ICSMSU 7Th Meeting 2014-2015

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ICSMSU 7Th Meeting 2014-2015

ICSMSU 7th Meeting 2014-2015 24/11/2014 – 17:30 Reynolds Building CX


1. 1 Introduction . Present: 1.1 Dariush Hassanzadeh-Baboli Anju George Callum Brehany Chippy Compton Gugs Lidder Usama Asif Kanch Niruttan Dan Price Mala Mawkin Cyin San

Apologies: 1.2 Dina Saleh Steve Tran Jen Watson Med Harris Obi Abani

2. 2 Minutes of the last meeting still to be completed: 3. Action point – All to send Dariush a summary of role/what you’ve been doing to be emailed out. Brief – very brief, around 100 words. NOT DONE Action Point –Dariush/Kanch to organize a date for lost property sort out DONE Action Point – Dariush to start email thread re. STYFD and Summer Ball allocation of events. DONE Action Point – Dariush to get on with booking Affirmation and checking dates work. PROVISIONAL DATE AND VENUE SEEN Action Point – Dariush to look at money and sort out SU finances. ONGOING BUT MOSTLY DONE Action Point – Dariush to get a list of UH and presidents for Kanch YES Action Point – Kanch to meet Chippy to discuss mugs situation. YES Action Point – Obi/Chippy/Dariush to meet with RAG Treasurer and discuss finances before next meeting DONE Action Point – Obi to get on with RAG Calendar COMMITTEE BEEN TOLD – Chippy to come along to next meeting perhaps to help out and discuss. *** PLEASE GET DONE *** MAYBE CHANGE TO SEP-SEP Action Point – Dina to finalise clubs and socs information for online calendar. Dan to find a way if possible to sync calendar to smart phones. DONE Action Point – Med/Dina to refine the CS mailing list and to treasurer and secretaries. IN PROCESS Action Point – Dan/Dariush to talk about feedback form YES Action Point –Dan to complete Clubs and Socs photos when he has a spare moment. Next meeting YES NEED TO FIND OUT WHAT FONT Action point - Dan to find a way if possible to sync calendar to smart phones. DONE Action Point – Dan to keep updating website (e.g. Democracy/Minutes/Elections). ?? Action Point –Dan to complete Clubs and Socs photos when he has a spare moment. ?? Action Point – Kanch to move speakers out and set date for CC to tidy CS store room. ONGOING Action Point – Jen/Anju to arrange meeting regarding student funding DONE Action Point – Med to ensure ANAL tour advertising is off screens etc. NO Action Point – Usama/Salma/Cyin to send list of year reps over to Dan ?? Action Point – Usama to let SU Exec. know what is going on with the anatomy demonstrators situation. DONE Action Point – Usama to look out for notes/ask on FB groups/potentially email and see if any are worth putting up on Notebank. Get feedback from others in the year. This could be delegated to year reps? Chase up to see whether this has been done. DONE Action Point – Anna to find out absolute maximum for the statoil masters event before advertising to IC and ICSM and to get in touch with ACC Chair, IC Tennis Chair etc. DONE Action Point – Obi to talk to Carl about moving back Bar Foam Party. TAKEN OVER BY STFYD Action Point – Obi to assign his committee to every event at the next RAG meeting held. Everything needs to be booked and paid for at least 2-3 weeks in advance (with regards to e-activities. By 15th December, RAG Committee should have a good idea of everything going on during RAG week. DONE Action Point – Obi to find out about profit splitting in writing from IC RAG/biomed/biology. ONGOING To be chased up – if by end of next week dariush will get on it.??

3. Matters arising:

3.1 Restructure of Ents Team:  Has to happen before elections in feb/march

 Have a sponsorship officer to help with finances

 Helps to take workload off other officers who currently take it on – president/treasurer/social secs/ents

 Active all year round

 Contact point for other clubs and socs president too

 Use a contact list with names to get sponsorship

 Currently mala will slowly take on sponsorship officer responsibilities as gugs will take on sports dinner 3.2  Have to be careful about choosing appropriate sponsors so that ICSM upholds reputation

 Unanimous vote in favour of sponsorship officer Action point: Dariush to sort this out (restructure of ents team)

Defining Roles of Officers:  Remove pharmacology BSc from BMS role

 Dep Pres to add finiancial responsibility of eactivities approval

 Termly SU Appraisal Feedback Meetings to add to DP role

Action point – DARIUSH (See above re. defining roles officers) Action point – EVERYONE to email Dariush with amendments to their role Action point – EVERYONE look at this link: http://www.icsmsu.com/exec/students-union/

