resolved, on the recommendation of the Treasurer, that the Fairbanks Local 1 Board of Education approves the June, 2015 Financial Reports as presented by the Treasurer.
______moved, seconded by ______to the resolution and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
______B. Be it resolved, on the recommendation of the Treasurer, that the Fairbanks Local Board of Education approves the 2015-2016 Permanent Appropriations by fund as presented in the Treasurer report.
______moved, seconded by ______to the resolution and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
______C. Be it resolved, on the recommendation of the Treasurer, that the Fairbanks Local Board of Education approves the application for the 2015-2016 Federal Grants as presented: 1. Title I: $82,081 2. Title IIA: $20,476 3. Title VI: $192,816 4. ECSE: $3,672
______moved, seconded by ______to the resolution and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
______VIII. Donation Be it resolved, on the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Fairbanks Local Board of Education approves a donation from the Fairbanks Touchdown Club for the amount of $1,770.25 as half payment for a new football headphone set system.
______moved, seconded by ______to the resolution and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
______IX. Bus Purchase Be it resolved, on the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Fairbanks Local Board of Education approves the purchase of two 71-passenger school buses from MEC cooperative bidding process for a total of $153,950 ($76,975 per bus).
______moved, seconded by ______to the resolution and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
2 X. Bus Trade-in Be it resolved, on the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Fairbanks Local Board of Education approves the trade-in of bus #21 and bus #26 for $1,800 per bus to Rush Bus Centers.
______moved, seconded by ______to the resolution and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
______XI. Bus Stops Be it resolved, on the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Fairbanks Local Board of Education approves the location of all school bus stops WHEREAS the Superintendent or designee determines the location of all school bus stops which shall be approved annually by the district’s board of education. Authority to designate or relocate subsequent school bus stops may be delegated by the board of education to the superintendent or designee. Bus stops and a time schedule shall be adopted and put in force by the board not earlier than 30 days prior to and no later than ten days after the beginning of the school term. THEREFORE, the board of education approves all bus routes and stops as they are currently in place along with group stop changes as presented.
____ moved, seconded by ______to the resolution and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
______XII. Renewal Income Tax Be it resolved, on the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Fairbanks Local Board of Education approves the renewal income tax: WHEREAS, the Board at its meeting on June 29, 2015 determined that it is necessary to raise annually additional revenues of at least $531,000 for the purpose of providing for permanent improvements for the School District; and
WHEREAS, the Tax Commissioner of the State of Ohio has estimated and certified the property tax rate and the income tax rate required in order to produce such additional revenues; and
WHEREAS, the income tax rate, rounded to the nearest one-fourth of one percent as required by law, is one-fourth of one percent (0.25%) per annum; and
WHEREAS, such rate is not higher than the income tax approved by the voters of the School District on November 2, 2010 for five years (the "Existing Income Tax").
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Fairbanks Local School District, Union and Madison Counties, Ohio, a majority of the members thereof concurring, that:
Section 1. It is hereby determined to be necessary to proceed with the proposition of levying a renewal of the Existing Income Tax on the school district income of individuals 3 and estates resident in the School District. Such renewal income tax shall be at the rate of one-fourth of one percent (0.25%) per annum, shall be for the purpose of providing for permanent improvements for the School District, shall take effect on January 1, 2017, and shall be levied for five years (the "Income Tax").
Section 2. The income that shall be subject to the Income Tax is the taxable income of individuals and estates as defined in Ohio Revised Code Sections 5748.01(E)(1)(a) and (2).
Section 3. The question of levying the Income Tax shall be submitted to the electors of the School District at the election to be held at the usual voting places within the School District on November 3, 2015.
Section 4. The form of the ballot to be used at said election shall be as follows:
Shall an annual income tax of one-fourth of one percent (0.25%) on the school district income of individuals and of estates be imposed by the Fairbanks Local School District, Union and Madison Counties, Ohio to renew an income tax expiring at the end of 2016, for five (5) years, beginning January 1, 2017, for the purpose of providing for permanent improvements of the School District?
