My Philosophy of Teaching

Based on our work in class, reflect on the questions below and write a 1-2 page paper which addresses your philosophy of teaching. Be sure to include all of the areas delineated below.

Teaching Decision What influenced your decision to become a teacher of young children?

Experiential Influences: How have your childhood and adult experiences influenced your approach?

Philosophy Statement Use the following questions as guides to consider your approach to teaching:

 How do you believe learning happens for children?  What do you believe are the developmental needs of young children?  What issues do you believe are of special concern to young children?  What theories/thoerists support your views (name at least two)?  What do you believe is the role of the teacher?  What teaching strategies support that role?  What is most important part of teaching young children for you? What motivates you the most?

Teaching Practices How will you design the environment, curriculum, and materials to support your philosophy?