Illinois Valley Community College
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DIVISION: Health Professions
Date: Fall, 2016
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite(s): None
Delivery Method: Lecture 3 Contact Hours (1 contact = 1 credit hour)
Offered: Fall IAI Equivalent –Only for Transfer Courses-go to
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: The objective of this course is to provide the student with the scientific principles of nutrition across the lifespan and to acquaint him/her with the recent scientific findings in the nutrition field. With the knowledge acquired, the student should be able to evaluate her/his daily lifestyle thereby enabling her/him to reach and maintain optimum health, nutrition, and fitness. The nutrition student should be able to evaluate her/his personal food choices as well as to evaluate nutritional information found in popular books and magazines and scientific nutritional journals. The student will examine the basic concepts of nutrition as they apply to various stages of the life cycle and to common disease processes.
Curriculum Committee – Course Outline Form Revised 02/2/10 Page 1 of 8 GENERAL EDUCATION GOALS ADDRESSED [See the last page of this form for more information.] Upon completion of the course, the student will be able: [Choose those goals that apply to this course.]
To apply analytical and problem solving skills to personal, social and professional issues and situations. To communicate orally and in writing, socially and interpersonally. To develop an awareness of the contributions made to civilization by the diverse cultures of the world. To understand and use contemporary technology effectively and to understand its impact on the individual and society. To work and study effectively both individually and in collaboration with others. To understand what it means to act ethically and responsibly as an individual in one’s career and as a member of society. To develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle physically, mentally, and spiritually. To appreciate the ongoing values of learning, self-improvement, and career planning.
EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES AND RELATED COMPETENCIES: [Outcomes related to course specific goals.] Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the basic principles of nutrition 1.1Identify six (6) classes of nutrients and their primary function. 1.2Define at least five (5) characteristics of a nutritious diet. 1.3Describe the mechanical and chemical digestive process. 1.4Identify factors that can affect food safety 1.5Discuss the use and regulation of additives in our food supply
2. Evaluate scientific research studies and nutritional information found in scientific journals, popular magazines, books, and on the internet. 2.1 List and describe sources of nutritional information. (scientific and nonscientific). 2.2 Evaluate various nutritional information sources for accuracy, reliability and timeliness. 2.3 Discuss qualification of individuals and organizations dispersing nutritional information. 2.4 Discuss the scientific process and the terms used in research design.
3. Apply the concepts of the food pyramid and diet planning skills in developing a nutritious diet using nutritionally dense food. 3.1 Identify various food groups, serving sizes and recommended servings suggested for use . 3.2 Compare the USDA recommendations with other diet related recommendations (Asian, Mediterranean, older adult, child and vegetarian).
Curriculum Committee – Course Outline Form Revised 02/2/10 Page 2 of 8 3.3 Discuss the relationship of the five characteristics of a nutritious diet to dietary planning guides.
4. Identify the Dietary guidelines and Daily Values developed by the USDA, WHO, AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, and HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010. 4.1 Describe the role of various agencies in setting nutrition standards and guidelines. 4.2 Identify the Dietary Guidelines for Americans developed by the American Dietetic Association. 4.3 Use the Ingredient List and Nutrition Facts panel on food labels to make healthy food choices. 4.4 Identify various health claim messages allowed on food labels. 4.5 Discuss the role of Daily Values and Dietary Reference Intakes in relationship to information of food labels.
5. Evaluate his/her diet and fitness level by using recent findings on weight control and physical fitness. 5.1 Discuss physical, emotional and psychological effects of alternations in body size and appearance. 5.2 Discuss various procedures used to determine body fat. 5.3 Discuss theories of obesity. 5.4 Compare and contrast various diets and weight loss methods. 5.5 Discuss the relationship of diet, exercise and behaviors modification in contributing to a sound weight control program.
6. Discuss basic concepts of nutrition as they apply to various stages of the life cycle and common disease processes. 6.1 Discuss the impact of prenatal nutrition and lifestyle on the developing fetus. 6.2 Compare and contrast the benefits/risks of breast feeding and formula feeding. 6.3 Discuss the nutrient needs of the infant, preschool and school age child. 6.4 Discuss the nutrient needs and eating patterns of the adolescent. 6.5 Describe the special nutritional needs of the older adult. 6.6 Discuss the eating and lifestyle habits that promote health and wellness in the older adult. 6.7 Discuss the need and scientific principles involved in alternative feeding methods. 6.8 Describe the relationship between various disease states (including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and HIV) and nutrition. 6.9 Discuss the role of nutritional assessment in medical nutritional therapy. 6.10 Discuss the implications of food-drug interactions.
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COURSE TOPICS AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS: Nutrition and heatlh Digestion Carbohydrates, proteins, lips Energy balance/ weight management Vitamins/ minerals Nutrition through the life span Nutrition care and assessment Nutrition related to various medical disorders/disease processes Consumer concerns about water and foods Hunger and global environment
INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS: Lecture Discussion Audiovisual Aids Group Research/Presentation Oral Presentation Exams Quizzes Case Studies Diet Recall Article Evaluation Class Activities (individual and group) Projects
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Nutrition For Illinois Valley Community College, Whitney, DeBruyne, Pinna, Rolfes, Cengage, 2014
STUDENT REQUIREMENTS AND METHODS OF EVALUATION: Attendance: Punctuality and attendance are expected at all scheduled classes. Students who arrive late or leave early may be counted as absent for that day. If you arrive after attendance has been taken, it is your responsibility to inform the instructor after class that you were present. Extenuating circumstances are to be discussed with the instructor Five points will be deducted from the total class points for each class the student misses after 2 unexcused absences.