Section 5. The Treasurer of the School District is hereby directed to certify a copy of this Resolution to the Board of Elections of Union County, Ohio, not later than August 5, 2015.
Section 6. It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions of this Board concerning and relating to the passage of this Resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.
______moved, seconded by ______to the resolution and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
______XIII. Foreign Exchange Student Be it resolved, on the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Fairbanks Local Board of Education approves the foreign exchange student, Hannes Levers, from Germany for the 2015-2016 school year.
______moved, seconded by ______to the resolution and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
4 ______XIV. Athletic/Supplemental Personnel Be it resolved, on the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Fairbanks Local Board of Education approves the following Supplemental Personnel for the 2015-2016 school year: 1. Payton Iannarino, Band Camp Assistant
______moved, seconded by ______to the resolution and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____Huber _____ Lambert
______XV. Discussion Items
XVI. Committee Report Tolles: ______
Communications/Public Relations: ______1. Volunteered at the Personal needs Pantry 2. Union County Drug Free Coalition Advisory Committee meeting 3. Central Ohio Superintendents meeting 4. Union County Family Council Executive Committee meeting 5. Union County Superintendent Quarterly meeting 6. Union County Drug Free Coalition underage drinking sub-committee meeting 7. Met with North Union and Hi-Point reps on looking at a company that keeps districts up to date and compliant with our safety plans as the law has changed and our plans must now meet federal Homeland Security status which is extremely more complicated than the old state way of just making sure a plan was done with collaboration from local emergency responders. The new law says that if a district is not in compliance that the superintendent can lose his license. We met with a representative from Navigate about keeping our plans up to date and compliant with Homeland. They are working with 200 districts already in Ohio. 8. Attended Marysville Business Association Business Impact Breakfast 9. Met with Dale Phelps about Fairbanks Alumni Association. 10. Union County Drug Free Coalition underage drinking sub-committee meeting with
5 Marysville Police and Balloon-fest sponsors. 11. May/June Tweets/#Fairbanks Pride Twitter Demo
Legislative Report: ______
Athletic: ______
XVII. Executive Session ______moved, seconded by ______to go into executive session to discuss the following: 1 to consider the appointment of a public employee or official.* 2 to consider the employment of a public employee or official.* (use this in conjunction with the following purpose for a meeting with an administrator to discuss renewal or nonrenewal of the administrator’s contract – example: “to consider the employment and/or dismissal of a public employee.”) 3 to consider the dismissal of a public employee or official.* (use this for a teacher nonrenewal hearing) 4 to consider the discipline of a public employee or official.* 5 to consider the promotion of a public employee or official.* 6 to consider the demotion of a public employee or official.* 7 to consider the compensation of a public employee or official.* 8 to consider the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or student.* (use this for a student discipline appeals) (Note: If the individual in question has a separate statutory right to a hearing, and requests that the hearing be in public session, an executive session is not permitted.)
ORC 121.22 (G) (2) – (6) ORC 121,22 (G) (1)
9 to consider the purchase of property for public purposes. 10 to consider the sale of property at competitive bidding. 11 to confer with an attorney for the board of education concerning disputes involving the board that are the subject of pending or imminent court action. 12 to prepare for negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment. 13 to conduct negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment. 14 to review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment. 15 to consider matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or regulations or state statutes. 6 16 to discuss details relative to the security arrangements and emergency response protocols for the board of education. * IMPORTANT: these reasons should not be shortened to just “personnel.”
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____ Huber _____ Lambert
Time In:
Time Out:
XVIII. Adjournment
______moved, seconded by ______to adjourn the meeting and roll call vote resulted:
_____ Adkins _____ Lippencott _____ Hubbs _____ Huber _____ Lambert
Time Adjourned: ______