Grade 5 Student Objectives

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Grade 5 Student Objectives

DRAFT 2010 Revised TEKS (May 24, 2010)

Fifth Grade Science TEKS - Student Objectives NOTE: At this time, the Ongoing TEKS are only listed in the first nine weeks. Areas highlighted in red denote changes made at the May 24th meeting. *Moved all Health TEKS to the end of the fourth nine weeks. *Moved S5.9B within fourth nine weeks due to the need for all materials to be taught before being tested. S5.9B is not a tested TEKS. *Not all tested TEKS are bolded- based on 2004 TAKS information booklet. Waiting for updated TAKS information from state.

Insects, complete and incomplete metamorphosis Note: The recommendation for 5th Grade is a minimum of 60 minutes a day for Science instruction. 50 percent of this instructional time should be in classroom and outdoor investigations. The study of elementary science includes planning and safely implementing classroom and outdoor investigations using scientific processes, including inquiry methods, analyzing information, making informed decisions, and using tools to collect and record information, while addressing the major concepts and vocabulary, in the context of physical, earth, and life sciences. Grade Overview In Grade 5 students are to be involved in simple experimental investigations. Experimental investigations involve a process in which a “fair test” is designed and variables are actively manipulated, controlled, and measured in an effort to gather evidence to support or refute a causal relationship. In Grade 5, investigations are used to learn about the natural world. Students should understand that certain types of questions can be answered by investigations and that methods, models, and conclusions built from these investigations change as new observations are made. Models of objects and events are tools for understanding the natural world and can show how systems work. They have limitations and based on new discoveries are constantly being modified to more closely reflect the natural world. (A) Within the physical environment, students learn about the physical properties of matter, including magnetism, physical states of matter, relative density, solubility in water, and the ability to conduct or insulate electrical and heat energy. Students explore the uses of light, thermal, electrical, and sound energies. (B) Within the natural environment, students learn how changes occur on Earth's surface and that predictable patterns occur in the sky. Students learn that the natural world consists of resources, including nonrenewable, renewable, and alternative energy sources. (C) Within the living environment, students learn that structure and function of organisms can improve the survival of members of a species. Students learn to differentiate between inherited traits and learned behaviors. Students learn that life cycles occur in animals and plants and that the carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle occurs naturally to support the living environment.

First Nine Weeks

S- Science

H – Health T – Technology Bolded TEKS are tested on TAKS

1 DRAFT 2010 Revised TEKS (May 24, 2010)

Ongoing TEKS Ongoing TEKS are the processes used to teach science content, and are addressed each nine weeks. By the end of the year all ongoing TEKS are to be covered. Scientific Investigation and Reasoning S5.1(A) The student will demonstrate safe practices and the use of safety equipment as described in the Texas Safety Standards during classroom and outdoor investigations. S5.1 (B) The student will make informed choices in the conservation, disposal, and recycling of materials. S5.2(A) The student will describe, plan, and implement simple experimental investigations testing one variable. S5.2 (B) The student will ask well-defined questions, formulate testable hypotheses, and select and use appropriate equipment and technology. S5.2 (C) The student will collect information by detailed observations and accurate measuring. S5.2 (D) The student will analyze and interpret information to construct reasonable explanations from direct (observable) and indirect (inferred) evidence. S5.2 (E) The student will demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results. S5.2 (F) The student will communicate valid conclusions in both written and verbal forms. S5.2 (G) The student will construct appropriate simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts using technology, including computers, to organize, examine, and evaluate information. S5.3(A) The student will in all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of scientific evidence of those scientific explanations, so as to encourage critical thinking by the student. S5.3 (B) The student will evaluate the accuracy of the information related to promotional materials for products and services such as nutritional labels. S5.3 (C) The student will draw or develop a model that represents how something works or looks that cannot be seen such as how a soda dispensing machine works. S5.3 (D) The student will connect grade-level appropriate science concepts with the history of science, science careers, and contributions of scientists. S5.4(A) The student will collect, record, and analyze information using tools, including:  beakers  hot plates  spring scales  calculators,  microscopes  triple beam balances  cameras,  magnets  timing devices (including clocks and  collecting nets  metric rulers stopwatches)  compasses  meter sticks  materials to support observation of  computers  mirrors habitats of organisms such as  Celsius  notebooks terrariums and aquariums. thermometers  pan balances  graduated  prisms cylinders  hand lenses H 5.9(C) The student will utilize critical thinking skills in decision making and problem solving. 3-5 Ongoing Technology TEKS - By the end of the year all ongoing TEKS are to be covered. S- Science

