Biographical Sketch for Shashi Shekhar
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Biographical Sketch for Shashi Shekhar
Shashi Shekhar is currently a Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Computer Science at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. He was elected an IEEE fellow for contributions to spatial database storage methods, data mining, and geographic information systems (GIS). He has co-authored a textbook on Spatial Databases (Prentice Hall, 2003, ISBN 0-13-017480-7) and has published over 180 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, books, conferences, and workshops. He is a co-Editor-in-Chief of Geo-Informatica: An International Journal on Advances in Computer Sc. for GIS and a member of the Mapping Science Committee of the National Academy of Science National Research Council. He served on the Board of Directors of University Consortium of GIS (2003-2004), the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering and the IEEE-CS Computer Science & Engineering Practice Board. He also served as a program co-chair of the ACM Intl. Workshop on Advances in GIS, 1996. Shekhar's research accomplishments include scalable routing algorithms for evacuation planning, co-location patterns for mining spatial databases, connectivity-clustered access method (CCAM) for spatial graphs (e.g. road-maps), etc.
Affiliation: University of Minnesota, Dept. of Computer Science and Eng. Mailing Address: 200 Union ST SE, #4-192, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Email: [email protected] URL: Telephone: 612-624-8307 Fax: 612-625-0572 Professional Preparation 1990 Ph.D., Computer Science University of California, Berkley 1989 M.S., Business Administration University of California, Berkeley 1987 M.S., Computer Science University of California, Berkley 1985 B.S., Computer Science Indian Inst. of Tech., Kanpur, India Appointments 2005 - Distinguished Univ. Professor, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 2001 - Professor, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1995-2000 Assoc. Professor, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 1989-1995 Asst. Professor, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Research Interests: Data and knowledge engineering, spatial database management, spatial data mining, and geographic information systems.
Five Related Publications 1. Capacity Constrained Routing Algorithms for Evacuation Planning: A Summary of Results, with Q. Lu et al., Proc. of 9th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD'05), 2005. 2. Navigation Systems: A Spatial Database Perspective, with R. Vatsavai, et al., Chapter 3 in "Location Based Services" (Editors - J. Schiller, A. Voisard) , Morgan Kaufmann, 2004, ISBN 1-55860-929-6. 3. Processing Object-Orientation Based Direction Queries in Spatial Databases (with X. Liu and S. Chawla), in IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Eng., 15(2), 2003. 4. S. Shekhar and D. R. Liu, CCAM: A Connectivity-Clustered Access Method for Networks and Network Computations, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 9(1), Jan. 1997. (A summary of results appeared in Poc. IEEE ICDE 1995). 5. S. Shekhar, A. Fetterer, and B. Goyal, Materialization Trade-Offs in Hierarchical Shortest Path Algorithms , Proc. Intl. Symp. on Large Spatial Databases, (1997). Five Other Publications 1. A Tour of Spatial Databases (with S. Chawla), Prentice Hall, 2003, ISBN 013-017480-7. 2. Trend in Spatial Data Mining (with P. Zhang, Y. Huang, and R. Vatsavai), in “Data Mining: Next Generation Challenges and Future Directions”, (Editors Hillol Kargupta and Anupam Joshi), AAAI/MIT Press, 2004. 3. Spatial Databases: Accomplishments and Research Needs, (with S. Chawla et al.), IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Eng., 11(1), January 1999. 4. Discovering Spatial Co-location Patterns from Spatial Datasets: A General Approach, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Eng., 16(12), Dec. 2004 (A summary appeared in the Seventh Int'l Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, 2001). 5. A Join-less Approach for Mining Spatial Co-location Patterns, (with Jin Soung Yoo) the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 18(10), 2006 (A summary appeared in the ICDM, 2005).
Synergistic Activities Invited keynote speaker at IEEE ICDM Workshop on Spatio-temporal Data Mining (2006), Intl. Symp. on Spatial and Temporal Databases (2005), ISPRS Intl. Symp. on Spatial Data Mining (2005), NSF Workshop on Phenology (2005), Intl. Conf. on Geographic Information Science (2004), SAS data mining conf. (2003); etc. IEEE Fellow, Member of the Mapping Science Committee (National Academies NRC) and the Board of Directors of University Consortium of Geographic Information Systems (UCGIS) for 2003-2004; Co-Editor-in-chief of the Geo-Informatica journal. Broadening the participation of groups underrepresented in science: Advised five women Ph.D. students (3 graduated, 2 in progress) and over two dozen undergraduate (UG) students from historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in Army High Performance Computing Research Center summer workshops (1997-present), NSF Research Experience for UGs (1999) and UG Research Opportunity Program (UROP). Benefits to Society: Our research on capacity constrained route planning was used for Twincities homeland security preparations to identify routes to minimize time to evacuate vulnerable population to safety (evacuation planning). Center for Transportation Studies Partnership award (2006) recognized its significant impact on transportation.
Collaborators and Other Affiliations In past 48 months I have collaborated with Prof. Anne Pusey, Prof. Claudia Neuhauser, Prof. M. Hondzo, Prof. A. Tripathi, Prof. M. Mohamed, Prof. V. Kumar, Prof. J. Srivastava, Prof. G. Karypis, Prof. J. Riedl, Prof. J. Konstan, and Prof. L. Terveen (all Univ. of Minnesota); My thesis advisors were Prof. C. V. Ramamoorthy and Prof. L. A. Zadeh (all University of California, Berkeley). Supervised Ph.D. research of Prof. T. A. Yang (U. Connecticut), Prof. B. Hamidzadeh (Boeing Research), Prof. Duen Ren Liu (Taiwan), Dr. Mark Coyle (Oracle), Dr. Siva Ravada (Oracle Spatial), Dr. Ms. Xuan Liu (IBM TJ Watson Research Center), Dr. C. T. Lu (Virginia Tech), Dr. Ms. Weili Wu (UT Dallas), Dr. Ms. Huang Yan (U North Texas), Dr. Hui Xiong (Rutgers U), Dr. Baris Kazar (Oracle Spatial), Dr. Pusheng Zhang (Microsoft), Dr. QingSong Lu (Microsoft), and Dr. R. Vatsavai (ORNL). Supervised post-doctoral work of Dr. S. Chawla (University of Sydney). The following individuals visited my research laboratory for 3-weeks to a year: Ms. Vania Bogorny (Brazil), Prof. B. Y. Hwang (Korea), Prof. Ms. H. Diwakar (Pune U., India), Dr. F. Polat (Bilkent U., Turkey), Prof. I. Singh (India).