4 Officers’ reports

4.1 President: Dariush Hassanzadeh-Baboli

 Helped with organising Arts Dinner. Very successful. 66 tickets sold, compared 47 last year.  Went to see Novotel with Anju. Looking to get a deposit down by the end of term.  Waiting for ICU to fully authorise STFYD budget, then will be able to sign contract.  Rugby’s appeal was rejected by ICU. This has now put the club in severe financial constraints. Working with the committee to ensure the club is able to at least function to a decent level over the next few seasons. Bop applications have now re-open to all clubs and socs.  Received grant from St Mary’s Association for app. Will meet with ‘App working group’ very soon to discuss all the info. Hoping to get the app ready to publish on Apple and Android store by Jan/Feb. Will have a launch party in the Reynolds.  Will be assisting Dr Jo Harris with the NHS teaching awards on Tuesday

4.2 Deputy President: Anju George

• Gave students a tour of the CXH campus at the Direct Entry Open Day 12/11/14 • Delivered a short talk to prospective students about ICSM at the Direct Entry Open Day 12/11/14 • Ran the first week of SU Appraisal and Feedback meetings successfully, met with 8 SU officers • Visited Novotel Hammersmith with President as a potential venue for Affirmation 2015

4.3 Treasurer: Alex Compton

 Summer ball door money has been sorted  Southampton tour refunds going slow. Am chasing up on Monday when in SAF  Freshers money numbers confirmed. Have sent through to Klum for final budget numbers  12k banked. Will probably bank more soon but yet to decide how much  Been helping here and there with RAG. Centurion seemed to go well so congrats to Obi for that :)  Chippy has caught up on academic work! Looking for a tutor though so older years I hope you're feeling generous :)  Opera is going very well so you should all book your tickets for it!  Already excited for Snow Ball and SU Christmas dinner. Chippy's numerous food intolerances to follow…

4.4 Secretary: Dina Saleh

 Not much new to report other than the normal admin and spam  Have emailed around C&S for Gazette info for their winter edition  Need to set a date with you Anju – provisionally Weds? Will email you this week Previous APs  Have put all the dates that have been sent to me from different clubs and socs on the newsletter  Setting date with Med to form the mailing lists for C&S – provisionally Wednesday?

4.5 Communications: Dan Price

 Contact form live on website.  As far as I'm aware all officer names on the website should be correct.  Put loads on Notebank. Had to link some to OneDrive because they were huge. This is bound to confuse someone but there isn't really another way to make them accessible.

4.6 Welfare Officer: Jen Watson  peer support groups finally off the ground after an agonising six months of psych soc not doing anything they said they were doing. Fist Mind Matters meeting is November 26th at 16.00. I'll be there to make sure things run smoothly.  sent a one sheet of the student funding report to various faculty staff. Jenny Higham says she's presenting it at the deans group meeting  after meeting uh medgroup the survey is now open to all London medical schools. Good uptake from barts but I don't think the other medsocs have done anything. Looking at other ways to get the survey out.  having a big old strategy meeting with Sky, Wheeler and Schachter this Friday  still fielding loads of individual cases.

4.7 Clubs and Societies: Med Harris

 No change since last meeting.  Arts dinner successful.  Ents team and I investigating venues for sports dinner.  Date proposed for full budgeting handover?

4.8 Sites and Services: Kanch Niruttan

4.9 Academic Officer (Early Years): Usama Asif

 Had SSLG, I'll update you guys on all things education on the meeting (re: year 2 anatomy and other changes)  I've been chilling with Salma and Dariush with curriculum mapping stuff. I can update if you're interested  I've told my year reps about notes. They're on the case!

4.10 Academic Officer (Science Years): Cyin San

 Secret Santa hopefully taking place across BSc’s! Recommended 5-10 quid spending limit. I know Immuno and Globo are on-board, but give your reps a poke if they haven’t said anything  Suggestions of a follow-up inter-BSc event: lunch/dinner? (Endo doesn’t want to take part because of deadline clashes) laser-tag? (would follow on bowling nicely)

4.11 Academic Officer (Clinical Years): Salma Haddad

 Had the clinical SSLG, just waiting on the minutes to come out before following anything up  Attended Curriculum working group meeting with Usama  Last session of Presenting Skills on Tuesday  Meeting with HoY 6 and DCS of Central Mid and NWP regarding the lack of patients at Central Mid.  DCS meeting is coming up soon  Some people are finding it difficult to get in touch with personal tutors - is this an academic or welfare issue?