H – Health T – Technology Bolded TEKS are tested on TAKS

2 DRAFT 2010 Revised TEKS (May 24, 2010) T5.4(A) The student will apply appropriate electronic search strategies in the acquisition of information including keyword and Boolean search strategies. T5.4 (B) The student will select appropriate strategies to navigate and access information on local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs), including the Internet and intranet, for research and resource sharing. T5.5(A) The student will acquire information including text, audio, video, and graphics; and T5.5(B) The student will use on-line help and documentation. T5.7(A) The student will use software programs with audio, video, and graphics to enhance learning experiences. T5.7(B) The student will use appropriate software to express ideas and solve problems including the use of word processing, graphics, databases, spreadsheets, simulations, and multimedia. T5.7(C) The student will use a variety of data types including text, graphics, digital audio, and video. T5.8(A) The student will use communication tools to participate in group projects. T5.8(B) The student will use interactive technology environments, such as simulations, electronic science or mathematics laboratories, virtual museum field trips, or on-line interactive lessons, to manipulate information. T5.8(C) The student will participate with electronic communities as a learner, initiator, contributor, or mentor. T5.10(A) The student will use font attributes, color, white space, and graphics to ensure that products are appropriate for the defined audience. T5.10(B) The student will use font attributes, color, white space, and graphics to ensure that products are appropriate for the communication media including multimedia screen displays, Internet documents, and printed materials. T5.10(C) The student will use appropriate applications including, but not limited to, spreadsheets and databases to develop charts and graphs by using data from various sources. T5.11(A) The student will publish information in a variety of media including, but not limited to, printed copy, monitor display, Internet documents, and video. T5.11(B) The student will use presentation software to communicate with specific audiences. First Nine Weeks Overview: S5.5 Matter and energy. The student knows that matter has measurable physical properties and those properties determine how matter is classified, changed, Suggested and used. Time S5.6 Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that energy occurs in many Ranges forms and can be observed in cycles, patterns, and systems. 5.4(A) The student will demonstrate safe practices and the use of safety equipment as described in the Texas Safety Standards during classroom and 2-3 days outdoor investigations. Ongoing 5.4(B) The student will use safety equipment, including safety goggles and gloves S5.5 (A) The student will classify matter based on physical properties, including mass, magnetism, physical state (solid, liquid, and gas), relative density (sinking 7-9 days and floating), solubility in water, and the ability to conduct or insulate thermal energy or electric energy. S5.5(B) The student will identify the boiling and freezing/melting points of 3-4 days water on the Celsius scale. S5.4(A) The student will collect, record, and analyze information using tools, S- Science

H – Health T – Technology Bolded TEKS are tested on TAKS

3 DRAFT 2010 Revised TEKS (May 24, 2010) including Celsius thermometers S5.5(C) The student will demonstrate that some mixtures maintain physical 2-3 days properties of their ingredients such as iron filings and sand. S5.5(D) The student will identify changes that can occur in the physical properties of the ingredients of solutions such as dissolving salt in water or 2-3 days adding lemon juice to water. S5.6 (A) The student will explore the uses of energy, including mechanical energy. S5.6 (A) The student will explore the uses of energy, including electrical energy. S5.6 (A) The student will explore the uses of energy, including light energy. 7-10 days S5.6 (A) The student will explore the uses of energy, including thermal energy. S5.6 (A) The student will explore the uses of energy, including sound energy. S5.6 (B) The student will demonstrate that the flow of electricity in circuits requires a complete path through which an electric current can pass and can 3 days produce light, heat, and sound. S5.6 (C) The student will demonstrate that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object or travels through one medium to another and demonstrate that light 5-7 days can be reflected such as the use of mirrors or other shiny surfaces and refracted such as the appearance of an object when observed through water.

Second Nine Weeks

Second Nine Weeks Overview S5.6 Force, motion, and energy. The student knows that energy occurs in many forms and can be observed in cycles, patterns, and systems. Suggested S5.7 Earth and space. The student knows Earth's surface is constantly changing and Time consists of useful resources. Ranges S5.6 (D) The student will design an experiment that tests the effect of force on an 5-10 days object. S5.7 (B) The student will recognize how landforms such as deltas, canyons, and 7-10 days sand dunes are the result of changes to Earth's surface by wind, water, and ice. S5.7(A) The student will explore the processes that led to the formation of 3-5 days sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels. S5.7 (D) The student will identify fossils as evidence of past living organisms and 3-6 days the nature of the environments at the time using models. S5.7 (C) The student will identify alternative energy resources such as wind, solar, 5-10 days hydroelectric, geothermal, and biofuels.

