This module is quite a bit different than the other four modules in the AIS package. First of all it deals with the SAP BW/SEM system and not the SAP ERP system. The primary learning objectives are:

 Introduction to advanced data warehousing data analysis tools  See how data warehouse data can be used in a balanced scorecard  See how data warehouse data can be used in a digital dashboard

This assignment stresses that the data coming from the ERP system can be loaded directly into a data warehousing system and be used for doing complex tactical and strategic analysis.

Unlike the ERP system the SEM system has graphical output and is substantially more user friendly. The environment in the assignment illustrates that non-technical employees can use this system without being overwhelmed

The system you will be using for this assignment is an SEM system that resides on top of an SAP BW system, SAP’s data warehouse.

Place your discussions for all parts of this assignment in a Word document. Copy and paste portions of screenshots to support your discussion, as needed.

You cannot use your SAP GUI in the exact same way to access this module, as you are not using the ERP system. We have been instructed there are two methods. I recommend the first, unless we have since gotten the second one to work. If we have, it will be announced in class.

Open SAP GUI and press Ctrl + N (this opens a new connection wizard) Click Next; then fill in the below information where instructed Description = Gibraltar - BW 7.0 Application Server = gibraltar.cob.csuchico.edu System Number = 27 System ID = GIB You do not need to fill in the last box. Click Finish.

Now Gibraltar has been added to your list. Double click Gibraltar (instead of Riga as before) Client is 800 Key in your user number. It will be in the form CUB-01 etc. Use the number given to you, not the example.

This is the second set of instructions: http://gibraltar.cob.csuchico.edu:8027/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui/?

This is the web portal for Gibraltar. It is suppose to work in any browser, but I got a warning for Google chrome. Again, at the time these instructions were produced, this did not appear to allow access to the command line, which we need, runs slow, and hangs up, because it appears to run SAP through a browser.

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Now that you are logged into the SAP BW/SEM system using the GUI or web portal, first thing you should notice is that while the interface looks similar to the SAP ERP system, the menu paths are very different as the screen capture below illustrates.

Also notice that there are two primary menu paths, the Business Information Warehouse (BW) and the Strategic Enterprise Management system (BW). The historic data of the organization is held in the BW system and this system can be configured as a stand-alone system. We will be using only the SEM part of the system. The SEM product has to be installed on a BW system and cannot stand alone. The SEM system has tools that can use the data in the BW system to do data analysis and modeling. In this assignment we will be using two of those tools: the balanced scorecard and the management cockpit.

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Part 1: SAP SEM-BSC (Balanced Scorecard)

The balanced scorecard is a management tool that has gained much popularity in the last few years. It is a way to do strategic management in a more balanced and less short term manner than traditional management based primarily on financial statement measures. Let’s look at an example of a balanced scorecard.

Under Balanced Scorecard (transaction code UMB_PRES1) choose the PC4YOU Group - Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Software. Use June 2004 as the analysis period and December 2004 as the target period. (You need to click Other at the bottom of the list of options, then key in the period date as 006/2004 and similarly the Target Period.) Be sure to select the SBC Software and select the correct dates. There is a very limited amount of data in the system, so entering the right dates is important.

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a. Using the BSC overview, summarize the June 2004 performance of PC4YOU's Software SBU. That is, state which perspectives/objectives have good performance and which ones do not. Just focus on the perspectives and objectives. Be sure to discuss all four perspectives of the scorecard.

Refer to the symbol key below.

b. Which perspective would an accountant be most closely associated?

c. Select the button and display the Perspective/Objective/Measure view in Analysis. Looking only at the financial perspective, what is the score for the perspective and each objective under that perspective?

The resulting screen is on the next page.

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d. Now show how the perspective score is calculated and how each objective score is calculated (starting with the measure score values). [NOTE: You do not need to show how the measure score values themselves are calculated in answering this question. This is a simple answer, don’t look for something complex. Hint: First double click on the Financial Perspective. Then look at technical settings ] What assumption do the calculations make about the importance of each measure (with respect to each objective) as well as the importance of each objective (with respect to the perspective)? (You will have to go back each time – go back button or F3 - and click on each of the objectives.)

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e. Now examine the measures under the two objectives Optimize Value Added and Grow Revenue from Strategic Customers. (Go back or F3, then expand each of these using the arrows. Click on Economic Value Added. Do the same for Revenue Growth Wholesale Customers and Revenues from Wholesale Customers.) How are we doing? Explain the situation and also explain what each of the three graphs is displaying.

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f. Looking at each of these measures, rationalize why one could conclude that we are having good performance and on the other hand discuss that we are actually having poor performance. That is, argue both sides of the performance issue using the information that is provided. Be sure to discuss both the planned and actual values and how they relate and how they influence the calculation of the measures. g. There are no initiatives for the financial perspective. Discuss what initiatives may be appropriate in order to reach the stated objectives within the financial perspective.

Part 2: Management Cockpit (transaction code UMM_PRES)

Again, choose the PC4YOU Corporation cockpit for June 2004. If you expand each of the walls (expand each of the menu items) you will see status indicators for each measure.

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These are status indicators for the data in the management cockpit. Here is the meaning of each:

The button denotes a completed element.

The button denotes an edited/incomplete element

The button denotes a new/unedited element

The button denotes an undefined element

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Following are the questions you need to answer concerning the management cockpit.

a. How many walls are there in this cockpit? What is the general area of each? How does this relate to the perspectives in the balanced scorecard?

b. Double click the SBU Hardware: Financial Details. Then double click the SBU Software: Financial Details. Each of these has the same measures. Explain in your own words what these measures are and why they would be important items to measure.

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c. Again, referring to part b. above, how is each manager doing? Should either manager be given a performance raise or given a warning concerning their performance? Justify all of your answers.

End of Assignment

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