Curriculum Committee – Course Outline Form Revised 02/2/10 Page 4 of 8 **If you miss a class it is your responsibility to email the instructor regarding missed work and make up** .
If a student wishes to withdraw from the course, the student is responsible for initiating that withdrawal from class. If the student does not withdraw him or herself, an “F” (failure) will be assigned at the end of the course. The instructor will not automatically issue a withdrawal after midterm. To withdraw, students may complete the form in the Records Office or through the form located within WebAdvisor. IVCC has the right to rescind a withdrawal in cases of academic dishonesty or at the instructor’s discretion.
Students should be aware of the impact of a withdrawal on full-time status for insurance purposes and for financial aid. It is highly recommended that students meet with their instructor or with a counselor before withdrawing from a class to discuss if a withdrawal is the best course of action for that particular student.
More detailed information is available at and selecting the menu item for Withdrawals on the left side of the page.
Participation: Students are expected to come to class prepared with the assigned readings and activities.
Active participation is expected. Students are responsible for the classroom material presented on
any given day of absence.Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Please refer to the Student
Code of Conduct for those guidelines.
IN CLASS TESTS: All test must be taken in on the assigned day. If extenuating circumstances arise, the student must notify the instructor within 48 hours of the test. It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to contact the instructor regarding test scheduling for in class test only. All makeup tests will be taken in the assessment center (Phone 815-224-2027 ext. 542). They do not however have the tests. The instructor will take the test to the center after talking to the student. Students who do not make arrangements for rescheduling the missed exam within this time frame will receive a “zero” (0) for the exam.
Curriculum Committee – Course Outline Form Revised 02/2/10 Page 5 of 8 The student will need to take a picture ID to the testing center the day of the scheduled test. Remember a prior appointment has to be made.
TAKE HOME/ONLINE TESTS: All tests are due by 10:50am of the assigned due date. NO late test will be accepted. If there are “computer issues” that arise, students must notify me ASAP in order to reset the exam. Please email me to notify me of the problem. It is NOT acceptable to notify me on the due date of the “computer issues”. All communications to the instructor regarding “computer issues” MUST be done prior to 8:00am of the scheduled day. Communications sent after 8:00am time period will not be addressed. Please note I have class from 8:30-11am T/R. I will not be available to correct “computer issues”. A zero (0) will be given for exams not completed by the due date/time. Please note: The exams must be completed in one sitting session, they are “force completion”. Upon submission of the exam, points earned will be shown to the students. The students will not see the correct answers. The instructor will review the correct answers in class.
Any student caught cheating on an exam or quiz will automatically receive a score of zero for the exam or quiz and may be subject to further disciplinary action at the discretion of the instructor according the IVCC Student Code of Conduct.
Any projects, reports, take home tests, or other assignments not turned in on assigned day will receive a “zero” (0), unless prior arrangements have been made. Due dates for the assignments are on the class calendar. An absence does not extend those dates. If the student makes prior arrangements with the instructor he/she will have no longer than one week from the date an assignment is due to turn it in. After that time frame (one week), five points will be deducted for each continued week the assignment is missing
OTHER REFERENCES 1. Anyone who has a special learning need must present the documentation to the lecture instructor on the first day of class (or as soon as it has been documented). You may be eligible for academic accommodations if you have a physical or cognitive disability. If you believe you have a disability and need more information regarding possible accommodations, please contact the Special Needs staff or stop by office B-204.
Curriculum Committee – Course Outline Form Revised 02/2/10 Page 6 of 8 ILLINOIS VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE
Course Syllabus
DIVISION: Health Professions
Date: : Fall, 2016
Faculty: Contact Information /Office Hours posted in Blackboard and office door.
Ann Bruch RN, MSN Office : B219 Phone: 815-224-0320 Email: [email protected]
Note: I am usually off campus 1-2 days per week for nursing clinicals. The best way to contact me is via email.
CLASSROOM RULES: In order to provide a conducive learning environment for all, the following classroom rules will be enforced:
Drinks may be brought into the classroom only if there is a lid/cover. No eating in class is allowed.
Cell phones are to be on silent/off. Do not put the phone on vibrate.
No use of iPods, headphones during class time.
No texting or picture taking with cell phones.
Recording of classroom meetings can be done with permission of the instructor. If asked to turn off the recording, the student will oblige.
Children may not be brought to class.
Curriculum Committee – Course Outline Form Revised 02/2/10 Page 7 of 8 Side-bar conversations are disruptive to those around you and to the instructor. Be respectful to all.
I expect that all students are respectful to one another. This classroom is a learning environment. In appropriate behavior, comments, communications, etc will not be tolerated.
EMERGENCY / SAFETY: In the event of a fire, inclement weather, and/or intruder, remain calm and follow the instructions of your instructor or designated IVCC personnel. Please be aware of exits from the building nearest your classroom as well as exit to the tunnel in case of tornado. DO NOT USE THE EXIT TO THE COURTYARD IN CASE OF FIRE.
WEATHER-RELATED CLASS CANCELLATIONS/COLLEGE CLOSURE: Notification for class cancellations will be via the IVCC website, email to your student account, and/or announcement in Blackboard. For college closure, check the IVCC website for an announcement as well as listen to local radio stations. You may also sign up for text-message alerts (see the IVCC webpage for instructions).
Last day with withdraw for refund, August 31 Withdrawal deadline November 7 College closed November 23, 24, 25
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