The Regular Meeting of the Cohoctah Township Board Was Called to Order at 8:00 P.M. With
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December 12, 2013
The regular meeting of the Cohoctah Township Board was called to order at 8:00 p.m. with the pledge to the flag. Present: Fosdick, Meek, Thurner, Buckner, Bock, Zoning Administrator Thomas, County Commissioner Parker; 10 citizens.
Agenda - Motion by Thurner, support by Buckner to approve Agenda with the following additions: Unfinished Business F. Fracking/Fracturing; New Business C. Civil Infraction Ordinance and D. Sherriff Road Patrol. Show Cause Hearing moved in Agenda to 9. Reports C. Violations due to the absence of the defendant. Motion carried.
Minutes of previous meeting - Motion by Thurner support by Bock to approve the minutes from the November 14, 2013 meeting as presented. Motion Carried.
Treasurer's report - Motion by Thurner, support by Buckner to receive Treasurer’s Report as presented. Motion carried. Copy placed on file.
Fire Authority – Building damage repair complete. Leave on Agenda.
Road Commission – Leave on Agenda.
Hall – Leave on Agenda.
Cemetery – Leave on agenda.
Parks and Recreation – Fencing on west side of park needs removed. Park Manager instructed by Township Board to acquire bids for various options and report back. Leave on agenda.
Fracking/Fracturing – Motion by Fosdick, support by Meek that Cohoctah Township support funding along with other local municipalities to hold a public meeting with the FLOW Organization. Motion Carried 4-1.
Fowlerville School Summer Tax Collection Agreement – Motion by Bock, support by Thurner that Cohotach Township Board accept the Fowlerville Tax Collection Agreement at $3.00 per parcel. Motion Carried.
Poverty Exemption Guidelines – Motion by Thurner support by Fosdick that the Cohoctah Township Board adopt the New Federal Poverty Guidelines for 2014 assessments as listed in State Tax Commission Bulletin No. 14 of 2013 Changes for 2014. Motion Carried.
Civil Infraction – Obtain information for discussion, put on January agenda.
Sherriff Road Patrol – County Commissioner Parker present to inform the Twp. Brd. of steps being taken to find funding for road patrol.
Reports – ZBA, none. Leave on Agenda.
Planning Commission – Working on rezoning of Nazarene Campground.
Violations / Complaint – 2013-010, consult with Attorney and discuss at January Board Meeting.
Show Cause Hearing for Violation 2013-009, violation of Section 19.07 of the Zoning Ordinance, began at 9:05. Michael and Renee Gedeon were not present. Renee Gedeon phoned the members of the Township Board prior to the meeting with explanation as to why they would not be present.
Show Cause Findings of Fact
Complaint # 2013-009, dated September 19, 2013 Property Owner: Michael and Renee Gedeon 1229 Faussett Road Howell, MI 48855
1. First site visit on 10/8/13, spoke with Michael and Renee about the junk, litter and inoperable vehicles. Response: They were moving soon and would be gone and removing items from property.
2. Second violation notice on 11/8/13, no response.
3. Show Cause Hearing Notice sent on 12/2/13, no response
4. Follow up visit 12/10/13 conditions unchanged.
5. List of items present on the property as determined and presented by the Zoning Administrator to the Board at the Show Cause Hearing: 1 red ford pickup 1 blue ford escape SUV 1 black dodge pickup 1 older Chevrolet Camaro Each of the vehicles were either inoperable and/or unlicensed and parked or stored in the yard(s) of the property. Also stored in the yard(s) were various wood pallets, chairs, flat bed trailer, plastic tubs, metal containers, grass not mowed summer of 2013.
Conclusion: Based on factual records which are 1st violation notice, 2nd violation notice, show cause hearing notice, pictures, and visual observations from site visits, combined with the items listed in #5 above, and recommendation from Todd Thomas, Zoning Administrator for Cohoctah Township, The Cohoctah Township Board finds Michael and Renee Gedeon in violation of Section 16.07 of the Cohoctah Township Zoning Ordinance.
Motion by Fosdick, support by Thurner that the Cohoctah Township Board concludes that there is a violation of section 16.07 of the Zoning Ordinance. Roll call vote: Ayes- Buckner, Fosdick, Thurner, Bock, Meek. Nays-None. Motion carried. Attorney to send letter of findings and notice that cleanup is to be completed by January 31st, 2014. Show/Cause Hearing adjourned at 9:10. Expenditures presented, listed at end of Minutes. Motion by Thurner, support by Buckner to pay expenditures as presented. Motion carried.
Call to Public – B. Meek, C. Roose, Mr. and Mrs. Emery, M. Tipton.
Meeting adjourned, 9:30 p.m. The Next meeting date is January 9, 2013.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brenda Meek, Clerk
EXPENDITURES - DECEMBER 2013 ASSESSOR $ 2,250.00 AT&T $ 262.04 FREEDOMNET $ 44.95 HIDDEN LAKE WIRELESS $ 135.00 ALCHINS $ 7,631.25 CONSUMERS $ 637.49 MIKE KEHOE $ 202.50 ECONO PRINT $ 483.88 PRESS AND ARGUS $ 298.88 CYBERMIND $ 29.95 CHRIS' TREE SERVICE $ 500.00 REIN CLABBERS $ 200.00 PLOT BUY BACK COHOCTAH TOWNSHIP $ 658.15 T BOCK $ 61.22 A MEEK $ 31.08 T THOMAS $ 9.04 M FOSDICK $ 69.20 SUB TOTAL $ 13,504.63 T BOCK $ 1,519.85 A MEEK $ 84.58 T THOMAS $ 150.65 K THURNER $ 103.71 M FOSDICK $ 1,223.46 D GRAHAM $ 802.08 S DIETZ $ 465.25 B MEEK $ 1,204.76 NATIONWIDE $ 611.31 W/H $ 492.82 BENEPAY $ 205.20 SUB TOTAL $ 6,863.67 TOTAL GENERAL FND $ 20,368.30 ROAD FUND $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 20,368.30