Third Nine Weeks

Third Nine Weeks Overview Suggested S5.8 Earth and space. The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the Time natural world and among the Sun, Earth, and Moon system. Ranges S5.9 Organisms and environments. The student knows that there are relationships, systems, and cycles within environments.

S- Science

H – Health T – Technology Bolded TEKS are tested on TAKS

4 DRAFT 2010 Revised TEKS (May 24, 2010) S5.10 Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms undergo similar life processes and have structures that help them survive within their environments. S5.8 (D) The student will identify and compare the physical characteristics of the 5-7 days Sun, Earth, and Moon. S5.8 (C) The student will demonstrate that Earth rotates on its axis once approximately every 24 hours causing the day/night cycle and the apparent 3-5 days movement of the Sun across the sky. S5.8 (B) The student will explain how the Sun and the ocean interact in the water cycle. 7-10 days S5.8(A) The student will differentiate between weather and climate. S5.9 (D) The student will identify the significance of the carbon dioxide-oxygen 3-5 days cycle to the survival of plants and animals. S5.9(A) The student will observe the way organisms live and survive in their 5-7 days ecosystem by interacting with the living and non-living elements. S5.10(C) The student will describe the differences between complete and 5-7 days incomplete metamorphosis of insects.

Fourth Nine Weeks

Fourth Nine Weeks Overview S5.9 Organisms and environments. The student knows that there are relationships, systems, and cycles within environments. S5.10 Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms undergo similar life processes and have structures that help them survive within their environments. H5.1 Health information. The student knows ways to enhance and maintain personal health throughout the life span. H5.3 Health information. The student knows how to utilize health information H5.4 Health behaviors. The student recognizes behaviors that prevent disease and speed recovery from illness. H5.5 Health behaviors. The student comprehends behaviors that reduce health risks throughout the life span. H5.8 Influencing factors. The student knows how various factors influence individual, family, and community health throughout the life span. H5.9 Personal/interpersonal skills. The student demonstrates critical-thinking, Suggested decision-making, goal-setting and problem-solving skills for making healthy Time decisions. Ranges S5.9 (C) The student will predict the effects of changes in ecosystems caused by living organisms, including humans, such as the overpopulation of grazers or 5-6 days the building of highways. S5.10(B) The student will differentiate between inherited traits of plants and animals such as spines on a cactus or shape of a beak and learned behaviors 3-4 days such as an animal learning tricks or a child riding a bicycle.

S- Science

H – Health T – Technology Bolded TEKS are tested on TAKS

5 DRAFT 2010 Revised TEKS (May 24, 2010) S5.10(A) The student will compare the structures and functions of different species that help them live and survive such as hooves on prairie animals or 3-5 days webbed feet in aquatic animals. S5.9 (B) The student will describe how the flow of energy derived from the Sun, used by producers to create their own food, is transferred through a food chain and food web to consumers and decomposers. 5-6 days (Moved in nine weeks due to all materials being taught before being tested. The above TEKS must be taught before the test. S5.9B is not a tested TEKS.) H 5.1 (B) The student will apply information from the food guide pyramid to making healthy food choices. 1-2 days H 5.1 (C) The student will identify foods that are sources of one or more of the six major nutrients. H 5.1 (A) The student will examine and analyze food labels and menus for nutritional content. 1-2 days H 5.3 (B) The student will demonstrate ways to communicate health information such as posters, videos, and brochures. H 5.3 (A) The student will describe methods of accessing health information. H 5.4 (C) The student will distinguish between myth and fact related to disease and 1-2 days disease prevention. H 5.4 (D) The student will list the effects of harmful viruses on the body such as polio, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and the common cold. 1-2 days H 5.4 (E) The student will explain how to manage common minor illnesses such as colds and skin infections. H5.8C The student will describe how a safe school environment relates to a healthy community. 1-2 days H 5.4(D) The student will relate the importance of immunizations in disease prevention. H 5.5(C) The student will analyze the short-term and long-term harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances on the functions of the body systems such as 1-2 days physical, mental, social, and legal consequences. H 5.9 (A) The student will describe health-related situations that require parent/adult assistance such as a discussion of the health-related consequences of high-risk health 1-2 days behaviors or going to a doctor. H 5.5(D) The student will identify and describe alternatives to drug and substance use. 1-2 days H 5.5(F) The student will explain strategies for avoiding violence, gangs, weapons, and drugs. H 5.5(I) The student will explain the impact of neglect and abuse. H5.5(H) The student will describe the value of seeking advice from parent and 1-2 days educational personnel about unsafe behaviors.

S- Science

H – Health T – Technology Bolded TEKS are tested on TAKS


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