4.12 Alumni & Careers Officer: Steve Tran

 Nothing to report. Meeting with Dr Gabriel this week. Will update afterwards.  Sorting out the alumni - in progress.

4.13 Entertainments Chair: Callum Brehany

 Since the last meeting I've been quite unwell and therefore out of action, combined with lack of smart phone, doesn't = productive/useful. Luckily, Dariush and the socials have stepped in and planned what looks to be an absolutely cracking Snow Ball in my absence (AAALLLL the mince pies), my greatest thanks to them.  Xmas bop applications have been reopened. Deadline on Wednesday 26th, decision Friday 28th. Currently confirming dates with Bar as to Bop Dates over next term. Hopefully, opening them this week (Thursday), for a deadline by the end of term, and a decision before xmas to give clubs and socs time.

4.14 Social Secretaries: Gugs Lidder & Mala Mawkin

• Christmas Bop applications reopened. Looking forward to the decision meeting on the 28th. • Arts Dinner was a success yay • Looking into a date next term to have a proper fabulous SU Social. Thoughts on night out in Brighton? SNOW BALL

• Before the last meeting we held a entz meeting to narrow down snowball venues I had found to the final 3. Over the course of the week I went to visit the venues (DNA London, Bunga Bunga & the Chelsea Harbour Hotel). I wrote up reports after each venue highlighting the pros and cons and a general update to the entz team. I then met with Dariush last wednesday evening and we weighed up the options and decided that Chelsea Harbour Hotel would be the best venue. This decision was made after we set the aims of a) wanting to make snow ball a glamorous occasion and b) wanting to encourage more non-drinkers by having it in a non club environment. • The Chelsea Harbour Hotel costs: 1250 for venue hire (down from 5000), plus security staff on top. Free mince pies all night on tray service and also free staffed cloakroom. • I did the budget and worked out we will make minimum 2k from 300 people coming, which is pretty sound. (This was my first ever eactivities budget!). I also worked with Dariush and learnt how to put through new suppliers and deal with purchase orders. • Dariush and I then put tickets online (he showed me how to- another exciting event in my life), and they are due to go live Tuesday 25th November at 10pm. 40 Earlybirds (£15) and the rest being £16.50. • I also located a DJ who is excellent. Used him before for events. He will come with lighting and all equipment and set up at 8.30pm. Me and Dariush will be at the venue from 5.30 to set up- any help would be loved by anyone arty. I am currently working out how to spend decoration money. We have cocktail tables and centre pieces which I am very excited for. Any ideas welcomed. • All contracts signed, all deposits paid. Looking forward to the night.

4.15 RAG chair: Obi Abani

 Everything delegated and committee briefed with deadlines  Working on Christmas event  Working on making a report for every event that happens for next RAG chair

4.16 Summer Ball Chair: Anna Hurley

 Been sorting out with Dariush and Lena to know who gets what event  Nov 28th cocktail afterparty - venue will be confirmed by the end of the weekend hopefully!  Opal are unbelievably slow but seem to be in the process of booking our event so hopefully we can sort out deposits etc. soon  Looking at budgets and trying to negotiate with various venues still! Fall back option is still the Millenium Gloucester Road (which is still v. nice)  Too excited for snow ball!!!!

4.17 Bar Managers

4.18 ICSM Gazette

5 Any other business

ICSM welfare pot

 Not feasible as the pot just isn’t big enough. Sponsorship officer secures funding to hopefully decrease price of events in years to come

 Who owns Equipment in Reynolds? Bar are willing to take it over, sell it and buy new stuff which they will maintain and look after. Lots of equipment broken.

Action point – EVERYONE to start putting together timeline of their role, useful contacts, basically a HOW-TO handbook of their role to pass onto their successor

Action point – DARIUSH/KANCH to put together a how to manual for dj booth

Action point – DARIUSH/KANCH look into Reynolds bar equipment (contact Anil)



Action point – KANCH PLUGS IN LTs


6 Upcoming Events: 5th December 2014: UV Snow Foam Party 9th December 2014: Rag Xmas Bonanza

7 Next Meeting:

5.30pm, Monday 24th November 2014, Reynolds.

8 Dates for your Diary:

Monday 15th December: Snowball Friday 19th December: Christmas Bop

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